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Mp Chuwit Accused Of Drinking

Jai Dee

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Yesterday's House meeting heated into turmoil after a Thai Rak Thai MP indicated that Chart Thai MP Chuwit Kamolwisit (ชูวิทย์ กมลวิศิษฏ์) had drank alcohol during Tuesday's meeting.

Yesterday's meeting (August 25th) was chaired by House Speaker Bhokin Balakula (โภคิน พลกุล). In the meeting, Thai Rak Thai MP Wichet Kasemthongsri (วิเชษฐ์ เกษมทองศรี) asked to confer with the chairman of the meeting, and indicated that Mr. Chuwit Kamolwisit had drank alcohol before entering the previous day's House meeting on the emergency decree evaluation. Mr. Wichet said evil behaviours had occurred, and the House of Representatives had deteriorated since Mr. Chuwit became a House member.

This caused Mr. Chuwit to respond by asking the House Speaker to order Mr. Wichet to take back his words, also using intense wording in the process. The House Speaker was thus prompted to order a halt, and his following evaluation caused opposition MPs to stand up in protest.

Afterwards, Mr. Chuwit and the opposition stated to the mass media that Mr. Bhokin's performance lacked neutrality, and he was not suited for the position of House Speaker. Mr. Chuwit also dared Mr. Wichet to make the accusation outside of the meeting hall, as he could not be sued by speaking in the meeting room, due to protective privileges.

Source: thaisnews.com

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