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Drunken Neighbor Is A Pain


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Are you renting a condo or is this a house? If a condo, I am sure there is a rule book that says something about not disturbing the peace of your neighbors. Talk to neighbor, then talk to management, then talk to landlord. Let them know this is going on and a problem. Good management and a good landlord will deal with it. Of course, if you're in a 5,000 THB a month unit, this will likely not be the case.

It's my experience that young Thais in their first apartment/condo, whatever, have little idea of how their noise affects others and have some degree of freedom for the first time in their lives – this combined with the Thai attitude of if it does not affect me it's not a problem makes for situations like this. I had a new neighbor upstairs from me once, young girl first apartment; decided that loud karaoke at 2am was perfectly acceptable. By night two I was at her door – fun part was she denied it at first, but after ten minutes of holding my ground, she backed down and did not do it again. Similar situation with my friend when a young Thai moved in next door – only it took building management to get them to stop with the loud music at all hours – took about a week. I also have examples where it did not work, and I moved. Point is, exhaust your options first – moving is a last resort.

By the way, it's nonsense that other Thais are not bothered by noise. It's just tough to get them to do something about it.

Edited by Furbie
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Ok,if the neighbourhoods not that good anyway or you have seen a better place somewhere else then leave but if you are leaving because of two drunken thais i dont think this is right and i think random is right when he says if you show weakness they will walk all over you.i am in a similar predicament,i live in the grounds of a university,i have thai students down stairs in the apartment drinking playing music,wild dogs barking in the middle of the night,geese gozzling,kareoke singing so loud from neighbours you cant hear the tv,woman talking so loud in a morning its like they are 100 metres apart.I personally were getting p*ssed off with students but one night i was quite drunk myself and as i were passing one asked me if i wanted a drink,i accepted and since then i have drunk with them a few times and feel better about the situation.

I cant believe so many guys on here say leave? what happens if the next place is just the same? and the next? What i here from guys on the forum and out on the street from falang is that thailand is very noisy so my advice would be to try and put up with the noise and try and connect with the youths and have a drink with them.then when you are more friendly you can impose yourself on them.

i dont think complaining,banging on the wall, then getting the police is the answer because then they know it is you and maybe there out to get you and if you leave you are always gonna feel like the bullies have won.

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3 options i reckon with this 1.get in touch with the police and see what they will do about it

2.buy a handgun walk into their apartment and blow the sterio away dirty harry style

3.buy some sleeping tablets

Suggestion 2. rather irresponsible suggestion dont you think ?...

this was obviously tongue in cheek,i wonder if your earlier post was about bunging a policeman?

Then i wonder if any of your previous posts have been moaning about corruption in thailand?

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Just like the guy who had neighbours leave rubbsih outside their room we never get to ever find out if they resolved the problems, so tell us OP is it resolved.

Myself and my wife have no problems telling any neighbours to shut up, she usually calls security first, the second time she calls security if the problem persists she goes with them,a nd the problem has been with a FArang they seem to think nothing matters in Thailand and no one will complain.

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Just like the guy who had neighbours leave rubbsih outside their room we never get to ever find out if they resolved the problems, so tell us OP is it resolved.

Myself and my wife have no problems telling any neighbours to shut up, she usually calls security first, the second time she calls security if the problem persists she goes with them,a nd the problem has been with a FArang they seem to think nothing matters in Thailand and no one will complain.

If it was a Farang, In would ask nicely twice and then deck the MF.......should know better...:rolleyes:

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Some funny replies here. I've got a pond outside my Thai hotel. Right across the pond are a string of Thai kareoke bars. Nobody in a Thai kareoke bar can sing. Sound travels across water like it is 2 meters away. It sounds like a thousand cats being strangled at the same time. Eventually, you just get used to it... like the Thais do. And, as someone already mentioned, Thais can sleep through anything. The only thing worse than kareoke bar singing is Thai temple music. Why they must pump it out of huge speakers at 5 AM I have no idea.

