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Relationship With Thai Lady (Long)


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Hi there, i am Thai lady. But not a typical or sterio type one. I read your story and i think you should move on. But seem like you want some closure before you can move on. Try to talk to your ex gf but dont let youself fall for her again no matter what. But i am really think that you have a high chance to fall for her again. So if she's the one for you then you have to follow your heart but you might get hurt again. So if you want to get back with her then you cannot moan if she just leave you or break all the contact again.

I wonder why you find a girl for a re-bound .. i dont like that coz u might hurt another girl just for your sick missed feeling.


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The only thing I'd add to what has already been said is....

I suspect your new gf wanted to talk with her to get the lowdown on the break-up and more specifically, how much $ your ex had managed to get out of you so that she'd have an idea what she could aim for herself.

Dump the new gf as well as forgetting the ex, move on and NOT via an internet site like that.

There are lots of decent, sane Thai women...but you won't find them on those sites.

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I'm sorry call me what ever you want to call me out on here..BUT

I simply do not understand the reasons and what drives a man to go onto a dating website with specific needs for a Thai women IF you are living in the UK. Date someone casually get to know that person living in the UK in a near by town. Why would you want to date someone living in third-world who is asking for your money all the time. I understand dating a Thai if you live in Thailand and if she is well educated and has her own money then yes good idea.

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Some people might as well have "I am incomplete, pretend to want to complete me but treat me like crap" tatooed on their forehead. This has nothing to do with Thai girls and everything to do with Keven trolling for a special kind of woman and apparently finding her. People like this could walk into a room full of people (in any part of the world) and they will always walk out with the sickest individual from that room.

At some point you should be thinking that with all the choices out there YOU keep choosing the same woman over and over. The problem is YOU. The sooner you get that the sooner you can begin to do something about it and what you will find is that as you begin to get "complete" you will no longer be attracted to these women. In fact you will easily spot them a mile away and avoid them.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I am Thai girl. I were read your story. I thought she doesn't love you. If she love you. She shouldn"t ask you for Money.

And when she contracted you again> SHe just jealous as own your. Please move on. That Woman doesn't good for you.

Edited by arttist
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I'm sorry call me what ever you want to call me out on here..BUT

I simply do not understand the reasons and what drives a man to go onto a dating website with specific needs for a Thai women IF you are living in the UK. Date someone casually get to know that person living in the UK in a near by town. Why would you want to date someone living in third-world who is asking for your money all the time. I understand dating a Thai if you live in Thailand and if she is well educated and has her own money then yes good idea.

I think that you have hit the nail on the head there.

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  • 2 months later...

And another piece of advice, don't give out people's emails to total strangers. Its extremely rude.

Did I miss something, who was the total stranger that I gave an email address to?

You gave out personal information to someone without asking that person first, that's rude.

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Some people might as well have "I am incomplete, pretend to want to complete me but treat me like crap" tatooed on their forehead. This has nothing to do with Thai girls and everything to do with Keven trolling for a special kind of woman and apparently finding her. People like this could walk into a room full of people (in any part of the world) and they will always walk out with the sickest individual from that room.

At some point you should be thinking that with all the choices out there YOU keep choosing the same woman over and over. The problem is YOU. The sooner you get that the sooner you can begin to do something about it and what you will find is that as you begin to get "complete" you will no longer be attracted to these women. In fact you will easily spot them a mile away and avoid them.

I agree! OP should study psychology and find out that sociopaths have a knack for spotting victims. Once you learn how they behave it's easy to avoid them, if you are well grounded.

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I read the entire 'story'. Just bored, I guess.

I could give advice. What would be the point. If this is a genuine story and not a trolling attempt, the OP is clearly not capable of heeding it. No one who is capable of doing something this ridiculous, could possibly be expected to be capable of understanding the Obvious....

Last week the new Thai lady wanted to talk to the ex g/f. I was reluctant but gave her the g/f's email address. I said don't contact her she will be angry

You give out emails for no reason? That's...unreasonably ridiculous. This has to be a troll.

If this is a genuine story OP, take a good look yourself in the mirror and remind yourself that you are a man - you appear to have forgotten, at some point.

And at what point, did you forfeit your rationality?

