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You Dont Live Here!


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Many, many of us live here. But then again there is many many who dont. You read and hear things about LOS. Does it make you jealous? Do you wish you could do something about it? Some of you are married but dont live here. That would do my ######ing nut in. What are you doing to remedy the situation? Or are you resigned to living this life? Comments please! Or for those who have a wife who is Thai. Do you think you know it all? I know at least one memeber on here who seems to think he does. He only spends a short time here. Yet he seems to think he is in a position to give advice. :o

Edited by Jockstar
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My Thai wife and I like in Southren California, it's warm, lots of Thai food around, we even have a few Thai Temples. It's really easy for a Thai lady to fit in and enjoy her life hear.

My wife loves it here as do I but we love Thailand also, and here I would have to work until I was 85 to retire.

So not Jealous we are not in Thailand but really look forward to retirement and living full time in LOS.

We both even enjoy our jobs/work here but it gets in the way of my Jogging, hiking, mountain biking, motorcycling, golf, swimming, skin diving, sailing, yard work, yoga, and meditation, reading and so on....

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I am a Brit living in HK married to a Thai who will move to LOS in two years.

I am not jealous of anyone living in Thailand, in fact I pity quite a few of the expats I see living a seemingly meaningless existence in the streets of Pattaya and Bkk. Some of the stories that I hear in Isaan of expats going off the rails are also very pittiful.

My plan is to be financially secure for the rest of my life but have a reason to get up every day, then move to Thailand.

Certainly, I don't think that I know it all, the main reason I read this forum is to learn from others' experiences, but I do have some experience of my own and will offer advice if I think it appropriate - of course it's up to others whether they want to take it.

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Of course i am green with envy :D its just not fair :o

I would love to live full time in thailand but at the moment it just isnt possible due to finances and the fact we are expexting our first rug rat in May, and i would like to bring up my child in the U.K.

Guess i will have to wait till i am old and wrinkly like the rest of you full timers :D

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Guess i will have to wait till i am old and wrinkly like the rest of you full timers :o

There's only one thing wrinkly about me...

And that's my sense of humour!


Is the gap between the sentances supposed to represent anything? :D Or are you just dreaming again? :D

Right i am off to bed now 5 am been working all night and the keyboard is becoming blurred and i am finding it difficult to type :D

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Do you think you know it all? I know at least one memeber on here who seems to think he does. He only spends a short time here. Yet he seems to think he is in a position to give advice. :o

Who is that Jockstar? :D

I wonder.. :D:D

Its nice to see some good honest answers.

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Never experienced such a diversity of Highs and Lows as living in Thailand for a year or two...Maybe thats the attraction..

I think the reality for me its like anywhere its great if you can retire and live like a King.

The good news about Thailand is you dont need a lot to do it compared to any of our worlds large citys.

Its a "where you are in life" thing as well.

The biggest fundamental mistake many make is think going to Thailand is going to solve your problems with a new start.

Best to go when you are in control of your life.

I know many pass these threads off as trolls,but its so easy as a Newbie to Thailand to start believing the dream and wanting to live it.

Personaly my 18mths was a lot of fun a lot of girls ,a lot of golf,a lot of mates,a lot of girls,a lot of drinking,a lot of girls ,but intellectualy zero.

Kind of glad to be back in the real world.


BOY OH BOY I wanna come back.

Missus is Thai and No way go back except for shopping and family visits.

She love Sydney

I dont that's a well known fact, but what is your point jockstrap

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I spent just short of a year in thailand travelling all over but spending most of my time in bkk and nongkhai at my then girlfriends family home.

a few holidays later and we were married - in fact its our 1st anniversary on the 15th Sept.

my wife came to england last october and loves it here but neither of us want to stay here longterm - i know a lot of farrangs want to get back to LoS asap but their thai wives would prefer to stay in UK or wherever...

im on this forum daily and yes i do feel jealous - but im also feeling lucky that whilst im still in UK i have the benefit of getting to read on a broad range of subjects and blogs from people that are and have been living in thailand for a long time.... :D

there are truly inspiring tales of farrangs building homes and businesses etc with their thai wives, however there are also a number of stories of farrangs falling on hard times - being taken to the cleaners - or just existing in a daily beer fuled cycle feeling sorry for themselves.... :o

the positive posts i read feed my enthusiasm and i hope that I will learn from the negatives for when myself and the mrs move to LoS for good.

