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Bitter & Twisted Isaan Expats


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I feel the same as Bergan. I am happy with my life here, but its what you make it.

There is a higher percentage of older folk around Issan and SOME of them would be miserable,grumpy anti-social Old Gits no matter where they live.

I would not change much, if I had the chance ( other than the sterling to the Baht rate).


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I feel the same as Bergan. I am happy with my life here, but its what you make it.

There is a higher percentage of older folk around Issan and SOME of them would be miserable,grumpy anti-social Old Gits no matter where they live.

I would not change much, if I had the chance ( other than the sterling to the Baht rate).


Most of the people that I deal with are just normal people, if you can see that a person who gives up his own countries life style to move here is normal. I guess the people that I meet, are not the stick at homes and moan day after day because they cannot get the ammenities they are used to. Everyone must remember, that in this day and age, due to the great influx of Expats to all areas in Thailand, that the little things you are used to, and maybe find it hard to get by without, are available within a couple of hours drive now, wherever you live in this country. I have read posts from people that can't get this, can't get that, where can you buy this, where can you buy that? some of them even living in BKK or Patters.I know in our area (Surin) there are at least 20 Farang Pubs/restaurants/shops/supermarkets within an hours drive radius, with almost anything available. Maybe some of these grumpy, moaning old gits are ranting and raving because of this fact. :o

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Interesting thread this one... After reading this thread I just had to comment on some of the statements made. (apologising for my comment below beforehand as I'm new here)

I always hate to see people judging or stereotyping people. Judge yourself not others.

There are many reasons why people come to this lovely country and I believe most are seeking one common goal: happiness.

Well yes ! But remember that according to the Americans "Paradise" was closed about 7000 years ago and Adam and Eve and their offspring had to go abroad to Taiwan, Singapore South Korea, Dubai and so on to make their living. Some of them even go to Sweden to pick blueberries !! Otherwise; Welcome to you ! Make the best out of your life as all other of us try to do ! Isaan is not too bad !

Long live post-53941-1231244200_thumb.jpg

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I tend to agree with the OP. I've been to Thailand countless times over about 20 years. I have never had major problems with Thai people or major concerns about hanging out with them. My biggest reservation about Thailand is the farangs; too bad that that is what disuades me from spending more time there.

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During the past couple of years I have observed a different type of farang here. Very little is mentioned about this type. He was born with a silver spoon in his mouth. He never held a decent job in his life and never will. He cost his family a lot of money because he had a lot of time at home to get into all sorts of trouble. Trouble in western countries is quite expensive. His family has saved a lot of money by allowing him to move to Thailand. He receives a monthly allowance and doesn't have a huge pocket full of money to lose. In fact, towards the end of the month he is frequently broke. Take a look at your acquaintances and see how many of this type you recognize.

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During the past couple of years I have observed a different type of farang here. Very little is mentioned about this type. He was born with a silver spoon in his mouth. He never held a decent job in his life and never will. He cost his family a lot of money because he had a lot of time at home to get into all sorts of trouble. Trouble in western countries is quite expensive. His family has saved a lot of money by allowing him to move to Thailand. He receives a monthly allowance and doesn't have a huge pocket full of money to lose. In fact, towards the end of the month he is frequently broke. Take a look at your acquaintances and see how many of this type you recognize.

In observing this new breed of farang can you determine whether he displays signs of being 'bitter and twisted' or are you being 'bitter and twisted' in observing him?

And as for being broke at the end of the month?. Most pensioners I know have the same problem.

Edited by Geekfreaklover
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I tend to agree with the OP. I've been to Thailand countless times over about 20 years. I have never had major problems with Thai people or major concerns about hanging out with them. My biggest reservation about Thailand is the farangs; too bad that that is what disuades me from spending more time there.

I take it, Mr focus, that you read and write fluent Thai and fully understand the thai social system and way of living.

Having, as you say, visited Thailand countless times over the last 20 years and having, as you say reservations about fellow foreign visitors, which have led you not to return one would assume that you can fully blend in with the Thai social system (hence your negative reference towards farang) but don't wish to do so becasue there are too many foreigners here.

For us that live here we understand this much; However much we adapt to the culture, it is important to have expat connections to be able to excercise the english language and enjoy laughter with friends and talk about the environment where we live. Otherwise one does become cynical.

Expat bars in Thailand, and furthermore bars in any country in the world are a place where one can vent of steam amongst friends, drink and smoke. That is what bars are about.

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During the past couple of years I have observed a different type of farang here. Very little is mentioned about this type. He was born with a silver spoon in his mouth. He never held a decent job in his life and never will. He cost his family a lot of money because he had a lot of time at home to get into all sorts of trouble. Trouble in western countries is quite expensive. His family has saved a lot of money by allowing him to move to Thailand. He receives a monthly allowance and doesn't have a huge pocket full of money to lose. In fact, towards the end of the month he is frequently broke. Take a look at your acquaintances and see how many of this type you recognize.

