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They Bought Cars But Don'T Know How To Drive.


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I think due to the lack of driver training and rule enforcement, that Thais do generally drive more dangerously than in the west

Now since I said that I guess I should go home

ive been driving(car) in chiang mai, for five years now,and ive found you need eyes in the back of your head here,but as long as you concentrate 100% and indicate early,driving in chaing mai,is okay,now i hope ive not jinked myself.

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I have a Thai friend who is only too willing to tell whoever that she paid 400 Baht for her driving license, she does not; in my opinion see any difference between passing a driving test or simply paying to get a license. She will knock any other road user for a minor infraction of what she see as bad driving, sometimes getting it totally wrong leaving me and her husband squirming in our seats. I joke with her when we see bad driving that there’s no way that driver paid enough for their license, maybe only 200 Baht.

My favorite driving style in Thailand involves ‘bend and corners’ my friend wife has informed me; “you have to go slow at bends or the car will fall over” do I need to say any more? One strange thing; why is it that most vehicles owned and driven by Thai drivers, the steering wheels only move a third, (left or right) of what I would consider a normal steering range. Is it to do with that falling over thing again?

It’s not all bad though, I feel even with the lack of applied high way code, and some basic understanding as to the size of the vehicle they are driving, things generally seem to run ok. I put this down to most car/pick-up and lorry drivers all started out riding motorbikes, and whether you like bikes or not, experienced motorbike riders make the best road users. The problem is in the main the ex-bike riders try to maneuver there pick-ups like they did their bikes.

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While we're ranting on Thai drivers, I would like to join in on a few of my pet peeves on Thai drivers....before this topic gets closed by the mods, as it will.

1] The opposite directional motorcycle drivers

2] the MC [and car] drivers that just jump into traffic without looking

3] Thai drivers [mostly] drive way too fast or way too slow, where I try to drive at medium speeds.

4] the black Fortunas!! and most black trucks.....thinking they are macho

5] songtheows

6] the noodle shops on wheels with out lites

7] the da#&nm dogs

Just a few of my pet peeves, but in all fairness to Thai drivers, the Philipino drivers are much worse,by a factor of 10.

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2] the MC [and car] drivers that just jump into traffic without looking

Right, or the ones that take FOREVER to merge into a lane and just sit there waiting for all 3 lanes to clear so they can move immediately to the far lane for a right turn or U-turn. (Instead of just merging in and then merging to the right.)

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A reminder to members of forum netiquette.

3. If possible please proofread your post first, poor grammar and spelling can make the post difficult to understand. However be aware that not every member is a native english speaker and excessive posts regarding others spelling and grammar not only hijacks the topic but is poor netiquette.

And from forum rules:

However English is not always the first language of our members so don't waste space correcting other members' grammar and spelling where it isn't necessary.
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When being critical of someone's use of the English language, you should be sure to not make your own mistakes. 'Punctuation's' is not a word. As used, 'Thai's' and 'Farang's' do not have apostrophes and 'dont' does have an apostrophe.

Since the sarcasm seems to have escaped you, WTK was doing that on purpose

In other news, let's just call this thread what it is...


Sigh...I'm sad to see that 2011 is going to be no different than 2010 with regards to thinly-veiled racism on the TV boards.

Thank you! Yes, that was exactly my sentiment as well, and my main reason for responding in a negative manner. I should have called it what it is of course like you did instead of hitting him on a side issue. Either way I appreciate you putting my feelings into words! :thumbsup:

This was an example of the kind of phrase (and sentiment) that I really dislike:

"By the way, there is NO logic in the way Thai's drive, they are oblivious to any other road users and think they are the only ones on the road."

But maybe it's me.. it's only so many instances of 'The Thais this or those Thais that!" before it makes me feel bad. Now, I don't mind to have a discussion on 'driving skills' as we all see around us, but it seems unnecessary to show anti-Thai sentiment in such a discussion. (Or any discussion).

Edited by WinnieTheKhwai
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When being critical of someone's use of the English language, you should be sure to not make your own mistakes. 'Punctuation's' is not a word. As used, 'Thai's' and 'Farang's' do not have apostrophes and 'dont' does have an apostrophe.

Since the sarcasm seems to have escaped you, WTK was doing that on purpose

In other news, let's just call this thread what it is...


Sigh...I'm sad to see that 2011 is going to be no different than 2010 with regards to thinly-veiled racism on the TV boards.

Thank you! Yes, that was exactly my sentiment as well, and my main reason for responding in a negative manner. I should have called it what it is of course like you did instead of hitting him on a side issue. Either way I appreciate you putting my feelings into words! :thumbsup:

This was an example of the kind of phrase (and sentiment) that I really dislike:

"By the way, there is NO logic in the way Thai's drive, they are oblivious to any other road users and think they are the only ones on the road."

