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Israel fires at two Palestinians in Gaza border


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Israel fires at two Palestinians in Gaza border

2011-01-06 05:15:49 GMT+7 (ICT)

GAZA STRIP (BNO NEWS) -- Israeli Defense Forces (IDF) soldiers on Wednesday fired at two Palestinians approaching from the Gaza Strip border and apparently one died.

According to the Haaretz newspaper, IDF enforcers noticed two figures approaching the no-go zone, along the length of the border between Kfar Aza and Kibbutz Nahal Oz.

As the suspects ignore warnings, soldier shot at them apparently killing one and wounding the other. Palestinian militants frequently attempt to plant explosive devices in the no-go zone targeting DF patrols.

On Tuesday, Israeli Air Force (IAF) bombed two targets in central Gaza in retaliation for a Qassam rocket attack in Ashkelon, southern Israel, which did not result in injuries or damage.

Israel hit a building in central Gaza which was suspected to be used as a Hamas center. The IAF then hit a smuggling tunnel under the borderline between Egypt and the coastal settlement.

In 2010, the Israeli Security Agency reported a total of 150 rocket launches from the Gaza Strip towards Israel. It represented a significant drop from 569 launches in 2009, although 407 of them were launched during Operation Cast Lead.

The Israeli government holds Hamas, classified as a terrorist organization by most countries, solely responsible for maintaining the calm in the Gaza Strip and for any terrorist activity emanating from it.


-- © BNO News All rights reserved 2011-01-06

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"In 2010, the Israeli Security Agency reported a total of 150 rocket launches from the Gaza Strip towards Israel. It represented a significant drop from 569 launches in 2009, although 407 of them were launched during Operation Cast Lead"

.noboby was hurt.

2010 Israel launches 15000 hi tec rockets, white phosphorus boms, bunker breaker, cluster bombs to Gaza land. and used Pal children as human shield.

1400 Pals.died in ths unhuman operation.

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rocket launches from the Gaza is just a cry for help to the world.

Under the Nazis the jews suffer 6 years, under the Jews, the Palestinian suffer 60 years and no end in sight!

Maybe they should not have declared war on the Jews - numerous times - and refused to make peace ever since. :rolleyes:

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rocket launches from the Gaza is just a cry for help to the world.

Under the Nazis the jews suffer 6 years, under the Jews, the Palestinian suffer 60 years and no end in sight!

Maybe they should not have declared war on the Jews - numerous times - and refused to make peace ever since. :rolleyes:

you can fool few people but not 6 billion

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rocket launches from the Gaza is just a cry for help to the world.

Under the Nazis the jews suffer 6 years, under the Jews, the Palestinian suffer 60 years and no end in sight!

Maybe they should not have declared war on the Jews - numerous times - and refused to make peace ever since. :rolleyes:

The misery and war started in 1948, when a new country was "created" on land that belonged to other people. It's silly to blame the original owners

of that land for defending themselves against the invader and occupier, and rightfully so, refusing to recognise the legitimacy of that country.

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Question. And a little deep I guess but.... Why did the allies not establish the state of Israel for the Jews in occupied Germany? I mean, Germany started and lost the War. Instead they established it in the Middle East. Big Boo Boo.

As for the current {50 years} situation. Stop building settlements on Arab land captured in the 1967 war. Problem solved.

That's an offensive question, and you would know that if you understood history. There was already a Zionist movement in Israel for decades before WW2 and there were Jews all over the world, not only Germany, and there used to be Jews all over the Middle East until they were mostly booted out by their respective governments (which is something the anti-Zionists will never mention as it goes against their script). The world's Jews would not have wanted a Jewish state in Germany immediately after the most horrific genocide of their people in world history (and most of the German ones were already mass murdered). As far as the founding of Israel, yes it was the UN, and it wouldn't have happened without the support of US President Truman, and it also true the Arabs resisted it with violence from day one. BTW, the Arab resistance was understandable but so was the impulse of the Jews towards realizing Zionism immediately after the holocaust. Thus, this horrific long standing conflict.

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The misery and war started in 1948, when a new country was "created" on land that belonged to other people. It's silly to blame the original owners

You mean the absentee Arab owners in Syria who sold large lots of desert land to the Jews which they then made bloom?

Mark Twain's visit to Lebanon, Syria, and the Holy Land in 1867 was published in "The Innocents Abroad", and Twain described Palestine as follows:

"..... A desolate country whose soil is rich enough, but is given over wholly to weeds... a silent mournful expanse.... a desolation.... we never saw a human being on the whole route.... hardly a tree or shrub anywhere. Even the olive tree and the cactus, those fast friends of a worthless soil, had almost deserted the country." (The Innocents Abroad, p. 361-362)

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Question. And a little deep I guess but.... Why did the allies not establish the state of Israel for the Jews in occupied Germany? I mean, Germany started and lost the War. Instead they established it in the Middle East. Big Boo Boo.

