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A request to the Mods: Is it possible to open a separate thread for discussion and speculation thread on the case (in General topics or maybe even Farang Pub) to allow this thread to emphasize on facts and condolence. There are many points around the story that may be worth discussing, but are not helpful to friends, neighbors and family.


Some speculations:

I think this is definately a hoax topic and never happened or he was Austrian and not an Aussie. Austrian and Australian would sound the same to a thai

Police (see below) gives his name as นายโรนัลด์ เวย์น มาร์ติน (Mr. Ronald Wayne Martin?), which is an unlikely (though not impossible) name for an Austrian.

Some facts:

On their forum, Bueng Samphan Police has published a pictorial report on the apprehension of the suspect. I will not add a direct link to protect people with a weak stomach (esp. friends and family) from unwittingly seeing a particular image that explicitly depicts the head-wound. If you are curious and not faint of heart, you can go to bungsamphan phetchabun police go th and look for a message published on 06 ม.ค. 2554 (Jan, 6th 2011) with the topic แถลงข่าว... (in a few weeks from now you will have to click อ่านข่าวทั้งหมด first). In the message there is a link to the more detailed report (which contains said horrifying image).

Here's google translate rendering of the text (no images). Some passages are badly translated, but the overall picture should be correct. I underlined some dubious translations and added remarks in {braces}.

เมื่อวันที่ 6 มกราคม 2554 พล.ต.ต.ทวีชัย วิริยะโกศล รอง ผบช.ภ.6 พล.ต.ต.ชวลิต ชาญเวชช์ ผบก.ภ.จว.เพชรบูรณ์ พ.ต.อ.ปริญญา วิศิษฐฎากุล รอง ผบก.ภ.จว.เพชรบูรณ์ พ.ต.อ.สมพร ทองรอด ผกก.สภ.บึงสามพัน On January 6, 2554 Pol.Maj.Gen Thaweechai persistence Kosol Vice ผbc.p. 6 Pol.Maj.Gen Chavalit Expert patch ผbu.p.hy. Phetchabun police colonel degree Wisit ฐ Asada Kun, vice ผbu.p.hy. Phetchabun police colonel survived Somporn gold ผuu.sp. Bung Samphan. ได้จัดแถลงข่าวการจับกุม ผู้ต้องหาคดีฆ่านายโรนัลด์ เวย์น มาร์ติน ชาวออสเตรเลีย Organized a press conference the arrest of the accused case kill Ronald Wayne Martin, Australian คดีนี้สื่อมวลชนและประชาชนให้ความสนใจเป็นพิเศษเนื่องจาก ผู้ตายเป็นชาวต่างประเทศ This case the media and public interest especially since the death of a foreigner.

เมื่อวันที่ 4 มกราคม 2554 เวลาประมาณ 19.00 น. นายโรนัลด์ เวย์น มาร์ติน อายุ 59 ปี ชาวออสเตรเลีย On January 4, 2554 at approximately 19:00 pm Mr. Ronald Wayne Martin, age 59, Australian และเป็นสามีของผู้กล่าวหาในคดีนี้และพักอาศัยอยู่ที่บ้าน ที่เกิดเหตุ And is the husband of the accused {accusant} in this case and is staying at home {living} at the scene. ได้ขับขี่รถยนต์กระบะ Was driving pickup ยี่ห้อโตโยต้า Toyota brand. หมายเลขทะเบียน xx-xxxx เพชรบูรณ์ กลับจากทำธุระที่ตลาดในหมู่บ้าน Registration number xx-xxxx Phetchabun back from doing business in the village market. เมื่อขับขี่รถยนต์กลับถึงบริเวณหน้าบ้านพัก When driving back to the home page. ได้มีคนร้ายที่ซุ่มอยู่บริเวณหน้าบ้านใช้อาวุธปืนลูกซอง ยิงนายโรนัลด์ เวย์น มาร์ติน จำนวน 1 นัด The ambush was the villain in front of the house, armed shotgun shooting, Mr. Ronald Wayne Martin, of an appointment {one bullet round}

