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Brit Pensioners Take On Thai 'Killer Bride'


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Sounds like these guys hearts are in the right place. However they will just be pumping another 11000 pounds into the Thai economy for no return IMO.

Where do these guys get their wives from? Quite sad really.

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Truely disgusting and hard to believe. The poor guy was dying from cancer anyway but these lowlife greedy thais could not wait that makes this whole story even more disgusting. I hope his daughter and friends have a good result with thier actions but we should not expect to much, 70 mil baht will do a lot of talking. I presume with her having british citizenship that she would have a british passport. I hope this has been cancelled.

Sadly he is not the 1st and he will not be the last farang to go at the hands of a thai wife and her boyfriend/family Everytime I see a young thai woman and farang husband 30+ yrs her senior I wonder what her true feelings and motives are.

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Money makes the world go around

The world go around

The world go around

Money makes the world go around

It makes the world go 'round.

A mark, a yen, a buck, or a pound

A buck or a pound

A buck or a pound

Is all that makes the world go around,

That clinking clanking sound

Can make the world go 'round.

....still I have indeed won a labor court case... got compensated according to the law and still alive after 4 years... it's all not that bad in the LoS!

Who knows that it was her who did the actual murder?

maybe this is what the court has found...if there is insufficient evidence... like reporters and these "emergency service" guys are let on to the scene and they plough through it, sometimes bagging personal belongings of the victims, moving things, maybe evidence... is just as things are handled here, or better as they are not handled, some foreigner died and like flies, in no time, all the neighbors ploughed through the entire house even removing FURNITURE! :whistling:


Edited by Samuian
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This is beyond belief.

I presently know of 3 Thai wives that are having affairs and even though we have informed the husbands, the husbands are reluctant to accept it and still burning the candle for them.

I guess that the wife feared her husband was going to leave his daughter and perhaps some others in his will and that she would lose out and not receive 100% of his estate.

What is it that attracts the guys to these evil gold digging whores like a magnet? Is it lust, companionship, having a trophy wife or what?

Not only will the friends of the husband require a truck load of cash but also need to come up with some hard evidence against this woman to produce to the court where obviously the police haven't bothered and have either deliberately mislaid any evidence they have or will refuse to release it. This is where the case against the wife may fail. In over words, the friends will have to become they're own detectives and gather all the evidence possible prior to committing this case to court.

I know what I would do to obtain justice, which I cannot quote on here, that would be a much more effective way to use the £11000.

It is a terrible shame but it is something that will probably never stop. I see this time and time again. Some old bloke who has been married forever and has only ever known one good woman reaches retirement only to end up losing his wife to either natural causes or a divorce. He has naturally come to believe all women are as wonderful as his wife. As we all know in western society it is difficult at a ripe old age to become socially active and most lack the skills to do so as the last time they used those skills was 40 to 50 years back when they were young men. Indeed even if they remembered those skills they would have little use in today's western society. Enter a holiday trip to one of SE Asia's many tourist destinations and what does the Lone Ranger hear within the first 5 minutes "hello sexy man, where you go?" or one of the many derivatives endemic to the region he is in. This is extremely alluring to any elderly western bloke who has little or no experience with women (remember, a life time spent with a good loving wife = zero experience with women) and as we all know these types of women get their hooks stuck in as quickly as they can. Remember love is indeed blind especially when a person has not experienced affection (real or imagined) for a long period of time and it is very very easy for them to fall in love literally the proverbial "Love at first sight" These predatory women (who have been doing this for years) recognize the symptoms and are nice to the bloke for just long enough for him to get passed a point of no return where they cant see the forest for the trees. It's when a man gets to this point that he does not heed the warning of friends or family who can see with absolute clarity that the woman is evil. In extreme cases such as the one mentioned here, they either get taken for everything they have and when realization sets in they commit suicide rather than return home penniless and in shame for not listen to everyone's advice, or as in the case above get bludgeoned to death because you are not dying quick enough to get your money or the death insurance, or you die of aids! If you are old, retired and unwise to the ways of woman SE Asia is a very deadly place indeed!

very well said and sadly so true.

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Thai police failed to establish a legal case.

Disgusting beyond belief.

I wish the two friends all the very best of luck and hope you get justice for Raymond.

I totally agree with you KASABIAN. Fight for him and make all the world see what´s happening so it should be fair judgement. Good luck and all the best for you guy´s.

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Sounds like these guys hearts are in the right place. However they will just be pumping another 11000 pounds into the Thai economy for no return IMO.

Where do these guys get their wives from? Quite sad really.

With a 1.5 million pound bounty up for grabs you would be surprised what lengths many people (women) would go to to get their hands on it. (Thai or Western).

Best of luck to the friends and daughter of the deceased.

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I am delighted to see that Thaivisa has dropped its former policy of 'not naming and shaming', by printing the name, age and photograph of this woman, who must surely be assumed innocent until proven guilty in a court of law.

I hope soon to see the names and photos of the Thai CID officers who decided to drop the charges against her. Does any Thaivisa member living in Hua Hin have a camera?

I don't believe there has been a change in policy. The incident was published with names, photos and sadly the gory details in many of the local newspapers. It's in the public domain.

