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Russian Tourist Stabbed And Robbed By Construction Workers

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This might be off topic, but what is really happning is that Thais can not hold their liqour. They many times get drunk and violent over nothing.

This is what happened to me on New Years Eve.

After a party with my friends I went home and just accross my home (village in Pattaya) is a karaoke place, mostly Thai, but also farangs since many farangs live in the same compound as me.

So before I went to my home I decided to have 1-2 more drinks at the karaoke and was parking my bike, before I even got of the bike same Thai came over and started shouting, no idea what he was saying of course, so I talk gentle back to him. Did not help of course. The doorman came over (whom I know a long time) and started to talk to the Thai guy to go away, a few more Thais guy arrived and now I was surrounded by 5-6 Thais and still not knowing what was going on and still sitting on my bike. Eventually the manager/owner came and within 2 minutes all the thais where gone, sent away and I could go for that drink, the manager and doorman apolagized to me, they have known me for a long time.

Still have no idea what there problem was, beside me arriving at the karaoke.

My guess is he was just one of those Thais who hates any and all farangs and was totally drunk.

It just shows that you do not have to do anything to get in to trouble with a Thai. :whistling:


The only problem I ever had in BKK (about 8 years ago) was being assaulted by a couple of Pommie skin heads. Never had a problem with Thai people - ever. But booze and aggression go hand in hand with a lot of people. I also don't think he was just passing drinking Thai's at 0400 as that would not be an intelligent thing to do either so chances are - he insulted one of them for them to retaliate - which Thai's tend to do if provoked. I don't believe this was an unprovoked attack - probably told them to <deleted> off and that gets most Thai's pissed off. Either way - lucky he got off with his life.


Always a "GROUP" of Thai blokes bashing one farang. Never hear of a one on one fight, they are like wild dogs once they drink a tiny amount of alcohol. The Russian would of probably snapped anyone of them in half one on one, <deleted>*king cowards!!!!

The sad thing is that they never fight alone. Happened to me about three years ago, that four Thais, some of them good Muay Thai fighters kicked my ass so badly that I had to go to a hospital.

I didn't do anything wrong, just showing my new colleauge the town. Please be aware that they come like cockroaches to kick ass. Chai jenn enn...:jap:


The only problem I ever had in BKK (about 8 years ago) was being assaulted by a couple of Pommie skin heads. Never had a problem with Thai people - ever. But booze and aggression go hand in hand with a lot of people. I also don't think he was just passing drinking Thai's at 0400 as that would not be an intelligent thing to do either so chances are - he insulted one of them for them to retaliate - which Thai's tend to do if provoked. I don't believe this was an unprovoked attack - probably told them to <deleted> off and that gets most Thai's pissed off. Either way - lucky he got off with his life.

Who the heck cares what you're believing? Fact is that they stabbed him, and I guess he didn't try to kick their asses. Doesn't look like Superman....:jap:


The only problem I ever had in BKK (about 8 years ago) was being assaulted by a couple of Pommie skin heads. Never had a problem with Thai people - ever. But booze and aggression go hand in hand with a lot of people. I also don't think he was just passing drinking Thai's at 0400 as that would not be an intelligent thing to do either so chances are - he insulted one of them for them to retaliate - which Thai's tend to do if provoked. I don't believe this was an unprovoked attack - probably told them to <deleted> off and that gets most Thai's pissed off. Either way - lucky he got off with his life.

I believe that god never existed. :jap:


Always a "GROUP" of Thai blokes bashing one farang. Never hear of a one on one fight, they are like wild dogs once they drink a tiny amount of alcohol. The Russian would of probably snapped anyone of them in half one on one, <deleted>*king cowards!!!!

OK, but if you went onto a building site anywhere in Europe at 4am as a stranger and joined in with a big group of mates who were already hammered, and then it got a bit out of hand, I am not so sure they wouldnt all gang up on you as well.

