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Reporting Molest Crime In Thai


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I have deleted a number of posts

I know anger and emotions run high (and I feel it too!!)

But violence does not stop violence

Also, against forum rules. So let's leave those discussions for elsewhere

To the op i would refrain from giving out too much more personal info about your daughter and yourself on here. Location of a small town with few foreigners is enough for those in the area to identify/ speculate about the child.

All the best

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TAWP , "CarlBkk" point out that an offender might accused the victim before he could react. As what Beetlejuice quote " I received a weird pm from the OP.He says the girl is now 13 years old..Time to move on. " A very brief sentence projecting my post is a joke. Very wise method of declining other peoples claim and situation. I couldn't imagine if my wife reported the case and the authority adopt Beetlejuice's mentality... Anyway, while waiting for further progress, i am seeking aid to ensure my case will be valid till the pervert get nailed. Thanks to all who cares and contribute link ...

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I have deleted a number of posts

I know anger and emotions run high (and I feel it too!!)

But violence does not stop violence

Also, against forum rules. So let's leave those discussions for elsewhere

To the op i would refrain from giving out too much more personal info about your daughter and yourself on here. Location of a small town with few foreigners is enough for those in the area to identify/ speculate about the child.

All the best

Thanks MiG16 get what u mean...

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And still the OP languishes in location unknown, diligently surfing the web and keeping us all in the picture while his family and flesh and blood stumble on with the real problem at hand.

No harm in asking the OP (again) where are you and why don't you go to Thailand and do what's needed right there?

For example: my wife calls me and says she fell off the bike, I ask if the bike is OK. If she calls and says the boy has been done by a kiddie fiddler, I would be on the next plane home... and I work offshore! Sure as heck would NOT be logging on to TV and asking for guidance.

Edited by NanLaew
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And still the OP languishes in location unknown, diligently surfing the web and keeping us all in the picture while his family and flesh and blood stumble on with the real problem at hand.

No harm in asking the OP (again) where are you and why don't you go to Thailand and do what's needed right there?

For example: my wife calls me and says she fell off the bike, I ask if the bike is OK. If she calls and says the boy has been done by a kiddie fiddler, I would be on the next plane home... and I work offshore! Sure as heck would NOT be logging on to TV and asking for guidance.

NanLaew, if i am native that speaks fluent thai, i won't be posting here for help. But still i will search the whole website looking for contacts and authority who are able to direct my case if no justice had been done. Internet is a "moblie" resource not an entertaining channel. Even if u bought the next flight ticket, u will still have to wait for the plane schedule. Don't waste time. Pointless debating my case whether true or freak. It doesn't help

Initailly I was seeking for help n advise,currently i am updating situation to forumer. Very thankful to geriatrickid and many other who have the knowledge and pass me the link. They turned the forum into a very powerful tool. Check the topic, have nothing to do with entertainment here.

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so why do you not fly out to be with your daughter and assist.......you do not need to be a fluent thai speaker to assist and be with your child ??

Most fathers would move heaven and earth to do it.....even if in employment difficulties, any employer worthy of working for would make arrangments.

Just interested why....several have asked and you ignore.

Being a concerned father at arms length is fine for falling of ya bike, or fighting at school, or sick and such....but your child being raped ?? I think not.

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TAWP , "CarlBkk" point out that an offender might accused the victim before he could react. As what Beetlejuice quote " I received a weird pm from the OP.He says the girl is now 13 years old..Time to move on. " A very brief sentence projecting my post is a joke. Very wise method of declining other peoples claim and situation. I couldn't imagine if my wife reported the case and the authority adopt Beetlejuice's mentality... Anyway, while waiting for further progress, i am seeking aid to ensure my case will be valid till the pervert get nailed. Thanks to all who cares and contribute link ...

So Beetlejuice post is false?

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how did this taxi guy get access to your daughter ?? alone I would assume ??

And if you do not mind, but without the graphics...what level of molestation are we talking here ??

Being overseas must be hard when something like this happens....i would be going crazy. I have a 5yo daughter.

My daughter is 6 yr old. The pervert(Bike taxis) is not a stranger. My wife was busy at that time and ask this "bike taxis"

to fetch my daughter back from school. From what my wife told me, the pervert did not immediately return but bought my child

to meet up his friends. When my child return, she cry & describe the whole incident. What happen was that the pervert put his

finger into her vagina. The pervert only halt when she was in pain & cried out. He even warn my daughter not to say anything

about it. My wife did a check and found that her vagina had blood.

& you're still out of the Country are you, when this happened to your 6 Year old Daughter ??

When are you boooked to be here ??

Mr Family Friend would be 6ft under in a matter of hours if that happened to me & no matter if i was in fcukign Alaska, i'd be on the next Flight

Edit : i've just read the whole thread now, how on Earth can it be left open Mods, it's bordering on fcukign sick with VERY suspect OP & how he's handling it ??????????????????????