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I think you mean, don't get married or involved with these gold digging scum of the earth bar trash...there is no such reality as ' this one is different'...

.'If you lie down with dogs, you will get up with fleas'.

When are these guys going to learn?

Hats off to his mates though. True friends!

News of this sort just re-enforces my belief in not getting married. Don't know why some of you bother anyway. :blink:

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....edited ....

These predatory women (who have been doing this for years) recognize the symptoms and are nice to the bloke for just long enough for him to get passed a point of no return where they cant see the forest for the trees. It's when a man gets to this point that he does not heed the warning of friends or family who can see with absolute clarity that the woman is evil. In extreme cases such as the one mentioned here, they either get taken for everything they have ....

Well, well, well agreed, but only to a certain degree I insist that "they" are certainly NOT all the same - it's a cliche!

Over the years I learned it is NOT tied to a special Nation, to any specific trade...

It happened to me, Thai wife, lovely, very nice, didn't drink, occasional a smoke, didn't like much to go out, didn't gamble, no red light pre-life...did lead a very good life, went on holidays together, lived 24/7 together - after 14 years off and gone... with whatever she could get her hands on..... same time good mate of mine got divorced back home from his foreign wife (same nationality as him) and guess what - after all there was not any more much left for him tolive on... he committed suicide.. how often does this happen - stop whinghing about these "bad women" it's the men being foolish enough to fall for these dragons, wolves in sheepskins!

But then what is the option?

Is it worth it just because of what one has and to protect it to become a hermit?

Awarenes is a good thing and sh_t will continue to happen till the end of the days.... :violin:

...and then one never knows the whole story...

Edited by Samuian
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From the general tone of your contributions, why do so many of you choose to stay here? Vote with your feet!! My husband and I will soon be heading to Malaysia and will be taking our lovely children with us.

And as for the negative publicity that this case will cause damaging Thailand, think again! Many tourists flock here, year after year, because the find the anarchy here 'such fun' and a relief from the stifling bureaucracy they live under! In Switzerland you can't even flush your toilet at night for fear of disturbing the neighbours!!

There are no problems with living in Thailand, providing we use common sense and don’t let our sex organs rule our brains.

Those who believe that these women’s only ambition in life is to find a nice kind old farang who will become their knight in shining armour and rescue them from a life of poverty and not having to earn a living lying on they’re backs are living in cloud cuckoo land.

If they believe that all these women desire is to become a sweet little housewife, live in a decent home and bring up the kids, should think again.

Play the game here carefully, don’t fall for a cute smile and a hard luck story, treat your money like life blood, be savvy at all times and Thailand can be a wonderful place to reside.

Now, would I lie to you?


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This is beyond belief.

I presently know of 3 Thai wives that are having affairs and even though we have informed the husbands, the husbands are reluctant to accept it and still burning the candle for them.

I guess that the wife feared her husband was going to leave his daughter and perhaps some others in his will and that she would lose out and not receive 100% of his estate.

What is it that attracts the guys to these evil gold digging whores like a magnet? Is it lust, companionship, having a trophy wife or what?

Not only will the friends of the husband require a truck load of cash but also need to come up with some hard evidence against this woman to produce to the court where obviously the police haven't bothered and have either deliberately mislaid any evidence they have or will refuse to release it. This is where the case against the wife may fail. In over words, the friends will have to become they're own detectives and gather all the evidence possible prior to committing this case to court.

I know what I would do to obtain justice, which I cannot quote on here, that would be a much more effective way to use the £11000.

There are other ways to get justice.

Sure are ..............time for a couple of shooters i would say. :ph34r:

That's what I thought when I read the headline: Brit pensioners start murder fund in Thailand cool.gif

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When in Rome do as Romans do, is sound advice in Thailand. Trying to apply civilised ethics and standards here is a waste of time, a hit man is a damned sight cheaper than a lawyer, and often more effective.

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This is beyond belief.

I presently know of 3 Thai wives that are having affairs and even though we have informed the husbands, the husbands are reluctant to accept it and still burning the candle for them.

And I know of one farang, with a six year old daughter, presently screwing anything with a skirt (he'd screw a snake if someone held its head) and who vanishes for days at a time -- how do you think his Thai wife feels?

Scum are scum everywhere and are not restricted by nationality.

Good luck to the two blokes but I fear they are phishing in the wind

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When I came here, marriage visa was all I could get to live here. Thai wife took me for millions. I didn't know farang couldn't own houses.... Having my last name, I thought it was mine- wrong!

Don't be so quick to criticize us shmucks, needing a marriage visa to live here.

Don't waste your time in court, just like another said, "farangs always lose in court"....

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I think you mean, don't get married or involved with these gold digging scum of the earth bar trash...there is no such reality as ' this one is different'...

.'If you lie down with dogs, you will get up with fleas'.

When are these guys going to learn?

Hats off to his mates though. True friends!

News of this sort just re-enforces my belief in not getting married. Don't know why some of you bother anyway. :blink:

I second that, but say something like that in another thread and those brothers come out with their flame-throwers.

