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Thai Cabinet Approves Bt9 Billion National Reform Scheme

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Cabinet approves Bt9 billion national reform scheme

BANGKOK, Jan 12 - The Thai cabinet on Tuesday approved the prime minister's national reform plan with a Bt9 billion (US$300 million) budget to bring into reality a scheme aimed at narrowing Thailand’s social disparities and improving the standard of living of low-income earners in the country.

Acting government spokesman Panitan Wattanayagorn said Minister Attached to the Prime Minister's Office Satit Wongnhongtoey will explain the approved reform plan on state television NBT tonight at 9.30pm.

Dr Panitan, also deputy secretary-general to the prime minister, said the plan covers four main areas, starting from January until December.

The four areas include; improvement in the quality of life and welfare; building the nation's future through the development of children and youth; reforms of judicial and political systems and social inequality; and building a fair and equal economic system, according to Dr Panitan.

For the nine New Year's gifts that the prime minister announced earlier, Dr Panitan said is a different offer which will cost another Bt2 billion (US$66.7 million).

The spokesman reasserted that the funds spent are considered worthwhile for investment and that performance assessments will be conducted every month.

The Cabinet also approved a national reform mechanism chaired by Prime Minister Abhisit and four sub-committees have been set up to push forward the four-point plan. (MCOT online news)


-- TNA 2011-01-11


QUOTE: The four areas include; improvement in the quality of life and welfare; building the nation's future through the development of children and youth; reforms of judicial and political systems and social inequality; and building a fair and equal economic system, according to Dr Panitan.

If I gave out bars of soap I'd be improving the quality of life. But don't stop there. Make it monetary. Hand out 5 baht coins. There's a measurable improvement. But is it enough?

So what do you do to actually provide a worthwhile quality of life other than re-distribute wealth, which will never happen. Provide a dignity for the poorest who subsist in their Isan millions and exist in every other province. Re-unite families torn apart by lack of local employement and having to work in dangerous under paid factory jobs where ' Health and Safety First' is just a slogan. Stop the selling of children into the sex industry as without education there is little hope of meaningfull employment. Then again there is no worthwhile education service for the poor and even the elite cannot be crammed into the two recognised Thai universities. So it fails almost everyone.

Welfare needs introducing, establishing and applying. Where is the welfare system for under age mothers or the elderly or the mentally ill or the sick?

The children and youth of this country are seen as a cheap labour force; a compulsory two years of labour for the services and 90% condemned to low wages and poverty for the rest of their lives. No concept of a useful education and no concept of life long learning, self improvement or rising through a system of meritocracy. The 10% or less that are born priviledged will occupy all positions of power whereas, the rest will be abandoned to their fate.

The judicial and political systems do not work. The Judges themselves are for sale, corrupt and worthy only of scrapping to start again. The political system is an inherited and shackled system that favours nepotistic appointments, resembles a popularity contest, votes are for sale and as long as the public remain ignorant then they can not make any informed choice. The feudal system in Millenium clothes dictates who gets voted in up country and the public are fearful of vengeful retribution should they not do as their master's bid. Again, until that is fixed by way of replacement being found then the political system can not be changed for the better.

Social inequality - don't make me laugh. Since Cromwell the UK 's upper classes and priveledged have ruled. Even now there is an Old Etonian Lord in charge, Clegg is massively wealthy, Blare was a priveldged son, Hesletine born into wealth and Thatcher's cabinet came from 3 schools and 2 universities. An entire cabinet had 8 Old Etonians in it and now we've an O.E. P. M. Hello? Do me a favour. Here you got democracy introduced last week. We've had it for 400 years and nothing has changed.

The capitalist system of which Thailand is a member, though not yet fully paid up as they are trying to trade off that million tons of chicken that Thaksin couldn't palm off on the Russians for some jets, means that the rich get richer. That is all you need to know. Thaksin didn't exactly miss out on any personal wealth improvement during his time as Pm did he?

China has modernised. That's why Shaghai has all the wealth and the 98% of farmers up country still sleap above the cows dreaming of a full belly. It's called capitalism. It's not called a fair and equal anything system. Taxes are not fair and equal as the rich don't pay them and the poor do. But in Thailand you've yet to get the poor taxed up so they've that to look forward to. But as for the Bangkok high-so elite; their accountants will take care of the tax avoidance by way of purchasing another Camry in order to off set tax. Their only concern being 'Does it have to be Camry?'

Death is fair and equal and it comes to us all. But even here Thaialnd can dispute that one when so many bad guys kill so many innocent people and walk away.

Back to the judicial system then and it being for sale........... or is it education or is it ......... why bother?

It's impossible to fix but it is broke. And with in all this hot air of good will flotaing this useless balloon of ideas there isn't one mention of a] start again b] corruption.



A scheme: each and every politician and official will be scheming how to get a part of this money in his pocket.

Only Robin Hood has been able to take on the Sheriff of Nottingham.

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