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Thai Related Stuff In Boston Massachu

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i will be in newton, boston from oct. 2 to 14 oct. so i was wondering if :

1/ anyone in TV living in area and interested or willing for me to visit for the fun of it... (i will be staying with my sister and family as my 11 yr old daughter is with me)

2/ any ideas for shopping for thai stuff (newspapers, comics, books etc as presents for the guys here; stuff i could use? wat? etc)...

do not tell me to google, i havent been to the states in 6 years and am not a city person; so i need 123 type instructions for finding places etc since time is limited, and i am at the mercy of my sister and have very little time to do stuff on my own since child doenst speak much english so cannot leave her with grandma and auntie for very long


there's nobody on TV from boston , mass....???????????

no clues, ideas etc????? (apart from checking out the monument etc to Thailand's King....)

every one is so quick to dicuss waste of time subjects (some that are fun too i admit...) but for real info?????!!! :D


jai yen.......

there's nobody on TV from boston , mass....???????????

no clues, ideas etc????? (apart from checking out the monument etc to Thailand's King....)

every one is so quick to dicuss waste of time subjects (some that are fun too i admit...) but for real info?????!!! :D


jai yen.......

most likely nobody from Boston on TV :

TV members are busy on pissup parties, Bostoners prefer "Tea-parties" :o

i will be in newton, boston from oct. 2 to 14 oct.  so i was wondering if :

1/ anyone in TV living in area and interested or willing for me to visit for the fun of it... (i will be staying with my sister and family as my 11 yr old daughter is with me)

2/ any ideas for shopping for thai stuff (newspapers, comics, books etc as presents for the guys here; stuff i could use? wat? etc)...

do not tell me to google, i havent been to the states in 6 years and am not a city person; so i need 123 type instructions for finding places etc since time is limited, and i am at the mercy of my sister and have very little time to do stuff on my own since child doenst speak much english so cannot leave her with grandma and auntie for very long

Y not do a search on google or yahoo?



i just preferred personal recommendations since i am not travelling leisurely and wanted something like: on street A, a great little store, in x part of boston, get there by taking bus 123... etc.... i have one day to shop in boston w/o child in tow... thats all....

and if there was anybody from thai visa living there it would be fun to meet face to face... i did that many years ago when visiting my folks in arizona, to meet two families with boxer dogs when i was active on boxer dog forum. it was fun, i bought their dogs presents from israel, and stuff for their kids too...... whatever.... just thought would be nice...


Hi bina,

I'm in boston and somewhat familiar with newton since i have friends that live there. It's not far from dowtown boston but that of course depends upon traffic more than distance.

The most popular shopping venues in boston are newbury street and around fanueil hall / haymarket square areas. Closer to newton may be harvard square and just across interstate 90 very near to newton is arsenal mall and another close one is chestnut hill mall. The malls are typical american but there's lots of small shops surrounding them too. Tax is 5% except for clothes. Top end electronics are very cheap relative to europe and asia.

I'd love to have a chat and a drink with you but i'll be in europe at that time. BTW, did you know that between sep-oct is when the boston population increases by 40,000 to 60,000? Yep, that's when all the colleges fill up with students for the new school year.

The weather is still mild here, 70-80 degrees f. October will be fun for watching the leaves change color. Too bad you can't stay for holloween when it get's fun to be in new england.

Best of luck. vit42


thanx for the pleasant answer:

yeah my sis will have to do some vacation time since i am a real yokel; i also hate shopping if its not for farm animals...

did find a museaum in salem (Salem's Peabody Essex Museum) with some supposedly amazing collection of thai art etc and an asian art wing or something.... probably wont get there though...

will definately do the autumn leaves thing since my daughter has never seen a real autumn

fanueil for shopping

i think i;ll stick to duty free for gifts for the guys (cigs, etc)... oh well....

thanx for the tips, my brother in law is also in europe at that time so our planned electronics shopping has been cancelled (he is the elec. freak geek)

have a good trip too and thanx again


There is nothing Thai related in the Boston area as far as I know. However, there is a Thai Consulate General office in Boston on 41 Union St, across from the Boston City Hall, near Fanueil Hall. Maybe they can be of some assistance.


thanx to u also... will check it out.... there are thai students in boston college (some program or other, maybe they can help out , they have a center there)


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