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Brit Pensioners Take On Thai 'Killer Bride'


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Brit pensioners start murder fund in Thailand

British pensioners in Thailand have started a murder fund after a court released a Thai wife who allegedly commissioned the death of her London husband and then began to milk his bank accounts.


Raymon Hind with his wife Fon

In Hua Hin, 200 miles south west of Bangkok, pensioners Peter Rees, 71, and David Williams, 65, have put £11,000 into a fighting fund and today began a series of court actions on behalf of their murdered friend 68-yr-old Raymond Hind and his 30-yr-old daughter, Zoe.

Raymond Hind, from Cheshunt, a former garage proprietor in Enfield Highway, was clubbed and stabbed to death at his home in Hua Hin last May. Two months previously he had been attacked in his home and he had taken to keeping a shotgun in his bedroom.

He had throat cancer and restrictions to his arteries and friends said his time was limited anyway.

Rees and Williams, who have retired to Hua Hin, initiated a private murder prosecution at the provincial court in Prachuap Kiri Khan against Raymonds wife, Bunnag, known as Fon, 38, her brother, and her boyfriend, after Thai police failed to establish a legal case. They have also made moves to freeze his assets on behalf of his daughter.

Full story: andrew-drummond.com/2011/01/20/brit-pensioners-start-murder-fund-in-thailand



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I have always said that LOS is actually a LOJ (Land Of Jokes).

In this case it's rather LOGJ (Land Of Grim Jokes).

Cases like this are not endemic to Thailand only, except for the 'Justice' treatment.

Good luck to the dead mans friends, but I am very sceptical :jap:

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Thai wife, good for nothing brother, boyfriend on the scene etc. just how many times is this played out ?

Money nearly always the root of the problem. If there was £1.5m available, then no amount of signatures from judges, colonels or other top brass would keep her in jail. Murderer probably being shielded by those very same people anyway.

Poor guy, just too rich to live when a grubby Thai family see $ signs in their eyes.

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Rees and Williams are to be commended, it;s high time someone STOOD UP and put their money where their mouths are, I congratulate both gentlemen, regardless of the legal outcome you 2 gentlemen are at least attempting to right a terrible wrong, you have my heart felt best wishes for success..

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Rees and Williams are to be commended, it;s high time someone STOOD UP and put their money where their mouths are, I congratulate both gentlemen, regardless of the legal outcome you 2 gentlemen are at least attempting to right a terrible wrong, you have my heart felt best wishes for success..

Let this be a reminder to all and sundry, we are not like, welcomed, or wanted here. It doesn't get any clearer.

Just so so sad.

Are there any words to describe something as this?

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I am delighted to see that Thaivisa has dropped its former policy of 'not naming and shaming', by printing the name, age and photograph of this woman, who must surely be assumed innocent until proven guilty in a court of law.

I hope soon to see the names and photos of the Thai CID officers who decided to drop the charges against her. Does any Thaivisa member living in Hua Hin have a camera?

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There are other ways to get justice.

And the money these guys put up, for legal proceedings, would see that kind of justice done, no questions asked. Sometimes maybe people do have the right to take justice into their own hands. I will catch hell for this statement!

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The only way that I can see any justice in this scenario would be by creating a real challenge to those in power by weakening the Thai economy as a result of the world-wide publication of this case and the alleged judicial corruption. Then, PERHAPS, the judicial system could POTENTIALLY be cleaned up. Ok, admittedly, I'm dreaming here.

Edited by venturalaw
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Good luck but I think you are wasting your money - this is not an OJ Simpson deal - this is Thailand and Farang against Thai 'systems' won't work.

I have to agree with you. In cases like this, you have to adopt the Thai way and apply Thai justice.

I have say though, those 2 old geezers who started the fund would look awfully funny trying to ride a motocy while firing machine pistons at the dead man's wife!

Edited by KeyserSoze01
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This is beyond belief.

