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Driver Of Sedan In Bangkok Horror Road Accident Was A 16-Year Old Girl

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You do realise there is a Facebook group of 250,000 blood-thirty Thais who are calling for things really quite vile and disturbing and horrific to be done.

The sheer lying and maliciously false claims being made over and over (with evidence disproving them repeatedly simply ignored in lieu of propagating hate) is simply vile and shames Thailand in ways that are really more tragically sad than anything else.

Yes I do realise that scooter, its absolutely disgusting, very vile and disturbing.

I also agree that the behaviour of those people responsible online for those sort of acts should also be dealt with, its just highly inappropriate for the situation, its disgusting human behaviour.

Since you feel so strongly about it, you should spend your time trying to voice your opinion to those people instead of beating everyone here on this particular thread over the head with it. No such claims here have been made & if they were I am sure the TV Mods would deal with it very swiftly.

Its a great idea that you concentrate your efforts elsewhere, clearly here your talent is being wasted. Good luck and good day. I hope some common sense prevails, although many of us realise that probably wont happen.

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I saved the flv-file from YouTube, cannot attach it here since TV has some very weird upload-rules reg. allowed file-types.

It is located on page 8 in thread "Eight People Killed In Grisly Bangkok Tollway Accident".

Any clue how where I can actually download this to clean it up and repost it?

Well, here's the YouTube link:

And here's how you make a video file of it:


Or maybe this one:


So did you have any luck with that Nisa? There are other free software programs you can download to play it in slow motion once you make a video file.


You do realise there is a Facebook group of 250,000 blood-thirty Thais who are calling for things really quite vile and disturbing and horrific to be done.


That is quite a label you have chosen there. Can you actually read what they have written on the site? Do you understand the idea of an apology and admission of fault?

It seems you are free to make unsupported claims as you wish, but anything contrary to your 'opinion' is void?

As I see it,

1. There was a horrific accident that saw 9 people lose their lives.

2. Video footage shows parts of the incident (crucial evidence in my mind), catching a collision between at least 2 vehicles, where one rear-ended the other.

3. There is photographic evidence of the 'suspect's' car with significant front-end damage.

4. The main 'suspect' has still not been interviewed by Police and won't be until next Wednesday as far as I am aware.

5. The family of the main 'suspect' evidently has very influential connections.

It is the COMBINATION of all of these things and much more that is causing such an outrage - the issue is not the 'suspect's' age (although ironically for you it seems she isn't 16 at all). That is an issue for retribution which is essentially irrelevant until formal charges have been laid. I don't care if a Buffalo were driving the white sedan - then the Buffalo is to blame..........bad Buffalo! Believe it or not someone is to blame!

As previously mentioned, if a laborer were driving a pickup that hit the van, we would have seen a very different sequence of events occur.

Here are some links (some re-linked) for those who wish to see them:


http://www.rip8tu.tk/ (site apparently based in Tokelau)



I am certainly NOT for any mob mentality hang-em-high.........and I genuinely believe that Thai people as a culture do not want that - they are smart enough to know it will not bring back those who have left us.

But if a society wants to claim it operates in a particular manner, then that is exactly what the members of that society will expect.


That is quite a label you have chosen there. Can you actually read what they have written on the site?

I reported some vile comments using the Facebook system but I think they had already been flagged a bunch cause they disappeared far too quickly for my reports to have been the trigger.

I can only read what Google Translate delivers. It's enough, when you're reading hate and threats of violence. The key words stand out, the messages of hatred are received with chills.

People broke into her hospital room. The hospital requested she leave. There has been an endless stream of death threats and vile stuff directed at her family after their personal info was published.

Do you understand the idea of an apology and admission of fault?

Yes. I'm quite sure you do not. You would have her plead Guilty to the crimes levied against her by this vile mob? Are you oblivious to the nature of judicial proceedings and coerced admissions of guilt? Wake up.

