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We Humans


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I was traveling here on Earth once, and that was a serious mistake.

Humans how are they? So silly so vain so alone with so many around us yet we ignore who we are.

When I died I was ask if I want to open the door of my deeds and I said ~~NO! ~~Let me go back and change my past. There are some things I want to change, with a pat on the back I was granted a return as I am.

But it was not the things of the past I was to change, it was the things in the future I could, but only change one thing.

That thing is I & you, how we see each other, be it bad, good or indifferent change only one thing, that 1 thing is to love each other as you would want to be loved.

I love you all even if I am alone.

Sam :o

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