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Anyone Having Trouble Finding A Relationship Here?


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Interesting thought from lovelomsak...

" I honestly feel marrying a thai women is a waste of time and money. I am sure some guys will come on and tell stories of what great wives they have but who knows next year maybe they will be the guys on here saying how they got cheated and scammed."

I can't help but smile because you have a very sad opinion about Thai-Foreigner marriage, which is also why you want to live alone for the rest of your life. Marriage is a commitment, partnership and most importantly team-work. Unless these elements are present, every marriage regardless it is inter-cultural or not, will eventually lead to failure. I read some article that says divorce in UK and US are increasing every year and to be honest, the rate of divorce in the West are way way way much higher than anywhere in the world!!

Loving and marrying a person is a personal choice not a chance and definitely not out of lust!!


He seems to place a very high value on time and money, as well. I wonder what he hopes to achieve with his marriage? Surely, the more time it takes, the better? And what else would you spend your money on than your loved ones. I'm glad I'm not married to him - though to be fair, that is not purely on the strength of the quoted post...


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Yeah I am here since 2004, but I have never a Thai woman. I have not managed to date any woman here and I need tips to overcome this.

Change your attitudes about women (Thai women in particular). Your posts on that other thread would certainly make a Thai woman nervous about any prospect of dating you.



to OP, I guess you should have enough material (and advices) now to go out and face the women, and get yourself a date, which can end in a relationship.


And please dont forget to tell us how it went.


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Thai women are very friendly are quite open minded from what I heard. So it should not be that hard to strike up a conversation with them. At least that is what I heard. But since I am not that good looking I am a little unsecure to do this as my experiences in the West were not so good.

Save this post. Put it up on your wall. After you come to Thailand it will be a constant source of amusement to you.

The thing is --- his first post in the thread claims he has lived here 7 years.

mstribling --- things just are not adding up.

Watch out watch out the auditor's about!


I actually thought his post was the most subtle and understated piece of humour I have read on here since UlyssesG more or less had me call myself illiterate.

Edited by StreetCowboy
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Thai ladies still want 'leaders' in men....hence why you will often hear 'Up to you'. :)

Being good or bad looking doesn't really come into it if you can display self-confidence and assertiveness.

Just my opinion of course.

Edited by Phatcharanan
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Watch out watch out the auditor's about!


I actually thought his post was the most subtle and understated piece of humour I have read on here since UlyssesG more or less had me call myself illiterate.

Well the guy in question (not UG) did say that he's never had a relationship with a Thai in this thread ---- and in the Thai-farang marraige thread he slags off on Thai women. Perhaps there is a correlation?

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Go to those eye care shops.. umm opticians They are great places to meet lovely girls.

Oh yeah!! My future wife started off in Top Charoen. It was the cute lilac uniform that did it for me............went in and pretended to be interested in lots of different Ray Bans.

Eventually got a date over rice with her. :)

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Watch out watch out the auditor's about!


I actually thought his post was the most subtle and understated piece of humour I have read on here since UlyssesG more or less had me call myself illiterate.

Well the guy in question (not UG) did say that he's never had a relationship with a Thai in this thread ---- and in the Thai-farang marraige thread he slags off on Thai women. Perhaps there is a correlation?

The reason I slag off on Thai women because I have heard so many negative stories from people who have had terrible experiences with Thai women. Does it surprise anyone if I am very wary and mistrusting? Well, I am a person who is very shy about flirting and I thought that Thai girls were easy to talk to which in fact is very true. In fact I have good relationships with my female coworkers. However when they see that I am only a small time earner they loose interest. Having Thai roots and speaking Thai fluently has not helped me much so far. Maybe I am going for the wrong type of girls.

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Well the guy in question (not UG) did say that he's never had a relationship with a Thai in this thread ---- and in the Thai-farang marraige thread he slags off on Thai women. Perhaps there is a correlation?

The reason I slag off on Thai women because I have heard so many negative stories from people who have had terrible experiences with Thai women. Does it surprise anyone if I am very wary and mistrusting? Well, I am a person who is very shy about flirting and I thought that Thai girls were easy to talk to which in fact is very true. In fact I have good relationships with my female coworkers. However when they see that I am only a small time earner they loose interest. Having Thai roots and speaking Thai fluently has not helped me much so far. Maybe I am going for the wrong type of girls.

That post isn't matching -----

Thai women are very friendly are quite open minded from what I heard. So it should not be that hard to strike up a conversation with them. At least that is what I heard. But since I am not that good looking I am a little unsecure to do this as my experiences in the West were not so good.
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Well the guy in question (not UG) did say that he's never had a relationship with a Thai in this thread ---- and in the Thai-farang marraige thread he slags off on Thai women. Perhaps there is a correlation?