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I have seen several cases like this in my time working at a Police Station in Bangkok and it was taken extremely seriously. One was a 70 year old Thai man watching porn and the neighbours 7 year old daughter walked in. He achieved digital penetration with the child and the mother of the child came with the child came to report it at the police station.

All hell broke loose and the Womens and Child foundation was called and took over the investigation. The man got 25 years! He will die in Jail!

The second case was a 4 year old boy who was similarily minorly molested by a man. He played with the childs penis. He also got a very serious problem and is doing I believe a 10 year sentence.

When it is reported from my experience the police take it extremely seriously and have a special protocol for dealing with it which is very fair and confidential and exhaustive.


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I have seen several cases like this in my time working at a Police Station in Bangkok and it was taken extremely seriously. One was a 70 year old Thai man watching porn and the neighbours 7 year old daughter walked in. He achieved digital penetration with the child and the mother of the child came with the child came to report it at the police station.

All hell broke loose and the Womens and Child foundation was called and took over the investigation. The man got 25 years! He will die in Jail!

The second case was a 4 year old boy who was similarily minorly molested by a man. He played with the childs penis. He also got a very serious problem and is doing I believe a 10 year sentence.

When it is reported from my experience the police take it extremely seriously and have a special protocol for dealing with it which is very fair and confidential and exhaustive.


Nice to hear.

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It is nice to hear but I think there are just as many if not more cases of skewed (towards injustice) sentencing taking. Have a relative in the dept. of corrections (as a clerk, not a prisoner) who has mentioned on more than a few occasions that even for murder convictions, you'll find people gettting 4-6 year sentences and that there is always a pretty good chance for pardons twice a year on certain 'important' days.


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Thanks for those supporting me and my family. Extremely comforted by Badbanker Post. Currently the case are handle by an senior police officer and the bureau. They do provide advised and protection. My focus was on better, efficient solution and yet many are only interested in where am i...? Pls refer to --->Internet is a "moblie" resource. i was only able to reach back on the 3 day without flight yet on the coach. And i spent my sleepless night on the coach 13hrs log into the web. I never stop my resource search all along. Can u do that? or u just wait for next day flight and go to bed..?

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Anyway here the update. Beside statement, personally my wife had gather quite some evidences including witness herself. Pervert had been summon but yet to be arrested. Waiting for court verdict need quite sometime. My child still remember the incident but it was fortunate that she don't understand. Hope that years after she would totally forget it. Planning to take her for outing. When will the court start reviewing the case? I am counting down...

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Why did you send someone a PM saying your Daughter was now 13 Years Old ??

Should u ask him instead ? why he "say" i sent him such message? Pls refer to his previous post and my reply. U might reckon his intention.

Seriously, i would prefer questions relevant to my topic then other....

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So I gather you are there home with her now, good for you and hope all goes well.

I am intrigued as to why the guy has not been arrested and is all this time a flight risk, where you may then not find him again for years, by that time all forgotten about from the Thai police side anyway.

People were not interested in where you were donut, just why you were not mentioning why you could not immediately be by your daughters side. There are 101 reasons for this quite possibly and all you had to do was say you are arranging travel plans now, but for whatever reason....isolated location for example, immediate travle is not possible, it will take a few days. Thats all.......people like me with a daughter same age could not imagine a father not moving heaven and earth to be there.

Anyway, best of luck with it all and good to hear she is ok and dealing with it.

One thing.....dont let the cops talk you into a photo being taken when they arrest him, if they do, with your daughter in the photo pointing at him.

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Why did you send someone a PM saying your Daughter was now 13 Years Old ??

Should u ask him instead ? why he "say" i sent him such message? Pls refer to his previous post and my reply. U might reckon his intention.

Seriously, i would prefer questions relevant to my topic then other....

If you did not send that alleged message; ask the admin to verify it and have him banned.

That is first-class trolling by him if he is just posting to make trouble.

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Why did you send someone a PM saying your Daughter was now 13 Years Old ??

Should u ask him instead ? why he "say" i sent him such message? Pls refer to his previous post and my reply. U might reckon his intention.

Seriously, i would prefer questions relevant to my topic then other....

If you did not send that alleged message; ask the admin to verify it and have him banned.

That is first-class trolling by him if he is just posting to make trouble.

Absolutely, Mods/Admin should be intervening in this & rid the Forum of whoever is lying here.

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Anyway, best of luck with it all and good to hear she is ok and dealing with it.

One thing.....dont let the cops talk you into a photo being taken when they arrest him, if they do, with your daughter in the photo pointing at him.

Thanks Nawtier, for ur advise. Below is a more detail description of my wife situation and some point i wish to share.