I like the option of bringing a bottle of Thai whiskey and joining the happy crowd. ... even though I'm not a drinker.

Moving is not always an option in Thailand. You could rent a place that has worse problems.

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I do not know if you own your place or just rent , you can go and speak to the caretaker/owners so to speak about the noise, if your place is a company payed place just inform the owner that you are going to move and maybe the loss of a secured rent may do the trick.

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In my opinion,the lack of respect for neighbours right to a little peace in their home,stems from a misguided way of thinking,

e.g Noise = Fun

Peace and Quiet = Boredom

When the Village Speaker starts with loud music and raised voices at 6am,its easy to see where it all started.

Unfortunately, ignorance is usually too ingrained to change, and thats the problem they don't think they are doing anything wrong.

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In my opinion,the lack of respect for neighbours right to a little peace in their home,stems from a misguided way of thinking,

e.g Noise = Fun

Peace and Quiet = Boredom

When the Village Speaker starts with loud music and raised voices at 6am,its easy to see where it all started.

Unfortunately, ignorance is usually too ingrained to change, and thats the problem they don't think they are doing anything wrong.

Yes i agree with you majic,also another thing that allows this to happen,for e.g......for a few nights me and the gf had been in bed watching tv when we would hear a door rattling upstairs,it sounded like the guy was locked out and the girl was screaming really weird as to say "go away" this would continue on and off for over an hour.So one night i said to the gf "thats it,ive had enough! im going up to have a word".Thats when she grabbed my arm and says "mai,its not our business" she went on to tell me about the thai way and leaving them to sort it out and that thai people will try and stay away from confrontation as much as they can to keep the peace.The rattling and yelling carried on but i finally got to sleep,the next day my gf asked the manager what was was going on upstairs,the manager looked bemused she said that they both worked on an evening and there was only a dog in the room.

It turns out it were the dog rattling the door and yelping to get out to take a p*ss,a very clever dog i might add that nearly fooled the falang into thinking there was a domestic going on and he would complain to the manager letting the dog out.Anyway to get back to the point,i think being buddhist's the thai people do not like confrontation so dont get involved which does allow all this noise to happen.But i think this is an asset to thai people and we should learn from them,learn to sit down shut up and stop complaining.

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Give Him All the Alcohol he want's (and a bit more)

He soon will go into coma.and from there he will be in a peaceful state of Mindunsure.gif

Problem Solved !

Until the following night one and would be back with his buddies looking for the free booze..:lol:

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3 options i reckon with this 1.get in touch with the police and see what they will do about it

2.buy a handgun walk into their apartment and blow the sterio away dirty harry style

3.buy some sleeping tablets

You would also have to shoot everyone or they would ask you to pay for the HiFi. laugh.gif

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I cant believe so many guys on here say leave? what happens if the next place is just the same? and the next? What i here from guys on the forum and out on the street from falang is that thailand is very noisy so my advice would be to try and put up with the noise and try and connect with the youths and have a drink with them.then when you are more friendly you can impose yourself on them.

My answer to these sorts of problems would not always be to automatically move out. Of course not. HOWEVER, it's sort of understood that in Thailand, a place that is inhabited by mostly young folks is going to be, shall we say, affordable. Not expensive. Ok, dirt cheap. If you're not willing to move to a place that has a little more in terms of mature neighbors (i.e., more expensive), then you pretty much get what you paid for. Young people are going to do what young people do, and a lot of it involves noise. Would you want to live in a frat house? Either move, or deal with it.

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If you are staying in a condo or apartment then you should have tried speaking to the manager first. If they receive enough complaints or it affects them personally then they will do something about it. Tenancy agreements normally have something in the rules about no noise or nuisance to neighbours after about 10pm. Going direct to the source of the problem will only cause you problems especially if they don't like farangs.

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Give Him All the Alcohol he want's (and a bit more)

He soon will go into coma.and from there he will be in a peaceful state of Mindunsure.gif

Problem Solved !

