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Man Boarding Bangkok Bus Shot To Death

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Man boarding Bangkok bus shot to death

By The Nation


A 22-year-old man was shot dead on a No 34 bus in Bangkok's Phya Thai area early yesterday morning.

The motives behind the shooting remain unknown.

Police rushed to the scene just after midnight yesterday along with rescue workers to find the body of Ekkapoj Buaphrai with two bullet wounds at the entrance to the bus. Five spent bullets were also found at the scene of the shooting.

The victim was an employee of Tesco Lotus on Rama I.

Bus driver Parsit Suk-in, 53, told police he heard gunshots and passengers screaming for him to speed away when Ekkapoj was boarding the bus opposite Phya Thai Plaza. He said he pulled over at the next intersection and found the victim alive, though he succumbed to the injuries by the time rescue workers arrived. He said he saw a man, sitting astride a motorcycle near the bus stop, fire at the man.


-- The Nation 2011-01-20

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Also the preferred method in Notting Hill. I remember a bike pulling up alongside a car and the pillion passenger shot the driver in the head. Drug turf wars, Happen all over, not just in Thailand. In fact, it probably happens much more often in the USA, where murders and other crimes are much higher than in Thailand. Many parts of the USA are much more 'wild west' than Thailand. Not sure why you lot always make out Thailand to be worse than it actuall is, when your own countries are probably much worse. How many murders are there in the USA every year?


Also the preferred method in Notting Hill. I remember a bike pulling up alongside a car and the pillion passenger shot the driver in the head. Drug turf wars, Happen all over, not just in Thailand. In fact, it probably happens much more often in the USA, where murders and other crimes are much higher than in Thailand. Many parts of the USA are much more 'wild west' than Thailand. Not sure why you lot always make out Thailand to be worse than it actuall is, when your own countries are probably much worse. How many murders are there in the USA every year?

Happens everywhere, the difference in Thailand is the law enforcement, no money to be made, the so called "police" are not interested.


Also the preferred method in Notting Hill. I remember a bike pulling up alongside a car and the pillion passenger shot the driver in the head. Drug turf wars, Happen all over, not just in Thailand. In fact, it probably happens much more often in the USA, where murders and other crimes are much higher than in Thailand. Many parts of the USA are much more 'wild west' than Thailand. Not sure why you lot always make out Thailand to be worse than it actuall is, when your own countries are probably much worse. How many murders are there in the USA every year?

Happens everywhere, the difference in Thailand is the law enforcement, no money to be made, the so called "police" are not interested.

Don't forget the slow ambulances which can barely crawl along faster then the traffic.


Also the preferred method in Notting Hill. I remember a bike pulling up alongside a car and the pillion passenger shot the driver in the head. Drug turf wars, Happen all over, not just in Thailand. In fact, it probably happens much more often in the USA, where murders and other crimes are much higher than in Thailand. Many parts of the USA are much more 'wild west' than Thailand. Not sure why you lot always make out Thailand to be worse than it actuall is, when your own countries are probably much worse. How many murders are there in the USA every year?

Theres alway one...................:boring::offtopic:


The news we farang get is quite limited because in actual fact this kind of thing happens daily. You don't even need to read Thai, you just need to look at the photos in the Thai newspapers. Almost daily there are photos. Plus all the ones that do not have photos.

I'm surprised this was even on Thaivisa news.... the choice of news articles is kind of random here...



Until you live in the Philippines for a few years and experience the real wild west where almost every male owns a gun and the police routinely kill criminals and rob the bodies:-)


The news we farang get is quite limited because in actual fact this kind of thing happens daily. You don't even need to read Thai, you just need to look at the photos in the Thai newspapers. Almost daily there are photos. Plus all the ones that do not have photos.

I'm surprised this was even on Thaivisa news.... the choice of news articles is kind of random here...

I didn't choose it :D



Until you live in the Philippines for a few years and experience the real wild west where almost every male owns a gun and the police routinely kill criminals and rob the bodies:-)

When the "Smoky Mountain" was still around, practically every morning you would see bodies riddle with bullets being dumped there.. :ph34r:


Also the preferred method in Notting Hill. I remember a bike pulling up alongside a car and the pillion passenger shot the driver in the head. Drug turf wars, Happen all over, not just in Thailand. In fact, it probably happens much more often in the USA, where murders and other crimes are much higher than in Thailand. Many parts of the USA are much more 'wild west' than Thailand. Not sure why you lot always make out Thailand to be worse than it actuall is, when your own countries are probably much worse. How many murders are there in the USA every year?