In observing this new breed of farang can you determine whether he displays signs of being 'bitter and twisted' or are you being 'bitter and twisted' in observing him?

And as for being broke at the end of the month?. Most pensioners I know have the same problem.

Why would I be bitter and twisted? I don't have to depend on anyone for my income and I am able to buy whatever I want. These guys own nothing and never will. They resent anyone who is independent. They had better hope that there is a lot of money in their trust fund because they won't survive without their allowance.

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yes there are many silver spoon types but in my experience anyway they are all under 30.

So if they were over 30 it would be a problem?

I've never met anyone staying in thailand long term that falls into the 'silver spoon' catergory. Plenty of backpackers, but not anyone living here past 2 or 3 years. I know some younger farangs that run businesses and are occasionaly helped out by their parents/relatives back in their respective lands. These people don't seem to fall into the 'bitter and twisted' catergory. In fact, they seem to quite enjoy their time here.

Most of the B&T (bitter and twisted- re; op) farangs can be found in Pattaya bars. One or two divorce(s) back in farangland then they came over to Thailand for a couple of weeks, meet a girl of questionable occupation and decided to open a bar. Of course they will lose money and get burnt. It was all, in most cases just a pipe dream.

To be honest I don't have a clue what you have against younger farangs living in Thailand. Is it some kind of reverse ageism?

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yes there are many silver spoon types but in my experience anyway they are all under 30.

So if they were over 30 it would be a problem?

I've never met anyone staying in thailand long term that falls into the 'silver spoon' catergory. Plenty of backpackers, but not anyone living here past 2 or 3 years. I know some younger farangs that run businesses and are occasionaly helped out by their parents/relatives back in their respective lands. These people don't seem to fall into the 'bitter and twisted' catergory. In fact, they seem to quite enjoy their time here.

Most of the B&T (bitter and twisted- re; op) farangs can be found in Pattaya bars. One or two divorce(s) back in farangland then they came over to Thailand for a couple of weeks, meet a girl of questionable occupation and decided to open a bar. Of course they will lose money and get burnt. It was all, in most cases just a pipe dream.

To be honest I don't have a clue what you have against younger farangs living in Thailand. Is it some kind of reverse ageism?

I've never met any of them either! and agree with the above sentiments.

99.9% of the guys&gals under 30 are skint Engrish Teachers


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Great bit of posting.

Have to make a comment on one thing though, just becasue you see another Farrang why does that mean you have to go and speak to them? Not that I am a grumpy <deleted>,

I love living in Issan... would not change it.

I also love it here and agree with you. Why would you speak to a total stranger just because he was not a Thai?

Really?I thought it was the polite thing to do,i never really thought about it.I always say hello to another farang,when i see one up here.I have met some nice people doing that,and made some good friends.I would not do it in BKK or Pattaya,but up here they are not so thick on the ground.Not all are friendly in return,and that's their prerogative as a person.

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There does seem to be a lot of cynics, but to a man they have made little effort to adapt to there environment. Try learning the language, you can then have normal conversations with your neighbors and the people you meet daily. I have seen too many falangs trying to second guess what the Thai's are thinking, and with a cynical mind, this usual means they are wrong. Also by improving your language skills you will gain the respect and friendship of the locals. Remember all the locals see, is a falang loosing his temper in frustration. It seems to me that living in Isaan with no Thai language skills is like being in a wheel chair, with your thai girlfriend pushing you around, because you movement is restricted. Oh yeh, for all the people who think they are too old to learn, I have a customer who is 60, and has spent the past 4 years learning Thai. He is currently reading Harry Potter books.

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To be honest I don't have a clue what you have against younger farangs living in Thailand. Is it some kind of reverse ageism?

What made you think I had anything against young farangs living in Thailand? To begin with, such a view would be self-hating.

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There does seem to be a lot of cynics, but to a man they have made little effort to adapt to there environment. Try learning the language, you can then have normal conversations with your neighbors and the people you meet daily. I have seen too many falangs trying to second guess what the Thai's are thinking, and with a cynical mind, this usual means they are wrong. Also by improving your language skills you will gain the respect and friendship of the locals. Remember all the locals see, is a falang loosing his temper in frustration. It seems to me that living in Isaan with no Thai language skills is like being in a wheel chair, with your thai girlfriend pushing you around, because you movement is restricted. Oh yeh, for all the people who think they are too old to learn, I have a customer who is 60, and has spent the past 4 years learning Thai. He is currently reading Harry Potter books.

J, I like the wheelchair metaphor.

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To be honest I don't have a clue what you have against younger farangs living in Thailand. Is it some kind of reverse ageism?

What made you think I had anything against young farangs living in Thailand? To begin with, such a view would be self-hating.

