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Now Let's See If The US Will Scratch Thailand's Back

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This IS a game of Thai happy families.I will swap you Viktor 'lord of war ' Bout for Thaskin' the corrupt' shinawatra.

The government already holds a near perfect hand with the red family in its possession, it just needs the winning card and its game over.

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What is there to scratch Thailand back? US is doing a favor for Thailand as it is obvious Thailand had been foolish to welcome criminals and continue to protect these individuals under the watchful eyes of the corrupted rank in file to high ranking officials The easiest alibi is to extradite them without being blamed & cost that is via upon demand. LOL!  Would the Government need more external threats when they can't even solve their own crisis? With another bigger threat on the run....they ain't going to pressure for his extradition.<br><br>They did is in WW11 when they played host in letting the Japs bicycle in and conquer SEA. That is as good as it gets!<br>


Given the choice a cobra will move away from a confrontation, but back him into a corner and beware his fangs. Thaksin was part of Thailand's ultra elite, had his finger in every deal, if Thaksin ever stood trial he would take the top 5% of the nation down with him, and they know it. This is why they just pretend they want him back and why he was allowed to depart with a police escort and many suitcases.


Why are the thai government so paranoid about Thaksin....let him speaks if the Democrat government has nothing to hide...

the problem is " the truth always hurt "...

It make me wonder too and why not have a fair election not some back room deals by the military? It would have prevented all the problems the last few years.

Someone is running very scared and it is not Thaksin. I personal do not care to me they are all the same.


I believe (I might be wrong), that the rest of the world are treating Taksin's arrest warrant as being politically motivated. This is why Interpol has taken a step back and not involved itself (again, I might be wrong). Having said this, how many on the run political refugees has Thailand sent back to the US? Why would they expect US to scratch their backs.

I think the chances of him being extradited back is about slim to none. Call him what you will, but he is not dumb and has proven time and time again how cunning and shrewed he can be.


Victor Bout was also claiming his charges were politically motivated. The Thai courts managed to see through that charade. There is going to be pressure to reciprocate. And the US Ambassador thought nothing about asking Abhisit to help make the Thai courts see the light. That request will be returned.

The US courts will be encouraged to see through Thaksin's charade of politically motivated charges. Despite everything, there is still years of friendship between the US and Thailand. When it really matters, I think the US will want to make sure that Thailand remains an ally in the region, especially given China's continuing influence.

Nope. My bet is the US won't be swayed by Interpol's politically motivated position that Thaksin's charges are politically motivated. It's all politics after all, and the US often disagrees with international opinions and acts in their own interest.

But the US might also be aware that there will be a general election in the very near future which could show a massive change of power. They already know that if they want Thailand to remain friendly with them then they need to keep both camps happy, and extraditing Thaksin to Thailand will certainly anger what could be the next ruling government of Thailand.



Munter Hunter: Yoh

Chuang: There is no truth. Check history.

Judas: You know nothing about politics.

With all the weirdness in this world, I assume this article and thus the invitation is for real.

That's what made me angry enough to sent an e-mail to the CSCE to express my anger.

I think many people, not the least alot of Thai, should do the same

What a blasphemy to invite Taksin to Washington for a hearing on human rights in Thailand.

This man has himself stepped on the Thai people. Ask HIM about the killings in Thailand during his control.

He himself is a person who will reach his goal by the Jezuit principle, that the end result allows all means.

Sofar he has killings and robbery of the Thai people to his name to reach his goals and if he is ever to return to power in Thailand, this beautiful country will be ruined in no time and just for the sake of greed.

Better arrest this man and expell him to Thailand and if not possible....forbid him to spread his deadly lies to the world.

Interesting literature: 'Vatican Assasins' and (Reference to a book banned in Thailand removed).


Why are the thai government so paranoid about Thaksin....let him speaks if the Democrat government has nothing to hide...

the problem is " the truth always hurt "...

Yes, and all 3 Thais who tell the truth are banged up on some trumped up charges.