In the US more likely to be killed by someone you know or over a drug dispute. killed by a rider on a motorcycle not that I have ever read. Killed in a drive by by your homies yes but more than likly from a car.


Also the preferred method in Notting Hill. I remember a bike pulling up alongside a car and the pillion passenger shot the driver in the head. Drug turf wars, Happen all over, not just in Thailand. In fact, it probably happens much more often in the USA, where murders and other crimes are much higher than in Thailand. Many parts of the USA are much more 'wild west' than Thailand. Not sure why you lot always make out Thailand to be worse than it actuall is, when your own countries are probably much worse. How many murders are there in the USA every year?

Per capita no. Google it "Murders with firearms ( per capita ) you be surprised what you will see.


This isn't a turf war drugs murder. More likely a you chastised me and I lost face. For example, I didn't price the Oreos corrctly and you told me to do it again. So the lunatic slowly comes to the boil having acquired the gun and follows work mate to his bus stop where he rectifies the conundrum of having been verbally repremanded at work.

Any where else we get a host of expert agencies analysing and explaining it to us; a crime scene, an arrest, a sentence, justice.

Here you get 3 paragraphs in a third rate newspaper to fill column space.

Then there's the response of the Thais; speed away. Immediate reaction; self first. It's not as if they are combat trained to respond as if serving in Iraq but any normal reaction of freeze, panic, bewilderment, interest is replaced with 'let him die where he is - I want to get home.'

Great. Well at least we know where we stand, or lie in the dead man's case.

Thailand. Yes Thailand. Not the US or Faroe Islands but Thailand where life is cheap. Cheap as chips amongst the educated working city dwellers of Bangkok where they prefer him to blead out otherwise they'll never get home. And get a sense of perspective. This wasn't in some dangerous dimly lit distant suburn over run with crime.

This is main street, supposedly Policed, safe, built up Bangkok. Where even there you're not safe. And the reaction wasn't at all acceptable considering the locale. It merly ilustrates the dangerous ignorant and selfish nature of Thais.

And finally, not one life saver, first aider, attempt at stemming the flow of blood, in fact nothing. Nothing other than untrained, unresponsive ignorance mixed with fascination as the blood drianed through the bullet wounds and coagulated in the footwell. No doubt they were annoyed they'd have step over that.

Thailand, down town, central Thailand.

In fact, it probably happens much more often in the USA, where murders and other crimes are much higher than in Thailand.

uhhmmmm...not according to this:

Murders Per Capita

Thaialnd at #14, the US at #24...hmmm. And since you are discussing murder with a firearm (and claiming it happens more often elsewhere), what about this:

Per capita

Thailand at #3, the US at #8.

Look, I'm the LAST guy to try and convince anyone that the US is somehow better than Thailand -- neither country has anything to be proud about in those statistics (but don't you feel ridiculous at being such a stereotype -- to go the old predictable "the US is worse!"). As I've posted before (another thread) I'm a person who gets real tired of people who live here or visit regularly and work so hard at bashing the place ina an over the top and totally subjective fashion. But I also get annoyed by those who romaticize and idealize it -- and the while latter group may not be all jaded and bitter like the former, they tend to be the ones who put even weaker and more factually inaccurate arguments.

So feel free to believe that Thailand is wonderful and America/the west is evil - but at least don't mix up fallacy with your rhetoric (ie don't try and use facts as it's much more honest to just keep it about feelings since ultimately that's what makes you say things like the above qoute.)

PS: Maybe these stats are completely off -- it'd be doing me a favor if someonw were to prove me wrong cuz I really want to know.


Sorry -- didn't see that the stats site had already been linked.

By the way, I'm not trying to pioint out how awful Thailand is (or the US). There's really only two reasons this comparison matters to me:

1. I always get annoyed by people who speak with certainty about something which they in fact don't really know enough -- especially when it's Thailand.

2. Thailand's relative position on these lists flies in the face of what's said by so many Farangs I've heard or read over the years gushing over how the Thais are so peaceful and non-violent unlike the savages that visit it.

