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Eight People Killed In Grisly Bangkok Tollway Accident

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Rest in peace. Horrific accident also in Korat Saturday. Sympathy to the families. In God we trust.

Yes of course, "Sympathy to the families" and to the survivors for the lifelong burden of horror they must endure.

"In God we trust" .. this is about burry your head in the sand, and relieve yourself of responsibility.

With great trepedation I have used those vans between Nakhon Sawan and Bkk. I am horrified by the speeds they fly at, and knew that I would see an accicident soon. An so it has come to pass.


When will the $hit-for-brains 'authorities' do something about it, and the shit-for-brains drivers take heed?

When I am asked how far North of Bkk my village is, I say "Approx 3 hours drive" .. or ... " 2 hours 'pod racing' in the vans". So what price do we pay for saving that hour? Today's news is the answer. But for as long as there is vested interest in speeding, with only the risk of death when something goes horribly wrong, the hazzard will remain. You need to hit Thais where it hurts most in this land of superficial Buddhism, > the wallet. And for the foreigner who speeds > the wallet and the Visa, with expulsion for serious offences and repeated minor offenses. And I mean expulsion with no chance of return.

"In God we trust"? .. no thanks. I'd rather see something real, like tightly controlled speed limits.

You cannot control it all.

But on the roads with tollbooths it can be easily controlled, same as in Europe.

At the enter booth the electronic card is time stamped.

At the exit booth the electronic card is time stamped.

The computer knows the distance between enter and exit points and the number of minutes it takes from enter to exit at designated speed limit.

When the amount of time between enter and exit is LESS the driver has exceeded the SPEED LIMIT, asked for his/her driver license and told to park over on the side where a Hiway official will process the Speeding violation.

Simple isn’t it?

When will we see this in the: In God We Trust for the religious farangs in the land of the Thais’ superficial Buddhism? I’m sure I do not have enough years left on mother earth to see it being installed and in operation.

The same as taking two (2) of the fat asses out of the Honda Accords and put them on motorcycles PATTROLLING the motorways, with the one driving the car as backup, to transport arrested person(s) to jail, and to block lanes of the Hiway when necessary.

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No only 40 every hundred thousand have no future

Well judging by the photos "a good day out was had by all" and the accident ( hardly an accident for sure) made a dull day for the spectators much more exciting, of course all of them left thinking they must drive more responsibly.

Im sorry Thai drivers in the majority are IDIOTS and YES I am generalising and YES about Thais.

Truly, this nation has no future.


No only 40 in every 100000 have no future :blink:


You cannot control it all.

But on the roads with tollbooths it can be easily controlled, same as in Europe.

At the enter booth the electronic card is time stamped.

At the exit booth the electronic card is time stamped.

The computer knows the distance between enter and exit points and the number of minutes it takes from enter to exit at designated speed limit.

When the amount of time between enter and exit is LESS the driver has exceeded the SPEED LIMIT, asked for his/her driver license and told to park over on the side where a Hiway official will process the Speeding violation.

Simple isn't it?

When will we see this in the: In God We Trust for the religious farangs in the land of the Thais' superficial Buddhism? I'm sure I do not have enough years left on mother earth to see it being installed and in operation.

The same as taking two (2) of the fat asses out of the Honda Accords and put them on motorcycles PATTROLLING the motorways, with the one driving the car as backup, to transport arrested person(s) to jail, and to block lanes of the Hiway when necessary.

No its isnt simple, careless driving at low speed is just as danegrous this will achieve nothing at all, driver drives at 200kmh for the first 10km then 50 km hour for the second his average speed will be ok at the toll booth despite him veering all over the roads, giving no signals, carving people up having no brake lights and being drunk.............thank goodness he wasnt speeding though,:lol:


As a farang; I see a huge culture difference in driving- it is called courtesy! Thai people can't understand the word or meaning of it.

Proof; why every intersection, thai person "must" get in front of person already there? Rude; another word Thai people don't accept or understand!

End result- this type of accident....

If I am wrong; explain why you must get in front of a person; what makes you so much more important than the person already there?

Welcome to Thai society


As a farang; I see a huge culture difference in driving- it is called courtesy! Thai people can't understand the word or meaning of it.

Proof; why every intersection, thai person "must" get in front of person already there? Rude; another word Thai people don't accept or understand!