If you are here, enjoy what you like doing, whatever that may be, but for heavens sake, keep your assets a secret and don't let them know a thing. Above all always be prepared for the unexpected if you have relations with a thai. Harsh as it is thai reality can really bite hard.

When the times comes get the heck out.

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And I know of one farang, with a six year old daughter, presently screwing anything with a skirt (he'd screw a snake if someone held its head) and who vanishes for days at a time -- how do you think his Thai wife feels?

Why does she stay? It's obvious what he is up to. Doesn't take a genius to work it out... Must be for the MONEY.. oops I mean LOVE.

I bet he is providing well. You see that money is thicker than blood.

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Get this thieves behind bars for the rest of their miserable lives.

Thai women are very dangerous and pretentious…..Beware!!!

"SOME Thai women are very dangerous and pretentious…..Beware!!!"

Fixed that for you.

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Rees and Williams are to be commended, it;s high time someone STOOD UP and put their money where their mouths are, I congratulate both gentlemen, regardless of the legal outcome you 2 gentlemen are at least attempting to right a terrible wrong, you have my heart felt best wishes for success..

Let this be a reminder to all and sundry, we are not like, welcomed, or wanted here. It doesn't get any clearer.

Just so so sad.

Are there any words to describe something as this?

I take it you're packing your bags as I type this reply then? This case, of course, deserves to be judged on its own merits and good luck to those trying to right a wrong. However, lots of us here have some great Thai (and whatever other nationality) friends here so to use this as definitive 'proof' that 'we' are 'not liked, welcomed nor wanted' here is actually just expressing your own personal opinion only and should not be stated as a 'See, so there you have it!' (my) one-opinion-fits-all decree. Hence, I bid you farewell, and if you are actually staying, with all due respect.. er, why, if this is your feeling about the place and its people?


Edited by leebeeUK
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Rees and Williams are to be commended, it;s high time someone STOOD UP and put their money where their mouths are, I congratulate both gentlemen, regardless of the legal outcome you 2 gentlemen are at least attempting to right a terrible wrong, you have my heart felt best wishes for success..

Let this be a reminder to all and sundry, we are not like, welcomed, or wanted here. It doesn't get any clearer.

Just so so sad.

Are there any words to describe something as this?

You Speak for yourself straight8, If you feel like that, then go back from where you came.

Edited by garrfeild
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This is beyond belief.

I presently know of 3 Thai wives that are having affairs and even though we have informed the husbands, the husbands are reluctant to accept it and still burning the candle for them.

I guess that the wife feared her husband was going to leave his daughter and perhaps some others in his will and that she would lose out and not receive 100% of his estate.

What is it that attracts the guys to these evil gold digging whores like a magnet? Is it lust, companionship, having a trophy wife or what?

Not only will the friends of the husband require a truck load of cash but also need to come up with some hard evidence against this woman to produce to the court where obviously the police haven't bothered and have either deliberately mislaid any evidence they have or will refuse to release it. This is where the case against the wife may fail. In over words, the friends will have to become they're own detectives and gather all the evidence possible prior to committing this case to court.

I know what I would do to obtain justice, which I cannot quote on here, that would be a much more effective way to use the £11000.

Trophy wife??? Really??? Look at her photo. I will not get specifically derogatory since I dont want this post deleted.

Factually there is criminality in the entertainment scene. Pattaya attracts people that have a specific goal. The goal is to find a farang and get his money. They actively conspire, plan, deceive, whatever, to cash in. Typically the conspirators are low lives from the bottom of society.

Some on this forum say that this can and does happen in developed countries also. Yes it does, but in a place like Pattaya there is a concentrated and targeted focus on the specific farang population, and the risk of becoming a victim significantly greater.

IMO, it is certainly not worth dying for to be with the woman in the photo. Perhaps there are things worth dying for (google martin luther king and ghandi quotes) but again, not for any service woman in thailand.

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Does this sort of thing tend to just happen with all farang and thai women relationships, just if they're married or just uneducated or poor thai women?

After reading so many reports it does put me off having even a relationship with a thai girl!! but surely you cannot generalize?

How can you tell or see for tell tale signs that something horrible like this could potentially happen?

Thanks in advance.

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Good luck but I think you are wasting your money - this is not an OJ Simpson deal - this is Thailand and Farang against Thai 'systems' won't work.

I am sure that statistically you are correct, but please do not assume that "Thai systems won't work".

Some years ago I was personally involved in a number of court cases after a friend of mine was murdered. The Thai police were less than helpful, but I had some good results from the Thai legal system. It is all about finding a good lawyer who does not give up. They do exist. The lawyer and I both had death threats against us, but we are both still here today.

Thai systems do work - it's all about the people.

Good luck to the people in the article - and be very careful in Hua Hin. I had problems finding a good lawyer there. After being ripped off twice, I finally found a good one in Bangkok

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It would be nice to see both Thai & Western newspapers examining this long series of murders of Western men by their Thai wives.

I have been hearing stories like this (& occasionally meeting future victims) since my first month in Thailand in 2004.

If Western newspapers took the lead, the Thai government & police may be persuaded to take these matters seriously.

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