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Fancy A Uk Piss-up?

the scouser

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Well, I've just awoke after my 3 day coma in ICU.

Had a great night though, must do it again soon!! I'll be drinking water (don't worry).

I learnt another valuable lesson - don't drink on empty stomach.

Do you all make it out for curry???

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Ha ha, yeah I like the odd one at home but haven't had a session since my wedding in June. Thought I could keep up with my brother 'Sumo' of Heywood. He keeps telling me to practice the drinking but I've given up with it - I will never be a master!! I need to move on to bitter or something with less bubbles - I'm getting old (27).

It was good to meet up with you all and nice for the ladies to see eachother too. Not had time to check out the rest of this site yet as just started a new job yesterday. Anything worth looking at? I'm never been on a forum before.

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Ha ha, yeah I like the odd one at home but haven't had a session since my wedding in June. Thought I could keep up with my brother 'Sumo' of Heywood. He keeps telling me to practice the drinking but I've given up with it - I will never be a master!! I need to move on to bitter or something with less bubbles - I'm getting old (27).

It was good to meet up with you all and nice for the ladies to see eachother too. Not had time to check out the rest of this site yet as just started a new job yesterday. Anything worth looking at? I'm never been on a forum before.

Wine ? :o

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Start off in General Topics. Theres a sticky thread where new member can say hello, then just surf the many categories, see what takes your fancy and get stuck in.

Yeah, Honker (you might live to regret that name) :o

Start off in General Topics, Farang Fun Entertainment, Expat Life (which you have obviously already found) Hong Khlaay Khriat is good and the rest are really for specialist areas. Like if you want to know what's in the news, happening in Patters or Thai Language etc.

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Falangaman has been in toiuch and suggested a monthly do. How does that grab everone? If you're up for it, we thought we'd have the return leg in Liverpool and make it a Saturday afternoon kick off. That way the Manchester crew can pour themselves onto a train and still be home for last knockings at the Dog and Partridge. How 'bout 5 November (pyromaniacs need not attend)?

Opothai also suggested having a UK-wide do, perhaps making a weekend of it. Any thoughts?


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Falangaman has been in toiuch and suggested a monthly do. How does that grab everone? If you're up for it, we thought we'd have the return leg in Liverpool and make it a Saturday afternoon kick off. That way the Manchester crew can pour themselves onto a train and still be home for last knockings at the Dog and Partridge. How 'bout 5 November (pyromaniacs need not attend)?

Opothai also suggested having a UK-wide do, perhaps making a weekend of it. Any thoughts?


Count me in for both Guys. Liverpool are away to Aston Villa on the 5th Nov, so the should be safe for us Mancs eh Scouse? :o:D

As for the UK-wide-do. After the PM's i got for the last do, Birmingham or the Midlands seems to be the favourite for most people to get to but i'll leave that to the southern whimps who didn't make the last one :D:D

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Falangaman has been in toiuch and suggested a monthly do. How does that grab everone? If you're up for it, we thought we'd have the return leg in Liverpool and make it a Saturday afternoon kick off. That way the Manchester crew can pour themselves onto a train and still be home for last knockings at the Dog and Partridge. How 'bout 5 November (pyromaniacs need not attend)?

Opothai also suggested having a UK-wide do, perhaps making a weekend of it. Any thoughts?


I can't make it again, 5th November is my mates wedding.

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I'm fairly new to this forum so 'hello' to any of you I haven't spoken with on here before.

If it's okay for a newbie then I'd like to tag along to the next one? It's still in Birmingham, right?


Welcome to the forum Matt. Of course your more than welcome to come along. The next Big one we have proposed as being in Birmingham. But we are going to have another practise run :D in Liverpool on Sat 5th November. If you can, pop along to that one also.

I can't make it again, 5th November is my mates wedding.

I'm beginning to think your a whimp Rj :D:D Only messin mate. That's a pity, hopefully you can make the "Big" one though :o

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As for the UK-wide-do. After the PM's i got for the last do, Birmingham or the Midlands seems to be the favourite for most people to get to but i'll leave that to the southern whimps who didn't make the last one  :o  :D

The wife and i will be well up for a Brum do along with a few of our Thai friends down here in good old Bristol.

If we can think of a time to do it and what area then all we need is someone in the area that will be willing to organise it.

I can organise one in Bristol, but that might be a bit too far south for you dodgy Northeners.

