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Buying A Condo With A Work Permit

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OK, this is the situation.

I am looking to to buy a condo.

I have a work permit, job, social security, pay taxes, the whole lot.

And the money for the condo is currently in my Thai account in THB.

I know that as a non resident foreigner, you need a document from the bank to prove you brought the money into the country, but I earned it here, legally and payed taxes on it. Does that rule still apply to me? I have a 1 year Non-B Visa wich I renew every year, together with my work permit.

I want to prevent sending the money out and then in again, for obvious reasons.

Any help would be appreciated, since I havent found anybody who can give me a correct answer

Thanks a lot

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Unless you are a Permanent Resident or have BOI investment promation approval or have a special BOT non-resident baht account or have brought foreign currency into Thailand, then you cannot purchase a condominium in your foreign name. Nowhere is an exemption granted specifically for work permit holders. It would appear that the funds for your condo purchase are in a standard Thai bank baht account, not a foreign currency account..

Edited by InterestedObserver
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