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30,000 Thai Red Shirts Rally In Bangkok: Police

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Farangs that live in Bangkok are the same as Thais that are from Bangkok. Ignorant about the rest of Thailand. I have been all over Thailand and I can a sure you that I have only met handful of people outside of Bangkok that don't like the Red side of the political problem here in Thailand.

Funny. In neither Kanchanaburi nor Petchaburi between which I divide most of my non-Bangkok time, I've found it hard to find a single soul that could give a flying <deleted> about either reds or yellows. Most people I come across (a fraction of the total populace that is hardly worth even trying to count, but still unlikely to be significantly less than yours) despise whoever's causing trouble. They hated the yellows for the airport, and they hated the reds for the last 2 songkran's.

Interestingly, I note there is far less fear of the gov't these days than back in the early 2000s (during Thaksin's reign), and yet to a man everyone I've ever spoken to about Black May (again, an insignificant number of the total populace and meant only for illustrative purposes rather than a slamdunk proof) thinks the Reds pushed the gov't into it and it's all a bit of som nam nar for them.

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Must of left all of the south out of your travel plans?

uote name='slinky1876' timestamp='1294592774' post='4139926']

Farangs that live in Bangkok are the same as Thais that are from Bangkok. Ignorant about the rest of Thailand. I have been all over Thailand and I can a sure you that I have only met handful of people outside of Bangkok that don't like the Red side of the political problem here in Thailand.The Red side is the bigger side, whether they are the better side is not for me to say, because like most farangs that love to post their opinions and feelings on here about this topic, I don't hold a Thai Passport, therefore I don't have a say. The only thing I can say is. If they were to hold free and fair elections the red side would win and anyone who says different obviously hasn't been far outside of Bangkok.


It was agreed early on during the last Red Mob gathering that elections would be held by the end of the year but that was not good enough for them but instead they demanding an immediate dissolution of the house and the PM's resignation (all clearly to create a vacuum to which Thaksin and/or his puppets could come back) which they had absolutely no legal standing to do Now their demands are more simple and that is the release of their leaders who clearly violated the law by holding and encouraging others to hold BKK hostage

Still waiting for the Reds to lay out their grievances and/or suggestions re: Thailand instead of just blindly following their leaders who are actually elites


It has been reported that each protester has been paid 500 Baht each per day and the mission is to find broken toilets in the city.

Ageturn Pornstar a protester from the far north east was quoted as saying "we were told our mission is a very important one to find broken toilets, at first I dint know what they were talking about but when one of our brave leaders explained it to us, our question was why the city folk not learn from us and just hide behind the bush and use the hole in the ground?:blink:

editors comment:

"Khun Pornstar is a typical protester and seems to have a good understanding of the issues facing them".


What a shame..

A lot of innocent people will die during the upcoming civil war that Thailand seems to be facing....

The cards seem to have been dealt.. now we will see who are the men and who are the boys..

Meantime.. "What is that girls phone number??

"She sure is pretty!"

Yes what a shame and I remember that statement made here in the mids of killing their own people. Your are right it is just starting.


Must of left all of the south out of your travel plans?

I agree, that south is pretty much in the middle about the problems, yeah there is a little red and yellow here and there, but compare the population of the south to the rest of the country.

I stated before that it is not for me to say, but as an NGO here I have seen that the majority of the working class people feel that there lives were better under Thaksin and The Reds. It is not about protests and being paid and being shot and more and more of propaganda that is thrown at them every day. So if they are getting less now then they did under Thaksin, wouldn't you stand up and shout about it.


...I do not care either way but I tell you I live up North and you can not find a yellow shirt with a fine tooth comb.

You won't find any in the rice fields. Try the hospital or your local doctor's surgery.

I live in the north of Thailand and know more 'reds' than 'yellows', but don't pretend they are not here.


Again the Red shirts has gathered in mob fashion making illegal demands while violating the law. This time they are demanding the release of their elite leaders. How can any person take these people as serious and not a threat when they constantly use tactics, such as intimidation, to gain their nonnegotiable demands instead of using appropriate legal means. Be it trying to over throw the legally in place government or defending the rights of their jailed elite leaders.

Maybe if instead of gathering as a mob they took to the streets talking and handing out leaflets explaining what it is they feel is unfair and prevents them from a happy life then people would listen. Instead they get together to voice one idiotic notion their leaders have said is important.

What they (reds) also forget is that many of them were also becoming unhappy with Thaksin in his final year in office ... don't forget that those loans Thaksin gave out, that made their local leaders so rich, were coming due.

Education is what these people need and understanding that things will never get better for them or their children if they are so easily allow themselves to bought by leaders for trivial amounts of money instead of looking for long term solutions and working within the law and political structure for change and more opportunity for their families. As long as they continue to act like a threatening mob that is what they will be seen as. And as long as they continue to gather with no real agenda except illegal demands they will continue to hurt themselves and lose supporters who have bent over backwards to sympathize with their plight by trying to understand them despite the fact they have yet refused to themselves communicate any suggestions for what opportunities they are lacking.