If you fancy a get together in Bristol then let me know i am more than happy to organise one. I have a friend who owns a b&b with a restaurant and bar so i can get a good deal on accomodation and food. :D

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Bloody Southern Nancies!!

We can mix at the National Assembly in Brum when we get round to arranging one.........

Honker can show you how to sup!!


Guess i will be letting the southeners down anyway as i dont drink. But i will out drink anyone on orange juice and lemonade. I tell ya you wanna see me on all those E numbers i go hyper :o

Just let me know the date and time and i will be sinking the oj with the best of you :D

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As for the UK-wide-do. After the PM's i got for the last do, Birmingham or the Midlands seems to be the favourite for most people to get to but i'll leave that to the southern whimps who didn't make the last one  :o  :D

The wife and i will be well up for a Brum do along with a few of our Thai friends down here in good old Bristol.

opothai lives in Coventry but i don't think he's lived there very long. Is there a brummy out there who fancies doing the arrangements? Is BigSpuds from Brum?

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What we need is someone on the ground to sort out venues etc. If BS is a brummie then we could let him make some reccomendations.

Sod it! No time like the present to get the ball rolling!

I'll throw in a few ideas into the pot for a foundation and we can see where we end up.

I'm taking it we're all settled on Brum in mid to late November as a host city as its easy to get to from pretty much anywhere in the mainland. Its only 1.30 hrs from Manchester and 1.30 hrs or so from London by train.

I always think a Saturday afternoon (around 1-2 ish) is best as it gives people time enough to get there in good time, have a good drink and chinwag before heading off into the sunset. In my experience these things tend to break up around 7-8PM especially when people have to get trains etc.

A central place is also pretty important. Somewhere within stumbling distance of stations etc.

If we can't get any on the ground info, it could be worth maybe thinking of hiring a function room in a pub and splitting the cost between us all. That way we are assured seats and no interuptions.

If we can all agree on the basics then the finer details can then be introduced.

Over to you.......................

Edited by ProfessorFart
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I'm fairly new to this forum so 'hello' to any of you I haven't spoken with on here before.

If it's okay for a newbie then I'd like to tag along to the next one? It's still in Birmingham, right?


Welcome to the forum Matt. Of course your more than welcome to come along. The next Big one we have proposed as being in Birmingham. But we are going to have another practise run  :o in Liverpool on Sat 5th November. If you can, pop along to that one also.

Thanks for the reply MrBojangles.

I'll see if the budget will stretch to Liverpool as well as Birmingham but I'm trying to get out to Thailand to see my girlfriend at Christmas so we'll see.

So if anyone wants anything taken out to Thailand for Christmas :D then then let me know and we'll arrange something at one of the meets.

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I'm trying to get out to Thailand to see my girlfriend at Christmas so we'll see.

Where are you going at Christmas Matt. Me and Mrs BoJangles are going over for a month at Christmas. So some piss up's in Thailand are already being arranged with other TV members. Apart from Thailand interests, it seems everyone on TV has one other thing in common :o

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I'm trying to get out to Thailand to see my girlfriend at Christmas so we'll see.

Where are you going at Christmas Matt. Me and Mrs BoJangles are going over for a month at Christmas. So some piss up's in Thailand are already being arranged with other TV members. Apart from Thailand interests, it seems everyone on TV has one other thing in common :o

Hi Mr BoJangles,

I'm not sure exactly where I'll be at the moment. I'm trying to get my girlfriend to let me know where she wants to go. She has family in Phitsanulok and wants to go see them. Also I found out today that my brother who lives on Ko Tao has Dengue Fever quite bad so I should go down to see him for a few days while I'm over.

But I'm out for 3 weeks so will be in Bangkok for at least a week (pretty sure I'll be seeing in the New Year there) and am definitely up for a piss up out there!

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Alright folks... I've been offline for a few days, working in London :D

Seems like things are progressing nicely then, so its Liverpool on 5th Nov if I'm right?

I can see another damaged liver on its way.

Hey hey hey, Honker - you pulled through!! Good on you mate, I look forward to drinking with you again :o

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OK, shall we say 2 o'clock either at the bar at Lime Street station or the concourse itself, and we can then move on from there? Perhaps go to the Philharmonic. Nice pub: they don't let in the feral types flogging car stereos, rolex watches and batteries.


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