Until the following night one and would be back with his buddies looking for the free booze..:lol:

Hehe Yeah...So,,,They really have to be fed .So much as they can possibly drink.This might take a "while,

Week or 2, a month (you pay). I tell youbiggrin.gif When they/Him get Thy, amount of alcohol,he will .stay away!

Believe me i seen it.

Ps. That tactic also did work with,my kids , for the hunger of chocolate.rolleyes.gif

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We had a similar problem with a house when we lived in bkk.

We had just moved into this house and the neighbours seemed rather noisy most nights.

Then one night there was a huge noisy party, this after at least 3 or 4 nights in a row, so we called the owner of the house that lived nearby and she made a call to the neighbours, she was a lawyer.

we knew when the call came through cos the music got louder and the karaoke microphone came out and the lady of the house started to complain about us, also calling my wife a hooker and such.

This got my wife somewhat annoyed, she hung over the fence and said something to them, i heard this so came out and asked what was going on, she told me.....so i went and hung over the fence and asked who said that to my wife....and gave them all the nasty evil farang stare.

it was kind of lucky that our house was raised above theirs by about 2m, cos what happened next was all the young bucks came running over to the fence trying to grab me and drag me over to their territory.

I gave them some lip and the odd finger and the missus told me that they were yelling for me to come out the front off the house and they were going to rip my head off and kick it around the road.....i gave them a big fuc_k off to that.

Missus then called police, they rocked up, then the owner again.

Owner made a call to 'someone'.....'someone' called the neighbours and everything went immediately quiet and never got any problem from them again.

Job done.

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There is of course another solution....take a bottle of whisky over and join the party.

I agree, only solution, confrontation is the worst way to go, and I don't know how many times I have to say this, they are Thai and are you are not. :lol:

Edited by Kwasaki
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I know of someone who "rented" a Pit Bull and left it inside the neighbor's (young punks) property while they were away. When the neighbors came home, the canine carnivore promptly introduced himself and when the neighbors went to the hospital for treatment, the owner came by to pick up his dog, collected his money and left without a trace. This was repeated two more times over the next few weeks and they moved.

Not a suggestion by any means, only a funny story, but worked for my friend. Has serious potential to backfire.

Back to reality:

Personally, I'd try to get back the deposit from your landlord and next time look a lot closer at all times of the day and night on many visits to the potential property. I've had to cut my losses a few times. Nothing is more important than sleep and peace of mind. Not even a big deposit.

Edited by happyrobert
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Not if something extra was put into the first bottle...

I had been in Jo'burg only a few days when my hotel room was burgled. Luckily I was considered to still be in transit as the company was paying the hotel bill for the first month so I acquired a brand new wardrobe full of clothes on the company's insurance. Since most burglary in RSA was carried out by native Africans they stole clothes rather than cameras,TV's and other valuables. I was advised to buy a bottle of whisky, drink half of it , then top up with caustic soda and leave in a prominent place. The Bantu love a drink and they would be sure to take that.

When I moved into my house here I had the misfortune to have a Thai lady (I use the term loosely) living next door who was unable to speak at less than a level of 100 decibels. I was able to hear all her many telephone conversations over the wall and since she was a heavy drinker she often strutted up and down the soi yelling at nobody in particular. I mentioned to a neighbour than I would appreciate a degree of serenity and he passed my observation on to her. She snapped back that in that case I should close my ears. I know that classical music has a soothing effect as malls in the UK employ it to calm the young ne'er do wells that congregate at such places but I decided to apply something a little stronger and borrowed a CD from a friend and copied it. It featured the Pipes and Drums of the 1st Battalion, The Black Watch. Whenever I heard the not so dulcet tones of the next door harridan I opened the windows, pointed the speakers in that direction and let loose 60 watts worth of Scotland's finest. I then went shopping or down the pub for an hour. It took a while but eventually she got the message.