She would be STUPID to assuage this mob by pleading Guilty to crimes she hasn't even committed before the trial. Anyone demanding she do so is either despicable or idiotic.

The problem here is sheer ignorance. As evidenced by your inability to understand what - ohh - a 16-year-old who's watched a single episode of Law and Order would understand.

Believe it or not someone is to blame!

Yes. This stupid mob is to blame. They demand justice but they do not even understand the concept. They demand democracy whilst they burn down buildings and hijack shopping malls and plant their children on the barricades.

They're infuriating because they are their own worst enemies. They scream for this poor child to be (insert ridiculous range of mob-sentences here) months after violently hijacking the CBD purely in an attempt to return a convicted criminal to power with an amnesty for his crimes.

They wax lyrical about their tragic lot, corrupt police, blah blah - they were happy for thousands of extra-judicial killings to be conducted by those police not that long ago. They have expressed no desire to ensure Thaksin or those police who pulled triggers and killed innocents face justice.

No one wants to talk about the estimated maybe 1 million teenage girls effectively brainwashed from a young age into thinking their extended families need them to work on their backs in the seedy and surely torturous / unfathomably dangerous sex industry. Where's the upswelling of outrage and demands for justice for their own daughters?

Enough of this madness! Please.

As previously mentioned, if a laborer were driving a pickup that hit the van, we would have seen a very different sequence of events occur.

But if a society wants to claim it operates in a particular manner, then that is exactly what the members of that society will expect.

And if Thaksin was driving that pickup? If Thaksin behaves in a particular manner?

They don't want justice. They don't even understand the concept. They don't understand that a child is facing a ten-year prison sentence for...? Being a silly child who doesn't understand the realities of high-speed highway driving and who might have clipped a van whilst overtaking? Who then had the audacity to use her phone after crawling out of her totalled car injured and likely not exactly functioning at full mental capacity?

Would you be functioning at your full mental capacity? What's your excuse for demanding she plead Guilty to crimes ordained by a mob demanding she admit culpability for the deaths of ten people before the trial starts which will determine the rest of her life?

What's YOUR excuse? Have you had some traumatic event? Have you just escaped death and surrounded by horror and blood and injuries? At 16 years of age?

Do YOU have an excuse for your failures?

Enough. For heaven's sake...

(edited to be irrationally 'softer' than the fully deserved initial wording...sensitive to sensitivities etc)


Need more than the above? I only went back two pages for those.

You've supplied nothing. You made an allegation about me, that I have stated something that isnt correct perhaps. Im simply asking you to provide an example of that, so far, you have nothing.

:lol: Looks like Nisa has managed to prove that they have no idea what they are talking about. :whistling:


Need more than the above? I only went back two pages for those.

You've supplied nothing. You made an allegation about me, that I have stated something that isnt correct perhaps. Im simply asking you to provide an example of that, so far, you have nothing.

:lol: Looks like Nisa has managed to prove that they have no idea what they are talking about. :whistling:

Yes, very Nisappointing. ;)


I just learnt, from word of mouth, that another person has passed away as a result of this incident?.. bringing a total of 9 fatalities?

Is this true?


I just learnt, from word of mouth, that another person has passed away as a result of this incident?.. bringing a total of 9 fatalities?

Is this true?

Apparently so, either last night or this morning. :(


I just learnt, from word of mouth, that another person has passed away as a result of this incident?.. bringing a total of 9 fatalities?

Is this true?

Apparently so, either last night or this morning. :(

Thanks for the update. Also got the news from another news source (edited to follow forum rules).

How sad... a 4th year student... So much to look forward to.