The reason I slag off on Thai women because I have heard so many negative stories from people who have had terrible experiences with Thai women. Does it surprise anyone if I am very wary and mistrusting? Well, I am a person who is very shy about flirting and I thought that Thai girls were easy to talk to which in fact is very true. In fact I have good relationships with my female coworkers. However when they see that I am only a small time earner they loose interest. Having Thai roots and speaking Thai fluently has not helped me much so far. Maybe I am going for the wrong type of girls.

That post isn't matching -----

Thai women are very friendly are quite open minded from what I heard. So it should not be that hard to strike up a conversation with them. At least that is what I heard. But since I am not that good looking I am a little unsecure to do this as my experiences in the West were not so good.

I know, my bad. I must have had a serious blackout when I posted then. I was basically trying to express that while I do have conversations with Thai girls they seem nice. However I do not get far and I have no idea how other men do. I lack social skills obviously.

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You speak Thai fluently? Thats half the battle won then.

Look.........some of the posters have only been in Thailand for 5 minutes so don't have a clue what they are talking about.

Some are half-wits who have had couple of bad experiences and put down the rest of the Thai ladies as the same. They are probably looking in the wrong places and are the same failures here as back home.

And face it...........how often are you going to get guys on here that want to post about how wonderful their gal is? You only get the losers on here who post about the bad experiences.

I don't know.............failures in their own countries and come to Thailand expecting these lovely gals to drop dead at their feet in gratitude.


Edited by Phatcharanan
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I know, my bad. I must have had a serious blackout when I posted then. I was basically trying to express that while I do have conversations with Thai girls they seem nice. However I do not get far and I have no idea how other men do. I lack social skills obviously.

I would suggest that they can read you. Both your insecurity AND your disdain for Thai women.

Phatcharanan -- many of us do speak of our solid, long-term relationships with Thais. Many disparage Thais. It balances out in the end I think ... but the people that disparage all Thais because they 1) get themselves suckered .... or 2) get dumped .... are seriously missing the boat when it comes to reality. Just like those of us that have great long-term relationships would be out of touch with reality if we didn't acknowledge that some people get burned.

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I don't know.............failures in their own countries and come to Thailand expecting these lovely gals to drop dead at their feet in gratitude.

An astute observation. :P

I wonder --- is it OK to come to Thailand and expect the lovely guys to drop dead at my feet?

Throughout my life I have been in 4 LTR's that all approached the 7 year mark and then died. (The relationship not the guy!) I have passed the 7 year mark here in Thailand in a relationship ... so obviously something is working!

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The reason I slag off on Thai women because I have heard so many negative stories from people who have had terrible experiences with Thai women. Does it surprise anyone if I am very wary and mistrusting? Well, I am a person who is very shy about flirting and I thought that Thai girls were easy to talk to which in fact is very true. In fact I have good relationships with my female coworkers. However when they see that I am only a small time earner they loose interest. Having Thai roots and speaking Thai fluently has not helped me much so far. Maybe I am going for the wrong type of girls.

Firstly, I do admire your honesty, coming on this forum to admit your inadequacies (and opening yourself up for ridicule by these self-professed studs). Secondly, there are various contradictions in your posts. For example, you say that you don't trust Thai women, yet, you seem to be dying to be in a relationship with one. There are several million men having relationships with Thai women and most seem to be doing quite fine.

Speaking of, I've seen many, many Thai guys who are obviously not wealthy guys, be in the company of attractive Thai women. I've seen guys that are not physically attractive guys with attractive Thai women. I've known shy guys that have GFs/wives. Even farang guys who can't speak Thai...although the source of many of these women I wouldn't recommend. And you speak Thai!!

Please answer this: Have you ever had a girlfriend (I mean any GF of any nationality)? If so, how did you meet your previous GFs? Therein lies your answer to your own question.

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The reason I slag off on Thai women because I have heard so many negative stories from people who have had terrible experiences with Thai women. Does it surprise anyone if I am very wary and mistrusting? Well, I am a person who is very shy about flirting and I thought that Thai girls were easy to talk to which in fact is very true. In fact I have good relationships with my female coworkers. However when they see that I am only a small time earner they loose interest. Having Thai roots and speaking Thai fluently has not helped me much so far. Maybe I am going for the wrong type of girls.

Firstly, I do admire your honesty, coming on this forum to admit your inadequacies (and opening yourself up for ridicule by these self-professed studs). Secondly, there are various contradictions in your posts. For example, you say that you don't trust Thai women, yet, you seem to be dying to be in a relationship with one. There are several million men having relationships with Thai women and most seem to be doing quite fine.

Speaking of, I've seen many, many Thai guys who are obviously not wealthy guys, be in the company of attractive Thai women. I've seen guys that are not physically attractive guys with attractive Thai women. I've known shy guys that have GFs/wives. Even farang guys who can't speak Thai...although the source of many of these women I wouldn't recommend. And you speak Thai!!

