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Bush cancels Swiss visit amid threats of protest, arrest


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Bush cancels Swiss visit amid threats of protest, arrest

2011-02-07 00:47:14 GMT+7 (ICT)

GENEVA (BNO NEWS) -- Former US president George W. Bush has cancelled a trip to Switzerland because of fears of growing protests, according to reports in the Tribune de Genève newspaper.

The Jewish organisation that had invited Bush for a Geneva gala event has cited growing protests as the reason for cancelling his visit, denying reports that the potential criminal investigations against the former president were a factor in the decision.

On Friday, Amnesty International "sent Genevoise and Swiss federal prosecutors a detailed factual and legal analysis of President Bush's criminal responsibility for acts of torture he is believed to have authorized," the group said Sunday.

"Amnesty International concluded that Switzerland had enough information to open a criminal investigation against the former president," the group added.

Under Switzerland's international obligations, if President Bush entered the country, such an investigation would be mandatory. The publication of his memoirs in November had showed that Bush had personally authorized the water-boarding of suspected terrorists, the group said.

This was to have been Bush's first trip to Europe since leaving office two years ago.


-- © BNO News All rights reserved 2011-02-07

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The Swiss would have been foolish to even consider such an arrest. Switzerland and a few other western European nations are the clearing houses for the proceeds of some of the world's worst thugs, despots and thieves. Just as Switzerland may claim "international" obligations, the same "obligations" hold to the USA in respect to money laundering and the funding of terrorist organizations. It wouldn't take much for a U.S. Senator to ask for an enforcement action or an investigation of questionable Swiss banking practices that would then paralyze the Swiss banking system.

Edited by geriatrickid
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The Swiss would have been foolish to even consider such an arrest. Switzerland and a few other western European nations are the clearing houses for the proceeds of some of the world's worst thugs, despots and thieves. Just as Switzerland may claim "international" obligations, the same "obligations" hold to the USA in respect to money laundering and the funding of terrorist organizations. It wouldn't take much for a U.S. Senator to ask for an enforcement action or an investigation of questionable Swiss banking practices that would then paralyze the Swiss banking system.

The action by Amnesty International, filing complaints about GWB, with the judicial Swiss system and laws has nothing to do with Swiss banking laws. Every country has it's own laws, whether we agree with them or not.

That Swiss banks host and hosted criminal money has little to do with the action of Amnesty International but I'm sure GWB has been advised to stay clear...just in case the same as there are a few world citizens who wouldn't like to be confronted with US laws once they land on American soil...;)


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The Swiss would have been foolish to even consider such an arrest. Switzerland and a few other western European nations are the clearing houses for the proceeds of some of the world's worst thugs, despots and thieves. Just as Switzerland may claim "international" obligations, the same "obligations" hold to the USA in respect to money laundering and the funding of terrorist organizations. It wouldn't take much for a U.S. Senator to ask for an enforcement action or an investigation of questionable Swiss banking practices that would then paralyze the Swiss banking system.

The action by Amnesty International, filing complaints about GWB, with the judicial Swiss system and laws has nothing to do with Swiss banking laws. Every country has it's own laws, whether we agree with them or not.

That Swiss banks host and hosted criminal money has little to do with the action of Amnesty International but I'm sure GWB has been advised to stay clear...just in case the same as there are a few world citizens who wouldn't like to be confronted with US laws once they land on American soil...;)


Actually, it does have a lot to do with it. My point was the public perception and the pressure that would be brought to bear on the U.S. Congress to "retaliate" against what be seen as a Swiss action. The Swiss banking system makes alot of money off of its access to the US financial markets. All it takes is one Congress person to propose a bill that could gather bipartisan support and cause grief. Do you honestly think that the public is going to accept that the Swiss legal authorities were "forced" into laying charges? That's not how public opinion works in the real world.

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The Swiss might be bound by law to investigate, but that doesn't mean they would have to detain him, I don't think.