But maybe it's me.. it's only so many instances of 'The Thais this or those Thais that!" before it makes me feel bad. Now, I don't mind to have a discussion on 'driving skills' as we all see around us, but it seems unnecessary to show anti-Thai sentiment in such a discussion. (Or any discussion).

When someone raves about Thai food, or Thai massage, or any other culturally specific thing.. Is that racist ??

Its a forum.. people moan.. Sweeping generalizations are used.. So what..

Or are you of the opinion that Thai drivers are in general superb, safe, well trained, etc ??

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Realthaideal and Orang37 both summed up what I meant to convey, perfectly. Of course, they actually know me and how I think. :lol: :jap:

I'm not complaining at all. I like things as they are. The very things we complain about in Thailand are often the things that make it so endearing... even if somewhat dangerous riding a motorbike in Thai traffic. We have a freedom here that has been eroded away in the west where everyone must act and perform like little robots. B)

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When someone raves about Thai food, or Thai massage, or any other culturally specific thing.. Is that racist ??

Thai is an adjective in the above. It describes a specific cuisine, or massage style. Similarly I have no issues with 'traffic in Thailand'.

But there is a line somewhere, which is in the forum rules but clearly remains a grey area. Some examples:

* "They bought cars but don't know how to drive."

* "There is NO logic in the way Thai's drive, they are oblivious to any other road users and think they are the only ones on the road."

* "30 seconds seems to be a lifetime too long for many Thai drivers to consider. "

I dislike those kind of statements, but have no trouble with:

* "I watched a fellow the other day turn down a single lane road, the wrong way, he had to back up due to oncoming vehicles, and he managed to scrape the entire right side of his new SUV along a concrete wall"

Or are you of the opinion that Thai drivers are in general superb, safe, well trained, etc ??

Many are much better drivers than I am. Many are much worse. Overall the lack of effective enforcement of the traffic rules causes some pretty outrageous stuff that a minority of drivers get away with. Those are highly dangerous and really stand out.

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you all forget one thing, dont try to compare thailand to whereever you come from

They do their thing...one way or another.. ! live with it.

Want to change ? maybe anothrt 50 years....HAPPY NEW YEAR

Hi taurus8……HAPPY NEW YEAR!

If you don’t mind me saying you forgot something; if we lived by your guide lines there would be bugger all to read or write about on TV! Personally I would have liked to see you finish your post off with, it’s a favorite of mine….That old chestnut; “If you don’t like it here then go back to where you come from” or something along those lines.

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Actually with the infrastructure being as inadequate as it is I am surprised there is not more accidents,

I lived in the lower mainlands in the 70s and early 80s.. That is Vancouver BC and the surrounding communities. They had a lot of Asian people there and they pretty much all drove like the Chiang Mai Thais.

Our problem is we grew up with a different out look on it. Consequently it is hard to accept there style. Cheer up it could get worse. Last time we were in Phnom Phin My Thai wife said she would not even ride her motor bike there.

I get my jollies out of watching the farongs wondering why they don't drive like back home. And to try to tell them is a lost cause.. Heck where I come from In Canada we have what is called Alberta drivers. They are hopeless also.Just sit back and watch the show.

Funny thing it’s a bit of a standing joke in the UK, well it is where I lived about Asians behind the wheel of cars. It all came home to me in a real way and confirmed to me how I saw Asian drivers long before moving to Thailand. I started dating an Asian woman, from Hong Kong, She was a nice and I though a stable person, with all her marbles in the right place till she drove me somewhere one day!

After our seeing each other for about two weeks she told me she had to go to court, she told me some stupid woman had walked out into the road and tried to stop her from driving away after she had pick her kids up from school, and this nasty woman had told the police, “not my fault” she said.

Long story short, she gets her court date, and I went with her for moral support……………………..OMG! Turns out that stupid woman was a lolly-pop lady……..on a zebra crossing, at the end of the school day trying to escort kids across the road. My then girlfriend apparently didn’t want to stop, as she didn’t like the woman and was late. She was the same girlfriend who pulled a knife on me two years later, Asian’s one thing they aren’t……..Boring.

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you all forget one thing, dont try to compare thailand to whereever you come from

They do their thing...one way or another.. ! live with it.