I think there's a lot of great things about Thailand. Some things are better here than the US, in my opinion, and I have mostly good feelings about the Thais as a whole. But this isn't heaven and they aren't Angels.



Also the preferred method in Notting Hill. I remember a bike pulling up alongside a car and the pillion passenger shot the driver in the head. Drug turf wars, Happen all over, not just in Thailand. In fact, it probably happens much more often in the USA, where murders and other crimes are much higher than in Thailand. Many parts of the USA are much more 'wild west' than Thailand. Not sure why you lot always make out Thailand to be worse than it actuall is, when your own countries are probably much worse. How many murders are there in the USA every year?

Theres alway one...................:boring::offtopic:

Sorry, I disagree - he was more or less on topic, while you are not even close.


Also the preferred method in Notting Hill. I remember a bike pulling up alongside a car and the pillion passenger shot the driver in the head. Drug turf wars, Happen all over, not just in Thailand. In fact, it probably happens much more often in the USA, where murders and other crimes are much higher than in Thailand. Many parts of the USA are much more 'wild west' than Thailand. Not sure why you lot always make out Thailand to be worse than it actuall is, when your own countries are probably much worse. How many murders are there in the USA every year?

Thailand had 5140 murders reported in 2010. The US had 16,204 murders reported in 2010.

Thailand was #14 @ .08 murders /1000 people.

The US was #24 @ .04 murders /1000 people.

Your choice of statistics is up to you. OC


Also the preferred method in Notting Hill. I remember a bike pulling up alongside a car and the pillion passenger shot the driver in the head. Drug turf wars, Happen all over, not just in Thailand. In fact, it probably happens much more often in the USA, where murders and other crimes are much higher than in Thailand. Many parts of the USA are much more 'wild west' than Thailand. Not sure why you lot always make out Thailand to be worse than it actuall is, when your own countries are probably much worse. How many murders are there in the USA every year?

Thailand had 5140 murders reported in 2010. The US had 16,204 murders reported in 2010.

Thailand was #14 @ .08 murders /1000 people.

The US was #24 @ .04 murders /1000 people.

Your choice of statistics is up to you. OC

Please be careful drawing any conclusions from Nationmaster.

As has been shown several times before, their statistics are wrong.

How can Thailand be 3rd in the world for murders per capita (using a firearm) at 0.312093 murders per 1000 population, when they are also quoted as 14th in the world for murders per capita at 0.0800798 murders per 1000.

How can the overall figure (0.08/1000) be a quarter of the firearms only figure (0.31/1000) ?

How does that make any sense?


I was told when I moved here that they had a high murder rate because they have never learned problem solving skills. It is bottle it up until you burst.

By the same token there violent assault record is lower than a lot5 of other countries.

Now that I have said my piece does any one know yet why it happened?


I was told when I moved here that they had a high murder rate because they have never learned problem solving skills. It is bottle it up until you burst.

By the same token there violent assault record is lower than a lot5 of other countries.

Now that I have said my piece does any one know yet why it happened?

You gotta be kidding, right?

over 1,500 posts, and you really believe something along the lines of "they have more murders because they have never learned problem solving skills"?!?

I honestly can't believe such a thing. Maybe it just wasn't worded right or properly articulated. Yet, really.. really... who could believe such a thing?

Sounds a like saying, Thais can't solve disputes without violence because they are poorly educated and/or lack the innate ability to reason normally.

Which isn't a far from... "bloody savages, bloody savages!"

my 2 (and a half) baht


Ah, the planet of the apes are going at it again. Thailand has been increasingly becoming a lawless society and is seems it’s becoming more and more dangerous to live here. Current PM is unable to do anything, no civility only politics.


Also the preferred method in Notting Hill. I remember a bike pulling up alongside a car and the pillion passenger shot the driver in the head. Drug turf wars, Happen all over, not just in Thailand. In fact, it probably happens much more often in the USA, where murders and other crimes are much higher than in Thailand. Many parts of the USA are much more 'wild west' than Thailand. Not sure why you lot always make out Thailand to be worse than it actuall is, when your own countries are probably much worse. How many murders are there in the USA every year?

Per capita no. Google it "Murders with firearms ( per capita ) you be surprised what you will see.

Opps Lumber 3 :ph34r::whistling:

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