Watching channel 3 now, report saying the mother and teen visited the injured.


so basically everyone who died in this crash were the kind of people thailand needs more of? even the bus driver seem to have been one of the good ones.

this accident is really going against my beliefs in karma, unless it turns out the hang em high crowd fixes a lot of problem with corruption


so basically everyone who died in this crash were the kind of people thailand needs more of? even the bus driver seem to have been one of the good ones.

this accident is really going against my beliefs in karma, unless it turns out the hang em high crowd fixes a lot of problem with corruption

With all do respect for the dead ... people are usually viewed better after they die , especially given tragic circumstances like this. When a store clerk is shot and killed by a robber we are told he has a wife and kid but nobody is going to report he had a history of beating them. Bottom line it is a waste of life no matter who these people were and as for karma, it is not always visited in this life.


Quote from the OP: " They said persons of that age were not entitled to a driver's licence, nor could they be fully subject to criminal and civil liability for deaths and damage." By this logic anyone who is underage for a firearms licence can illegally get a gun and cause untold damage but not be fully responsible :blink:

This basically, is the law, to protect minors. Many Thai hate that rediculous law. One of the wife's customers came in last night just before we closed at 10:30pm, and on the wife's pc, showed this girls facebook page. She is indeed 18, going to a university, and family is concealing best as they can, her true age, just to protect her from prosecution. Also, she posted in her facebook, a picture of the accident, and a shot of herself with a macho stance and expression, as if proud of her power. This morning, her facebook acct has been closed so no one can access it. I suppose someone smarter than her, told her she better shut it down. This drama will continue I think.

Not only may she be 18 years old but according to another website the car belonged to her. She posted a picture on June 23 showing the car and saying how proud she was of it.

I have no idea if this page is fake or real.


Not only may she be 18 years old but according to another website the car belonged to her. She posted a picture on June 23 showing the car and saying how proud she was of it.

I have no idea if this page is fake or real.

Let me guess, you saw the picture with wrong car on a Facebook account called 'anti-preawa'?

Yeah, that'll be an objective source.


Not only may she be 18 years old but according to another website the car belonged to her. She posted a picture on June 23 showing the car and saying how proud she was of it.

I have no idea if this page is fake or real.

Let me guess, you saw the picture with wrong car on a Facebook account called 'anti-preawa'?

Yeah, that'll be an objective source.

No. It's not that Facebook account. I don't know if i am allowed to post the source here or not but it was taken from her own Facebook account as I mentioned on 23 June 2010.


Not only may she be 18 years old but according to another website the car belonged to her. She posted a picture on June 23 showing the car and saying how proud she was of it.

I have no idea if this page is fake or real.

Let me guess, you saw the picture with wrong car on a Facebook account called 'anti-preawa'?

Yeah, that'll be an objective source.

No. It's not that Facebook account. I don't know if i am allowed to post the source here or not but it was taken from her own Facebook account as I mentioned on 23 June 2010.

It is not illegal to post links to Facebook - done several times in these threads - so go ahead.

I do however think you will most likely find that most alleged sources calling it being her account etc might not be correct. But I am willing to be proven wrong.



I typed this manually so I hope it works. By the way it's in Thai.


I was just going to mention the Honda forum/members club which she is on. Seems someone else found it too. Looks like they forgot to delete her acct.


I have no idea if this girl caused the accident and no rational person can be sure of this at this point especially given all the emotionally charged misinformation being spread out there regarding this tragedy. But assuming she did, through carelessness or mistake cause this accident and not through drugs or drinking, there would be no reason under the law to lock her up unless there was a likely hood she would re-offend or posed a danger to others.

Others would argue differently. We are allowed to have different opinions. Please don't turn this thread into one where you can launch attacks regarding your cuddly little belief that nobody should be in jail. Make another thread.

What if she like most thai women was using her BB at the time of the accident, then in that case she should be prosecuted.

Do you understand the idea of an apology and admission of fault?

Yes. I'm quite sure you do not. You would have her plead Guilty to the crimes levied against her by this vile mob? Are you oblivious to the nature of judicial proceedings and coerced admissions of guilt? Wake up.

She would be STUPID to assuage this mob by pleading Guilty to crimes she hasn't even committed before the trial. Anyone demanding she do so is either despicable or idiotic.

