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Thailand Has Become Boring!


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I am sitting here in my parents home in Oz drinking a can of VB and wondering if thailand will ever be the same for me.

I decided that I needed a break and had a short holiday on the coast with a couple of good old mates from Thailand, who have now gone back. Both of them have been in Thailand longer than me(7 years). Both still great mates and seem to have it sussed in Thailand and wouldn't move anwhre else.

Thailand has become boring

When I left college in Oz 10 years ago, Thailand was very exciting - shaggin lots of bgs in Bangkok and the beaches while making heaps of cash(not in legal ways).

This gave me a real adrenalin rush and Thailand was fun! I travelled round Europe and settled for living in Thailand when I was 26.

I have lived in thailand for 7 years, been maried for 5 years with two sons aged 6 and 4 and a daughter aged 1.5 years. My wife has become fat, but I still love her very much, she is 30 yo.

maybe I am just going through a crisis of some sort, certainly drinking a lot more, but really am pissed off with Thailand and worry about the future of my kids, and my wife.

Australia has far better opportunities for career and education. Maybe it is time to move the clan over.

Do you fellows think that after a certain amount of years Thailand loses it's appeal?

Any advice appreciated, especially from long term residents or guys with children.

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The obvious reply here is that its not Thailand thats changed but you. Have you become boring?

Once the single party goer, now the family man, few less drinks at the clubs and more drinks in front of the tv at home.

Have you turned Thailand into that life you was trying to escape from in your home country?

I expect many feel the same way.

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people will always say somewhere was better some previous time. People have said Thailand was better when.....


---when there was no AIDS

---when 100 baht was the biggest bill

---when Nana Plaza had exotic shows

---when the bars were open all night

---when I was younger and more naive

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I am sitting here in my parents home in Oz drinking a can of VB and wondering if thailand will ever be the same for me.

I decided that I needed a break and had a short holiday on the coast with a couple of good old mates from Thailand, who have now gone back. Both of them have been in Thailand longer than me(7 years).  Both still great mates and seem to have it sussed in Thailand and wouldn't move anwhre else.

Thailand has become boring

When I left college in Oz 10 years ago, Thailand was very exciting - shaggin lots of bgs in Bangkok and the beaches while making heaps of cash(not in legal ways).

This gave me a real adrenalin rush and Thailand was fun! I travelled round Europe and settled for living in Thailand when I was 26.

I have lived in thailand for 7 years, been maried for 5 years with two sons aged 6 and 4 and a daughter aged 1.5 years. My wife has become fat, but I still love her very much, she is 30 yo.

maybe I am just going through a crisis of some sort, certainly drinking a lot more, but really am pissed off with Thailand and worry about the future of my kids, and my wife.

Australia has far better opportunities for career and education. Maybe it is time to move the clan over.

Do you fellows think that after a certain amount of years Thailand loses it's appeal?

Any advice appreciated, especially from long term residents or guys with children.

I've had some thoughts. not bored with it yet as there are other places to live in the future. main worry is what if the business fails one day! What then? 3 people to lookafter as well as myself. :o

House is ok but i'll be buggered if i'm going back to the UK.

But to all members that are saying "Thailand is boring",

1, <deleted>, its a bit country with lots of different cities/ options (if you have the cash).

2, Why are you still here then?

Edited by davethailand
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The obvious reply here is that its not Thailand thats changed but you. Have you become boring?

Once the single party goer, now the family man, few less drinks at the clubs and more drinks in front of the tv at home.

Have you turned Thailand into that life you was trying to escape from in your home country?

Mate, i think you are probably right here.

Yes, I have turned Thailand into something I never thought I would like, but with family you must change.

maybe it's not Thailand, just me :o

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Thailand is boring. It is the same experience as in Las Vegas, same basic illusion and vice. It is a place to play, not live. Great in short spurts but a real drag in the long haul.

Are you OK with your kids growing up in Thailand?

Good luck to you.

I have no problem with my son growing up here (much better than Salford). He can have the best of both worlds and then some. There are more +'s than -'s for me raising him here rather than the UK.

I could think of no better place than for him to grow up in Asia.

May I ask what you have against bringing a child up here? :o


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The obvious reply here is that its not Thailand thats changed but you. Have you become boring?

Once the single party goer, now the family man, few less drinks at the clubs and more drinks in front of the tv at home.

Have you turned Thailand into that life you was trying to escape from in your home country?

Mate, i think you are probably right here.

Yes, I have turned Thailand into something I never thought I would like, but with family you must change.

maybe it's not Thailand, just me :o

This is why Thai guys get Mia nois, keeps the old yang happy and youthful with a bit of young ying (or the other way round). You need to go out and find some excitement dude. :D

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May I ask what you have against bringing a child up here? 

My sons get a bad deal at the local school.

I can't afford the international schools, and the local government ones are not good.

After having seen and heard what thai boys(teenag) get up to, i DEFINATELY would not want my daughter growing up in thailand

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The obvious reply here is that its not Thailand thats changed but you. Have you become boring?

Once the single party goer, now the family man, few less drinks at the clubs and more drinks in front of the tv at home.