Firstly I am not a troll. Yes this smells of scam. thirdly if this is a scam what is it now it is apparantly finished. I didn't give her email to a total stranger. I have personal possessions at her house. The latest g/f offered top talk to ex g/f to arrange collecting them I gave the g/f the ex g/f''s email address then thought better of it. Couldnt agree more I need to move on. I would have liked some sort of logical explanation from the ex g/f. If that was fuc_k off you bore me then fair enough, if is was it was all a scam you idiot that is fair enough.

My view is that the ex g/f is a total fruit cake. She spoke for 2 hours on msn with the current g/f. Then 1.5 hours with me on the phone, 2 hours on the phone to the girl that I met in December then 1.5 hours again to me this afternoon.

Given up rationality. Well may be. I think that is was worth a second shot but I wasn't expecting this behaviour from the ex g/f. What I foolishly expected was fuc_k off and stop bothering me, that I did x y or z to piss her off, she found another b.f/mug. Given the crankiness of most women this seems very odd by their normal crankiness.

If anybody does have any valid comments fine. It seems that everybody on Thai Visa follow empty shallow lives, well may be, bar girls are cheap. But some of us are serious if stupid.

You're stupid if you seriously think all people on Thai visa live empty shallow lives. Some of did not come here to sleep with bar girls, or sluts either. Decent girls are a different story, but you don't have a clue on that topic.

The first whack job has not told you to f-off because she still wants to get into......your wallet. The second whack job is no different from the first because she wanted to get the inside skinny from the first whack job, so she would know how to play you. (Your "personal possessions thing" was a ruse to get the required information, the first whack jobs email address.) The first whack job talked to you, again, because she wants to keep the second whack job from getting the money she wants from you. With your understanding of Thai women, and human nature, I suggest it is safer if you just stayed home and......whacked off!

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I've spent nearly 3 decades in this country. I spent a not insignificant portion of my early years here running bars and even after that have collected so many stories and as an avid student of Thailand and its society, I have so much to say on situations of this type; what may surprise some, I'm not always cynical or pessimistic about them...I have so, so much I could say about this topic and normally not all of it unconditionally negative or without hope...

And yet in this case there's nothing I need to say -- because EVERYONE on here is 100% correct. Except, with all due respect, you. (The excuses you make for her, the way you simply believe the stuff she told you, the way you keep going back to potentially the same sorts of situations...)

While there have been so many spot on comments made, including, frankly the comments about you, Scooter's analysis is especially precise and accurate. The definitive work on the subject.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Let me get this straight...

You say you know "she is a fruitcake" but you are asking whether or not we all agree? OK...here is my answer. No, she is not a fruitcake, she is playing you, and you are letting her. As Sheryl says, there are many, many women out there, and from every country, and most of them are not out strictly to attach your wallet. Sadly, as the old country song goes, you are looking for love in all the wrong places.

If you feel that you understand Thai culture and want to meet a Thai woman, then you need to come to Thailand, learn the Thai language, and do something that you enjoy doing without any concern over whether you meet your future wife or not. There are thousands of stories on this site about where members met their wives, and very few of the successful ones start out "online" or "in a bar." Not to say those can't work, but your odds are so much better if you avoid those places, that it seems a wasteful effort to even try there.

For myself, I met my wife completely unexpectedly while looking for a library. Truth be told, she actually found me, as the mor doo had told her she would meet her husband that week and he would "look like Tom Cruise". (OK..my wife clearly used her imagination on that one...) But the point is, paradoxically, if you want to meet a Thai wife, don't look for one. Thai women are no different at the core than women anywhere, and if you are happy and secure with yourself, they will be attracted to your confidence. Some will be attracted to the exotic aspects of a farang husband, and others will fear the unknown, but on average I think it balances out such that you have just as much chance of meeting a Thai woman as any Thai man. Money can always poison any relationship, in Thailand or the West, but if the two of you share a bond greater than money, you will each be more interested in compromise than walking away. So don't believe all the stereotypes you read here. Unfortunately, most normal, working people don't have time to contribute regularly to these boards, so you get a distorted perspective.

In direct answer to your question, most Thai women are completely normal. You can even drop the label. They are simply women. They are no more "fruitcakes" than they are in any other country, but if you knowingly try to find women in places where there is an abundance of the vicious, greedy and predatory types, then you are probably going to meet the vicious, greedy and predatory type.

People don't usually like to hear this, because such advice isn't easy, and much like life in general, it is not guaranteed. But if you truly love the Thai culture, then you should love the Thai culture even if you do not meet your future wife here. And if you don't truly love the Thai culture, why do you think a Thai woman will be more compatible for you than a woman from any other country?