The problem here is sheer ignorance. As evidenced by your inability to understand what - ohh - a 16-year-old who's watched a single episode of Law and Order would understand.

Believe it or not someone is to blame!

Yes. This stupid mob is to blame. They demand justice but they do not even understand the concept. They demand democracy whilst they burn down buildings and hijack shopping malls and plant their children on the barricades.

They're infuriating because they are their own worst enemies. They scream for this poor child to be (insert ridiculous range of mob-sentences here) months after violently hijacking the CBD purely in an attempt to return a convicted criminal to power with an amnesty for his crimes.

They wax lyrical about their tragic lot, corrupt police, blah blah - they were happy for thousands of extra-judicial killings to be conducted by those police not that long ago. They have expressed no desire to ensure Thaksin or those police who pulled triggers and killed innocents face justice.

No one wants to talk about the estimated maybe 1 million teenage girls effectively brainwashed from a young age into thinking their extended families need them to work on their backs in the seedy and surely torturous / unfathomably dangerous sex industry. Where's the upswelling of outrage and demands for justice for their own daughters?

Apologies for having to quote such a ridiculously long post, but seriously.....

Double WOW! But I am starting to understand where you are coming from:

1. I don't mean offense but I am guessing your age starts with a 2, as Google Translate is NOT a place you can get good data.

--> Example: Data entered to Google Translate -- This person does not know what she is talking about! (khon khon nee-mai roo rok na' ter gam-lang pood reang arai yoo!)

Data output from Google Translate -- This man do not know what you're talking about!

See what I mean? Get the drift?

2. Why are you so sure I would not understand the idea of an apology and admission of fault?

I don't get this at all? Have you seen the front of her car? I may not have watched TV for the last 10 years, but I can assure you that no one sitting a bar exam will be taking their notes from a TV drama! ;) But this does explain where you are coming from. The world does not work like it does on TV dramas - sorry to burst that bubble for you. You can create whatever sort of reality you want in your head as to how cars work, how many horse powers they have, and how important the children are. But the facts still remain: *Significant front-end damage to sedan, *Admission the sedan driver was unlicensed, speeding and of questionable age, *CCTV footage and the rest. And I am sure the truth will come out - physics tends to be fairly reliable in this world.

3. And the stupid mob is to blame?

What on earth are you going on about? How can a mob of people who didn't exist at the time, cause a van to spin on an elevated freeway, ultimately leading to the deaths of 9 people? No really - I wanna get my head around this one???

What has this issue got to do with the sex industry here, or Thaksin, or protesters? I have no idea what you are on about.

4. What part of the word 'laborer' do you not understand?

As had been mentioned - if a laborer had been driving a pickup that was involved with the van losing control - then we would have seen a very different sequence of events! What has this to do with Thaksin?

5. Being a silly child?

I'm still trying to work this one out. Didn't hear about any childish behavior. I guess children carrying guns and killing people are not responsible either.....hmmmm - poor little things......

Where do you get 'might have clipped the van' from? Seriously.......have you looked at any of the few pieces of hard evidence there are?

Where did you get 'crawling out of her car' from? Have you seen any of the pictures from after the crash (including the one at the top of this thread)? Was she unable to move properly after the accident?

I don't know what you are getting at re: full mental capacity? She is supposed to be 16, there are dead bodies all around her, and she is all alone.....how would you feel/behave? No, seriously - think about it......

I really don't have any excuse for this.

I am a guest in this country and am merely following an event of a nature I am not familiar with (only having lived in developed countries).

I feel that your comments involve issues unrelated to this incident.

I have no excuse for failures - in fact that's often the best way we learn - the universe's little way of balancing things out.

The truth always has a way of coming out.....and I am sure it will.

You can fool some of the people some of the time, but you cant fool all of them all the time!