He should come to Thailand, he will be long dead and buried by the time they finish any investigation that doesn't suit them.

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Too bad. I would have loved to see G.W. Bush tried for war crimes. His invasion of Iraq was the biggest foreign policy mistake in American history. Shouldn't there be consequences?

Write your congress man to do that or file some charges by yourself. see if the USA under Obama is doing something against war crimes.

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Switzerland and a few other western European nations are the clearing houses for the proceeds of some of the world's worst thugs, despots and thieves.

Oh yeah not like the US banking system which has thrown the US into what is arguably the worst crisis it has ever seen & has more potential than the great depression.

The difference here in the US is the thugs, thieves & despots as you call them wear suits & get job titles like Treasury Secretary or work for Goldman Sachs ...or in some cases worked for GS then became Treasury Secretaries ..... :rolleyes:

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name='flying' timestamp='1297064948' post='4202643']

Oh yeah not like the US banking system which has thrown the US into what is arguably the worst crisis it has ever seen & has more potential than the great depression.

The difference here in the US is the thugs, thieves & despots as you call them wear suits & get job titles like Treasury Secretary or work for Goldman Sachs ...or in some cases worked for GS then became Treasury Secretaries ..... :rolleyes:


The robber barons are back and this time they are in government setting policy and making and breaking rules.

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The Swiss would have been foolish to even consider such an arrest. Switzerland and a few other western European nations are the clearing houses for the proceeds of some of the world's worst thugs, despots and thieves. Just as Switzerland may claim "international" obligations, the same "obligations" hold to the USA in respect to money laundering and the funding of terrorist organizations. It wouldn't take much for a U.S. Senator to ask for an enforcement action or an investigation of questionable Swiss banking practices that would then paralyze the Swiss banking system.

The action by Amnesty International, filing complaints about GWB, with the judicial Swiss system and laws has nothing to do with Swiss banking laws. Every country has it's own laws, whether we agree with them or not.

That Swiss banks host and hosted criminal money has little to do with the action of Amnesty International but I'm sure GWB has been advised to stay clear...just in case the same as there are a few world citizens who wouldn't like to be confronted with US laws once they land on American soil...;)


Actually, it does have a lot to do with it. My point was the public perception and the pressure that would be brought to bear on the U.S. Congress to "retaliate" against what be seen as a Swiss action. The Swiss banking system makes alot of money off of its access to the US financial markets. All it takes is one Congress person to propose a bill that could gather bipartisan support and cause grief. Do you honestly think that the public is going to accept that the Swiss legal authorities were "forced" into laying charges? That's not how public opinion works in the real world.

You're mixing 2 things:

1. the action by Amnesty over torture charges against GWB

2. Swiss (banking) laws.

Torture and banking laws are not the same; it's like comparing melons with bananas..or was it apples and pears ? :unsure:

Anyway, the fact that GWB (advisors) decided not to go to Switzerland says something.


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Interesting to note though that the American regime will go to extraordinary lengths to kidnap those whom they perceive of possibly committing crimes and then accuse the suspects of mythical crimes and ship by covert or overt means back to, "The land of the free

( or might it be fee?) to stand trial for espionage or arms trafficking on the vaguest of charges and the most dubious shreds of evidence.

Yet when, " push comes to shove," they ( the Americans) refuse to surrender their known war criminals.

I suppose that is a throw back to the end of W.W.2 when the Nazi elite scientists were " liberated."

Their crime sheet was wiped clean and said Nazi scientific elite were rewarded with all the rights of a plaster saint for their efforts in winning the space race and perfecting yet further weapons of mass destruction. Not necessarily in that order either.

Surely not double standards ?

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Why would Bush worry about being arrested in Switzerland? They allow admitted and convicted paedophiles to go free!

Do you US/Bush haters honestly believe any country, other than perhaps Venezuela, would attempt to arrest a former President of the US? I expect his Secret Service detachment might have some input into that sort of situation.