Anywhere in the world... do people think because they're on holiday everyone else is jolly mood also?

i woudn't be doing what he did in my home town, even with people i speak the same language, let alone in another country and another language.


This might be off topic, but what is really happning is that Thais can not hold their liqour. They many times get drunk and violent over nothing.

This is what happened to me on New Years Eve.

After a party with my friends I went home and just accross my home (village in Pattaya) is a karaoke place, mostly Thai, but also farangs since many farangs live in the same compound as me.

So before I went to my home I decided to have 1-2 more drinks at the karaoke and was parking my bike, before I even got of the bike same Thai came over and started shouting, no idea what he was saying of course, so I talk gentle back to him. Did not help of course. The doorman came over (whom I know a long time) and started to talk to the Thai guy to go away, a few more Thais guy arrived and now I was surrounded by 5-6 Thais and still not knowing what was going on and still sitting on my bike. Eventually the manager/owner came and within 2 minutes all the thais where gone, sent away and I could go for that drink, the manager and doorman apolagized to me, they have known me for a long time.

Still have no idea what there problem was, beside me arriving at the karaoke.

My guess is he was just one of those Thais who hates any and all farangs and was totally drunk.

It just shows that you do not have to do anything to get in to trouble with a Thai. :whistling:

Please take a look at 'the other side'. The Farlangs going out drinking, looking for fights. Guess it's an International problem that drunk people like to fight..........:jap:


These construction workers probably should change their site or smarter yet, their city. The last people I'd be *%ing with in Pattaya is the Russians.

The Russians are the last people you want to <deleted> with anywhere! Would 10 dead construction workers make the news?


Construction workers on the juice at 0400? What were they building because I don't want to enter that building.

There is a lesson for newbies here. Do not consort, or even go near, a drunk Thai and certainly not a flange of them. I use the collective noun advisedly.

I'm absolutely stunned such crime as this could ever happen in the wonderful City of Pattaya. Fortunately, it is a single flank of criminality. My collective noun is that of a single man's rib area, there being just one person afflicted such in that he was stabbed in the ribs.

It is most unfortunate that a passing proust of Police patrol car didn't happen by at that very moment and apprehend either the possibly slightly intoxicated Russian gentleman or those neredogood boys from the building site. Proust being my chosen collective noun for the formulated law of constant proportions so often exhibited by our finest Pattaya BiB.

I'm puzzled that with Pattaya's well lit streets and well observed pavements someone didn't see the incident in progress and intervene. A simple 'excuse me, what are you doing?' would have reigned in the situation and the merry braggadocio of building boys would have returned to their dormitory quarters and a good night's slumber. My collective noun of 'braggadocio' being drawn from the relatively harmless young guns that all we know Thai men to be at 4 a.m when fuelled with 40 degree and contemplating their life's worth in the face of a passing Russian whose shoes equate with a several months pay.

For are we to believe they were sons of Erebus? An epoch of Erabi, perhaps? My collective noun of 'epoch' alluding to the new age traveller in the new age Pattaya of re-invention, clean and safe, like sex with a Beach Road worker and a Foodland carrier deployed as a condom. Legs, like grocery stores, may never close. Diseases, like Aids, may never happen. And dawn like dusk may never go around to come around. Lulled into a false sense of all being safe and well, like a morning at Daer Neils Colov's ex-pats club, Second Road, second class, but unfortunately not seconds out, where Pattaya, that wonderful City, is cocooned from reality each Sunday morning and donations for charity really do find their way to the poor and gready. Poor of spirit that is. Fortuners dont grow on trees after all. A criminality of Colovs. My collective noun is drawn from the collective crimes committed in the name of charity.

Our Russian Chappie could then have continued on his way, taking in the activity of a early morning Wat, that he had travelled so far around the globe to observe. The Thai Wats and fauna that attracts so many other decent fine Russian citizens to come to Pattaya and explore the morning light as it sheans its way dust laden between the towering tenements tortuously teetering on the tantilising transom of Thai technical architcture. Or rather set up their travel, real estate, laundries [dirty money and dirty washing ] and Walking Street ago--go businesses, that so many fine upstanding Russian families seem to enjoy partaking in. My verb is taken from the sixteenth century Latin paticeps.