Have you turned Thailand into that life you was trying to escape from in your home country?

Mate, i think you are probably right here.

Yes, I have turned Thailand into something I never thought I would like, but with family you must change.

maybe it's not Thailand, just me :D

I think age has got a lot to do with it. I also would probably have got a bit bored with the old family life here if in my 30's. Now in my 50's and been everywhere and done everything I don't get bored. Besides my missus is letting me have a week's holiday in Pattaya next week, when she goes to see the folks :o:D

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May I ask what you have against bringing a child up here? 

My sons get a bad deal at the local school.

I can't afford the international schools, and the local government ones are not good.

After having seen and heard what thai boys(teenag) get up to, i DEFINATELY would not want my daughter growing up in thailand

Can not really comment on the local school thing, however I do have mate who's children attend them in BKK and they say they have no worries.

If I am still earning then he will attend an international one as is my preference at the moment he is just starting pre-school.

You are the father at the end of the day so if they are brought up right they should not jump to the dark side.

Just my 2 bobs worth.

Get back here you know you miss it :o

Is your wife in agreement with you relocating to Auz.

Get another VB down yer and drown them sorrows... :D



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QUOTE(saraburioz @ 2005-08-18 16:10:22)


May I ask what you have against bringing a child up here? 

My sons get a bad deal at the local school.

I can't afford the international schools, and the local government ones are not good.

After having seen and heard what thai boys(teenag) get up to, i DEFINATELY would not want my daughter growing up in thailand

Can not really comment on the local school thing, however I do have mate who's children attend them in BKK and they say they have no worries.

If I am still earning then he will attend an international one as is my preference at the moment he is just starting pre-school.

You are the father at the end of the day so if they are brought up right they should not jump to the dark side.

Just my 2 bobs worth.

Get back here you know you miss it 

Is your wife in agreement with you relocating to Auz.

Get another VB down yer and drown them sorrows... 


Yes my wife would like to come to Oz.

Yes I think maybe i miss it, have a love hate relationship sometimes with it.

Just got another VB my 4th and got a earful from Mum. Topped it up with JD, ahhh.

mmm maybe having her interfere with the kids etc is not such a good idea :o

Think I'll phone the family then go out on the piss with my old mates, actually they are boring old farts now too with wife and kids.

The more i drink and think, i want to go back to thailand.

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QUOTE(saraburioz @ 2005-08-18 16:10:22)


May I ask what you have against bringing a child up here? 

My sons get a bad deal at the local school.

I can't afford the international schools, and the local government ones are not good.

After having seen and heard what thai boys(teenag) get up to, i DEFINATELY would not want my daughter growing up in thailand

Can not really comment on the local school thing, however I do have mate who's children attend them in BKK and they say they have no worries.

If I am still earning then he will attend an international one as is my preference at the moment he is just starting pre-school.

You are the father at the end of the day so if they are brought up right they should not jump to the dark side.

Just my 2 bobs worth.

Get back here you know you miss it 

Is your wife in agreement with you relocating to Auz.

Get another VB down yer and drown them sorrows... 


Yes my wife would like to come to Oz.

Yes I think maybe i miss it, have a love hate relationship sometimes with it.

Just got another VB my 4th and got a earful from Mum. Topped it up with JD, ahhh.

mmm maybe having her interfere with the kids etc is not such a good idea :D

Think I'll phone the family then go out on the piss with my old mates, actually they are boring old farts now too with wife and kids.

The more i drink and think, i want to go back to thailand.

:D I bet your back within 2 weeks :o

You can always leave Thailand but IT will never leave you.

Good luck on what ever you decide


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I haven't considered Thailand as the place for a permanent stay.

The moment I really started enjoying the country was - when I learned the basics and established a routine in my daily life there.

With my child and gf, it's never boring.

Being an Aussie myself, lived at Potts Point in Sydney, close to everything, I can say the quality of life is much lower in BKK, at least for me. So is the life in Tokyo, compared to Sydney, also IMO.

Boring places, no matter what you do, could be Guam, Vanuatu or other small communities cut off from the world.

If a decission is to be made to relocate to Thailand and many factors considered, I can't think the boredom would be mentioned.

Upcountry yes, but isn't the same with any of the rural (bush) places in Oz?

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You can always leave Thailand but IT will never leave you.

i think i used to know this Quote from somewhere :D:D

(same same but different....indeed) :D

But i like it :o


To remind you: it's the song "Hotel California" where they sing "You can check out at any time but you can never leave".

I've got a punk version of it, the verse is very strongly pronounced.

Edited by think_too_mut
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You can always leave Thailand but IT will never leave you.

i think i used to know this Quote from somewhere :D:D

(same same but different....indeed) :D

But i like it :o


To remind you: it's the song "Hotel California" where they sing "You can check at any time but you can never leave".

:D That's the one...... im sure we have all heard it along the way :D

It's nearly beer o'clock for me :D


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I still enjoy Thailand but it is by no means the best place in the world. I am probably the only person on this board to like the UK as well - if you have the cash UK is great place!