ระสุนปืนถูกที่บริเวณ ศีรษะด้านขวา จำนวน 1 แห่ง ได้รับบาดเจ็บล้มลงอยู่ที่พื้นดินข้างประตูรถยนต์ด้านขวา Cartridge is at the head of the right of an injured falling on the ground beside the car door on the right. และคนร้ายได้หลบหนีไป And criminals fled. ญาติได้ช่วยเหลือนำตัวนายโรนัลด์ เวย์น มาร์ติน ส่งโรงพยาบาลบึงสามพัน Relatives helped bring Mr. Ronald Wayne Martin, the hospital Bung Samphan. ปรากฏว่านายโรนัลด์ เวย์นมาร์ติน ได้ถึงแก่ความตาย Appears {revealed} that Mr. Ronald Wayne Martin, has died

เมื่อได้รับแจ้งเหตุ เจ้าหน้าที่ตำรวจ นำโดย พ.ต.อ.สมพร ทองรอด ผกก.ฯ พ.ต.ท.ไพฑูรย์ สังข์ทอง รอง ผกก.สส.ฯ พ.ต.ท.ภูเบศ แสงอร่าม รอง ผกก.ป.ฯ พ.ต.ท.ศุภณัฏฐ์ นามนรเศรษฐ์ พงส.ฯจึงรีบไปที่เกิดเหตุ Upon notification by the police to police colonel survived Somporn Gold's chief Col Paitoon Sangthong Vice ผuu.ss. Col. Pooebs light illuminated the secondary ผuu.p. Col Supachai's name Nat Nrnesrษฐt Poongs.'s so hurried to the scene

จากการสืบสวนสอบสวนใน เบื้องต้น From the initial investigation. มีพยานหลักฐานยืนยันว่า Have evidence to confirm that ก่อนเกิดเหตุได้พบเห็นนายวิเชษฐ์ ภู่กำจัด ผู้ต้องหาเดินวนเวียนอยู่บริเวณถนนหน้าบ้านที่เกิดเหตุ Before the accident had seen Mr Poo Chet eliminate {probably gamchat -'eliminate' is part of his name, Mr. Wichet Poogamchat?} suspects in the vicious street walking home at the scene. และหลังเกิดเหตุได้หลบหนีออกจากหมู่บ้านไป After the accident and fled from the village.

วันที่ 5 ม.ค.ฯพ.ต.อ.ปริญญา วิศิษฐฎากุล รอง ผบก.ภ.จว.เพชรบูรณ์ Day 5 Am.c.ฯpo.e.o. degree Wisit ฐ Asada Kun, vice ผbu.p.hy. Phetchabun ร่วมกับเจ้าหน้าที่ วิทยาการและพนักงานสอบสวนได้ร่วมกันตรวจที่เกิดเหตุ Science staff and officers with the joint examination of the incident. และสึบสวนสอบสวนจนเชื่อได้ ว่านายวิเชษฐ์ฯน่าจะเป็นคนร้ายในคดีนี้ Fujitsu and home and garden {???} questioned believed that Mr Chet seems to be the villain in this case.

เจ้าหน้าที่ตำรวจสภ.บึงสาม พัน Police a pharmacist. Bung Samphan. จึงได้เดินทางติดตามไปที่ บ้านเลขที่ 1/39 หมู่ที่1 ต.คูคด อ.ลำลูกกา จว.ปทุมธานี ซึ่งเป็นที่นายวิเชษฐ์ฯอาศัยอยู่ในปัจจุบันกับมารดา Has traveled to the home track No. 1 / 39 Moo 1, Tambon Khu Khot, Amphur Lam Luk Ka Hy. Pathum Thani, which is Mr Chet has lived with the mother present. พบนายวิเชษฐ์ฯอยู่บ้านและได้ตรวจพบอาวุธปืนลูกซองพกสั้น ขนาด 12 พร้อมปลอกกระสุน 1 ปลอก กระสุนขนาดเดียวกันอีก 1นัด Found Mr Chet's home and found weapons, a shotgun with a 12 carry a short-sleeve shelling a shot the other one the same size shots.