I presently know of 3 Thai wives that are having affairs and even though we have informed the husbands, the husbands are reluctant to accept it and still burning the candle for them.

I guess that the wife feared her husband was going to leave his daughter and perhaps some others in his will and that she would lose out and not receive 100% of his estate.

What is it that attracts the guys to these evil gold digging whores like a magnet? Is it lust, companionship, having a trophy wife or what?

Not only will the friends of the husband require a truck load of cash but also need to come up with some hard evidence against this woman to produce to the court where obviously the police haven’t bothered and have either deliberately mislaid any evidence they have or will refuse to release it. This is where the case against the wife may fail. In over words, the friends will have to become they’re own detectives and gather all the evidence possible prior to committing this case to court.

I know what I would do to obtain justice, which I cannot quote on here, that would be a much more effective way to use the £11000.

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Rees and Williams are to be commended, it;s high time someone STOOD UP and put their money where their mouths are, I congratulate both gentlemen, regardless of the legal outcome you 2 gentlemen are at least attempting to right a terrible wrong, you have my heart felt best wishes for success..

Hear hear!

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I wish the 2 guys luck, but really putting their own lives in danger.

The most likely outcome from these two guys actions will be 2 more unsolvable Farang murders.

The only way to enjoy life in Thailand is to keep your head down and out of the limelight.

I cannot fathom why any guy with enough clues to accumulate a reasonable nest egg, would not have the brains to keep it separate to any Thai union/marriage. There are so many cases similar to this, why dont the guys think with their brains.

I tend to agree with the post above...best step is not get married to start with. Play them at their own game.

Surely most guys now know, in the Thai dictionary "Love" is spelt M O N E Y

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Thai wife, good for nothing brother, boyfriend on the scene etc. just how many times is this played out ?

Money nearly always the root of the problem. If there was £1.5m available, then no amount of signatures from judges, colonels or other top brass would keep her in jail. Murderer probably being shielded by those very same people anyway.

Poor guy, just too rich to live when a grubby Thai family see $ signs in their eyes.

For me it only shows how stupid a lot of farangs are.

What could be the reason for this guy to let somebody know how much money he has.

Unbelievable. But not only in Thailand. In any poor country this guy would have been a victim of his own mistakes.

And the person on the picture is that a woman? Yeah, yeah. believe me "THEY" are the worst.

Both friends of him wish you good luck but I believe there is only one solution for this case. An eye for an eye.

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Old men marry young wives in a country with a long tradition of marriage for money and without an effective legal system.

When all that is ultimately wanted by the woman is his money, what surprise that some wives decide that the challenges of being married to a man with his odd foreign customs isn't worth the hassle, particularly when she percieves the chance to have his money without him?

any man who exposes himself to this risk is sitting on a ticking bomb. if you must have her, then make very sure that you are worth more to her alive than dead, and that she fully understands this. the simplest way to accomplish this is to never legally marry, and there are other ways as well.

it is the duty of all in the know to forewarn starry eyed newbies to thailand of the truth of what goes down here.

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Good luck but I think you are wasting your money - this is not an OJ Simpson deal - this is Thailand and Farang against Thai 'systems' won't work.

It seemed to work with the Toby Charnaud case mentioned in the article, gotta be worth a try.

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There are other ways to get justice.

Yes have BBC CNN DW pick up this story and show the injustice here. Anyone that lives here already knows how rotten and corrupt this system is.

Does anyone really cares? Not the local authorities that is for sure . This whole thing is so disgusting.

Edited by hardy1943
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Solid friendship. Good luck. Cheaper more efficient way to resolve the problem would be to hire the hitman from the BKK job.

Good luck but I think you are wasting your money - this is not an OJ Simpson deal - this is Thailand and Farang against Thai 'systems' won't work.

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The real question here is not that the guy was murdered. Not that the wife walked free. Not that the Thai Police failed to charge this women who appears as "guilty as sin" is WHAT THE HELL IS THE BRITISH GOVERNMENT doing about it.