As for the current {50 years} situation. Stop building settlements on Arab land captured in the 1967 war. Problem solved.

That's an offensive question, and you would know that if you understood history. There was already a Zionist movement in Israel for decades before WW2 and there were Jews all over the world, not only Germany, and there used to be Jews all over the Middle East until they were mostly booted out by their respective governments (which is something the anti-Zionists will never mention as it goes against their script). The world's Jews would not have wanted a Jewish state in Germany immediately after the most horrific genocide of their people in world history (and most of the German ones were already mass murdered). As far as the founding of Israel, yes it was the UN, and it wouldn't have happened without the support of US President Truman, and it also true the Arabs resisted it with violence from day one. BTW, the Arab resistance was understandable but so was the impulse of the Jews towards realizing Zionism immediately after the holocaust. Thus, this horrific long standing conflict.

I am very interested to know how you find the question "Offensive".

Yes. Jews were all over the world without a home state as you stated. Then that became a problem that the world leaders of that time dumped on the Palistinians.

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I already explained why it is offensive (not to mention darkly absurd) to suggest a Jewish state be created in Germany after 1945. All I can do now is suggest a visit to a major holocaust museum.

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I already explained why it is offensive (not to mention darkly absurd) to suggest a Jewish state be created in Germany after 1945. All I can do now is suggest a visit to a major holocaust museum.

I don't find it offensive at all. And I am not a Zionist if the thought was popping into ones mind. And I certainly don't need a field trip to a Holocaust [major or minor] museum to know what happened to all those poor souls at the hands of a horrible Regime.

However, In 1933, approximately 9.5 million Jews lived in Europe, comprising 1.7% of the total European population. This number represented more than 60 percent of the world's Jewish population at that time, estimated at 15.3 million. Why stack,pack and rack em' on Arab land ?

Until the Israeli Government stops building settlements on occupied land this bitter stalemate will be forever. How many more Palistinian must ultamately suffer the same fate as the victims of the holocaust did before we realize that we need change for peace in the Middle East. And we need it NOW. This is not just about Palistine and Israel. It is this that is fueling the rage within all Jihadist right across our planet. :(

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I already explained why it is offensive (not to mention darkly absurd) to suggest a Jewish state be created in Germany after 1945. All I can do now is suggest a visit to a major holocaust museum.

I don't find it offensive at all. And I am not a Zionist if the thought was popping into ones mind. And I certainly don't need a field trip to a Holocaust [major or minor] museum to know what happened to all those poor souls at the hands of a horrible Regime.

However, In 1933, approximately 9.5 million Jews lived in Europe, comprising 1.7% of the total European population. This number represented more than 60 percent of the world's Jewish population at that time, estimated at 15.3 million. Why stack,pack and rack em' on Arab land ?

Until the Israeli Government stops building settlements on occupied land this bitter stalemate will be forever. How many more Palistinian must ultamately suffer the same fate as the victims of the holocaust did before we realize that we need change for peace in the Middle East. And we need it NOW. This is not just about Palistine and Israel. It is this that is fueling the rage within all Jihadist right across our planet. :(

Acid test question for you -- do you think NOW that Israel has the right to ANY borders in their current region and that they deserve to determine for themselves whether they wish to continue to be a Jewish state, or not? We get it that you think that the UN making Israel a (the only) Jewish state in 1948 was a big mistake. So be it, but what about NOW that there are millions of Jews who call that country home, and what about the over 50 Islamic states in the world, are they also illegitimate to you?

Note that it's a given if there is ever going to be a Palestinian state with peace that Israel will need to give up many settlements and make all kind of other land compromises. However, the question implied in the acid test question is that it is clear that the Palestinian majority doesn't accept a Jewish state of Israel in their region with ANY borders.

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I already explained why it is offensive (not to mention darkly absurd) to suggest a Jewish state be created in Germany after 1945. All I can do now is suggest a visit to a major holocaust museum.

I don't find it offensive at all. And I am not a Zionist if the thought was popping into ones mind. And I certainly don't need a field trip to a Holocaust [major or minor] museum to know what happened to all those poor souls at the hands of a horrible Regime.

However, In 1933, approximately 9.5 million Jews lived in Europe, comprising 1.7% of the total European population. This number represented more than 60 percent of the world's Jewish population at that time, estimated at 15.3 million. Why stack,pack and rack em' on Arab land ?