As mention, fear of corruption my wife seek help from the hospital. Initially her request for a check up was rejected coz without police report. My wife got so freak out and pleaded the nurse to give exception for her case. Unable to handle the commotion , the nurse directed my wife to the doctor. In tears my wife relayed the incident to the doctor who sympathy her. Convinced by the result, the doctor make several calls to the Ministry of Social Development and Human Security. 3 department from the MSDHS studied the case and directly they launch it to the senior police.

1) In cases as such, i urged the hospital to abolish former practices and adopt a more flexible way of handling abuse cases. The victim could seek medical aid then diverted to MSDHS and last the police. This will prevent abuse cases from being manipulated.

2) Many here are well educated or even higher. But for those e.g my wife who are merely primary state educated may not know how to fight for their right.They simply don't know who to look for and helplessly kept in silence. Let the duty of reporting abuse case be shared among clinic and hospital so that even minor case wouldn't be kept in dark resulting in a more serious offence day after.

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Anyway, best of luck with it all and good to hear she is ok and dealing with it.

One thing.....dont let the cops talk you into a photo being taken when they arrest him, if they do, with your daughter in the photo pointing at him.

Thanks Nawtier, for ur advise. Below is a more detail description of my wife situation and some point i wish to share.

As mention, fear of corruption my wife seek help from the hospital. Initially her request for a check up was rejected coz without police report. My wife got so freak out and pleaded the nurse to give exception for her case. Unable to handle the commotion , the nurse directed my wife to the doctor. In tears my wife relayed the incident to the doctor who sympathy her. Convinced by the result, the doctor make several calls to the Ministry of Social Development and Human Security. 3 department from the MSDHS studied the case and directly they launch it to the senior police.

1) In cases as such, i urged the hospital to abolish former practices and adopt a more flexible way of handling abuse cases. The victim could seek medical aid then diverted to MSDHS and last the police. This will prevent abuse cases from being manipulated.

2) Many here are well educated or even higher. But for those e.g my wife who are merely primary state educated may not know how to fight for their right.They simply don't know who to look for and helplessly kept in silence. Let the duty of reporting abuse case be shared among clinic and hospital so that even minor case wouldn't be kept in dark resulting in a more serious offence day after.

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Why did you send someone a PM saying your Daughter was now 13 Years Old ??

Should u ask him instead ? why he "say" i sent him such message? Pls refer to his previous post and my reply. U might reckon his intention.

Seriously, i would prefer questions relevant to my topic then other....

Nevermind, there seems to be confusion somewhere, which is understandable under the circumstances.

Good luck and hope the guy is brought to justtice.

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However it is doen Donut, hope it is done properly.

it does sound like going to the hosptial first for the check and then having been convinced, have the doctor report it and then the department contacts senior police, sounds like a good way to go to make sure action is taken.

I would worry about walking into a police station alone and then nothing much happening for some time, or she given the wrong information and by the time it is all done, maybe to late to have checkup and then evidence gone.

Not an easy country to do anything in.

Has he been arrested yet ??

Something strange i would think if not.

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Beetlejuice is ok. But time as such OP would really appreciate advise then question which don't help much.

However it is doen Donut, hope it is done properly.

I would worry about walking into a police station alone and then nothing much happening for some time, or she given the wrong information and by the time it is all done, maybe to late to have checkup and then evidence gone.

Not an easy country to do anything in.

Has he been arrested yet ??

Something strange i would think if not.

Nawtier certainly not an easy country. Beside what u mention above, there are more ways thing could be covered up.

1) The police advise the case to settle among the local. Leading to violence?

2) Even my wife's friend advised to let the matter rest. But when prompt if they were in her shoes, they urge for justice or even the offender's life.

3) The clinic or doctor frantically avoid involving in such case. They fear of being a witness will jeopardize their income.

This is the 6th day, the pervert is roaming around freely while waiting for court summon.

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Wow. That is scary to have him roaming around free like that. I wouldn't want an embittered Thai police officer around. Maybe go stay with relatives?

I he is okay why exactly did Beetlejuice post that she was 13? Some kind of typing mistake? Hope so, coz trolling on a serious forum like this would be callous. Or does he know something else? Just wondering.

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cant stress enough that you need to get on this case asap, you know what the thai,s relaxed attitute is like, i would hate to be in your position, i hope they nail this bastard and if not then well i know what i would do but obviously cannot write it on here, i have a 2 year old daughter and she is my main worry while she is away from me, i want my wife to take her back to thailand for holidays and breaks but do not even trust my wife to look out for my daughter properly as the thai woman dont understand peodophilia like we do in the west..

good luck !!

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people have stated on here to let the villiagers deal with him, i doubt that very much , maybe a couple of flip flops around the face bah.gif but i doubt they will hand out any kind of punishment that i would like to see done.angry.gif


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