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Uk Multiple Entry Visa For Thai Wife

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I can't find any information on how soon after my wife has used her 180 days can she then return and use another. She has been granted a 10 year multiple entry visa for the UK and each visit permits 180days. We would like to know how long she must wait before she can return to the UK after the 180 days has been used up.. anyone have any idea?


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I don't think there is actually any official rule.

I think you'll be running into problems with the entry officer if trying to be in the UK more than 6 months in a year as he would assume that you're abusing a tourist visa.

Moving to other countries forum.

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Crossy is correct. Remember that the visa is a visit visa. That is what she applied for. It was issued to allow your wife to visit the UK during the period of it's validity. You are right in saying that the maximum period allowed for each visit is 6 months. The problem comes when the immigration officer in UK looks at the passport, sees that your wife has already been in UK for 6 months, and is asking for a further 6 months. He will, rightly I suspect, think that this is more than a visit. It will appear to him that you wife is actually living in the UK, and using a visit visa to do so. The immigration officer could then, in theory refuse your wife leave to enter the UK. It is obviously a little more complicated than this, as there will be reasons for the visit, length of stay, etc, but the basic principle remains - your wife has a visit visa. Visits are expected to be of short duration, not to disguise a permanent stay.

Your post begs the obvious question - if your wife wants to live in the UK with you, then why didn't you apply for a settlement visa ?

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There has to be strong evidence to refuse entry, not a suspicion that the visa holder is living in the UK.

It is not a regulation that they cannot have two back to back visits.

As long as the financials stack up and there is good reason, your wife will be fine.

Point in case, my wife also had a 10 year visa, had perhaps 10 visits over the years of up to a month. She then stayed 6 months, returned to Thailand for a short holiday then returned to the UK. They asked the usual purpose of visit, she replied to be with husband who was in the UK for a year and that was that, didnt even ask to see means of support despite me beinga poor student!

OP probably didnt apply for a settlement visa because like me at that time, we didnt want to settle.

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Rayongy will see his last post as a " correction " to my post when it is ,in fact, just his opinion.

My advice remains the same as posted. Please do not turn up in UK and tell the immigration officer that Rayongy said " your wife will be fine ".

As I said in my first post, it is complicated as there will obviously be reasons for the length of visit, etc. There is no " one answer fits all " to your question, only advice. It may depend on what your wife stated on her application form. There are lots of variables to consider. My advice, on this matter, is to take my advice, not someone's opinion.

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Yes, I agree with the Gentleman from Visa plus - take advice from a professional. I am sure one will enter soon rather than just us two laymen. Mine is just a proven opinion and was based upon advice from Scouse (a professional).

I should also add that the reason I sought Scouses advice is that the UKBA would not offer any advice other than it is NOT a regulation that a 10 year visa holder cannot have two back to back trips and that it depends on the reason for this length of stay, as per my post above.

I tend to find that in such cases the proven experiences of fellow travellers tends to hold value. I am sure that the insight offered by owners of Thai introduction agencies (who bold on visa services to unsuspecting Customers) are as as valid as mine. Thats the thing about opinions, listen to them all and decie yourself on what you take on board. Its all free, no?

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Yes, I agree with the Gentleman from Visa plus - take advice from a professional. I am sure one will enter soon rather than just us two laymen. Mine is just a proven opinion and was based upon advice from Scouse (a professional).

I should also add that the reason I sought Scouses advice is that the UKBA would not offer any advice other than it is NOT a regulation that a 10 year visa holder cannot have two back to back trips and that it depends on the reason for this length of stay, as per my post above.

I tend to find that in such cases the proven experiences of fellow travellers tends to hold value. I am sure that the insight offered by owners of Thai introduction agencies (who bold on visa services to unsuspecting Customers) are as as valid as mine. Thats the thing about opinions, listen to them all and decie yourself on what you take on board. Its all free, no?

With respect to Scouse, he is no more a professional than I am ( no offence intended ). We have exactly the same immigration background. In fact we worked together in UK for several years, and we both have experience working in Embassies overseas. He, or his business, is, however, registered with the OISC in UK. This registration is required by all immigration agents operating in the UK. There is no need for us to have OISC registration as we work in Thailand. If that makes us " unprofessional " in your mind, then so be it.

Edited by VisasPlus
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thanks for the advice/opinions

i think that based on what I've read just now, it should be OK for my wife to stay in the UK for 6 months (April - Sept) and then return for 2-3 weeks over christmas the same year (with a return ticket to prove it)??

we're not looking to settle in the UK, it just worked out that this year we want to go twice.. work, then Christmas with the family

didn't mean to start an issue!!

thanks again

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thanks for the advice/opinions

i think that based on what I've read just now, it should be OK for my wife to stay in the UK for 6 months (April - Sept) and then return for 2-3 weeks over christmas the same year (with a return ticket to prove it)??

we're not looking to settle in the UK, it just worked out that this year we want to go twice.. work, then Christmas with the family

didn't mean to start an issue!!

thanks again

Don't worry, you haven't started an issue. It is just someone challenging every piece of advice given.

That said, your first post did not make it clear that the second visit was for only a short period. If that is the case then there should be no probelm. But remember to take some evidence of your wife's return to Thailand that will convince the immigration officer that only a short visit is intended.

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