Will, it was this comment.

"yes there are many silver spoon types but in my experience anyway they are all under 30"

Maybe I read it the wrong way. Feel free to eleborate.

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During the past couple of years I have observed a different type of farang here. Very little is mentioned about this type. He was born with a silver spoon in his mouth. He never held a decent job in his life and never will. He cost his family a lot of money because he had a lot of time at home to get into all sorts of trouble. Trouble in western countries is quite expensive. His family has saved a lot of money by allowing him to move to Thailand. He receives a monthly allowance and doesn't have a huge pocket full of money to lose. In fact, towards the end of the month he is frequently broke. Take a look at your acquaintances and see how many of this type you recognize.

In observing this new breed of farang can you determine whether he displays signs of being 'bitter and twisted' or are you being 'bitter and twisted' in observing him?

And as for being broke at the end of the month?. Most pensioners I know have the same problem.

Why would I be bitter and twisted? I don't have to depend on anyone for my income and I am able to buy whatever I want. These guys own nothing and never will. They resent anyone who is independent. They had better hope that there is a lot of money in their trust fund because they won't survive without their allowance.

Sorry Gary, it sounds 'bitter and twisted' to me.

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During the past couple of years I have observed a different type of farang here. Very little is mentioned about this type. He was born with a silver spoon in his mouth. He never held a decent job in his life and never will. He cost his family a lot of money because he had a lot of time at home to get into all sorts of trouble. Trouble in western countries is quite expensive. His family has saved a lot of money by allowing him to move to Thailand. He receives a monthly allowance and doesn't have a huge pocket full of money to lose. In fact, towards the end of the month he is frequently broke. Take a look at your acquaintances and see how many of this type you recognize.

Well I have never seen anyone like that here in northern Buriram. I guess they live in the big towns where they can find people who listen to them. Where did you see them ?? There was a nice german visiting here last week. I had no problems with him and I hope he will come back !

I guess my only problem just now is "Why is it so cold ????"

Edited by JanAndersLarsson
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Sorry Gary, it sounds 'bitter and twisted' to me.

Gary A is certainly not bitter and twisted. :o

Hi Gary, hope you're not too cold up there at this time.

I'm out of country at the moment, Alien is very cold she tells me, looks like Loei is in for a cold few days, well nights actually.

Cheers Gary, I wish I was there, I want one of those BBQ's you have !

See you. M. :D

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Sorry Gary, it sounds 'bitter and twisted' to me.

Gary A is certainly not bitter and twisted. :o

Hi Gary, hope you're not too cold up there at this time.

I'm out of country at the moment, Alien is very cold she tells me, looks like Loei is in for a cold few days, well nights actually.

Cheers Gary, I wish I was there, I want one of those BBQ's you have !

See you. M. :D

The 10 and 11 Celsius is COLD. These kinds of nights I have to stay up later than the wife otherwise she enjoys climbing in bed and putting her cold feet on my warm parts. When will you be back? Almost too cold to drink beer lately.

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During the past couple of years I have observed a different type of farang here. Very little is mentioned about this type. He was born with a silver spoon in his mouth. He never held a decent job in his life and never will. He cost his family a lot of money because he had a lot of time at home to get into all sorts of trouble. Trouble in western countries is quite expensive. His family has saved a lot of money by allowing him to move to Thailand. He receives a monthly allowance and doesn't have a huge pocket full of money to lose. In fact, towards the end of the month he is frequently broke. Take a look at your acquaintances and see how many of this type you recognize.

In observing this new breed of farang can you determine whether he displays signs of being 'bitter and twisted' or are you being 'bitter and twisted' in observing him?

And as for being broke at the end of the month?. Most pensioners I know have the same problem.

Why would I be bitter and twisted? I don't have to depend on anyone for my income and I am able to buy whatever I want. These guys own nothing and never will. They resent anyone who is independent. They had better hope that there is a lot of money in their trust fund because they won't survive without their allowance.

Sorry Gary, it sounds 'bitter and twisted' to me.

It sounds to me like you are one of those who gets an allowance from Mommy and Daddy.

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During the past couple of years I have observed a different type of farang here. Very little is mentioned about this type. He was born with a silver spoon in his mouth. He never held a decent job in his life and never will. He cost his family a lot of money because he had a lot of time at home to get into all sorts of trouble. Trouble in western countries is quite expensive. His family has saved a lot of money by allowing him to move to Thailand. He receives a monthly allowance and doesn't have a huge pocket full of money to lose. In fact, towards the end of the month he is frequently broke. Take a look at your acquaintances and see how many of this type you recognize.

In observing this new breed of farang can you determine whether he displays signs of being 'bitter and twisted' or are you being 'bitter and twisted' in observing him?

And as for being broke at the end of the month?. Most pensioners I know have the same problem.