Please answer this: Have you ever had a girlfriend (I mean any GF of any nationality)? If so, how did you meet your previous GFs? Therein lies your answer to your own question.

To be frank someone posted this "I don't know.............failures in their own countries and come to Thailand expecting these lovely gals to drop dead at their feet in gratitude." This applies to me too as I am a social moron and never scored in Europe.

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The reason I slag off on Thai women because I have heard so many negative stories from people who have had terrible experiences with Thai women. Does it surprise anyone if I am very wary and mistrusting? Well, I am a person who is very shy about flirting and I thought that Thai girls were easy to talk to which in fact is very true. In fact I have good relationships with my female coworkers. However when they see that I am only a small time earner they loose interest. Having Thai roots and speaking Thai fluently has not helped me much so far. Maybe I am going for the wrong type of girls.

Firstly, I do admire your honesty, coming on this forum to admit your inadequacies (and opening yourself up for ridicule by these self-professed studs). Secondly, there are various contradictions in your posts. For example, you say that you don't trust Thai women, yet, you seem to be dying to be in a relationship with one. There are several million men having relationships with Thai women and most seem to be doing quite fine.

Speaking of, I've seen many, many Thai guys who are obviously not wealthy guys, be in the company of attractive Thai women. I've seen guys that are not physically attractive guys with attractive Thai women. I've known shy guys that have GFs/wives. Even farang guys who can't speak Thai...although the source of many of these women I wouldn't recommend. And you speak Thai!!

Please answer this: Have you ever had a girlfriend (I mean any GF of any nationality)? If so, how did you meet your previous GFs? Therein lies your answer to your own question.

Sometimes I do not even know if I really disdain Thai women or not or is it only to make me feel better like the fox in Aesop's fable.

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In fact I have good relationships with my female coworkers. However when they see that I am only a small time earner they loose interest. Having Thai roots and speaking Thai fluently has not helped me much so far. Maybe I am going for the wrong type of girls.

How small is small exactly? And how do they see it? You show them ATM receipts, pay-slips or live in a ghetto?

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Thai ladies still want 'leaders' in men....hence why you will often hear 'Up to you'. :)

i thought they say that because they dont give a rats arse one way or the other

"Up to you", means it is up to you to figure out what they want to do.

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Thai ladies still want 'leaders' in men....hence why you will often hear 'Up to you'. :)

i thought they say that because they dont give a rats arse one way or the other

"Up to you", means it is up to you to figure out what they want to do.

And what happens if I impose my will?

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In fact I have good relationships with my female coworkers. However when they see that I am only a small time earner they loose interest. Having Thai roots and speaking Thai fluently has not helped me much so far. Maybe I am going for the wrong type of girls.

How small is small exactly? And how do they see it? You show them ATM receipts, pay-slips or live in a ghetto?

I have no car, which already eliminates me from the equation.

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In fact I have good relationships with my female coworkers. However when they see that I am only a small time earner they loose interest. Having Thai roots and speaking Thai fluently has not helped me much so far. Maybe I am going for the wrong type of girls.

How small is small exactly? And how do they see it? You show them ATM receipts, pay-slips or live in a ghetto?

I have no car, which already eliminates me from the equation.

Well I'm buggered then. Wonder if any would be interestted in sitting on the back of my pushbike. :lol:

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normal women are the 98 percent who are not prositutes, who work in offices, department stores, nurses etc...

Having lived, worked and holidayed in Thailand for like 6 years in total, having talked with Thai normal ladies who were my co-workers and with other Thais who are above middle class, I can tell you one thing which I am sure of: normal Thai ladies don't like foreigners and won't go with foreigners. If they do, they subject themselves to being looked down by the other Thais. Let me say it straight: it's not a good thing for a Thai lady to be with a foreigner. That\s why you have had difficulties in finding a good relationship. Of course, there are exceptions to the above, there are Thai ladies who don't like Thai men like my ex-girlfriend was and will go with you. It's either that or a search for material gain that will make a Thai lady go with a foreigner. Thai tradition is very similar to the Chinese one, keep to your own people.

Edited by svtbg
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Good point, svtbg. Thais tend to be more critical about mixed ethnic groups. And, like every culture, there are always people who WANT to look down on others for the express purpose of somehow elevating their OWN position. If a Thai woman is seen with a farang man then many Thai people will automatically conclude that the woman is a prostitute, whether it is true or not. That doesn't happen in North America or most of Europe. I could be with any ethnic race of woman in Canada and nobody would blink an eye or make false assumptions about anything.

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Depends on your definition of "normal women?"

Do you speak Thai? Makes all the difference in the world. Or at least in Thailand.

normal women are the 98 percent who are not prositutes, who work in offices, department stores, nurses etc...

And they are as easy as bar girls to pick up,( farangs only )

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