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A Tessaban Joke?

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The recent floods damaged our beachfront massively. We got some sand but due to more rain we were not able to complete the work till now. The weather prospects seemed brighter and the work started again. Trucks unload sand and a digging machine distributes the sand. Truck and machine have to cross one part on the plot which is still muddy. Today a guy from tessaban came and complained that the ring road got dirtied by the truck. Do we have to clean the tyres of the truck/machine now with a garden hose before they leave our plot???

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I believe it to be the same as Western Countries where you must ensure tyres are cleaned before leaving site,

So I guess being Farang you would be even more responsible for cleaning tyres before leaving your site.

I know you see it all the time here....trucks with dirty wheels hitting the road, but there are two sets of rules.

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To the OP KeppSamuiClean.

Please keep Samui clean. ;)

Had to come....., but was not thinking in 2007 of the roads...., more about the overwhelming constructions etc. Now I will take it serious! When you see a female farang cleaning the road in direction Nathon close to the recycling place after heavy rain, then it's me!

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well there is no shortage of water for cleaning might aswell use it all up then the thesaan baan can complain that we hve no water in august and turn off all our govment water then charge us a service charge for doing it.

then again every country in the world has stupid laws and ways of doing things.

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If it was to be a regular thing a lot of construction companies here in Oz use a metal grate that shakes the mud off . The trucks drive over the grate and the vibration dislodges the mud. I doubt that you would want to go to that expense but everytime you hose the mud off you create more mud unless it is well drained and if it waswell drained you would not have the problem in the first place.

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