End result- this type of accident....

If I am wrong; explain why you must get in front of a person; what makes you so much more important than the person already there?

Anyone who has ever been to Greece would have to admit many Europeans aren't any better, and there are certainly many countries where this is much worse than Thailand (ever been to India?).

I have stopped reading your post after this sentence. So you have been to Greece and think that many Europeans aren't any better? Do you also think that Europe is 1 country or something? From what planet are you?

Greecy Europe!! Seems that this guys has got serious mental malfunctions. Guess a city like India is a good example of bad behavior regarding writing nonsense.

Just where is this City called India?


As a farang; I see a huge culture difference in driving- it is called courtesy! Thai people can't understand the word or meaning of it.

Proof; why every intersection, thai person "must" get in front of person already there? Rude; another word Thai people don't accept or understand!

End result- this type of accident....

If I am wrong; explain why you must get in front of a person; what makes you so much more important than the person already there?

Funny, I've driven in such cities as Paris, New York and LA and compared to the drivers in those cities I generally find Thai drivers to be quite courteous and JAI YEN. I've never seen road rage here in Thailand like what you witness almost every day on Southern Californian highways... The ability of Bangkok drivers to sit patiently in bumper to bumper traffic for hours on end has taught me new things about the meaning of patience. :jap:

I agree with you. I live in Perth, Australia. I drive in Perth and I drive in Thailand when I visit. In Perth the drivers beleive they own the roads and in Thialand I beleive the drivers share the roads. It is much more pleasant to drive in Thailand, including BKK, than to drive in Perth.


So what do you think will happen will the 2 girls driving the car be prosecuted or not ?

Only one was driving - which one is the issue but with that family name there is next to zero chance that either will be prosecuted.


So what do you think will happen will the 2 girls driving the car be prosecuted or not ?

Only one was driving - which one is the issue but with that family name there is next to zero chance that either will be prosecuted.

Google translator is giving me the impression that the highest rated comments are generally about rich people getting away with crimes.

Is this correct?


The lady Driver of the white car was 18 years old she was driving to fast , she did not die . She braked to late at speed and the car doors where flung open . The rest you can see, Its the same every where in the world Young people drive to fast because they do not see the danger, speed does not kill , bad driving does.R>I >P to those who have gone.


Google translator is giving me the impression that the highest rate comments are generally about rich people getting away with crimes.

Is this correct?

That is correct - The family name of the two women in the vehicle that allegedly caused the accident is right up there in the list of names to have in Thailand.

The membership of the website I have linked to is predominantly educated middle class Thais - So there you have an insight into what these people think about these events.


Google translator is giving me the impression that the highest rate comments are generally about rich people getting away with crimes.

Is this correct?

That is correct - The family name of the two women in the vehicle that allegedly caused the accident is right up there in the list of names to have in Thailand.

The membership of the website I have linked to is predominantly educated middle class Thais - So there you have an insight into what these people think about these events.

And that is??????


So what do you think will happen will the 2 girls driving the car be prosecuted or not ?

Only one was driving - which one is the issue but with that family name there is next to zero chance that either will be prosecuted.

Google translator is giving me the impression that the highest rated comments are generally about rich people getting away with crimes.

Is this correct?

Ask the driver of the merc that ploughed into the bus stop a couple of years ago.


Google translator is giving me the impression that the highest rate comments are generally about rich people getting away with crimes.

Is this correct?

That is correct - The family name of the two women in the vehicle that allegedly caused the accident is right up there in the list of names to have in Thailand.

The membership of the website I have linked to is predominantly educated middle class Thais - So there you have an insight into what these people think about these events.

And that is??????

Travelmann, I have neither the time nor the inclination to translate Thai forums for you - Might I therefore suggest that you, read the article and comments yourself, get a Thai person to read them for you or talk to some Thais to get their opinions first hand.

You might wind up with an insight or two you have not yet come across and you just might wind up with a more rounded view than the one you express here.


Actually the girl who was driving was 16 years old!!!!!!!

Her name is a very well to do name (old capital of Thailand, begins with A)(put the word Na before it)


So what do you think will happen will the 2 girls driving the car be prosecuted or not ?

Only one was driving - which one is the issue but with that family name there is next to zero chance that either will be prosecuted.

Google translator is giving me the impression that the highest rated comments are generally about rich people getting away with crimes.

