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Reporting Molest Crime In Thai


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i once seen an old french guy masterbating ( openly ) over children swimming on pattaya beach , i was sitting with my thai girlfriend at the time . it was a rainy day and not too many people on the deck chairs. i attacked him and then told her to come to police box at top of walking street with me to report it, she went relunctantley with me annoyed.gif when we got there i tried to explain to cops what this animal had been doing, my girlfriend just stood there like a dummy !! only after i shouted at her to tell the cops what he was doing did she then told them , they looked at each other and laughed mad.gif that was 10 yrs ago , i hope things have changed.

in my own villiage in isaan last year my wife was taking a shower , i looked out the window and seen a drunken thai man with my baby in his arms, i ran out and snatched her back, then told my wife never ever to leave my baby with any man ever again. " oh he ok , he know my family " gggrrrrrrr annoyed.gif

anyway i dont want to say too much on this and hi jack your topic but just trying to let people see what the thai ( mai pen rai ) attitude is like especially even when it involves the safety of young children.

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in my own villiage in isaan last year my wife was taking a shower , i looked out the window and seen a drunken thai man with my baby in his arms, i ran out and snatched her back, then told my wife never ever to leave my baby with any man ever again. " oh he ok , he know my family " gggrrrrrrr annoyed.gif

Pls highlight my story to ur wife. Crime happen anywhere ,anytime ."Prevention" is more important then later regret for life.

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Yesterday we went to the high court hoping would met up with the judge and learn the progress of our case. The helpful clerk there explained to us that they had yet received the compiled file to be complete by the police. Therefore no judge had been allocated for the case. He explained to us the whole process and what we could do. Next we went knocking on the police station. We enquire the officer in charge who claimed that he had already completed his investigation and was waiting for the doctor's report. He instead,insisted us to make enquiry to the doctor,what are holding them back? End up we visited the hospital. My wife relayed what happened to the doctor who told us that her report was all along ready for collection but no policemen show up. Again my wife call up the officer who claimed that he had sent his subordinate to collect the documents. The nurse check with all receiption department and confirmed nobody came. The doc got irritated and call up the officer asking when will he be coming over to settle the document....? The doctor again comforted my wife. She claimed is her "Na Ti" to help us and we sure are grateful to her. Leaving the hospital, we met up with a lawyer who mocked at what happened. He classified our case as "rape".1) child under 13 of ages. 2) Anything that penetrate the vagina.The max sentence will be 23 years imprisonment. If we were to claim finanical compensation, he would had a lighter sentences. He advised us not to hire any lawyer until the court had prosecuted the perpetrator. The whole process need time and no lawyer could accelerate it. Immdiately he call up the officer to point out the seriousness of the crime and check on what had happened that afternoon. He mentioned that our case can never be cover up but time is what it takes....dam_n! Back in my country, the perpetrator will have to be imprisonment waiting for trial. Not roaming freely waiting for trial.

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i once seen an old french guy masterbating ( openly ) over children swimming on pattaya beach , i was sitting with my thai girlfriend at the time . it was a rainy day and not too many people on the deck chairs. i attacked him and then told her to come to police box at top of walking street with me to report it, she went relunctantley with me annoyed.gif when we got there i tried to explain to cops what this animal had been doing, my girlfriend just stood there like a dummy !! only after i shouted at her to tell the cops what he was doing did she then told them , they looked at each other and laughed mad.gif that was 10 yrs ago , i hope things have changed.

in my own villiage in isaan last year my wife was taking a shower , i looked out the window and seen a drunken thai man with my baby in his arms, i ran out and snatched her back, then told my wife never ever to leave my baby with any man ever again. " oh he ok , he know my family " gggrrrrrrr annoyed.gif

anyway i dont want to say too much on this and hi jack your topic but just trying to let people see what the thai ( mai pen rai ) attitude is like especially even when it involves the safety of young children.

Yeah i know, it's horrific..:angry:

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The perpetrator still around. We are annoyed with that. Really helpless is it?

Nothing is ever truly helpless to those who are determined and patient and exercise wisdom. Helplessness is an emotional state.

