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Orbital Cellulitis


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HI I am freaking out. I have orbital cellulitis from a tick bite. Disgusting I know. It was in the outer corner of my eye.

The doctor was very good and used a high powered viewer and tick killer to get it out as this is common. She gave me an antibiotic injection and sent me home with drops and anibiotics Avexol?? Something like that. I came back the next day, today and it is worst!

Half my face is swollen. I look like a battered woman or plastic surgery freak. In the morning it was totally shut but now my eye is open.

She addmitted me to the hospital and it seemed reasonable enough to me.

She did a blood test and the white blood cell count was quite low as something else indicating that was not a strong infection. So it is being treated as an infection and allergic reaction.

She even called a few other doctors to come look and also a disease specialist in BKK.

So now I am here and it is still not better. IT is starting to hurt and I am freaking out that it will spread. This photo is not me but this is what it looks like. The skin around my temple is all puffy too and my cheek.

I must say I like the doctor though and feel confident with her. She explains stuff and her English is fluent fluent.

The nurses aids though have touched my blood wihtout gloves and people putting a cotton ball to my witout gloves. urgh


So i have had a cortisone drip I think and an antibiotic injection.

Any experience or feedback welcome.

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What you describe of the management sounds reasonable to me.

In addition to an allergic response to the tick bite the only other thought i have is possibly an allergic reaction to the drops, if you were putting them in just that eye. (if yo were putting them in both eyes then obviously not as only the one eye is affected).

Just a thought. But an allergic response to the tick bite is I think most likely.

When you say your white count was low, can you be more specific, i.e. was it below normal or just not as high as expected given the apparent infection? And was the eosipnophil count up? (a type of white blood cell that is elevated in allergic reactions).

Hot soaks/compresses on the eye wil be helpful, ask for them if not already being provided.

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