Why would I be bitter and twisted? I don't have to depend on anyone for my income and I am able to buy whatever I want. These guys own nothing and never will. They resent anyone who is independent. They had better hope that there is a lot of money in their trust fund because they won't survive without their allowance.

Sorry Gary, it sounds 'bitter and twisted' to me.

It sounds to me like you are one of those who gets an allowance from Mommy and Daddy.

I wish!

I work with a work permit, own a business, employ locals and pay tax here in Thailand. I contribute to society. It would be great to be in a situation where i received benifits fom overseas, or recieved funds from rich relatives but I am not old enough to recieve a pension, and my family can not afford to support me fiancially.

The thread was about 'bitter and twisted farangs' and your comment was pulling the topic in a new direction detailing a certain breed of Farang that lives in Isaan that doesn't work and is not old enough to recieve a pension. From the tone of your post it seems quite obvious that you consider this type of Farang a threat to your current status que. It is interesting that some people feel the need to look down their nose on foreign people that live in Thaiand without considering their own personal situation

Why should that be a problem?... It doesn't bother me.

But even if their are these so called silver spoon farangs. What's the problem? In Thailand, rich folks with family that support them are considered lucky and held in high regard. We are living in Thailand.

Older Farangs suggesting that there are younger farangs in Thailand being supported by their parents seems a pointless observation in regard to the topic in hand. Especially when the majority of older farangs are paying money to their other half's children, cousins family etc..

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It was my observation about silver spoons being young farangs predominantly and you cocked up by assuming I was an older farang bemoaning this observation. Error. Instead of shying away you'll just keep digging yourself into a hole it seems.

" In Thailand, rich folks with family that support them are considered lucky and held in high regard."

Another Thailand expert in the making..

The really interesting thing is why you feel the need to defend this group, and not others, especially when they were only mentioned in passing and not in any way targeted or vilified by any posters.

Even going so far as to argue absurdly that, thai-culturally, it might be an enviable position to adopt, which belies your knowledge (shame?) to the opposite.

p.s. not only am i 25, i do everything you do- own business, work permit, pay tax. Aren't we clever, clever, clever little bunnies! But nobody respects us, so we have to come and shout about it on the internet.. :o Oh well, maybe one day we will get recognised as the pillars of society that we know ourselves to be?

Edited by OxfordWill
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During the past couple of years I have observed a different type of farang here. Very little is mentioned about this type. He was born with a silver spoon in his mouth. He never held a decent job in his life and never will. He cost his family a lot of money because he had a lot of time at home to get into all sorts of trouble. Trouble in western countries is quite expensive. His family has saved a lot of money by allowing him to move to Thailand. He receives a monthly allowance and doesn't have a huge pocket full of money to lose. In fact, towards the end of the month he is frequently broke. Take a look at your acquaintances and see how many of this type you recognize.

Well I have never seen anyone like that here in northern Buriram. I guess they live in the big towns where they can find people who listen to them. Where did you see them ?? There was a nice german visiting here last week. I had no problems with him and I hope he will come back !

I guess my only problem just now is "Why is it so cold ????"

there are many of them in koh samui. grown men aged 40 and up still on the tit

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Well is anyone going to stick their neck out and name the moaners bars in Udon and Korat (and everywhere else while we're at it), in fact balance it up and name the friendly bars too.

My only experiences of Isaan are one night stopovers in Udon and Khon Kaen on the way to/from Laos for a visa, I always found Steves bar in Udon OK--and both the Steves, but it's a while since I've been there. Can't remember the names of the bars in Khon Kaen but there seemed to be quite a few and I never noticed any moaners.

I'm hoping to do a tour of Isaan later in the year, so I will probably do some research into both types of bars.

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It was my observation about silver spoons being young farangs predominantly and you cocked up by assuming I was an older farang bemoaning this observation. Error. Instead of shying away you'll just keep digging yourself into a hole it seems.

" In Thailand, rich folks with family that support them are considered lucky and held in high regard."

Another Thailand expert in the making..

The really interesting thing is why you feel the need to defend this group, and not others, especially when they were only mentioned in passing and not in any way targeted or vilified by any posters.

Even going so far as to argue absurdly that, thai-culturally, it might be an enviable position to adopt, which belies your knowledge (shame?) to the opposite.

p.s. not only am i 25, i do everything you do- own business, work permit, pay tax. Aren't we clever, clever, clever little bunnies! But nobody respects us, so we have to come and shout about it on the internet.. :o Oh well, maybe one day we will get recognised as the pillars of society that we know ourselves to be?

The topic is about farangs being 'bitter and twisted' - A certain post made a random comment about younger farangs receiving parental funding to stay in Thailand. Said comment sounded to me, ever so slightly, perhaps bitter and twisted. I was simply pointing this out to encourage the topic to keep going. My plan has obviously worked.

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