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I Want To See What My Bitch Is Up To


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When I go out I leave my Two Shih Tzu Bitches in the house , I have a feeling that they may be fighting each other, so I would like to set up some sort of web camera recorder to see just what they get up to when I'm not there . I have both a Windows note book and a Mac and a separate external USB web camera .

Any ideas on how to set up some sort of simple web cam recording system that I can play back when I return home , just to see just what the little bitche's have been up to :rolleyes:


TL :jap:

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Since you have two, wouldn't that be "bitches"?

Maybe just an audio recording would suffice? That might be more straight-forward? But if there is a really good ruckus you might want youtube material. Those wacky pet videos kill on youtube.

Edited by lomatopo
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A free application with motion detection > Yawcam

not free

but this one is http://www.zoneminder.com/


You do have a problem with the word free.

Yawcam > Yawcam is completely free to use! ...but if you find this software useful, please consider to make a donation:

zoneminder > *** Don't forget *** You can now give a donation to help fund future ZoneMinder development! If you use ZoneMinder in your business or it helps protect your property or family please consider donating.

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A free application with motion detection > Yawcam

not free

but this one is http://www.zoneminder.com/


You do have a problem with the word free.

Yawcam > Yawcam is completely free to use! ...but if you find this software useful, please consider to make a donation:

zoneminder > *** Don't forget *** You can now give a donation to help fund future ZoneMinder development! If you use ZoneMinder in your business or it helps protect your property or family please consider donating.

Free in the software business means free in terms of licences... and you have been in the business long enough to know that.

You say its free, the website say it's free to use... I'm happy you corrected yourself


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A free application with motion detection > Yawcam

not free

but this one is http://www.zoneminder.com/


You do have a problem with the word free.

Yawcam > Yawcam is completely free to use! ...but if you find this software useful, please consider to make a donation:

zoneminder > *** Don't forget *** You can now give a donation to help fund future ZoneMinder development! If you use ZoneMinder in your business or it helps protect your property or family please consider donating.

Free in the software business means free in terms of licences... and you have been in the business long enough to know that.

You say its free, the website say it's free to use... I'm happy you corrected yourself


I would say the statement Yawcam is completely free to use'' means that it is free, if you dont agree then your just being argumentitive

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I would say the statement Yawcam is completely free to use'' means that it is free, if you dont agree then your just being argumentitive

I'm sorry if you receive it this way, I'm just trying to be informative. There is a description about software licenses here:


Many companies are publishing their software as free, deliberately trying to make it look more trustworthy than what it is. In this case the company who distributes Yawcam clearly state "completely free to use". They don't say it is under a free license. This can be misunderstood. Secondly, what I was arguing about was that Tyways wrote :

A free application with motion detection > Yawcam

But he later clarified this by citing the text in the page.

Yawcam > Yawcam is completely free to use!

Which is a clarification, but it could be better. It can be misunderstood.

In short, free software means that the sources are open to public review, in contrast to non-free software.

If you install non-free software in you computer (such as Microsoft Windows) you have absolutely no clue what the software is doing. You are completely in the hands of the programmers who created the software. You need to trust all, maybe ten thousand, programmers who were involved in all the non-free software you are using.

Free software on the other hand, is open. Not a single row of code goes into the software without being published to the public. This makes free software more trustworthy than non-free software.

The official description of free software is here:


This is the definition that is well established in the software industry. This server, as most other web-servers, is probably running software that is distributed under a free license using this definition. It is worth knowing.


Edited by siamect
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I would say the statement Yawcam is completely free to use'' means that it is free, if you dont agree then your just being argumentitive

I'm sorry if you receive it this way, I'm just trying to be informative. There is a description about software licenses here:


Many companies are publishing their software as free, deliberately trying to make it look more trustworthy than what it is. In this case the company who distributes Yawcam clearly state "completely free to use". They don't say it is under a free license. This can be misunderstood. Secondly, what I was arguing about was that Tyways wrote :

A free application with motion detection > Yawcam

But he later clarified this by citing the text in the page.

Yawcam > Yawcam is completely free to use!

Which is a clarification, but it could be better. It can be misunderstood.

In short, free software means that the sources are open to public review, in contrast to non-free software.

If you install non-free software in you computer (such as Microsoft Windows) you have absolutely no clue what the software is doing. You are completely in the hands of the programmers who created the software. You need to trust all, maybe ten thousand, programmers who were involved in all the non-free software you are using.

Free software on the other hand, is open. Not a single row of code goes into the software without being published to the public. This makes free software more trustworthy than non-free software.

The official description of free software is here:


This is the definition that is well established in the software industry. This server, as most other web-servers, is probably running software that is distributed under a free license using this definition. It is worth knowing.



I think there are some mixed up definitions of "free" and "open source" software. I've always know it as "open source". What's "free" about that. I think that's the reason for the confusion here.

Edited by Phil Conners
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I think there are some mixed up definitions of "free" and "open source" software. I've always know it as "open source". What's "free" about that. I think that's the reason for the confusion here.

Please learn the history of this... The Opensource and Free software are two different definitions. Two different movements. They are different in the ways they handle freedom. People from the Free software movement see freedom as the most important thing.

Opensource people don't care about their own nor others freedom... That has caused a lot of confusion. Their definition is listed here http://www.opensource.org/docs/osd


Edited by siamect
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If you have two Computers and one Web Cam set up two Skype Accounts. On the computer that you leave at home with the web cam turn on Skype account. Go to "Tools" then Click on "Options". When the Option screen comes up, click on "Calls" in the "Call Setting" window click on "Show Advanced Options". Then just check the "Answer incoming calls Automatically" Box. Then just call the home Skype account from your second Skype account you set up on your notebook. When you call your Home Skype account the Web Cam will come on automatically. If you leave your home speakers turned up high enough you can yell at your Bitches to stop Bitting each other.

If you are worried about anyone else calling and viewing your home webcam just go to the "Privacy" setting under the "Option" button and set the option to only allow calls from "people in your contact list" Only add your notebook Skype account to your contact list.

This is a very simple, effecttive and free way to monitor and talk to your pups.

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