2. Why are you so sure I would not understand the idea of an apology and admission of fault?

What is obvious to me isn't always obvious to others, but are you serious?

You know when you are charged with a crime, and there is a court case (still with me?), generally pretty early on in the proceedings, the magistrate / judge will ask you to enter a plea. (am I going too fast for you?)

Generally speaking, you get two main options. You can plead either Not Guilty or Guilty to the charge/s.

Your barrister / lawyer will generally weigh up the myriad of factors and usually advise you to plead Not Guilty as the burden of proof is on the prosecution. If the evidence is overwhelmingly not in your favour, you might plead Guilty or endeavour to plead out.

Generally speaking, it would not be advisable to plead Guilty until the appropriate moment when you are required to enter a plea by the magistrate.

If she gives the 260,000 idiots what they are demanding, she is entering a Guilty plea for a charge for which she could receive a 10 year prison sentence. She cannot apologise for causing the accident and then plead Not Guilty to the charges in court. Confessions of guilt are serious business.

With her life at stake, why would you demand she apologise to the victims of the accident and automatically plead Guilty to a charge being brought against her by police who are being coerced into prosecuting a child for an traffic accident at high speed (which was likely the fault of both drivers, as these things tend to go). Why would you be so dull as to demand such a thing, and get so angry when she is prevented from giving you what you want?

3. And the stupid mob is to blame?

What on earth are you going on about? How can a mob of people who didn't exist at the time, cause a van to spin on an elevated freeway, ultimately leading to the deaths of 9 people? No really - I wanna get my head around this one???

What has this issue got to do with the sex industry here, or Thaksin, or protesters? I have no idea what you are on about.

Yes, the stupidity of the 25,000,000 mob is to blame. Ignorance and misplaced anger is always to blame. For almost every tragedy / injustice in the world.

If you and your friends were brighter, you wouldn't be trying to take out your 'frustrations' onto a little child who was driving a car which had contact with another vehicle at high speed. You want to focus on injustices? Pick some valid injustices and swing away. May I suggest a couple?

1. Thaksin.

2. Exploitation of daughters by their extended families.

You all are foaming at your collective mouth at the gross pattern of injustice being displayed by the police immediately following the accident. You can't stand the idea that a little girl won't be punished for her immaturity.


There is a "double standard" here, buddy. Stare long and hard, focus intently, and see if you can't...pick it up.

I don't know what you are getting at re: full mental capacity? She is supposed to be 16, there are dead bodies all around her, and she is all alone.....how would you feel/behave?

I was involved in a very similar incident when I was 17. I was lucky, no one got a scratch (the cars were written-off, however). I dozed off at the wheel momentarily at the end of a week cramming for exams doing all-nighters. I can tell you how I'd feel / behave. I imagine I would be in severe shock, as a result of the sheer trauma of the high-speed impact.

I feel that your comments involve issues unrelated to this incident.

They're very much all inter-related. This is not a mob who cares about justice. This is a mob whipped into action by those with a specific agenda, who are attempting to conduct a very specific political campaign in Thailand. A campaign which would likely not be supported by anyone who shares this child's last name. Which is what this is really all about...

Nothing is more disgusting than hypocrisy which displays in such a nauseating fashion. Thaksin is allowed to commit crimes with impunity? But this poor child must do 10 years in the big house for a high-speed traffic accident?

And y'all have the nerve to talk about double standards. ugh.


2. Why are you so sure I would not understand the idea of an apology and admission of fault?


well (theycallmescooter) apart from the slanging match thats going on--you are just hell bent on putting on this show, determined to not sway a little BOTH sides of the fence. Sorry for this -but I detect a female leaning on this, it must be how your coming across to readers, as though your protecting her MORE than the norm. Would think if it were a young man ( not come over as strong) a gut feeling and NOT personal. There are some good points in some things you say-but most seems to be 70 per cent anti readers points of view. This is not a gang up on you, but a lot of people here from all different walks of life can,t be wrong

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