Thais can't hold their liquor? - THais can't do this, Thais can't do that...THEY aren't capable of......the trouble with Thais is......

the problem here is pure racism on the part of some posters.

This is a robbery - same as anywhere - some unpleasant people involved - assuming the reports are accurate - which is unlikley


I hope he makes a full recovery. Any idea of what was stolen?

Without doubt his trust in Thai people as a peaceful nation.

Very true, however to me Pattaya is the furthest thing from real Thailand.

It is a place where White trash goes and sees who is the first one to fall of the bar stool.

I totally agree with you. Pattaya isn't really Thailand. But so many farlangs are going there year by year, telling everybody at home that they had been in Thailand.

Scams, fights, troubles, overpriced items and much more. That's Pattaya. Not more. :jap:


Aggressionand hostility from Toilet attendant; Just listening to live music with a friend as paying customers. Took a leak a couple of times unassisted as well as washing hands unassisted. Refuses to accept the folded toilet paper from attendant. Toilet far from 5 star. LOL Attendant half asleep on chair outside but wakes up to follow non thai into toilet.

I was polite and this guy started telling me I must pay him, didn't want to let me leave the 6 x 8 feet toilet. He had rage in his eyes and I thought he wanted to fight. Maybe one needs to wear body armour when going out in Thailand???


Thais can't hold their liquor? - THais can't do this, Thais can't do that...THEY aren't capable of......the trouble with Thais is......

the problem here is pure racism on the part of some posters.

This is a robbery - same as anywhere - some unpleasant people involved - assuming the reports are accurate - which is unlikley

Indeed, I agree, so a reminder to posters, lets drop the derogatory references to all Thais immediately shall we?


The only time I have been attacked at night was from an english bloke

Are you French, or German????? :jap:


I like this line from the story, "Once found, the suspects can expect to be prosecuted to the full extent of the law.".........ummmmmm........what is that supposed to mean? really? the "full extent of the law"....what law?

I hope he gets better soon and makes a full recovery.

* some Russian people treat as inferior to Thai people

talk impolite to them as i see many times around Thailand at shoping or in restaurants;

Russians dont know thai peoples mentality ; Thai people seem small and harmless

so Russians mistake.

* Thai people are very very sensitive if you insulting or shouting them

because they know us the farangs as gentleman ))

they get a very big shock when they hear the opposite treating from farangs

and they ( some ) attack in the end ..

* we better speak with them politely..

they are really few Thai people do like that beat farangs that bad;

probably the Russian guy scold the Thai guy about some reason

which we dont know.. nobody beat like that for no reason

hope he gets soon well too..

Why do you think he did something to offend the delicate cultural sensitivities of the construction workers? He stopped to drink with them. It is more likely that their motive in asking them to drink with them was to rob him, as they felt insanely jealous that he obviously had more money than them. Perhaps he put up a little resistance when they tried to relieve him of his wallet or more likely one of them just starting stabbing him without warning or giving him the option to hand it over without getting stabbed. It is quite likely there were not Thai. I hope the police get them. It shouldn't be too difficult for a half efficient police force to scour all the construction sites. At any rate they will be able to nab a number of illegal aliens.


What IS the story? who says "construction workers"??? - so now ALL construction workers are muggers?.... - immediately stereotyping is involved - no wait - this will have a racist bit when it turns out they were MIGRANT workers......if the headline was going to be balanced - the best description would have been - "(Number) men (or women) attack and stab........"What is the WHOLE story?

what is a SERIOUS stabbing?...is there another kind.

It just seems that TV can't even get out a headline these days.