"thaksin will call in at 7.30pm" from various news reports.

And only two days ago thaksin told reporters that he had absolutely no connection whatever with the red shirts.

Manipulation, manipuation, and more manipulation, and lies!

I was thinking the same thing.. hmmm.. do you think Thaksin lied to those reporters. :whistling:


"thaksin will call in at 7.30pm" from various news reports.

And only two days ago thaksin told reporters that he had absolutely no connection whatever with the red shirts.

Manipulation, manipulation, and more manipulation, and lies!

You wouldn't be suggesting that the current military dictatorship and the lackey they installed as Prime Minister is bereft of manipulation and lies, would you?

...I think 30.000 people gathering is a very impressive number...

and no doubt they all got paid plus gas money and food.


You wouldn't be suggesting that the current military dictatorship and the lackey Prime Minister they installed is bereft of manipulation and lies, are you?

The current PM got his job the same exact way Thaksin did ( via a House of Representatives Resolution). A big difference between these two lies in Thaksin creating a divide and opposition amount the people in Thailand that we still see today while Abhisit is doing what he can to bring the people together and put in place policies to make sure all the people of Thailand have a voice and opportunity. But the problem is that their are still so many under the spell of their elite leaders, whose only concern is their own power and money, that they (common people) don't understand it takes time for these changes to happen given Thailand's past and present status as just making its way out from being a 3rd world country.

There is also a matter of acceptance and needing to make change for oneself and not depend on handouts as a source of opportunity. Even in America the top 1% of the rich control near 45% of the wealth while the bottom 80% control 7%. If these people are unhappy with the farm life there is nothing stopping them from moving to Bangkok (the financial center - every country has one) and trying to make a better life for themselves. Oh, maybe education will stop them but that has and continues to be addressed despite they fact I've never heard a Red mention they want better education for their kids..


Counting crowds is difficult, unless you let them leave through gates...

I'm with you on this one , Rubi, strange as it may seem. Indeed it appears there is some support for these rallies from the Bangkokians. They can't all be Isaan maids, motorcycle taxi drivers, and other assorted tradespeople working away from home (much less paid to be there).


Now why am I not surprised (with your never ending absurd posts defending that foolish hiso illegal driver) that these fatuous comments are your political views? You are as programmed as any Isaan peasnt.

By the way if you believe Reds are uninterested in good educational opportunities for your children, you are very ignorant.


Counting crowds is difficult, unless you let them leave through gates...

I'm with you on this one , Rubi, strange as it may seem. Indeed it appears there is some support for these rallies from the Bangkokians. They can't all be Isaan maids, motorcycle taxi drivers, and other assorted tradespeople working away from home (let alone being paid to be there!). I suspect that the PM is already aware of this and is trying to appeal to some of those, e.g the motorcycle taxi drivers.

Reason for edit; Just thought I'd point out the reason for the 2 differing posts for the conspiracy minded. I edited the first post to make it clearer i.e added let alone being paid etc and tried to stop the 1st post from being published, unsuccessfully it appears.


...Do you like Jatuporn? I think he should be candidate for Prime Minister. I don't see any reason why he shouldn't.

Don't you wish you could cast a favorable vote for him to become a viable candidate.

But mind you, youi'd better have your bag paced long before he runs....

Farang will be booting out withing 24 hrs of his seizing of power....

Unless of course, you could pay to earn your privilege of remaining in Thailand under his reign....

What do you think? 100,000 Thb per person per year, would be acceptable to you?

Well, the 100,000 Thb would have to be splited 3 ways; 30% to the big boss, 30% for the middle man, and 30% or so for him and his entourage. ermm.gif

This is how Phur Thai political party divides its spoils? Unless of course Tuxsin changes his mind and desires to be more reasonable by taking only 10% rather than 30% like he and his family normally do when they were in power.

How do I know? My uncle in infra structure biz was told to prepaid 30% in USD in order just to guarantee a bid.... tongue.gif


The red shirts are plain nuisance to all... i believe its all a propaganda started by a group of disgruntled businessmen who lost major contracts because of their ties with Taksin's previous government. My two cents worth opinion.


I think 30.000 people gathering is a very impressive number especially if you take into account that most of them had to make a trip of several hundred kilometers for a one day demonstration and tomorrow have to go collect garbage in their hometowns again.

I think that 30,000 plus is bad news for the government.

The home support come the elections is going to be quite something.Some must have come back already as our garbage was collected early this morning.


"thaksin will call in at 7.30pm" from various news reports.

And only two days ago thaksin told reporters that he had absolutely no connection whatever with the red shirts.

