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I Am Writting The Book "Dark Sides Of Thailand"


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Just a cautionary note:

I hope you are writing this book outside the country and/or are planning to publish and distribute it outside the country. After that, I hope you are not planning to return to Thailand, if you've left already. If you plan to stay, have your passport and and outbound air ticket ready at a moment's notice.

The current political (and censuring) climate just does not bode well for writers/publishers who reveal Thailand's underbelly. Especially for foreigners who do so. The Thai media struggle with self-censorship, and often run afoul of those in power when negative aspects of Thailand are focused on too much. A foreigner can easily get their negative writings banned as well as any entry into the kingdom.

I've had a nine-year-long blog about living in Thailand, and have had to take great pains in the last 3-4 years to make sure it presents a positive or mildly humorous look at Thailand--something at which the Thais, themselves, could laugh at. All the other notes (the "dark side" as you put it) are kept private until someday when I may have to leave the country and write my own book or continue a more well-rounded blogsite.

Every country and culture has its dark side. Not all countries/cultures react to revealing that dark side as openly or objectively as perhaps in your home country.

Be discerning. Be cautious.

Respectfully advised,


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Thank you for your cautionary note. I would like to say I like and respect Thailand, its people and culture. This book will say only about criminal situation here and we know that not only some thai citizens are criminals. So I plan describe the real problem and how to solve it without big losses. Step by step. I know there is a risk to get pressure.

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Thank you for your cautionary note. I would like to say I like and respect Thailand, its people and culture. This book will say only about criminal situation here and we know that not only some thai citizens are criminals. So I plan describe the real problem and how to solve it without big losses. Step by step. I know there is a risk to get pressure.


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Thank you for your cautionary note. I would like to say I like and respect Thailand, its people and culture. This book will say only about criminal situation here and we know that not only some thai citizens are criminals. So I plan describe the real problem and how to solve it without big losses. Step by step. I know there is a risk to get pressure.


I do not think I can avoid to talk about corruption

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Thank you for your cautionary note. I would like to say I like and respect Thailand, its people and culture. This book will say only about criminal situation here and we know that not only some thai citizens are criminals. So I plan describe the real problem and how to solve it without big losses. Step by step. I know there is a risk to get pressure.

The book will not be in English, evidently

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Thank you for your cautionary note. I would like to say I like and respect Thailand, its people and culture. This book will say only about criminal situation here and we know that not only some thai citizens are criminals. So I plan describe the real problem and how to solve it without big losses. Step by step. I know there is a risk to get pressure.


I do not think I can avoid to talk about corruption

What corruption?

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I would suggest you write "The Dark sides of Russia" to help your comrades first, because the Russian people needed help more than anybody else, plus you will sell more books, It's a win win situation for you and the people of Russia.;)

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You need to ask yourself what is the real motivation of writing the book. When you finish it, it will be a part of you, a legacy, even after you shuttle off this mortal coil. If you want to tackle this issue without providing solid evidence to support your work, I am afraid it will be just a xenophobic diatribe. Your book will become just another piece of Thai-bashing and unavoidably it is likely to be. You will be labelled in a certain way owing to the perspective you portray. I am sure there is a certain group of readers who will always seek this kind of story about Thailand. There is a market for it. And it will be just your point of view about these aspects of Thailand. I am sure rational and sensible readers will understand why you feel the need to write the book. But just don't take yourself too seriously.

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Thank you for your cautionary note. I would like to say I like and respect Thailand, its people and culture. This book will say only about criminal situation here and we know that not only some thai citizens are criminals. So I plan describe the real problem and how to solve it without big losses. Step by step. I know there is a risk to get pressure.

The book will not be in English, evidently

haha in Russian

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I'm a professional writer and I don't know that I would want to tackle such project. Fookhaht gave a good example why. Not everyone can write in a humourous manner which would be the only way to tackle it. Everything has to be well documented and done in a balanced fashion. That's not easy to do in Thailand, and is fraught with peril if you step on the wrong toes. Just a bunch of stories by expats won't get the job done. Just reading all the debates on Thaivisa would show that. No two people will have the same viewpoint and everything is open for debate. You have to tred a VERY narrow path when dealing with religion or politics. And, if you are TOO nice it will all sound wishy washy.

Then, you have to think who is your market going to be and who are likely to buy such a book. Publishers are pretty choosy when it comes to publishing books by unknown authors... even good books are difficult to sell. And, if you decide to publish it yourself it's then a problem paying for it and getting it on the shelves. You have to continually hound the book stores to carry your book and THEN try to collect the profit from the sales. It ain't an easy thing to do. .

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No harm in collating information and writing, if you have the time by all means do it. When you hit the first draft stage, that will be when you make the decision as to what mileage you feel your preparation has to offer. Up until publication it is merely a collection of information. Good luck.

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I'm a professional writer and I don't know that I would want to tackle such project. Fookhaht gave a good example why. Not everyone can write in a humourous manner which would be the only way to tackle it. Everything has to be well documented and done in a balanced fashion. That's not easy to do in Thailand, and is fraught with peril if you step on the wrong toes. Just a bunch of stories by expats won't get the job done. Just reading all the debates on Thaivisa would show that. No two people will have the same viewpoint and everything is open for debate. You have to tred a VERY narrow path when dealing with religion or politics. And, if you are TOO nice it will all sound wishy washy.