Want to change ? maybe anothrt 50 years....HAPPY NEW YEAR

I think there is nothing wrong with comparing one country with another, though maybe we should try to understand the differences and why they exist

Writing that the Thais don't know how to drive was probably meant to stir up some comment. Poor choice of words but I doubt if it was meant to be an anti-Thai comment

The topic is hardly contentious, driving standards vary all over the world and the Thais mostly have their way of coping with the standard of driving here

"Living with it" may be appropriate for driving. That after all is the "mai bhen rai " Thai way. There are more unacceptable parts of Thai life though, that in my view, should not fall into the Maibhenrai category - the endemic corruption and the unbalanced scales of justice are examples. More contentious but more serious. Most Thais and,unfortunately' some farangs follow their lead and turn a blind eye. Social pressure may force the average Thai into that position but it should be fair comment in a farang forum.

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We all bitch and moan about Asian drivers and road conditions, but I notice that when I go back to the west, DRIVING IS BORING......NOT EXCITING like here. :jap:

So boring that you just get into the car and drive to your destination with no near death experiences......how boring. <_<

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We all bitch and moan about Asian drivers and road conditions, but I notice that when I go back to the west, DRIVING IS BORING......NOT EXCITING like here. :jap:

So boring that you just get into the car and drive to your destination with no near death experiences......how boring. <_<

My mates 15 year old daughter was killed by a driver here.. Then the police then had some power influence applied to them and tried their best to sweep it all away, missed court dates, rescheduled and didnt tell anyone, and generally showed a very nasty bias to protect the driver over the farang family.

I kinda like safe and fair sometimes.

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We all bitch and moan about Asian drivers and road conditions, but I notice that when I go back to the west, DRIVING IS BORING......NOT EXCITING like here. :jap:

So boring that you just get into the car and drive to your destination with no near death experiences......how boring. <_<

When I go back to the west I have to remember how to drive again so I don't scare the crap out of everybody. Western drivers are totally unprepared for anything unusual and overreact dangerously.

Then when I cone back to Thailand it takes a little while to learn to go with the flow again.

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We all bitch and moan about Asian drivers and road conditions, but I notice that when I go back to the west, DRIVING IS BORING......NOT EXCITING like here. :jap:

So boring that you just get into the car and drive to your destination with no near death experiences......how boring. <_<

OK so maybe you're joking a little but I find myself more aware driving here because I am on the edge of my seat. Imo people who get too comfortable or too confident behind the wheel cause the problems.

If you aren't joking, you truly do have a good heart.


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There are some good Asian drivers.

Japanese drivers are among the safest in the world from a accident fatality standpoint.

Regionally Thailand scores worse than Cambodia, Vietnam, Laos and China. Somewhat better than Myanmar and Malaysia.

Traffic Deaths by Country wiki

Given than Thailands per capita GDP is 20% higher than China's yet the accident rate is 20% worse points to a lack of priority, infrastructure investment, poor governance, bad drivers or perhaps other factors.

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I also notice that driving takes so much more concentration [150%] because of the many hazards and surprises. Back home, I can drive for up to 6+ hrs without a break......here, my comfortable safe maximum is 4 hrs and I'm exhausted.

Just a half hr drive to town from my moo baan in the ricefields I have several near death experiences.......EXCITING, but exhausting.

Thai wife used to complain about me complaining about Thai drivers until he got her license and now I hear the same curse words comming out of her sweet mouth when she is behind the wheel.

My favorite curse word for stupid drivers is 'hua kado' [dick head].

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This would be interesting for C Mai, perhaps some tecchies could muster up something similar??

iOS: DriveMeCrazy is like a "how is my driving" bumper sticker for anyone with an iOS device, letting you flag aggressive or bad drivers using voice recognition. It can rate and review any registered license plate to provide instant driving feedback.

The next time you come across a negligent or aggressive driver, warn them with DriveMeCrazy. The new iOS application lets you verbally speak a drivers license plate and record a brief message or rating.

The app also lets you track your or own personal license to see what others are saying about your driving, or follow closely with how others are driving near you. DriveMeCrazy doesn't just offer a stick for bad drivers, but lets you provide positive feedback for good drivers as well. Additionally, the next time someone catches your eye at a stop light, you can flag them as "cute" and check back later to see if they saw your message.

Driver data collected by DriveMeCrazy is submitted to both insurance companies and local law enforcement. Hopefully, taking the anonymity out from driving will lead to less aggressive drivers and help to create safer roads.

Edited by SoloFlyer
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We all bitch and moan about Asian drivers and road conditions, but I notice that when I go back to the west, DRIVING IS BORING......NOT EXCITING like here. :jap:

So boring that you just get into the car and drive to your destination with no near death experiences......how boring. <_<

When I go back to the west I have to remember how to drive again so I don't scare the crap out of everybody. Western drivers are totally unprepared for anything unusual and overreact dangerously.

