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M'sia Expects 24.6 Million Tourist Arrivals In 2010

PETALING JAYA, Aug 24 (Bernama) -- Malaysia expects a total of 24.6 million tourist arrivals with RM59.4 billion receipts in 2010 via Visit Malaysia Year and Malaysia Welcomes The World programme, Tourism Ministry Secretary-General Datuk Dr Victor Wee said Wednesday.

He said a total of 16.5 million tourists were expected to visit Malaysia this year bringing in receipts of RM35 billion for the country, and compared to last year, the industry recorded over 55 percent growth or a total of 15 million from 2003.

"Visit Malaysia Year, beginning this year to 2007 will be showered with events and year round promotions in order to attract 20 million tourist arrivals, he said in his keynote paper titled "Malaysia as a Shopping Destination" at the Asian Conference of Shopping Centres 2005 here.

"This programme, with an allocation of RM100 million, is organised in conjunction with the 50th Merdeka Celebration in 2007," he said.

On the Malaysia Welcomes The World programme (2005-2007), Wee said some RM35 million had been allocated to enhance infrastructures, increase manpower as well as providing more professional training, for the purpose of understanding the importance of tourists for the country.

Wee said although tourist accommodation remained important, the ministry was looking into the prospects of building shopping complexes as a major attraction.

Singapore and Hong Kong for example, allocates nearly 50 percent towards shopping given that this component is an important gear for tourism and is unlimited, he said, quoting a saying: "Shop till you drop dead".

On the 50 percent drop in Chinese tourist arrivals, Wee said: "Basically, we are looking at the figure and the reasons for the drop. The drop is not only in Malaysia. Thailand and Singapore also experience a similar drop".

He said China had opened up over 60 new tourist destinations, and due to that, domestic tourists had been drawn to those areas, and secondly, with the ongoing election in China, its citizens preferred to stay in their homeland.

"Maybe there is a slight decline in the number but this is just for temporary. Anyway, we have to work much harder to compete and to attract more tourists to our country as tourism is now considered one of the main vehicles of Malaysia's economic development and a good value destination," he said.

On the government's role, he said, the necessary support would be provided to the industry through creating awareness for frontliners and developing various strengths of different states to attract tourists.


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'On the Malaysia Welcomes The World programme (2005-2007), Wee said some RM35 million had been allocated to enhance infrastructures, increase manpower as well as providing more professional training, for the purpose of understanding the importance of tourists for the country.'

Ah yes, understanding the importance..........

1am closing, no lunch time drink with your meal, hassle by drugs police when you hate all forms of drugs and only go to respectable bars........

Thailand will drive the the tourists away. :o

To Malaysia and elsewhere.

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He said a total of 16.5 million tourists were expected to visit Malaysia this year bringing in receipts of RM35 billion for the country, and compared to last year, the industry recorded over 55 percent growth or a total of 15 million from 2003.

I wonder how much these overall tourist numbers are padded by Singaporean day-trippers who cross the Causeway to shop/eat/etc. in Johor Bahru?

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He said a total of 16.5 million tourists were expected to visit Malaysia this year bringing in receipts of RM35 billion for the country, and compared to last year, the industry recorded over 55 percent growth or a total of 15 million from 2003.

I wonder how much these overall tourist numbers are padded by Singaporean day-trippers who cross the Causeway to shop/eat/etc. in Johor Bahru?

Quite a large amount I should imagine, although when you look at Malaysia's visa's, better infrastucture, service, later closing times, and overal better treatment and more rights, it is looking increasingly attractive. Both to tourists and expats.

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'On the Malaysia Welcomes The World programme (2005-2007), Wee said some RM35 million had been allocated to enhance infrastructures, increase manpower as well as providing more professional training, for the purpose of understanding the importance of tourists for the country.'

Ah yes, understanding the importance..........

1am closing, no lunch time drink with your meal, hassle by drugs police when you hate all forms of drugs and only go to respectable bars........

Thailand will drive the the tourists away.  :o

To Malaysia and elsewhere.

Thailand will drive the the tourists away. :D:D:D

Fewer tourists coming to Thailand is great news for the Farang.

Less crowds, better exchange rates, more rooms available, all positives for Khun Farang.

Malaysia's Gain = Thailand Farang Gain

Yes, from deductive logic you can now see: Thailand's loss is the Farang's Gain and vice versa. If Thailand got 20 MM tourists they would (continue to) kick out Farangs and close down Farang venues.

Fortunately, they are slow learners and the numbers will continue to drop. Baht per $ going to 50+ once again. YIPPIEEEEEE!!!!! Looking forward to seeing that look of complete amazement on all the ministers faces.

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