For me Thailand is good place to base myself for my business but long term I prefer Europe.

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You can always leave Thailand but IT will never leave you.

i think i used to know this Quote from somewhere :D:D

(same same but different....indeed) :D

But i like it :o


To remind you: it's the song "Hotel California" where they sing "You can check at any time but you can never leave".

:D That's the one...... im sure we have all heard it along the way :D

It's nearly beer o'clock for me :D


(A Hint) from NEP lol :D

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Been here nearly 16 years now and have been through most of the phases.

Year and a half living in a small village in Nakhon Phanom missing the city life. Year and a half living in the centre of BKK missing the country life.

So I compromised and I'm now living in a mubaan partially surrounded by fields with BKK on my doorstep.

I've got 3 kids and I didn't want them growing up either in the NKP village or the centre of BKK where they can't play outside anywhere. So here it's ideal for them.

I'm not wealthy enough to send them to intl schools so they go to private schools.

I have thought about taking them to England for the education, but how many kids leave school there only to end up on job creation schemes or working on a Tesco checkout? I'm sure their parents wanted the best for them too.

When I get bored or too complacent about things in Thailand then I look to see how I can change things. For instance, with visa runs. They get me out of the house for a couple of days and breaks up a quotidian routine. If going to one border starts to get boring then I'll go elsewhere. If I've already been there before then I'll take a different route and stop overnight somewhere different than previously etc.

Ideally, I would like to be able to spend some time every year in England even if it was just so that I could re-appreciate what Thailand has to offer upon returning. Sadly, finances don't allow me that option so I make do with what I got. :o

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The obvious reply here is that its not Thailand thats changed but you. Have you become boring?

Once the single party goer, now the family man, few less drinks at the clubs and more drinks in front of the tv at home.

Have you turned Thailand into that life you was trying to escape from in your home country?

Mate, i think you are probably right here.

Yes, I have turned Thailand into something I never thought I would like, but with family you must change.

maybe it's not Thailand, just me :o

It's you!!! Nothing boring about thailand!! :D

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If you are a party goer, then YES Thailand has become BORING !!! no doubt. The place is doomed. Now is it bad ? maybe not. Maybe it's time to focus on something different and make Thailand interesting again. I still love Bangkok for what it has to offer. The bar scene is basically dead and boring, but I don't give that much of a fuk now. Private parties are the way to go. However the place is not as much fun without all the drug dealers and criminals from all over the world.

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If you are a party goer, then YES Thailand has become BORING !!! no doubt. The place is doomed. Now is it bad ? maybe not. Maybe it's time to focus on something different and make Thailand interesting again. I still love Bangkok for what it has to offer. The bar scene is basically dead and boring, but I don't give that much of a fuk now. Private parties are the way to go. However the place is not as much fun without all the drug dealers and criminals from all over the world.

Hey Butterfly - how come you never took me to any of these private parties. Keeping them for yourself?

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If a decission is to be made to relocate to Thailand and many factors considered, I can't think the boredom would be mentioned.

Upcountry yes, but isn't the same with any of the rural (bush) places in Oz?

Like Swan Hill in country Victoria. I lived and worked there for a few months. Man what a ######ing boring place and the women dont get me started. F'ugly in my opinion. All the decent lookers were either married or had seen the light and ######ed off a long time ago.

I love Thailand, but next year i gotta go back to Oz(Sydney) Actually looking forward to it. Going back to make some decent money and then return in 10 years or so to live and retire. I'm only 31 now. So i can take 10 years or so outta my life and get finacially sorted then live here and be even happier than i am now. :o:D

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I am sitting here in my parents home in Oz drinking a can of VB and wondering if thailand will ever be the same for me.

I decided that I needed a break and had a short holiday on the coast with a couple of good old mates from Thailand, who have now gone back. Both of them have been in Thailand longer than me(7 years).  Both still great mates and seem to have it sussed in Thailand and wouldn't move anwhre else.

Thailand has become boring

When I left college in Oz 10 years ago, Thailand was very exciting - shaggin lots of bgs in Bangkok and the beaches while making heaps of cash(not in legal ways).

This gave me a real adrenalin rush and Thailand was fun! I travelled round Europe and settled for living in Thailand when I was 26.

I have lived in thailand for 7 years, been maried for 5 years with two sons aged 6 and 4 and a daughter aged 1.5 years. My wife has become fat, but I still love her very much, she is 30 yo.

maybe I am just going through a crisis of some sort, certainly drinking a lot more, but really am pissed off with Thailand and worry about the future of my kids, and my wife.

Australia has far better opportunities for career and education. Maybe it is time to move the clan over.

Do you fellows think that after a certain amount of years Thailand loses it's appeal?

Any advice appreciated, especially from long term residents or guys with children.

Your kids are growing up really fast whether you notice it or not. If you are bored then spend more time with your kids while they're still kids. If you don't then you will wish you had....guaranteed. Actually maybe your boredom is a blessing in that it frees you up to be there for your kids....do it....every day....if you do then 20 years from now you will thank me for this advise....guaranteed...

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