I did later rev her up in similar vein on the occasion of my birthday. I called at all my neighbours and warned them that we were going to be a tad noisy and invited them along to join in the fun. I even warned and invited the bitch in a half hearted attempt to mend fences. She curtly refused, which pleased me greatly. About 0100 unknown to me she complained to one of the guests, who knew of my problem with her, who told her to go forth and multiply. 30 minutes later two cops turned up and on seeing that the guy running the disco was an off duty police sergeant major told her to shut up and go indoors and that if she made any trouble they would invite her to join them at Soi 9. The cops joined in the fun for a while before they were called to sort something else out. Game. set and match, and my neighbours loved that she got her comeuppance, but I did ask for the volume to be turned down to a reasonable level. I assume the loss of face led her to becoming almost invisible and certainly mute after that.

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Not if something extra was put into the first bottle...

I had been in Jo'burg only a few days when my hotel room was burgled. Luckily I was considered to still be in transit as the company was paying the hotel bill for the first month so I acquired a brand new wardrobe full of clothes on the company's insurance. Since most burglary in RSA was carried out by native Africans they stole clothes rather than cameras,TV's and other valuables. I was advised to buy a bottle of whisky, drink half of it , then top up with caustic soda and leave in a prominent place. The Bantu love a drink and they would be sure to take that.

When I moved into my house here I had the misfortune to have a Thai lady (I use the term loosely) living next door who was unable to speak at less than a level of 100 decibels. I was able to hear all her many telephone conversations over the wall and since she was a heavy drinker she often strutted up and down the soi yelling at nobody in particular. I mentioned to a neighbour than I would appreciate a degree of serenity and he passed my observation on to her. She snapped back that in that case I should close my ears. I know that classical music has a soothing effect as malls in the UK employ it to calm the young ne'er do wells that congregate at such places but I decided to apply something a little stronger and borrowed a CD from a friend and copied it. It featured the Pipes and Drums of the 1st Battalion, The Black Watch. Whenever I heard the not so dulcet tones of the next door harridan I opened the windows, pointed the speakers in that direction and let loose 60 watts worth of Scotland's finest. I then went shopping or down the pub for an hour. It took a while but eventually she got the message.

I did later rev her up in similar vein on the occasion of my birthday. I called at all my neighbours and warned them that we were going to be a tad noisy and invited them along to join in the fun. I even warned and invited the bitch in a half hearted attempt to mend fences. She curtly refused, which pleased me greatly. About 0100 unknown to me she complained to one of the guests, who knew of my problem with her, who told her to go forth and multiply. 30 minutes later two cops turned up and on seeing that the guy running the disco was an off duty police sergeant major told her to shut up and go indoors and that if she made any trouble they would invite her to join them at Soi 9. The cops joined in the fun for a while before they were called to sort something else out. Game. set and match, and my neighbours loved that she got her comeuppance, but I did ask for the volume to be turned down to a reasonable level. I assume the loss of face led her to becoming almost invisible and certainly mute after that.


what and example

of social aptitude and writing style

i have been put in my place

never to post again

out of sheer awe


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I had been in Jo'burg only a few days when my hotel room was burgled. Luckily I was considered to still be in transit as the company was paying the hotel bill for the first month so I acquired a brand new wardrobe full of clothes on the company's insurance. Since most burglary in RSA was carried out by native Africans they stole clothes rather than cameras,TV's and other valuables. I was advised to buy a bottle of whisky, drink half of it , then top up with caustic soda and leave in a prominent place. The Bantu love a drink and they would be sure to take that.

This is common advice in Jo'burg, caustic soda or rat posion, problem is if you do, and someone drinks it, burglar or not....the local BiB will have you up on charges of attempted murder or even murder, if sucessful, how ever I disagree that the target of the burgulars is just clothes....if something is not bolted/welded down it will be stolen....:lol:

A friend of mine had been cleaned out so many times, couldnt get household insurance and his "lounge suite" consisted of plastic garden furniture as it was cheap to replace when it was stolen, his house was typically broken into every 6 to 8 weeks...just unlucky I guess..:blink:

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