นายวิเชษฐ์ฯรับว่าเป็นผู้ ใช้อาวุธดังกล่าวยิงผู้ตาย Mr Chet has been the use of weapons such as shot dead สาเหตุเนื่องมาจากไม่ชอบชาวฝรั่ง(คนต่างชาติ) เป็นเหตุผลส่วนตัว Caused due to people not like foreigners (foreigners) to personal reasons. จึงได้นำตัวนายวิเชษฐ์ฯมาที่ สภ.บึงสามพัน เพื่อสอบสวนเพิ่มเติม Has taken Mr Chet at the Police Station. Bung Samphan for further investigation

วันที่ 6 ม.ค.2554พนักงานสอบสวนได้นำตัวผู้ต้องหาไปนำชี้ที่เกิดเหตุประกอบการรับ สารภาพ On 6 January 2554 officers have taken to bring the accused to the crime scene point of confession.

นายวิเชษฐ์ฯนำชี้ที่เกิด เหตุและเส้นทางหลบหนี Mr Chet's the point of the incident and escape routes. {this is the caption of image taken during re-enactment}

.....ในการจับกุมตัวนาย วิเชษฐ์ ภู่กำจัด ผู้ต้องหาในครั้งนี้ ...... To arrest Mr Chet Phu eliminate {s.a.} this suspect. เจ้าหน้าที่ตำรวจทุกนายได้ทุ่มเทและตั้งใจปฏิบัติหน้าที่ จนสามารถสืบสวนสอบสวน Police said the dedication and commitment to duty until the investigation. ติดตามจับกุมผู้ต้องหาได้ด้วยความรวดเร็ว Track with the quick arrest of the accused. โดยได้ทำการจับกุมตัวผู้ต้องหาได้ภายในเวลา 24 ชม. หลังจากรับแจ้งเหตุ We have an arrested suspect within 24 hours after notification.

Makes no sense. Still nothing in the Australian media and the Embassy say no Australian have been killed or injured in Thailand in the last month. Guess the Australian Embassy haven't been informed yet also.

  • 2 months later...
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I am not commenting on any specific post here.

I just want to say that it is a very sad thing that a farang can be murdered and - as another person said, - it is not even mentioned in the Aussie media.

Furthermore, - I have no doubt, - that this guy will walk free in a year or two or maybe less. After all, - it's just a farang's life.

I am married to a Thai. I have a step son and now a another son between us. She is totally disgusted with the conduct of her own country and country men.

The corruption from the highest level down to the lowest level scum bags. IT'S THE SAME!

Even her own family at times.

The father of my step son was mowed down by a drunk driver in car (he was on motor bike) about one and half years ago.

The drunk driver who killed him paid a 60,000 baht fine to the police and is walking free to this day.

The family received 100,000 baht insurance, - 40,000 of which had to be paid to the police.

In any western country, - it is called manslaughter with heavy penalties.

Thailand, is a beautiful country with beautiful people, - but there is no doubt that it's own justice system towards it's own people is very corrupt.

So, my point is the........ what hope does a farang have of justice. ANSWER: ZERO.

Good post and valid point.

I came across many case reports like this one (father of step son case) recently, and just realized how naive most of us are.

At least I never thought it was so easy to get away after killing someone in Thailand.

We read conspiracy cases, cases involving the "influenced" etc very often and are disgusted about them,

but we rarely hear that almost anyone can get away so easily.

Thailand seems to be a real failed state at this rate! I lived there for 4yrs, just moved out last year,

and am I glad!