Forget about the scum for now. You know who he is and chances are he'll be around for a long time.

Concentrate instead on the little girl for the foreseeable future.She is the one who needs your thoughts, not him. Don't make the scum the full-time object of your thoughts. That would deprive your daughter of your full-time attention.

A wise man once said, "Vengeance is a dish best served cold."

Be patient.

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He still walking about freely. That doesn't surprise me somehow. Just ensure that you and your family remain safe. I hope that you will get the required results soon.

Hope so aridion, so far we got stuck somewhere. Many local are also awaiting for his arrest but yet he still around. Many are confused by the way things work out and so am i.

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You already have a lawyer, correct?

Yes a lawyer waiting for the court summon is useless if the document not submitted to the court,.

The officer aren't collecting the required document. Even they did , will they not find other excuses?

Why can't we just directly sue the perpetrator, with what i got as evidence and later request the Judge to

handover what the officer had as further supporting document..?

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Such a small town, and things aren't moving. Nawiter will contact who u mention. Personally will talk to the local blog group or even media. My main objective will be the perpetrator. I belief people as such aren't fit for freedom but will only endanger the society.

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Personally will talk to the local blog group or even media. My main objective will be the perpetrator. I belief people as such aren't fit for freedom but will only endanger the society.

Be VERY careful you don't libel this guy. Libel is a criminal offence in Thailand, difficult to defend yourself against, and often used to harass plaintiffs and shut them up. Simply stating what you consider the "facts" of the case and identifying the guy could get you in a lot of trouble. It happened to a friend of mine.

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Personally will talk to the local blog group or even media. My main objective will be the perpetrator. I belief people as such aren't fit for freedom but will only endanger the society.

Be VERY careful you don't libel this guy. Libel is a criminal offence in Thailand, difficult to defend yourself against, and often used to harass plaintiffs and shut them up. Simply stating what you consider the "facts" of the case and identifying the guy could get you in a lot of trouble. It happened to a friend of mine.

Thanks for the advise. The consider the Facts of the case with evidence do u think is a Libel ? what happen to ur friend ?

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Many of the members here on TV have a good insight into Thai law.

Surely there must be a posibility for a civil law suit?

Or the lawyer can put some pressure on the Police by contacting the news papers and talk about how the police are stalling this amazing case.

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Many of the members here on TV have a good insight into Thai law.

Surely there must be a posibility for a civil law suit?

Or the lawyer can put some pressure on the Police by contacting the news papers and talk about how the police are stalling this amazing case.

Seems in LOS Thais are afraid of upsetting the apple kart, getting involved, in case they get hassle. Remember we talked about Thais not helping road traffic accident victims, same reason, don't want to get roped into anything..

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Many of the members here on TV have a good insight into Thai law.

Surely there must be a posibility for a civil law suit?

Or the lawyer can put some pressure on the Police by contacting the news papers and talk about how the police are stalling this amazing case.

Seems in LOS Thais are afraid of upsetting the apple kart, getting involved, in case they get hassle. Remember we talked about Thais not helping road traffic accident victims, same reason, don't want to get roped into anything..

Yes I understand.

At least a lawyer is paid to act in the best interest of the client.

Or at least, thats the idea.

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Thanks for the advise. The consider the Facts of the case with evidence do u think is a Libel ? what happen to ur friend ?

The problem is what is or isn't true and whether it's in the public interest to reveal it is something the police will leave to the courts. But because it's a criminal offence, they start by taking your finger prints and you have to bail yourself out. So even if the "evidence" against you is not convincing, you're treated rather like a criminal. And these cases can last a long time. I don't know how my friend's case ended. I haven't seen her for a long time.

Motorbike taxi drivers aren't known for filing libel charges, of course, but I'd be careful anyway, just in case he knows a dirty lawyer or cop.

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Thanks for the explaination camerata. No wonder so many willing to resolve the matter thru violence then in a lawful way. The perpetrator might not get his punishment by the law before the victim

got jailed for nothing. The perpetrator is free protected by the law for a long time and the victim family have to suffer else jailed for libel. Learn something valuable here.

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