I knew this thread would bring out the Bush haters, frothing at the mouth as they banged on their keyboards. ;)

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Interesting to note though that the American regime will go to extraordinary lengths to kidnap those whom they perceive of possibly committing crimes and then accuse the suspects of mythical crimes and ship by covert or overt means back to, "The land of the free

( or might it be fee?) to stand trial for espionage or arms trafficking on the vaguest of charges and the most dubious shreds of evidence.

Yet when, " push comes to shove," they ( the Americans) refuse to surrender their known war criminals.

I suppose that is a throw back to the end of W.W.2 when the Nazi elite scientists were " liberated."

Their crime sheet was wiped clean and said Nazi scientific elite were rewarded with all the rights of a plaster saint for their efforts in winning the space race and perfecting yet further weapons of mass destruction. Not necessarily in that order either.

Surely not double standards ?

A little weak on the facts there siampolee.

The US congress authorized the Iraq war.

The President has no money. Even if he really liked you he could not give you any money. The US congress has control of the purse strings.

The congress also has over site of everything the President does. They knew about the water boarding and the renditions.

The US is not a military dictatorship. It has three branches of government that don't trust each other and a free press that does not trust the branches of government.

They all tattle on each other. Don't forget the American people re elected Bush for a second term.

The President is just a figurehead. I am afraid you will have to put us all in jail.

The same thing with Wernher Magnus Maximilian Freiherr von Braun. His career in America lasted over 30 years and many Presidents. Even Walt Disney liked the guy (see photo).

I guess you will have to put 300,000 million of us on trial.



Edited by mark45y
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Do you US/Bush haters honestly believe any country, other than perhaps Venezuela, would attempt to arrest a former President of the US? I expect his Secret Service detachment might have some input into that sort of situation.

I was thinking the same. I would love to see any country try to take into custody any former American president. Whine about mythical war crimes all you want, but the reality of the situation would prove very bad for any country that tried. Not that they would succeed.

In addition, in Bush's case, when he left office his approval rating was about 30-35%. I guarantee it would shoot up to at least 80% if some country tried to arrest him.

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I said I would like to see Bush tried for war crimes. Cheney and Rumsfeld as well. I didn't say I expected it! Bush derangement syndrome? I plead guilty based on rationality.

It is all your fault anyway. Had you been in residence in the US perhaps the weight of your robust opinion might have tipped the scales and prevented the crimes.

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Why would Bush worry about being arrested in Switzerland? They allow admitted and convicted paedophiles to go free!

Do you US/Bush haters honestly believe any country, other than perhaps Venezuela, would attempt to arrest a former President of the US? I expect his Secret Service detachment might have some input into that sort of situation.

I knew this thread would bring out the Bush haters, frothing at the mouth as they banged on their keyboards. ;)

Oh please Chuck don't bring that "hate" word into the discussion again; it says more about the ones who bring it up rather than the ones who are trying to debate about a topic on hand.

NOBODY in the OP article spoke of an arrest and I doubt if the Swiss would ever even consider to arrest GWB but as said before, if someone or an institue like Amnesty would file complaints (and they did) it's likely that the Swiss Law says that such an allegation must be investigated and that the one on target -GWB- cannot leave Swiss soil for the time being.

Reading the aricle I assume so but don't know for 100% since I'm not a Swiss law expert; but most here are not, assuming again :rolleyes:


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I knew this thread would bring out the Bush haters, frothing at the mouth as they banged on their keyboards. ;)

Once again. drooling-2.gif

Outside the US, GWB is the most beloved President the US ever had.


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Why would Bush worry about being arrested in Switzerland? They allow admitted and convicted paedophiles to go free!

Do you US/Bush haters honestly believe any country, other than perhaps Venezuela, would attempt to arrest a former President of the US? I expect his Secret Service detachment might have some input into that sort of situation.