Well all this happened at a place called PATTAYA ! and there is an old saying........"Birds of a feather , flock together"

I often wander around Suratthani where there are very few farang. The people are all polite and friendly to me. Towns like this are the 'real' Thailand. If thats what you are looking for, forget Pattaya etc., they are just frontier settlements attracting all the riff raff. from both sides of the worlds community.


"My guess is he was just one of those Thais who hates any and all farangs ......"

"It just shows that you do not have to do anything to get in to trouble with a Thai. :whistling: "

Correct! one of the funniest i ever experienced, once i relocated into the sticks, was this very old thai man, probably in his 80's, which surprised me a lot as almost nobody around here can put 2 english words together, he was basically keep repeating like a broken record old anti-americans slogans used during the Vietnam war.....nice :D


I read a lot of post about people being hurt or killed in some very unfortunate situation (like the one above) or maybe a Thai minivan driver trying to pass on a blind corner or cutting someone off, drinking then driving a motorbike 120km/hr with no helmet. Most all of you people on this forum always say the same incomprehensibly kind words - "I wish them well", "may they rest in peace", etc. maybe I'm just a cold hearted person (NOT!), but I just consider most of this "natural selection" considering Thailand has a culture and people which are either too naive or just plain ignorant to common sense things like personal safety and that just seems to let foreigners fall into the same condition. Notice I didn't say st oo pid, but that might apply in many cases. Not that my country is better, but the difference I see is that there is a full conciseness about what is ridiculously dangerous and a strong attempt to educate and regulate for the purpose of public safety.

In Thailand, there doesn't seem to be the slightest awareness that something is dangerous. I laughed at the news reports about the 7days of danger during the holidays where the police issues x tickets for no helmets and x tickets for no drivers license, but no mention of tickets for driving drunk or going a zillion KPH - an exponentially greater degree of causing death and injury to others than me personally not having a license or helmet. I rack this up to absolute, institutionalized laziness on the part of Thai police and lack of caring by the Thai gov't - where's father when you need him.

No, I'm sorry, I can't say kind things about this Russian even though my grandmother was born there. His is an example of absolute st ooooo pidity, and anyone saying kind things completely miss the point that as long as everyone does the polite "Thai thing" habits, policies, laws, and understanding will never improve.

Thailand is a dangerous country with dangerous, uncaring people with more interest in their ego/pride then someone else's safety - I know this well as I ride 10km to and from work every day on my bike and I'm on 100% high-alert/defensive guard the entire way to and from.

The best thing I can say, "hopefully this fuc_kle will have learned a lesson about drinking and alleys".


The only time I have been attacked at night was from an english bloke

Are you French, or German????? :jap:

Well, I have to concur with PlanetX, in all years sofar there have been only 3 incidents in clubs that I have been involved in and only one was a real fight about to go, one event was merely a Nigerian helping himself to our bottle of whisky, which I promptly took out of his hand and placed back on our table while not giving him a second of eye - even though he was big he just turned around and walked away.

Second event was a way too drunk Brit in Londoner starting to grab on the waitresses, blocking their way every time they were going to serve someone (this was at the end of the main bardisk so they walked there a lot) and he expanded his attention to the two girls I was with and decided to throw an upset eye and a few mutterings in my direction - no doubt since I didn't want to share.

The third one was a real fight about to happen. A drunk Brit, just below 2m tall but fairly skinny, a middle-exec for a big firm in BKK, married and with two kids...didn't like that I had been invited to the pub (around Silom) by a rel-estate and project exec lady that he had the hots for and repeatedly tried to get to invite to go back to his place. As she turn her attention to me, including her 2 friends, he started asking if I was gay and when he didn't like me reply he starting getting physical. Eventually the 3 ladies took me out of the place and we went in their car away, leaving him there in the bar with his friends.

So, what do say...stay away from drunk Brits? Or drunk people in general? Hard to say...atleast if one is out with good looking ladies, some people of 'higher' social class (read: pay grade) get very jealous since they think they are entitled to have whatever I have, it seems...