Until the Israeli Government stops building settlements on occupied land this bitter stalemate will be forever. How many more Palistinian must ultamately suffer the same fate as the victims of the holocaust did before we realize that we need change for peace in the Middle East. And we need it NOW. This is not just about Palistine and Israel. It is this that is fueling the rage within all Jihadist right across our planet. :(

Acid test question for you -- do you think NOW that Israel has the right to ANY borders in their current region and that they deserve to determine for themselves whether they wish to continue to be a Jewish state, or not? We get it that you think that the UN making Israel a (the only) Jewish state in 1948 was a big mistake. So be it, but what about NOW that there are millions of Jews who call that country home, and what about the over 50 Islamic states in the world, are they also illegitimate to you?

Note that it's a given if there is ever going to be a Palestinian state with peace that Israel will need to give up many settlements and make all kind of other land compromises. However, the question implied in the acid test question is that it is clear that the Palestinian majority doesn't accept a Jewish state of Israel in their region with ANY borders.

My point has been made very clear from the outset. It is the continued building of Jewish settlements on Arab land that was captured during the 1967 war. I personally believe outside of this, they have all the right in the world to exist as all other nations do. And a right to self determination. But so do the Palistinians.

However they have been continually denied this by Israel for decades. What it comes down to is " What is good for the Goose is good for the Ganda" The sooner Israel, infact all of us, realise this the closer we will become to a more peaceful Middle East and entire world which every nation has a responsbility to maintain.

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My point has been made very clear from the outset. It is the continued building of Jewish settlements on Arab land that was captured during the 1967 war.

Israel has been attacked over and over again before and after the 1967 war. If the Arabs wanted those borders, they should have accepted them in 1948 or in the almost 20 years before that war began. ;)

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My point has been made very clear from the outset. It is the continued building of Jewish settlements on Arab land that was captured during the 1967 war. I personally believe outside of this, they have all the right in the world to exist as all other nations do. And a right to self determination. But so do the Palistinians.

However they have been continually denied this by Israel for decades. What it comes down to is " What is good for the Goose is good for the Ganda" The sooner Israel, infact all of us, realise this the closer we will become to a more peaceful Middle East and entire world which every nation has a responsbility to maintain.

Of course so do the Palestinians and of course the Israelis have allowed their right wing to get the best of them in so many ways. Other than your bizarre implied suggestion that Israel should have been built in Germany, you have a reasonable position. However, just because lots of people have good will doesn't mean there is any easy solution. Both the Israeli right wing AND the majority Palestinian opinion that any Jewish Israel in the middle east should not exist ensure that. You also don't give the majority of Israelis credit. Most do want peace and most do want a Palestinian state that they can live in peace with side by side, but it isn't simply a matter of singing kumbaya when you have so many Palestinians wanting your state not to exist at all.

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rocket launches from the Gaza is just a cry for help to the world.

Under the Nazis the jews suffer 6 years, under the Jews, the Palestinian suffer 60 years and no end in sight!

Maybe they should not have declared war on the Jews - numerous times - and refused to make peace ever since. :rolleyes:

Perhaps Not.


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Off topic posts, links to anti-semitic propaganda, and replies deleted.

Why is Pakboong - once again - providing links to hate-sites that try to pin the holocaust on the Jews themselves after this link was removed by the mods just a few posts back?

It should be pointed out that this propaganda piece is targeting Jews in general rather than Israel - for all those who keep insisting that anti-Semitism is just an imaginary trick used by Israel to justify self-defense.

By the way, the same group that sponsors the hate-link claims that the holocaust was a myth and that "no one ever saw" any Jews being killed by the Nazis. This kind of loathsome trash does not belong on Thai Visa, but pops up in any thread about Israel on a regular basis. .

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Off topic posts, links to anti-semitic propaganda, and replies deleted.

Why is Pakboong - once again - providing links to hate-sites that try to pin the holocaust on the Jews themselves after this link was removed by the mods just a few posts back?

It should be pointed out that this propaganda piece is targeting Jews in general rather than Israel - for all those who keep insisting that anti-Semitism is just an imaginary trick used by Israel to justify self-defense.

By the way, the same group that sponsors the hate-link claims that the holocaust was a myth and that "no one ever saw" any Jews being killed by the Nazis. This kind of loathsome trash does not belong on Thai Visa, but pops up in any thread about Israel on a regular basis. .

just wondering.

is the Jews not Zioniste site also a anti-semitic propaganda site? jewsnotzionists.org :whistling:

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