Is this correct?

Ask the driver of the merc that ploughed into the bus stop a couple of years ago.

The Mu Ham case, yes remember it. Father was a property developer and mother a former model. Aimed his Mercedes-Benz into a bus stop full of people, on purpose if I recall correctly. I believe he killed some of them.


All I can say is that I loath all drivers of all public vehicles.

What utter nonsense. You're painting with a pretty wide brush there, aren't you?

I too loath a large percentage of public transport drivers, and the majority of those mini-van-bus drivers.

Buses, starting at 8 seaters up to the bigeest, newest, oldest, cheapest, best......... when you see the indicator go, treat it like a red light, and immediately stop - because they will pull out regardless of your position on the road, your speed, other traffic, or your ability to stop or avoid them....... I'm sorry, but there are very few (in my experience) that this does not apply to.

And that assumes that ( a ) the bus has working indicators, and ( b ) that the driver actually uses them.


Google translator is giving me the impression that the highest rate comments are generally about rich people getting away with crimes.

Is this correct?

That is correct - The family name of the two women in the vehicle that allegedly caused the accident is right up there in the list of names to have in Thailand.

The membership of the website I have linked to is predominantly educated middle class Thais - So there you have an insight into what these people think about these events.

And that is??????

Travelmann, I have neither the time nor the inclination to translate Thai forums for you - Might I therefore suggest that you, read the article and comments yourself, get a Thai person to read them for you or talk to some Thais to get their opinions first hand.

You might wind up with an insight or two you have not yet come across and you just might wind up with a more rounded view than the one you express here.

Your'e such a help!!


Your such a help!!

You're and adult (I presume), I've pointed you in the right direction and I have a very much higher estimation of your abilities than that you express regarding the abilities of Thai people - so.... erm .... away you go.

You can do it.


For those who read Thai see the comments under the attached link, if you don't read Thai get a Thai friend, wife, g/f to read them for you.

What the Thais have to say about this

So what do you think will happen will the 2 girls driving the car be prosecuted or not ?

Could someone explain what is going on with the girl who was the driver of the car? Is there some kind of cover-up because she comes from a wealthy family? Is that right or are these just rumors?


Google translator is giving me the impression that the highest rate comments are generally about rich people getting away with crimes.

Is this correct?

That is correct - The family name of the two women in the vehicle that allegedly caused the accident is right up there in the list of names to have in Thailand.

The membership of the website I have linked to is predominantly educated middle class Thais - So there you have an insight into what these people think about these events.

And that is??????

Travelmann, I have neither the time nor the inclination to translate Thai forums for you - Might I therefore suggest that you, read the article and comments yourself, get a Thai person to read them for you or talk to some Thais to get their opinions first hand.

You might wind up with an insight or two you have not yet come across and you just might wind up with a more rounded view than the one you express here.

Your'e such a help!!

อายุ 16 ปี นามสกุล "เทพหัสดิน ณ อยุธยา"

เดี๋ยวเรื่องก็เงียบ เหมือนไม่เคยเกิดอะไรขึ้น




16 years old last name "Txxx Hxxxxxx Na Axxxxx.

A moment to let it quietly. Not like what happened before.

Cook has taken to detention at odds with other poor people.

The rich do not always wrong.

The belief.









Why not strike the Civic edge and invert the car died.

8 innocent lives of the fraction of quality of life in a tuff-mail Sedan surviving

It escort me.

Prisoners do not have to lock it at odds with the poor.

Who will press the delete or not to show offline I think the invitation.

If this is your cousin.

You will feel me, too.

Before New Year


For those who read Thai see the comments under the attached link, if you don't read Thai get a Thai friend, wife, g/f to read them for you.

What the Thais have to say about this

So what do you think will happen will the 2 girls driving the car be prosecuted or not ?

Could someone explain what is going on with the girl who was the driver of the car? Is there some kind of cover-up because she comes from a wealthy family? Is that right or are these just rumors?

She comes from one of the most famous families in Thailand, just check out the name. Apparently all blame is now being passed to the driver of the Minivan, although pictures on the website given above prove different.


OK - So Here's the story from the Thai language websites

Rather than ranting about what Thais are, what Thai minibus drivers are and the usual garbage that comes from assumptions I thought I'd check out the news on the Thai language news websites - The most popular web forum in Thailand (again a Thai language website) covers the story very well.