Construction workers on the juice at 0400? What were they building because I don't want to enter that building.

There is a lesson for newbies here. Do not consort, or even go near, a drunk Thai and certainly not a flange of them. I use the collective noun advisedly.

Maby better stop going to Thailand at all

It seemes that this country have going to far about violence

Maby warn all tourist cos they not safe anymoore


* some Russian people treat as inferior to Thai people

talk impolite to them as i see many times around Thailand at shoping or in restaurants;

Russians dont know thai peoples mentality ; Thai people seem small and harmless

so Russians mistake.

* Thai people are very very sensitive if you insulting or shouting them

because they know us the farangs as gentleman ))

they get a very big shock when they hear the opposite treating from farangs

and they ( some ) attack in the end ..

* we better speak with them politely..

they are really few Thai people do like that beat farangs that bad;

probably the Russian guy scold the Thai guy about some reason

which we dont know.. nobody beat like that for no reason

hope he gets soon well too..

I agree. There also are alot of unsavoury Russian, Mafia like, gangs and individual getting up to all sorts of criminal activity in Pattaya. Would be interesting to know ALL the facts of this incident before labeling the Thai's in such ways as has been post here. Did anybody give thougfht that maybe it wasn't a Thai at all that did this?

That being said I sure do wish this man a speedy recovery and the true culprits bought to justice ASAP. :jap:


this thread seems to have attracted some of the worst comments for some time on TV - posters with no interest apart from saying how good they are when it comes to violence and how interior Thais, Russians and just about anyone who isn't a WASP is to themselves.

...It just seems that TV can't even get out a headline these days.

I thought this was in a newspaper, the Pattaya Daily News, not on television. When I click on the link www.pattayadailynews.com/en/2011/01/05/russian-tourist-stabbed-and-robbed-by-construction-workers/ in the OP I am brought to this page of the Pattaya Daily News with the headline "Russian Tourist Stabbed And Robbed By Construction Workers":


Did you see another headline on your television set?


if it fighting = it fighting. If it robbery - it robbery. If this russian said something wrong but was robbed, it robbery anyway.

PS : may be him come to LOS for first time as tourist and just don't know true about thai smiles.

also something tell me what on him place can be british easily.


Only witnessed two serious incidents/fights here and one of them was recently down in Hua Hin outside the late night Karaoke bars,where a group of Irish guys got into a ugly brawl with a few of the Thai locals,with chairs flying and hitting anyone within 10 feet!The other involved a group of backpackers down in Koh Samui a few years back who had done a runner from a ladyboy owned bar and returned down the same strip the following night...big mistake!!Don't know if anyone has witnessed a ladyboy in a brawl ,but this one smashed a stiletto right over the top of this guys head and I'll leave the rest to your imagination!Didn't look like they missed this poor Russian guy and the severity of the wound looks like a cleaver or machette may have been used!


We know now, what the Russian told Police but we do not know what the construction worker told the police .. May be the story is upside down?

Drunken Russian are not angles.

as any another nation...


I certainly hope some form of authentic investigation takes place. Getting into a fight is one thing. Quite another when the "fight" is conducted many against one, a serious stabbing and robbery. Let's see what happens.

Having lived and worked here for going on 6 years now, I sense in some young Thai men an underlying resentment towards foreign male tourists and foreign males who live here. And why not??? Male farang show up here by the multitudes month in and month out, year after year with pockets full of money, especially compared to the local young Thai guys. The young Thais watch as "their" women are "taken" from them for the main reason of finances. Farang are able to come take a nice vacation that young Thai men can only imagine in most cases. It must wear on them. I know it would on me if the same thing was happening in my home country.

This in no way excuses what happened to this Russian fellow. But some background as to WHY something so brutal could occur helps to understand and perhaps give some wisdom to farangs to temper their behavior and better observe their surroundings in any situation and act accordingly. And always, show respect as much as possible.

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