I knew this thread would bring out the Bush haters, frothing at the mouth as they banged on their keyboards. ;)

Oh please Chuck don't bring that "hate" word into the discussion again; it says more about the ones who bring it up rather than the ones who are trying to debate about a topic on hand.

NOBODY in the OP article spoke of an arrest and I doubt if the Swiss would ever even consider to arrest GWB but as said before, if someone or an institue like Amnesty would file complaints (and they did) it's likely that the Swiss Law says that such an allegation must be investigated and that the one on target -GWB- cannot leave Swiss soil for the time being.

Reading the aricle I assume so but don't know for 100% since I'm not a Swiss law expert; but most here are not, assuming again :rolleyes:


It really doesn't matter what the law in Switzerland or anywhere else is if they try to arrest any former American president. Some people here like to go on about how the US doesn't care about international law, etc. Well, that would certainly be the case in this situation.

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It really doesn't matter what the law in Switzerland or anywhere else is if they try to arrest any former American president.

Do you consider any American President immune (anywhere in the world) no matter what he did or not ? :unsure:

BTW: the article in the OP does not speak of an arrest.


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I said I would like to see Bush tried for war crimes. Cheney and Rumsfeld as well. I didn't say I expected it! Bush derangement syndrome? I plead guilty based on rationality.

JJ, could you be tried for posting crimes :D

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Why would Bush worry about being arrested in Switzerland? They allow admitted and convicted paedophiles to go free!

Do you US/Bush haters honestly believe any country, other than perhaps Venezuela, would attempt to arrest a former President of the US? I expect his Secret Service detachment might have some input into that sort of situation.

I knew this thread would bring out the Bush haters, frothing at the mouth as they banged on their keyboards. ;)

Oh please Chuck don't bring that "hate" word into the discussion again; it says more about the ones who bring it up rather than the ones who are trying to debate about a topic on hand.

NOBODY in the OP article spoke of an arrest and I doubt if the Swiss would ever even consider to arrest GWB but as said before, if someone or an institue like Amnesty would file complaints (and they did) it's likely that the Swiss Law says that such an allegation must be investigated and that the one on target -GWB- cannot leave Swiss soil for the time being.

Reading the aricle I assume so but don't know for 100% since I'm not a Swiss law expert; but most here are not, assuming again :rolleyes:


Oh, please Lao Po, if posters weren't so vitriolic in their discussions of everything US and George Bush related, I might feel differently.

Unfortunately I don't.

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The Swiss would have been foolish to even consider such an arrest. Switzerland and a few other western European nations are the clearing houses for the proceeds of some of the world's worst thugs, despots and thieves. Just as Switzerland may claim "international" obligations, the same "obligations" hold to the USA in respect to money laundering and the funding of terrorist organizations. It wouldn't take much for a U.S. Senator to ask for an enforcement action or an investigation of questionable Swiss banking practices that would then paralyze the Swiss banking system.

Sadly true, the Swiss are morally responsible for supporting many despotic rulers who stash their wealth with Swiss banks and use it to supress millions of their own citizens into starvation and illiteracy. However, should that be the reason for welcoming the greatest tyrant in history?? Every civilised nation should send clear signals that he is no longer welcome to visit them.

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Freedom loving people are celebrating the loud voices in the streets of Egypt calling for the downfall of Mubarek, and yes, many would like to see him convicted of his crimes. If that's OK, it's also OK for Americans to still feel vindictively about the president who lied to us blatantly to start the war against Iraq.

If you don't understand what Bush did, I suggest this video -- The Power of Nightmares, The Rise of the Politics of Fear, a BBC documentary.

Edited by Jingthing
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Freedom loving people are celebrating the loud voices in the streets of Egypt calling for the downfall of Mubarek, and yes, many would like to see him convicted of his crimes. If that's OK, it's also OK for Americans to still feel vindictively about the president who lied to us blatantly to start the war against Iraq.

Apparently the vast majority of people in Egypt think Mubarek a criminal whereas in the USA only a small minority think the same of Bush.

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