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More Thais Die Of Alcohol Poisoning Than Cold.

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I'm not sure why Lao Kaao should have such a bad press, it is an excellent cleaning agent, restores faded paintwork and removes grime and grease and furthermore is cheaper than commerial cleaning agents. The only precautions needed are to ensure that you use it in a well ventilated work area.

Also diluted with equal parts of water it is an excellent disinfectant for small cuts and wounds. Diluted with three parts of water it can be used as an antibacterial mouth wash and gargle, be careful not to swallow any.

I also find it useful for dealing with noisy or rowdy neighbours, just give them a couple of bottles and within a short time they sink into a silent stupor. I used to have many disturbed nights before I discovered this last trick.

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Thoroughly misleading heading! All it says is that, out of 30 people thought to have died of cold, 28 actually died of alcohol poisoning. Does anybody know how many Thais a year really die of alcohol poisoning?



Thoroughly misleading heading! All it says is that, out of 30 people thought to have died of cold, 28 actually died of alcohol poisoning. Does anybody know how many Thais a year really die of alcohol poisoning?


Surely they are not assuming that if it is unseasonably cold for the year that all death's during this period are caused by a drop in body temperature, are they??? ie: if someone is hit by a truck and the weather's 10C. then "it was the cold that dunnit"!!! What happened to finding out the cause of death by a cursory examination of the body or investigation of the circumstances first, before splurting out these phony misleading statistics to newspapers looking for a nice juicy headline to sell their papers??


snapback.pngTokay stated yesterday 'Would like to see a stat on how many die of cirrhosis of the liver.'' and also, thailand has the highest rate of liver disease in the world: see


Well, reading that article would seem to indicate to me that it deals with gallbladder cancer caused by eating raw fish. No mention of alcohol at all.


Thoroughly misleading heading! All it says is that, out of 30 people thought to have died of cold, 28 actually died of alcohol poisoning. Does anybody know how many Thais a year really die of alcohol poisoning?

It isn't wrong. The article clearly says that 2 died from cold, 28 presumed dead from cold was dead from alcohol...and we also know that hundreds others die from alcohol each year...but even if it was 0 (zero) the article already have the count at 2 vs 28 - a result supporting the headline.

Oh yes it is!!!! Read it again friend!!! You have conveniently ommitted one word "actually" which infers that they made a mistake in their initial pronouncement. In other words 28 of the 30 actually died of alcoholic poisoning and not from the cold, as first thought in their mistaken statement which gave the impression that ALL died from the affects of the cold!!


Am I the only one that noticed that Thailand is a tropical country, not too far from the equator and hot most of the time?

Other news

- more Thais die of Alcohol poisoning than those that die in ski-ing accidents

- ice fishing banned in Thailand

- boomakers offering 100-1 odds on Thailand having a white Christmas this year

Maybe, but it can get very cold in Northern Thailand and people have actually died of exposure in the high mountains there. They are also predicting that there may be snow at sometime in Thailand on account of climate changes in these afore-mentioned mountains. I accept that these are only potential and extreme predictions for a specific area in Thailand however people do die from the cold (as happened fairly recently) on account of their unpreparedness, through body shock and lack of appropriate warm clothing to protect them from the cold. I must admit, I was bemused at first until I realised that "not all Thailand is the same" in this respect. NB: this disparity is especially pertinent in vast countries, where the difference in temperatures from North to South can be enormous (temperatures are chiefly determined according to what latitude they lie on).


Thoroughly misleading heading! All it says is that, out of 30 people thought to have died of cold, 28 actually died of alcohol poisoning. Does anybody know how many Thais a year really die of alcohol poisoning?

It isn't wrong. The article clearly says that 2 died from cold, 28 presumed dead from cold was dead from alcohol...and we also know that hundreds others die from alcohol each year...but even if it was 0 (zero) the article already have the count at 2 vs 28 - a result supporting the headline.

Oh yes it is!!!! Read it again friend!!! You have conveniently ommitted one word "actually" which infers that they made a mistake in their initial pronouncement. In other words 28 of the 30 actually died of alcoholic poisoning and not from the cold, as first thought in their mistaken statement which gave the impression that ALL died from the affects of the cold!!

That is what my post and the title says.


If the intent was to show alcohol poisoning the blood alcohol values would have been stated. I believe the article takes comments out of context. It is more likely death is due to alcohol related diseases. As is stated, most of those that die had pre-existing health conditions. The alcohol is just the trigger for the subjects' death. Nothing new and is common to all countries where there are alcoholics in the general pop.


It doesn't surprise me one bit.

The way Thais drink is the problem They cane the spirits way too fast.

I'm always telling friends to have a few slow beers first and let the system take it in slowly but it's always BANG BANG with them.

Now wonder when I drink with Thai friends I'm usually drinking alone by 9pm...it's either that or my terrible wind.

Again, lack of education, add Thai 'no common sense; they see many of their friends die of alcohol diseases, but doesn't prevent them doing it. Yes same in the West. But at least we ARE given the facts, unlike here, where most HIV infected Thais truly believe that all they have to do is take a pill, and it'll go away!

Stupid stupid government, of any stripe. Shame on the fcking lot of them.


Thoroughly misleading heading! All it says is that, out of 30 people thought to have died of cold, 28 actually died of alcohol poisoning. Does anybody know how many Thais a year really die of alcohol poisoning?

The answer is four.


It's difficult to believe anything they say because they say whatever they want. I wonder if these 28 actually died of alcohol poisoning or other causes, complicated by alcohol use. It takes a lot of alcohol in a short period of time to cause death from alcohol poisoning. 28 is a high number.

Ya, I doubt they died of true alcohol poisoning per se. More like alcohol abuse, ie alcoholism. Went on one last run and the body finally gave out. It would be interesting to see the age breakdown.

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