The first reports that came from the accident reported that the Honda Civic caused the accident and that there were two people in the Honda - Miss A and Miss B.

The first reports where that Miss A was driving the Honda at the time of the accident.

The later reports stated that no - Miss B was driving the Honda and also included suggestions that the driver of the Minivan was at fault.

When we here that Miss A is 16 years old (not legally allowed to drive a vehicle) and that both Miss A and Miss B are sisters with a very well connected family name we begin to see that it just would not do for these young ladies to be accused, let alone found guilty of road killing.

Meanwhile those accusing the passengers of the Minivan of the heinous crime of being ill educated might like to retract their statement on learning the were for the most part highly educated (a number graduates of overseas universities).

Look for the driver of the minivan being blamed and Miss A/B Na-an old capital of Thailand being let off the hook and easing their consciences with a few days at the local temple..... though they may not stay over night... the poor dears.

Getting all self righteous about being able to read Thai but doesn't know the difference between 'here' and 'hear', :rolleyes:


Rest in peace. Horrific accident also in Korat Saturday. Sympathy to the families. In God we trust.

Rest in peace yes........In God we trust...........no way! Life is up to each and every one of us! Nobody else!

I agree completely! These irresponsable idiots, if not having committed suicide by their actions, should be publically hung, drawn and quartered for the murder of others and the grief they bring to associated families.



OK - So Here's the story from the Thai language websites

Rather than ranting about what Thais are, what Thai minibus drivers are and the usual garbage that comes from assumptions I thought I'd check out the news on the Thai language news websites - The most popular web forum in Thailand (again a Thai language website) covers the story very well.

The first reports that came from the accident reported that the Honda Civic caused the accident and that there were two people in the Honda - Miss A and Miss B.

The first reports where that Miss A was driving the Honda at the time of the accident.

The later reports stated that no - Miss B was driving the Honda and also included suggestions that the driver of the Minivan was at fault.

When we here that Miss A is 16 years old (not legally allowed to drive a vehicle) and that both Miss A and Miss B are sisters with a very well connected family name we begin to see that it just would not do for these young ladies to be accused, let alone found guilty of road killing.

Meanwhile those accusing the passengers of the Minivan of the heinous crime of being ill educated might like to retract their statement on learning the were for the most part highly educated (a number graduates of overseas universities).

Look for the driver of the minivan being blamed and Miss A/B Na-an old capital of Thailand being let off the hook and easing their consciences with a few days at the local temple..... though they may not stay over night... the poor dears.

Getting all self righteous about being able to read Thai but doesn't know the difference between 'here' and 'hear', :rolleyes:

Just forget it, remember the forum rules and also at least it is better than the attempt the Nation have made.

Also this is the Thailand news forum not the teaching forum.


Rest in peace. Horrific accident also in Korat Saturday. Sympathy to the families. In God we trust.

Rest in peace yes........In God we trust...........no way! Life is up to each and every one of us! Nobody else!

I agree completely! These irresponsable idiots, if not having committed suicide by their actions, should be publically hung, drawn and quartered for the murder of others and the grief they bring to associated families.


That really won't bring anyone back and I doubt it would heal the grief of the victims families. From the pictures of the crash it does look like an accident, however tragic the outcome.


For those who read Thai see the comments under the attached link, if you don't read Thai get a Thai friend, wife, g/f to read them for you.

What the Thais have to say about this

So what do you think will happen will the 2 girls driving the car be prosecuted or not ?

Could someone explain what is going on with the girl who was the driver of the car? Is there some kind of cover-up because she comes from a wealthy family? Is that right or are these just rumors?

She comes from one of the most famous families in Thailand, just check out the name. Apparently all blame is now being passed to the driver of the Minivan, although pictures on the website given above prove different.

Lucky SHE then (((-: Remember the Mercedes into a bus stop story or another nice guy who shot somebody in a disco full with eyewittnesses which later cant remember anything TIT ....some of the guys even get a government post after doing things like that, and if it is checking public toilets :rolleyes:

Oh yeah btw. Does anyone here ever realized an OPEN AIRBAG after an accident took place??????? Sorry just a simple question, I DONT. Funny but my car has airbags too.....at least they write it on the wheel and on the passengers front seat. ANY PROOF they are really in there?

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