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I don't live in Thailand, but sometimes I wish I do, well, a lot of the times I wish I do. I would never sacrifice fanancial security to live in the country like I know some people have. I think my ideal situation would be 6 months in Thailand and 6 months back here in the UK, however I've got plenty of time to sort that out.

Envious though? I don't think so, although I do admire a lot of people who have successfully made the transition

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Jock your OP is a strange mingle of questions which when I first read it I thought that the guy posting this must have had a fair few drops of something rather strong and is the worse for wear.

However upon reflection I feel that you may be wanting to say something yourself about your life and this may be the opportunity which you have created to do it. :o

Now come on don`t be shy........blow e bagpipes if e will :D

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Jock your OP is a strange mingle of questions which when I first read it I thought that the guy posting this must have had a fair few drops of something rather strong and is the worse for wear.

However upon reflection I feel that you may be wanting to say something yourself about your life and this may be the opportunity which you have created to do it. :o

Now come on don`t be shy........blow e bagpipes if e will :D

Actually i did have few before i posted. But no. It wasnt a reflection on my life.

Many, many of us live here. But then again there is many many who dont.
I live here.
You read and hear things about LOS. Does it make you jealous?

Well does it?

Do you wish you could do something about it?
Well do you?
Some of you are married but dont live here. That would do my ######ing nut in. What are you doing to remedy the situation? Or are you resigned to living this life? Comments please!

I have read over the last year about guys living away from their other halves. If that was me i'd do anything in my power to remedy the situation. Move out to LOS get her over to wherever you are. Surely it causes so much frustration and pain being apart then together and apart again. I'm nut judging anyone. Its just that i couldnt do it. How long will this circle go on? 1 year. 2 years. What?

Or for those who have a wife who is Thai. Do you think you know it all? I know at least one member on here who seems to think he does. He only spends a short time here. Yet he seems to think he is in a position to give advice.

There is some members on here that do know more about Thailand than me and they dont live here. But what about the ones who think they know it all but dont really? Sorry if this thread is drivel and you cant understand it. If thats the case then dont post. I'm after genuine answers to all the questions posted.

At the end of the day its your choice. Whatever you do or dont.

Edited by Jockstar
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The OP did not even ask if we (or everyone from the audience) want to live in Thailand.

Just assumed we all want it and that we are jealous.

As an another posters said, not only I would not want to live in Thailand, even feel sorry for those who are there (retirees excluded).

Visits and holidays, that's OK by me, Thailand does kick some arse in the domain of tourism.

People can find any place where they can be happy with life there. Just look at that Hicks man (an Ozzie) who not only lived in Afganistan during the Taliban rule, he even fought (armed) on their side against the West and Australia.

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Many, many of us live here. But then again there is many many who dont. You read and hear things about LOS. Does it make you jealous? Do you wish you could do something about it? Some of you are married but dont live here. That would do my ######ing nut in. What are you doing to remedy the situation? Or are you resigned to living this life? Comments please! Or for those who have a wife who is Thai. Do you think you know it all? I know at least one memeber on here who seems to think he does. He only spends a short time here. Yet he seems to think he is in a position to give advice. :o

I live here and have done for 21 years ...... It's a personal choice .. One that we are all able to make if we REALLY want to.

I, like other posters, don't see where you're going with this thread. Whether we live in LOS or not, this forum is for all who wish to make comments about Thailand!

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I have read over the last year about guys living away from their other halves. If that was me i'd do anything in my power to remedy the situation. Move out to LOS get her over to wherever you are. Surely it causes so much frustration and pain being apart then together and apart again. I'm nut judging anyone. Its just that i couldnt do it. How long will this circle go on? 1 year. 2 years. What?

I spend six months in Thailand and six months in the UK. The situation isn't ideal, but it means I can make good money, and for now it works. It's hard sometimes, but we adapt to being apart.

I have some plans that may mean I will be able to stay in Thailand long term, but if these plans do not work and I am unable to sustain myself in Thailand, then I will start to make arrangements for my wife to join me in the UK, if that's what she wants. At the moment we are also saving to build a house in Thailand, I reckon this will be built by the end of next year, and it's after this time that we will re-evaluate our lives and take it from there.

There is some members on here that do know more about Thailand than me and they dont live here. But what about the ones who think they know it all but dont really?

The nature of forums is that when someone posts something that is not accurate, then other members will correct, and the poster who has made an inaccurate post will learn. At the end of the day the reader gets to choose.

totster :o

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I have read over the last year about guys living away from their other halves. If that was me i'd do anything in my power to remedy the situation. Move out to LOS get her over to wherever you are. Surely it causes so much frustration and pain being apart then together and apart again. I'm nut judging anyone. Its just that i couldnt do it. How long will this circle go on? 1 year. 2 years. What?