Manipulation, manipuation, and more manipulation, and lies!

You don't meanto suggest that the current military dictatorship and the lackey Prime Ministerthey installed are bereft of manipulation and lies do you?

Yeah we got you the first 3 times..

Actually, it was 5 times.

Do not make the same post over and over and over. make your point and move on because any further trollish behavior like this will result in a warn.


Pheua Thai have reversed their stand and may now join the debate on changing the number of Party List MPs.

Khun Sombat's committee wants to increase the number of Party List MPs to 125 from the present 80 and reduce constituency MPs from 400 to 327.

Unlike constituency MPs where the votes for the runners up are wasted and not represented, every voter counts on the Party List where MPs are chosen according to the amounts of votes received, proportional representation. A truer form of democracy, but of course Pheua Thai don't like it as the number of Party List votes the Democrats received last time was close to Pheua Thai and under Apisit they're very likely to surpass Pheua Thai.


...By the way if you believe Reds are uninterested in good educational opportunities for your children, you are very ignorant.

If you are educated then you may need to slow down when reading as you seem to be lacking comprehension of this post and those in an unrelated topic. You may also want to think about contributing some opinions regarding this topic based on history, facts and/or responding to what another poster has stated not what you want to believe they stated.

Immediate House Dissolution, PM's resignation and now release of those jailed are their current demands. You are bing dishonest if you say they have ever made education a rally cry of theirs. As I stated earlier and clearly, they need to change their tactics and instead of gathering in hopes of intimidating the government to side step the law, they need to make people aware of what it is they believe they are lacking and need to have equal opportunity. So far their methods have only served to hurt their cause and lose support from those who have tried to sympathize with them.


I think that 30,000 plus is bad news for the government...

I think drawing half the crowd that you announced was expected is bad news for the Red Shirts.


Your not spot on, I live in an issan village, people are afraid to speak out in rural areas, town government in control (money for votes elected) here are corrupt, spending money on stupid projects, contracts mean dosh!! each village headman is Paid by the local elected head, so he doesn't want to lose his wage-and any yellow shirt renegade will get no privelages. Its the controling town government that is the problem. All the locals are happy to get 500 bht plus to vote. He who pays most gets elected--but the 30,000 plus reds, is not good to say it was a National staged rally paid for in many cases-pre planned-Thai electorate 30 mil ??

The mythmaking continues unabated.......The "village Headman" (Puai Baan) is elected by the villagers --- For Life ---- and can only be removed by a petition signed by a majority of the villagers. Only this can bring about a fresh election. Your " local elected head" (whatever that may be) has no power to remove him whatsoever.

"All the locals are happy to get 500 bht plus to vote. He who pays most gets elected" --- Further poppycock -- the traditional amount offered to voters is 200 Bt ---. from all parties contesting the election --- but you seem to suggest this in some way alters the voters intent!!! Nothing could be further from the truth---in fact when the money is offered there is no "request for a vote"--that would alienate the voters instantly -- the strong & independently minded villagers of our region would simply laugh at such ill-judged stupidity. You seem to fail to understand why the money is given.

Re your very strange image of local vote buying -- I have a question you might be able to help me with ---

You come to me and give me money to vote for you --- I then rush off to cast my secret ballot ....

I can see a small problem here ---- can you??


Farangs that live in Bangkok are the same as Thais that are from Bangkok. Ignorant about the rest of Thailand. I have been all over Thailand and I can a sure you that I have only met handful of people outside of Bangkok that don't like the Red side of the political problem here in Thailand.The Red side is the bigger side, whether they are the better side is not for me to say, because like most farangs that love to post their opinions and feelings on here about this topic, I don't hold a Thai Passport, therefore I don't have a say. The only thing I can say is. If they were to hold free and fair elections the red side would win and anyone who says different obviously hasn't been far outside of Bangkok.

I would like to point out that if the red-shirt leaders had not rejected Abhisit's offer of early elections back in April, we would have had an election by now. I wonder how many Reds now question the wisdom of their leaders?

BTW, like you I have travelled widely in Thailand, North, Northeast, West, Central, Southeast, and South - I have probably been to %80 of all Thai provinces. Have you been to the South? Reds are not particularly popular there I can assure you. Since in the last election, they (i.e the Pheua Thai) failed to get %50 of the seats (which explains the Democrat's ability to form a governing coalition) it is not entirely certain that they will be able to win enough to seats to form the next government, though they certainly would have a good chance of it.

As for you not having a say because you don't have a Thai passport, I suggest that you DO have a say, as long as it is well-informed. The only thing you don't have is a vote.


This is not aboutthe predictions that were made but about the people who actually showed up.As I said before 30.000 is a very impressive number..


It appears any number took the time to count them .... which no doubt explains why one contributor derides the 30,000 as not even being 10,000, while another claims well in excess of 50,000. As the Americans say: go figure

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