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Got Kicked Out By Us Wife - What Now?


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One hears wild tales of woe, of farang foolishly buying properties in their gf's or spouses' names... Only to be kicked out. Well, it's happened to yours truly in Southern CA. Got married 10/2004. Signed over a nice 3 BR / 2 BA house in January and two months later, got locked out. (My wife quit work, took up smoking pot, started boozing heavily and stopped cleaning, cooking and ended up sitting in a darkened room playing Spades or watching movies on Direc TV's full package).

Unable to make a living (home office), broke (she forged my signature on 3rd party checks - apparently NOT a crime in CA, or else the D.A. doesn't prosecute when the victim is a foreigner) and homeless, I ended up leaving and taking a job in the UK. ***

One hears horror stories about Thai justice. But my experience of the Superior Court in Joshua tree are no better :---(.

Advised by a gf, my wife decided to file for a restraining order a week later. Violence was never part of our marriage - and in her long e-mail, in which she declared out marriage "over", she accused me of having once eaten a whole loaf of bread.

The judge begins by telling her <I cannot grant you the TRO>. She bursts into tears - and he changes his mind, <without prejudice>. The judge has <no time to hear the case> and some other judge will handling it <in 1 month>. // Next time, she learnt that she should have "served" me. I couldn't say one word, the case was postponed for another month. // My wife never bothered with personal service of the papers - and the question didn't arise again. 6 months' mutual restrainign order! A sick joke - she already looted every possession I had. Moreover, she perjured herself recklessly, but at $ 350 per page, transcripts are bloody expensive...

Well, I called the court from overseas, stating I feel that my Constitutional rights have been violated (service is a vital part of the proceedings).

Whatever you guys may encounter in Thailand is also not impossible in the USA.

What now? The house is quite valuable... And I'm renting a room

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One hears wild tales of woe, of farang foolishly buying properties in their gf's or spouses' names... Only to be kicked out. Well, it's happened to yours truly in Southern CA. Got married 10/2004. Signed over a nice 3 BR / 2 BA house in January and two months later, got locked out. (My wife quit work, took up smoking pot, started boozing heavily and stopped cleaning, cooking and ended up sitting in a darkened room playing Spades or watching movies on Direc TV's full package).

Unable to make a living (home office), broke (she forged my signature on 3rd party checks - apparently NOT a crime in CA, or else the D.A. doesn't prosecute when the victim is a foreigner) and homeless, I ended up leaving and taking a job in the UK. ***

One hears horror stories about Thai justice. But my experience of the Superior Court in Joshua tree are no better :---(.

Advised by a gf, my wife decided to file for a restraining order a week later. Violence was never part of our marriage - and in her long e-mail, in which she declared out marriage "over", she accused me of having once eaten a whole loaf of bread.

The judge begins by telling her <I cannot grant you the TRO>. She bursts into tears - and he changes his mind, <without prejudice>. The judge has <no time to hear the case> and some other judge will handling it <in 1 month>. // Next time, she learnt that she should have "served" me. I couldn't say one word, the case was postponed for another month. // My wife never bothered with personal service of the papers - and the question didn't arise again. 6 months' mutual restrainign order! A sick joke - she already looted every possession I had. Moreover, she perjured herself recklessly, but at $ 350 per page, transcripts are bloody expensive...

Well, I called the court from overseas, stating I feel that my Constitutional rights have been violated (service is a vital part of the proceedings).

Whatever you guys may encounter in Thailand is also not impossible in the USA.

What now? The house is quite valuable... And I'm renting a room

Might as well follow the wife's lead, get a darkened room, and start smoking pot. :o

Seriously, whats this got to do with Thailand? Whats the point of the thread?

Is it just me who's confused?

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I want some honesty here guys. Who read past the first paragraph?

I did, this bit particulary cracked me up.

My wife quit work, took up smoking pot, started boozing heavily and stopped cleaning, cooking and ended up sitting in a darkened room playing Spades or watching movies on Direc TV's full package
sounds like the good life.

What I don't get is why this happened?

Signed over a nice 3 BR / 2 BA house in January
Edited by bkkmadness
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