Surely if a citizen is murdered then the Brit Government should knock on every door until the women is dragged screaming to jail...assuming her guilt of course!

They are many cases where public opinion was so loud that the government acted. I remember a young women murdered in Kenya and her father never let up for year upon year and created so PR that the government had to act. The same applied to a girl murdered in India...her mother never let go once until the Indian Police acted. This after they dismissed the initial case as drowning!

In Britain you can opt for a croners inquest in the UK even if the murder took place abroad. If the coroner decides it was murder and the evidence points to the wife then the UK Police MUST get involved and liaise with the Thai Police. I suggest that the two very nice guys use their money banging on British doors / inquests / MP's / News Channels etc until the UK government must act and look after their citizens. Just because he is dead does not mean he is forgotten! Shame on the UK government for their white wash. Get of their backsides, (UK POlice & Government) and help these very respectable and well intentioned friends.

Just my thoughts guys. I dont want a debate...I just want to state my views.

Regards - John.

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From the general tone of your contributions, why do so many of you choose to stay here? Vote with your feet!! My husband and I will soon be heading to Malaysia and will be taking our lovely children with us.

And as for the negative publicity that this case will cause damaging Thailand, think again! Many tourists flock here, year after year, because the find the anarchy here 'such fun' and a relief from the stifling bureaucracy they live under! In Switzerland you can't even flush your toilet at night for fear of disturbing the neighbours!!

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This is beyond belief.

I presently know of 3 Thai wives that are having affairs and even though we have informed the husbands, the husbands are reluctant to accept it and still burning the candle for them.

I guess that the wife feared her husband was going to leave his daughter and perhaps some others in his will and that she would lose out and not receive 100% of his estate.

What is it that attracts the guys to these evil gold digging whores like a magnet? Is it lust, companionship, having a trophy wife or what?

Not only will the friends of the husband require a truck load of cash but also need to come up with some hard evidence against this woman to produce to the court where obviously the police haven't bothered and have either deliberately mislaid any evidence they have or will refuse to release it. This is where the case against the wife may fail. In over words, the friends will have to become they're own detectives and gather all the evidence possible prior to committing this case to court.

I know what I would do to obtain justice, which I cannot quote on here, that would be a much more effective way to use the £11000.

It is a terrible shame but it is something that will probably never stop. I see this time and time again. Some old bloke who has been married forever and has only ever known one good woman reaches retirement only to end up losing his wife to either natural causes or a divorce. He has naturally come to believe all women are as wonderful as his wife. As we all know in western society it is difficult at a ripe old age to become socially active and most lack the skills to do so as the last time they used those skills was 40 to 50 years back when they were young men. Indeed even if they remembered those skills they would have little use in today’s western society. Enter a holiday trip to one of SE Asia’s many tourist destinations and what does the Lone Ranger hear within the first 5 minutes "hello sexy man, where you go?" or one of the many derivatives endemic to the region he is in. This is extremely alluring to any elderly western bloke who has little or no experience with women (remember, a life time spent with a good loving wife = zero experience with women) and as we all know these types of women get their hooks stuck in as quickly as they can. Remember love is indeed blind especially when a person has not experienced affection (real or imagined) for a long period of time and it is very very easy for them to fall in love literally the proverbial "Love at first sight" These predatory women (who have been doing this for years) recognize the symptoms and are nice to the bloke for just long enough for him to get passed a point of no return where they cant see the forest for the trees. It's when a man gets to this point that he does not heed the warning of friends or family who can see with absolute clarity that the woman is evil. In extreme cases such as the one mentioned here, they either get taken for everything they have and when realization sets in they commit suicide rather than return home penniless and in shame for not listen to everyone’s advice, or as in the case above get bludgeoned to death because you are not dying quick enough to get your money or the death insurance, or you die of aids! If you are old, retired and unwise to the ways of woman SE Asia is a very deadly place indeed!

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