If he goes to the States they need to send him back to Thailand, period. Anything less would be a slap in the face to Thailand. The expedition treaty is bilateral, thus each side need honour their side of the bargain irregardless of who the criminal is or how much money they have.

I'm sorry, but I just can't help it.

:D:lol::blink: :jap: B):D:D :D :D :D


Sorry about the book reference. I knew it was possibly controversial but not that it was banned literature in Thailand.

Good job Scott for picking it out.


Why are the thai government so paranoid about Thaksin....let him speaks if the Democrat government has nothing to hide...

the problem is " the truth always hurt "...

You have hit the nail on the head.

That is why Thaksin never tells the truth.

I agree with you 100% :D



Munter Hunter: Yoh

Chuang: There is no truth. Check history.

Judas: You know nothing about politics.

With all the weirdness in this world, I assume this article and thus the invitation is for real.

That's what made me angry enough to sent an e-mail to the CSCE to express my anger.

I think many people, not the least alot of Thai, should do the same

What a blasphemy to invite Taksin to Washington for a hearing on human rights in Thailand.

This man has himself stepped on the Thai people. Ask HIM about the killings in Thailand during his control.

He himself is a person who will reach his goal by the Jezuit principle, that the end result allows all means.

Sofar he has killings and robbery of the Thai people to his name to reach his goals and if he is ever to return to power in Thailand, this beautiful country will be ruined in no time and just for the sake of greed.

Better arrest this man and expell him to Thailand and if not possible....forbid him to spread his deadly lies to the world.

Interesting literature: 'Vatican Assasins' and (Reference to a book banned in Thailand removed).

As I said on another thread.Maybe

They want him to tell how to plan and carry out massive abuses on human rights.

After all he is a master he has done it twice.B)


Bring him back and there'll be anarchy. The Reds will have their puppet master back and will stop at nothing to get him and his ilk back into the driving seat! Thaksin, Chalerm and Chavalit steering Thailand into the next decade.

Can't wait!!

Thaksin could send Chalerm into AIS and seize his network back, just like they did to Mr Monson back in the day.

The saying "this is Thailand" was penned by Thaksin.

"A wonderfully unbiased piece from the "Nation". Pity that a lot of people in this "nation" aren't swayed by this tripe.


...fugitive Thaksin Shinawatra...whatever name he chooses to bear...the fugitive...fugitive criminals...Thaksin has been roaming around, spitting venom...

HMMM - As Taksin spoke, the violence increased. He called for more and people set fires. - HMMM

As for his "Penning" 'This is Thailand', It seems that I heard that phrase when he was a kid...

As for Chinese businessmen running Thailand - it is likely that will not change for some time... Likely one of the major reasons they have no real care about the citizenry - why should Chinese families care about Thai people..??


Bring him back and there'll be anarchy. The Reds will have their puppet master back and will stop at nothing to get him and his ilk back into the driving seat! Thaksin, Chalerm and Chavalit steering Thailand into the next decade.

Can't wait!!

If this was true, he would be back willingly month ago. As everyone know he would stop at nothing to get his way

Should be the next US presi......


What is there to scratch Thailand back? US is doing a favor for Thailand as it is obvious Thailand had been foolish to welcome criminals and continue to protect these individuals under the watchful eyes of the corrupted rank in file to high ranking officials The easiest alibi is to extradite them without being blamed & cost that is via upon demand. LOL!  Would the Government need more external threats when they can't even solve their own crisis? With another bigger threat on the run....they ain't going to pressure for his extradition.<br><br>They did is in WW11 when they played host in letting the Japs bicycle in and conquer SEA. That is as good as it gets!<br>

As you brought WW2 into it, it is interesting to note that the party of the current leaders of Thailand, the Democrat Party was founded back in 1946 to oppose the former "SERI THAI" underground resistance members who had formed the then Siamese government. One could say that the democrat party was formed by those without backbone to oppose those who had actively opposed the Japanese occupation of Siam.