I think there is a need to compile these cases and make them easily available to the

unsuspecting expact to see before they subject themselves to the laws of Thailand.

just so that they make a more informed decision!

It should come as no real suprise that the world has many Garden of Edens, and you can make a safe bet they all have a snake or two.


And you wonder why ?.. the last time they seen foreigners in many parts of Vietnam, the locals were getting shot at and Napalmed by the "visitors"...

Indeed. Not that different from India (though the Brits didn't use napalm - was it even invented then?)


it is a very sad thing that a farang can be murdered and - as another person said, - it is not even mentioned in the Aussie media.

I remember back in '99 the opposite was the case: an Aussie girl was raped and murdered at a wat in Nakom Pathom and reported by Aussie media but no mention in the Bangkok Post or Nation!


it is a very sad thing that a farang can be murdered and - as another person said, - it is not even mentioned in the Aussie media.

I remember back in '99 the opposite was the case: an Aussie girl was raped and murdered at a wat in Nakom Pathom and reported by Aussie media but no mention in the Bangkok Post or Nation!

I'm afraid the saying, "If it bleeds it leads" only applies if the perp is a foreigner. I can understand the tourism concerns, but that doesn't make it any easier for family and friends.

To be a little more objective, every day I read about half a dozen murders in Chicago alone, men women and children, and I do not see the public outrage. Would get hard for LOS to put on a happy face with human carnage on the front page every day. I may not agree with their approach, but I can understand their concerns.


People always look for 'differences' when frustrated and looking for someone to take out their anger on. In this case, since a 'falong' apparently stole a wife/girlfriend, a 'falong' needed to pay. That kind of thing happens everywhere. If a 'Thai' raped an Aussie woman in Australia, I'm sure the husband of the woman would be most unfriendly to the first Thai male he ran into. If the husband was a stone cold loser, drug addict, etc. he might decide to kill the unlucky Thai.

As to "I often feel uneasy when some Thai men glare at me with not-too-friendly faces.", I had something like that happen to me last November in Khamphang Phet. I took a flash picture of a Thai classical show at night, and just as I pressed the button a Thai man and his family turned towards me to leave.

The flash went off right in their faces and the guy gave me a really mean, hard look. I immediately said, "Koh-tout, krab" with a concerned look on my face, as it was just a simple accident.

Immediately the guy's face lit up and he smiled and said, "Mai pen lai, krab".

A simple mis-understanding turned out into a positive thing, once it became clear that no insult was intended, and I acted appropriately to clear up the mis-understanding. If I'd have ignored him, it could have turned out differently.

Thai people do have a crazy-hot temper that can be deadly. Not only to 'falongs' but to other Thais. Just a part of the hazards (like snakes and traffic) of living in Thailand.

Still, unfortunate if you turn out to be the unlucky 'guy' who gets wasted, just for being the wrong ethnic group.

I hope in his next life, things will be better.


  • 1 year later...

Can this be moved to the Central Thailand forum as it's a local issue that should be of interest to expats in that area.

If this story is true, and I am not for one minute suggesting that it isn't - why hasn't anyone succeeded in finding any English language press reporting the details? Surely the Nation and B Post would have covered this story as well as Aussie press?

If someone can find a relevant press clipping, then this story properly belongs in the 'Thailand News' forum where it will get the widest possible coverage and we can follow developments in the police case.

Failing that, I can't for the life of me understand why it was removed from the general forum. Surely most TV members who read the Central Thailand forum will also read the general forum, and not the other way round?

This is a tragedy that is of interest to every farang in Thailand, regardless of where they live, and it should not be moved to a 'minority' forum where the readership is commensurately low.

And finally, once again - why isn't there any press on this? Do I smell a rat?

I hate to say it, but I think we and Thai Visa are the victims of a hoax.

1. I Have researched all breaking news in the Nation and B Post for the past 5 days and there is not a single mention of this story yet there are plenty of accounts of other murders and abductions of westerners which did not even occur in Thailand.