I spend six months in Thailand and six months in the UK. The situation isn't ideal, but it means I can make good money, and for now it works. It's hard sometimes, but we adapt to being apart.

I have some plans that may mean I will be able to stay in Thailand long term, but if these plans do not work and I am unable to sustain myself in Thailand, then I will start to make arrangements for my wife to join me in the UK, if that's what she wants. At the moment we are also saving to build a house in Thailand, I reckon this will be built by the end of next year, and it's after this time that we will re-evaluate our lives and take it from there.

There is some members on here that do know more about Thailand than me and they dont live here. But what about the ones who think they know it all but dont really?

The nature of forums is that when someone posts something that is not accurate, then other members will correct, and the poster who has made an inaccurate post will learn. At the end of the day the reader gets to choose.

totster :o

Thanks Tots. I knew you would understand what i am on about. Beer? When you get here. Not long now mate. Alll the best.

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Many, many of us live here. But then again there is many many who dont. You read and hear things about LOS. Does it make you jealous? Do you wish you could do something about it? Some of you are married but dont live here. That would do my ######ing nut in. What are you doing to remedy the situation? Or are you resigned to living this life? Comments please! Or for those who have a wife who is Thai. Do you think you know it all? I know at least one memeber on here who seems to think he does. He only spends a short time here. Yet he seems to think he is in a position to give advice. :o

I know for sure that I could not be away from my wife. I spent 6+ months in LOS waiting for her visa so we could move back to NYC. I knew I would be miserable living without her. So, I waited. Great move on my part. We had a blast living in Bangkok and traveling around Asia. Just wish I had more money so I could do that again!

I also could not imagine living here and being single. The dating scene here is horrible. Women primarily want to date younger men (gee, I just don't understand that :D ). Life has been great with her here. Thai food every day and a great loving woman to be with. Tough to beat.

But, yes, we do want to move back. I like the poster who said 6 months there and 6 months back home. I love Thailand a lot, but sure love all the stuff you can get here. And all the things you don't have to worry about. But, I do miss the LOS. And we will "hopefully" be there next summer. Already starting to read the property ads...so, getting excited!

Great reading all your posts!!!

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I think I understand where you were coming from Jockstrap, but it was very easy to misread your post.

I had to live away from my wife for a while, it was hard at the tim but that's in the past.

We live in Adelaide and she loves it here and in fact I'm the one who has to nag her into coming back to LOS.

When I finish work, our house will be complete, money should be sorted but I can see we will be spending long periods away from LOS as the Strife will probably start a business here.

All that's in the future so we just live for now and I look forward to the annual visit.

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Many, many of us live here. But then again there is many many who dont. You read and hear things about LOS. Does it make you jealous? Do you wish you could do something about it?

I miss being in Thailand, miss my friends, miss the ladies, miss cheap beer, miss the ladies, miss the weather(!), miss the ladies, miss the scenery, miss the ladies, miss the food, miss the ladies..... :D

I really enjoy being in LOS, wanted to go there ever since I first read about Thailand in a photo article in National Geographic magazine when I was a kid. Now, I don't know if I would live there all year round right now , (I would miss New York City just as much ), but I'd definitely would like to spend a few months a year in Thailand.

Unlike most of the people here :D , I do not have a Thai wife ( not planning on getting married any time soon.. :D ) or a Thai girlfriend in Thailand ( but I do personally know several ladies who would love getting those jobs! :o ), so there is no imperative that I have to move there now. The only way I could have a real long lasting relationship with a Thai lady in Thailand would be if I moved there full time, but that would not be feasible career wise or financially for me right now...

Maybe I'll change my mind, and marry a Thai woman and maybe move to LOS full-time sometime in the future, but at present, Thailand is just a nice vacation place for me.


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I am lucky enough to spend 8/10 weeks at a time in LOS :D then I have to return to the UK for business and other commitments for 4/5 weeks at a time :D .

When I am away I find myself bored and frustrated :D

I miss my wife too much......

I miss my home in Korat.......

Mostly I miss my son, now 9 months, way too much!!!!

Last trip they came with me for 2 months to the UK. My wife had a great time but would not want to live in London and neither would I...... :o

I know I am not answering the OP so Jocky.........yes I am jealous of those of you who manage to be here with there loved ones all the time! :D !

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