Then, you have to think who is your market going to be and who are likely to buy such a book. Publishers are pretty choosy when it comes to publishing books by unknown authors... even good books are difficult to sell. And, if you decide to publish it yourself it's then a problem paying for it and getting it on the shelves. You have to continually hound the book stores to carry your book and THEN try to collect the profit from the sales. It ain't an easy thing to do. .

Professional...? :whistling:

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The OP should change the theme of his book.

Instead what about the, unofficial guide to the pitfalls of living in Thailand?

Getting involved with women, purchasing land and property, using drugs, health services, business ownership, those you leave behind and so on. A must have for any farang thinking of living in Thailand.

This would be a guide to the possible pitfalls not mentioned in any ex-pat advisory listings.

I would doubt that the OP would have the knowledge, expertise, know how or is professional enough to create such a guide, but I am. As for the dark sides of Thailand, I would advise, don’t even go there; otherwise he may be experiencing the dark sides himself sooner than expected, meaning the wrong side of a Thai stinkhole jailhouse and that goes for anyone who would become involved with this crazy project.

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Thank you for your cautionary note. I would like to say I like and respect Thailand, its people and culture. This book will say only about criminal situation here and we know that not only some thai citizens are criminals. So I plan describe the real problem and how to solve it without big losses. Step by step. I know there is a risk to get pressure.

I am assuming this book will not be written in english but another foreign language?

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Thank you for your cautionary note. I would like to say I like and respect Thailand, its people and culture. This book will say only about criminal situation here and we know that not only some thai citizens are criminals. So I plan describe the real problem and how to solve it without big losses. Step by step. I know there is a risk to get pressure.

I am assuming this book will not be written in english but another foreign language?

see post #14

I am assuming you can read

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Thank you for your cautionary note. I would like to say I like and respect Thailand, its people and culture. This book will say only about criminal situation here and we know that not only some thai citizens are criminals. So I plan describe the real problem and how to solve it without big losses. Step by step. I know there is a risk to get pressure.

I am assuming this book will not be written in english but another foreign language?

see post #14

I am assuming you can read

Missed that one lol but who pissed in your rice porridge this morning? :)

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I think that you could maybe write a guide, or overview of the problems that one can face in Thailand e.g. Yaabaa, corruption, sex industry, touts etc. However it would be very very difficult to give a real account of exactly what the dark side of Thailand is all about. I worked with a Thai lawyer for a while. Learned a little about how the system works, how different crimes are perceived, how to avoid going to prison etc. There is so much that we, as foreigners, never get to witness or experience.

Writing about this would also prove very contentious. It would be seen by many within the Thai establishment as biased and interfering.

However best of luck.

Edited by aridion
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I am a published author in Thailand (a book about Thai language) and my advice is stay away from the subject you have chosen. To give it any justice, it will invariably be seen as "derogatory" by some and therefore you will never be able to set foot in this country. I think I understand where you are coming from, you wish to offer a guide to others who come here for a vacation but as you begin to turn stones over they will always be overlapped by other stones until you expose certain things that certain "groups" do not wish to be shown. It's a bit like quicksand .... the more you struggle, the deeper you go. Good luck anyway!

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Just please don't let it be yet another boring, clichéd bargirl book. It's such an interesting country yet that seems to be all that gets written sometimes.

Some of us find that subject the most interesting thing about Thailand.

Likely the only sort of book about Thailand I would buy.

Very few other countries do it like they do it in Thailand.

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Writing a book -- given that anyone can self-publish -- is so passé ... What you maybe should do is develop a TV series situation-comedy or otherwise based in Thailand and get one of those "Created By' credits ... as in LOST "Created By ..."


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Professional...? :whistling:

Yes, a professional is someone who sells what they write. I've sold several thousand articles in magazines and newspapers, and added chapters to many books. I've been doing it since 1954. I think that would classify as a professional. Editors take care of the other stuff.

A professional can write an article to fit any any size you want within the constrictions of a magazine or newspaper. He or she doesn't write a 3000 word essay for a 1500 word slot in a magazine.Can you?

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I'm a professional writer and I don't know that I would want to tackle such project. Fookhaht gave a good example why. Not everyone can write in a humourous manner which would be the only way to tackle it. Everything has to be well documented and done in a balanced fashion. That's not easy to do in Thailand, and is fraught with peril if you step on the wrong toes. Just a bunch of stories by expats won't get the job done. Just reading all the debates on Thaivisa would show that. No two people will have the same viewpoint and everything is open for debate. You have to tred a VERY narrow path when dealing with religion or politics. And, if you are TOO nice it will all sound wishy washy.

Then, you have to think who is your market going to be and who are likely to buy such a book. Publishers are pretty choosy when it comes to publishing books by unknown authors... even good books are difficult to sell. And, if you decide to publish it yourself it's then a problem paying for it and getting it on the shelves. You have to continually hound the book stores to carry your book and THEN try to collect the profit from the sales. It ain't an easy thing to do. .

Professional...? :whistling:

beat me to it. a photographer too, apparently.

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