That said and done, everything evolves and I'm sure the democrats have as well. Whilst I am a supporter of free and democratic elections I am also a supporter of political stability (if any such thing can exist here)......so lets get that coin high up into the air and see which side it comes down on


It make me wonder too and why not have a fair election not some back room deals by the military? It would have prevented all the problems the last few years.

Someone is running very scared and it is not Thaksin. I personal do not care to me they are all the same.

They've had plenty of fair elections over the past decade, unfortunately the current leaders didn't like the outcome of any of them


gregb posted

Victor Bout was also claiming his charges were politically motivated. The Thai courts managed to see through that charade. There is going to be pressure to reciprocate. And the US Ambassador thought nothing about asking Abhisit to help make the Thai courts see the light. That request will be returned.

Guess you missed the wiki leaks on that and NYT articles. To catch you up to speed the US asked if Thailand would arrest and then extradite. Thailand said yes. At which points we then went through two years of waffle with checks coming in form the Russians. Gee Viktors a cash cow!

Repeat The thai coursts were able to see money. OK B)


I'm an American living in Thailand for 5 years, never going back to America.

As a couple others already mentioned American gov doesn't care about

any country other than America. They take what they want and move on to

the next victim(s). Thaksin will never be sent back by the criminal, corrupt

American government. There's nothing in it for them. The welfare or the

wish's of another country is something they could care less about.

The American government is a psychopathic unit of people without a hint

of moral conscience. So why would anyone expect them to send a political

criminal like Thaksin who has stolen Billions from Thailand and it's people

back to Thailand. Thaksin and the American Government are cut from the

same clothe so to speak. They are one in the same. They might even offer

him a post in the American gov if he can show them a faster way to steal

more from American citizens


The yanks coudn't care less about thaskin they have already got what they wanted from Thailand and do not ever expect any favours in return from the U.S they are only on this planet for themselves.


And what planet are you on?

The US gives more charitable aid than any country on earth.

Not to mention we protect a ton of countries, more than what need protecting as well. We bleed out for so many foreign interests it's not even funny.


I am wondering if any legal experts might know whether or not he can be given immunity of some sort and legally what that would involve.

Is Thaksin even likely to show up for any hearing without assurances that he won't get tangled up in the US Justice system?

If he travels under a different passport--and I understand he MAY have some diplomatic passport(s) from other countries, does that make a difference?

The UK certainly have rules on immunity and diplomatic passport use and cancellation

But this is Thailand and whatever the correct legal points in Thai law are would not in my view be relevant if he came back by choice or request


How are they paraniod? Have they requested that he NOT speak? I don't see any paranoia from the government.

Christmas wish: Thaksin goes to America to give his 'version' of events. Thailand asks for him to be extradited. The process takes a decade to come through, a la Saxena. In the meanwhile he is muzzled from political meddling. In ten years time he is forgotten...as I said, Christmas wish.

Maew may not always be persona non grata in Thailand.


I believe (I might be wrong), that the rest of the world are treating Taksin's arrest warrant as being politically motivated. This is why Interpol has taken a step back and not involved itself (again, I might be wrong). Having said this, how many on the run political refugees has Thailand sent back to the US? Why would they expect US to scratch their backs.

I think the chances of him being extradited back is about slim to none. Call him what you will, but he is not dumb and has proven time and time again how cunning and shrewed he can be.


Victor Bout was also claiming his charges were politically motivated. The Thai courts managed to see through that charade. There is going to be pressure to reciprocate. And the US Ambassador thought nothing about asking Abhisit to help make the Thai courts see the light. That request will be returned.

The US courts will be encouraged to see through Thaksin's charade of politically motivated charges. Despite everything, there is still years of friendship between the US and Thailand. When it really matters, I think the US will want to make sure that Thailand remains an ally in the region, especially given China's continuing influence.

Nope. My bet is the US won't be swayed by Interpol's politically motivated position that Thaksin's charges are politically motivated. It's all politics after all, and the US often disagrees with international opinions and acts in their own interest.