I suggest you truly reflect on what you are trying to find and why, and then maybe the right path will become obvious.

Edited by gregb
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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

Its too easy to have a reason and it lets you off the hook....its happened to me twice....no reason given, no talking, nothing at all, swept under the carpet....i lived, i moved on and i dont give a dam anymore and one day you will be like me....a lot harder.

good luck.

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Let me get this straight...

You say you know "she is a fruitcake" but you are asking whether or not we all agree? OK...here is my answer. No, she is not a fruitcake, she is playing you, and you are letting her. As Sheryl says, there are many, many women out there, and from every country, and most of them are not out strictly to attach your wallet. Sadly, as the old country song goes, you are looking for love in all the wrong places.

If you feel that you understand Thai culture and want to meet a Thai woman, then you need to come to Thailand, learn the Thai language, and do something that you enjoy doing without any concern over whether you meet your future wife or not. There are thousands of stories on this site about where members met their wives, and very few of the successful ones start out "online" or "in a bar." Not to say those can't work, but your odds are so much better if you avoid those places, that it seems a wasteful effort to even try there.

For myself, I met my wife completely unexpectedly while looking for a library. Truth be told, she actually found me, as the mor doo had told her she would meet her husband that week and he would "look like Tom Cruise". (OK..my wife clearly used her imagination on that one...) But the point is, paradoxically, if you want to meet a Thai wife, don't look for one. Thai women are no different at the core than women anywhere, and if you are happy and secure with yourself, they will be attracted to your confidence. Some will be attracted to the exotic aspects of a farang husband, and others will fear the unknown, but on average I think it balances out such that you have just as much chance of meeting a Thai woman as any Thai man. Money can always poison any relationship, in Thailand or the West, but if the two of you share a bond greater than money, you will each be more interested in compromise than walking away. So don't believe all the stereotypes you read here. Unfortunately, most normal, working people don't have time to contribute regularly to these boards, so you get a distorted perspective.

In direct answer to your question, most Thai women are completely normal. You can even drop the label. They are simply women. They are no more "fruitcakes" than they are in any other country, but if you knowingly try to find women in places where there is an abundance of the vicious, greedy and predatory types, then you are probably going to meet the vicious, greedy and predatory type.

People don't usually like to hear this, because such advice isn't easy, and much like life in general, it is not guaranteed. But if you truly love the Thai culture, then you should love the Thai culture even if you do not meet your future wife here. And if you don't truly love the Thai culture, why do you think a Thai woman will be more compatible for you than a woman from any other country?

I suggest you truly reflect on what you are trying to find and why, and then maybe the right path will become obvious.

Yep, good advice and post.

Edited by Krupnik
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another Casanova!!! huuh....

bob Marley sang "no woman no cry". but you have more than 1 now.

why should you worry? She is from the past and you must finish her off 1st. get on with your new life then...

with that new one.. don't make she, your new thinks that you are still living in the past...

she will disgust you and walk away. .....

life goes on bother ... don't look back... Enjoy what you have now .. cos' you ain't gonna live forever.. life is short.....

be strong ! you ain't strong enough.... No mercy for this sort of Thai girls....

they will make you look like shi*******T. suddenly quit!!! my advise!!!!... I read all your romantic story.

i can feel that you are in sensational pain and suffering.

Edited by dunkin2012
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always wonder why guys with thai lady problems post on a forum mainly populated by western ladies, logic would say farang guys have more dealings and idea deling with Thai ladies, as i am sure the ladies on this forum have more experience dealing with guys than say a guys forum would have. just a thought.

also fail to see why western guys just dont seem to get what the thai lady/ farnags relationships are all about. $$$$$$$$

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always wonder why guys with thai lady problems post on a forum mainly populated by western ladies, logic would say farang guys have more dealings and idea deling with Thai ladies, as i am sure the ladies on this forum have more experience dealing with guys than say a guys forum would have. just a thought.

also fail to see why western guys just dont seem to get what the thai lady/ farnags relationships are all about. $$$$

i understood why he's still holdin' on...

have anyone told you that love's logic ain't a mathematical thing you can work out with a particular formula?

You know if there is light at the other end of the tunnel but one might not see and be wonderin' around in a maze.

moreover, there is no course to train you to deal with loving relations between a man and a women or m/m or even w/w.

Give him a chance!!!! and us.?

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