Then when I cone back to Thailand it takes a little while to learn to go with the flow again.

Drivers in the West pull weird shit too, such as doing a full lock emergency stop if there's a dog or other small animal crossing the road. &lt;deleted&gt;.

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To avoid a dog crossing the road an emergency stop is not always appropriate I agree. Swerving is one option but depends on other conditions prevailing at the time.

A sobering thought of course is that instead of a dog or cat it could be a small child !!

I've seen many Thai drivers drive slowly and cautiously nearing hazards such as kids playing etc

I've also seen some pretty horrendous Thai driving and riding

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Realthaideal and Orang37 both summed up what I meant to convey, perfectly. Of course, they actually know me and how I think. :lol: :jap:

I'm not complaining at all. I like things as they are. The very things we complain about in Thailand are often the things that make it so endearing... even if somewhat dangerous riding a motorbike in Thai traffic. We have a freedom here that has been eroded away in the west where everyone must act and perform like little robots. B)

Ian - what you said. And what RTD said so eloquently (which he probably posted because he knows both you and me :P ) But everyone else in between? Eh, not so much. I'm with WTK on this one, as I am many things - probably because I actually know him ;)

Side note - my original comment condemning racism has been deleted. I'd comment on this, but then I'd probably get banned for questioning the mods. Which would be the height of hilarity and irony, IMO.

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Actually, at no point did I mention the nationality of the offending drivers. Some could be Thais, some could be Chinese and many could be farangs. It's not a lot different than a new driver in Canada. They don't know how to drive, even though they might have passed a driver's exam.

It takes a while to learn how to judge speeds of oncoming vehicles, or vehicles gaining from behind. It takes a lot of practise to back a vehicle into a tiny space. It also takes some experience learning how to pull into busy traffic. Very often it's just a matter of physics.

I ride a bigger bike than a scooter and my turning radius is at least double and I'm at least a foot wider. I can't get through places where a little scooter can go. It's the same with cars or trucks.

I know a friend who drove big 18 wheel trucks and he could put it places where he was almost scraping paint. But, he wouldn't think of taking it down some blind road where he had no idea if he could get through. But, I see that happen all the time in Thailand. I also see people block entire streets just because they wanted to get a tiny bit closer to where they wanted to go.

Traffic jambs are caused by inconsiderate people who don't know how to drive, and not because there are too many vehicles. One person does something stupid and the others move so close that there is no way the offending vehicle can get out ot the predicament that they caused. They haven't learned that it's often quicker to go the long way around to get where they want to go.

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Em, right, like I said. You didn't say the bad stuff, nor did RTD. But there were plenty of other people in there who took the opportunity to say "Thai people always [fill in the blank]," which I think is a problem we should all be aware of, and try to do it less often. It's not "us vs. them." We all live in Thailand together. We're all here because we (presumably) liked it so much that we made a concerted effort to move out of our home countries and take up residence here. It's a PITA to stay here, so I don't think people do it without a lot of thought.

And just to completely hijack this thread, how about a picture of a cute dog:


Happy new year! :)

Edited by SadieMBeagle
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I generally dislike generalities. But driving here is different from my other experiences, all non-Asian. I have seen many more injury accidents, perhaps fatalities, in 14 months than I have seen in a lifetime in the West.

True, we have before us the tragic per capita reports, but this is a nation where most drivers are vulnerable, as most of us drive two wheelers. There are no limited access roads such as the autobahn and the cities are not designed for today's movements.

It's different.

If swimming is basically staying alive in the water, so is driving. The more I learn, the safer i am. I cannot change it so I must change me - radically. Speaking as one who has been popped off a motorbike/cycle by drivers coming abruptly into "my" lane, I can say that my life depends upon it. In neither case did I make it my business to get into the other driver's view! That is, by being a better driver than I have been until now, I can help my cause.

But if I were given to generalities, I would say that there are two kinds of posters here, taking the division most gross: Those who realize that they cannot change things immediately or even eventually, by themselves, and who cope or those others of us who have retained expectations from the homeland and object to foreign ways that they suppose to be "inferior." (Such folk are not social anthropologists at all). I have joined the first group because it is practical and more likely to produce happiness.:rolleyes:

OK, OK, there's a third group: The stirrers of the soup.:whistling:

My New Year's Resolution (Where's that thread?): To drive in such a way that this year I am involved in NO accidents.



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Don't tempt Ian by posting marginally-on topic pictures... We all know what will happen now.. ;)

Too late, Winnie. :lol:

this is "Mr Forbes"... a soi dog named after me because of his white beard.


this is what happens whey you don't pay attention when crossing a Thai road...


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