I agree the US often acts in its own interests; but the case with taksin may be different. they may take a different view to that held by the anti taksin lobby


I believe (I might be wrong), that the rest of the world are treating Taksin's arrest warrant as being politically motivated. This is why Interpol has taken a step back and not involved itself (again, I might be wrong). Having said this, how many on the run political refugees has Thailand sent back to the US? Why would they expect US to scratch their backs.

I think the chances of him being extradited back is about slim to none. Call him what you will, but he is not dumb and has proven time and time again how cunning and shrewed he can be.


Victor Bout was also claiming his charges were politically motivated. The Thai courts managed to see through that charade. There is going to be pressure to reciprocate. And the US Ambassador thought nothing about asking Abhisit to help make the Thai courts see the light. That request will be returned.

The US courts will be encouraged to see through Thaksin's charade of politically motivated charges. Despite everything, there is still years of friendship between the US and Thailand. When it really matters, I think the US will want to make sure that Thailand remains an ally in the region, especially given China's continuing influence.

Nope. My bet is the US won't be swayed by Interpol's politically motivated position that Thaksin's charges are politically motivated. It's all politics after all, and the US often disagrees with international opinions and acts in their own interest.

But the US might also be aware that there will be a general election in the very near future which could show a massive change of power. They already know that if they want Thailand to remain friendly with them then they need to keep both camps happy, and extraditing Thaksin to Thailand will certainly anger what could be the next ruling government of Thailand.

I agree and Anterian makes a valid point too



Munter Hunter: Yoh

Chuang: There is no truth. Check history.

Judas: You know nothing about politics.

With all the weirdness in this world, I assume this article and thus the invitation is for real.

That's what made me angry enough to sent an e-mail to the CSCE to express my anger.

I think many people, not the least alot of Thai, should do the same

What a blasphemy to invite Taksin to Washington for a hearing on human rights in Thailand.

This man has himself stepped on the Thai people. Ask HIM about the killings in Thailand during his control.

He himself is a person who will reach his goal by the Jezuit principle, that the end result allows all means.

Sofar he has killings and robbery of the Thai people to his name to reach his goals and if he is ever to return to power in Thailand, this beautiful country will be ruined in no time and just for the sake of greed.

Better arrest this man and expell him to Thailand and if not possible....forbid him to spread his deadly lies to the world.

Interesting literature: 'Vatican Assasins' and (Reference to a book banned in Thailand removed).

No harm in America making a request to listen to him is there?

Sorry but I don't support the "hang em high" brigade


What is there to scratch Thailand back? US is doing a favor for Thailand as it is obvious Thailand had been foolish to welcome criminals and continue to protect these individuals under the watchful eyes of the corrupted rank in file to high ranking officials The easiest alibi is to extradite them without being blamed & cost that is via upon demand. LOL!  Would the Government need more external threats when they can't even solve their own crisis? With another bigger threat on the run....they ain't going to pressure for his extradition.<br><br>They did is in WW11 when they played host in letting the Japs bicycle in and conquer SEA. That is as good as it gets!<br>

As you brought WW2 into it, it is interesting to note that the party of the current leaders of Thailand, the Democrat Party was founded back in 1946 to oppose the former "SERI THAI" underground resistance members who had formed the then Siamese government. One could say that the democrat party was formed by those without backbone to oppose those who had actively opposed the Japanese occupation of Siam.

That said and done, everything evolves and I'm sure the democrats have as well. Whilst I am a supporter of free and democratic elections I am also a supporter of political stability (if any such thing can exist here)......so lets get that coin high up into the air and see which side it comes down on

It wasnt just the political party itself though was it?


The yanks coudn't care less about thaskin they have already got what they wanted from Thailand and do not ever expect any favours in return from the U.S they are only on this planet for themselves.


And what planet are you on?

The US gives more charitable aid than any country on earth.

Not to mention we protect a ton of countries, more than what need protecting as well. We bleed out for so many foreign interests it's not even funny.

Not sure you should be bragging about American intervention particularly where they are not wanted. As you rightly say "more than what ( sic ) need protecting"

Oil may be a more important factor than charity

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