2. I have extensively researched Google worldwide, Google Thailand ( for results in English and Thai)and Google Australia and there is no sign that such an Australian man with this name ever existed.

4. No cover up can be that effective in this day and age.

3. An American citizen bearing exactly the same name, (Ronald Wayne Martin), recently passed away in the USA and a condolence website has been opened. I venture to suggest that the name was lifted from this source.

If I am wrong - then I apologise, but I'd bet money that the OP is a troll. He started the thread twice under different names to enhance credibility.

What think you?

There are actual pictures on a website of this man and the police photos of the crime scene. This is not a sick lie made up by people to dirty the name of Thais. Search it on google yourself. You can find it, top search!


Interesting can only find on a couple of like minded sensational websites, no links to Oz news sites at all.

just spent a few minutes on that site....thats one sick place.

  • 1 month later...

From the Police Website:

" The cartridge is at the head of the right of an injured falling on the ground beside the car door on the right. The villain fled. Relatives helped bring Mr. Ronald Wayne Martin hospital Bung Samphan. It appears that Mr. Ronald Wayne Martin has died.

urlgo.gifOn January 4, 2554 at approximately 19:00 pm, Mr. Ronald Wayne Martin, 59-year-old Australian. And the husband of the accused in this case the residents were home at the scene. The pickup driver.Toyota brand. -9324 London's registration number on a business trip from the market in the village. When driving back to the home page.The villain lurking in front of the house armed shotgun shot Mr. Ronald Wayne Martin, a number of strikes." http://www.bungsamph...n.police.go.th/

This is not a hoax. Here is a pic of the victims photo from his Australian Passport.


I am not going to link to the story, as it has horrible graphic images.

If you still think this is a hoax, put the following exactly into Google, will bring it up.

Cold Blooded, Xenophobic Murder of an Australian Man in Thailand

59 year old Australian man by the name of Ronald Wayne Martin lived in the Central Thailand’s town of Phetchabun with his Thai wife. Keeping it low profile and just living a simple life, Ronald Wayne Martin didn’t bother anyone, didn’t mess with the wrong people – didn’t do anything to warrant any form of hatred against his person, yet this matters not to an average Thai man who above all else, hate foreigners more than anything.



I was thinking last night, I wonder if this guy who killed a random person for a Thrill Kill had money and is back out on the streets?


My point is that I don`t believe the permitting of too many people of a different race and culture into a country is a good thing. It has been proven that multiculturalism doesn't work and will lead to conflicts.

During my time here in Thailand I am seeing more and more farangs even in the most remote areas and as I see the situation, this can only cause problems for the farangs already living here, the same as what happened in the United Kingdom 40 years ago.

Maybe you'd better leave then and help reduce the pressure...

"It has been proven that multiculturalism doesn't work and will lead to conflicts." Maybe in the UK, but Canada is an example of a peaceful multicultural society. Yeah, there were growing pains in the 70s as in Britain - though Canadians, being a somewhat less warlike people than the Brits, we didn't have fully-fledged riots - mostly harassment and social ostracism. But it all simmered down after afew years when the ever-tolerant white people slowly realised that they weren't being invaded by hordes of apes who intended to take over their country.

So what proof can you show that multiculturalism "doesn't work"? Is that based on any sort of relevant study, or is it just something you pulled out the hat based on your own observations?

So English Canadians love French Canadians???.....was there not a referendum???,

BC Canadians like the idea that Hong Kong Billionaires own rather a lot of Vancouver prime real estate..remember that Dutchman politician sold Prime Waterfront for relative peanuts.???

Many in Vancouver call it Vankong??

Think the Indians own Surrey now.....no great loss there..lol

How very very Canadian .........no wonder the US thinks Canadians are boring and naive..

..sorry mate hardly an example of multiculturalism.........!!!sick.gif

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