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Mia Noi Sin Sot


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I don't want to get married so I have told a lie. I told some Thai people that I had a wife in the States. I got divorced many years ago.

I began this discussion with some Thai friends. A real estate developer, engineer and farm implement and seed salesman. They all have Mia Nois (not bar girls and never were bar girls). They all paid Sin Sot for the mia noi. No gold but Sin Sot. The range was 200,000 to 500,000. The Mai Noi of the real estate developer is 18 and in college, he paid the most. The others are over 18 but under 20 years of age.

The parental control laws in Thailand grant rights over the child until they are 20 years of age and I think this is the reason for the Sin Sot.

I think perhaps a mia noi is the way to go for me as I really don't want a long term commitment and I would rather live by myself but don't like bar girls. I am also tired of the constant hassle of my GF wanting to get married.

I realize this is common in the Thai community but has any other Falang ever paid a Sin Sot for a mia noi and if so how much? Not a bar girl and this is in no way a discussion about bar girls or anything that has to do with people involved with that industry.

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I think you might be confused with the terminology.

In your case I guess you would be better off with a gik which is basically a f.buddy with no strings attached.

Mia nois are in so far different from giks in that they expect you to take care of them same as a wife meaning condo, car and monthly stipend would be part of the deal.

From a purely financial point of view giks are probably the cheapest, followed by BG's, followed by Mia Noi, followed by wife. :)

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I think you might be confused with the terminology.

In your case I guess you would be better off with a gik which is basically a f.buddy with no strings attached.

Mia nois are in so far different from giks in that they expect you to take care of them same as a wife meaning condo, car and monthly stipend would be part of the deal.

From a purely financial point of view giks are probably the cheapest, followed by BG's, followed by Mia Noi, followed by wife. :)

No I am not confused. I want a mia noi not a gik. I want to ask her parents and gain their approval hence, sin sot.

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I think you might be confused with the terminology.

In your case I guess you would be better off with a gik which is basically a f.buddy with no strings attached.

Mia nois are in so far different from giks in that they expect you to take care of them same as a wife meaning condo, car and monthly stipend would be part of the deal.

From a purely financial point of view giks are probably the cheapest, followed by BG's, followed by Mia Noi, followed by wife. :)

No I am not confused. I want a mia noi not a gik. I want to ask her parents and gain their approval hence, sin sot.

In that case why not wait until the girl is 20+ so you don't need to ask the parents anything.

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Your asking for trouble, those other guys have wifes so the Mia Noi's will keep their distance. In your case they won't and they'll forever be trying to mark their teritory and scare off any other would be threats to their lifestyle, which will become a big pain.

You won't so much have to pay a Sin Sot for a gik/mia noi, whatever you want to call her. Merely put her in a condo somewhere and make sure she doesn't know where you actually live, this way, you remain in control. ;) If playing this game one day you may be left licking your wounds, if they meet another guy and go sailing off into the sunset to be a little more than a kept woman. ;)

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No I am not confused. I want a mia noi not a gik. I want to ask her parents and gain their approval hence, sin sot.


You certainly have the terminology confused.

One may decide to pay "Sin Sot" for a wife - however any payment for a "Mia Noi" (or more correctly in this case a "Mia Chao") is simply a lump sum Bar Fine paid in advance.


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No I am not confused. I want a mia noi not a gik. I want to ask her parents and gain their approval hence, sin sot.


You certainly have the terminology confused.

One may decide to pay "Sin Sot" for a wife - however any payment for a "Mia Noi" (or more correctly in this case a "Mia Chao") is simply a lump sum Bar Fine paid in advance.


I will pick on you but I don't really mean you in particular. Why does no one read my OP? It is common in Thailand for a married man (which I said I was in the OP) to pay Sin Sot for a Mia Noi. I am not talking about a woman who is or who has ever worked in a bar. I am not talking about a bar fine. I am not talking about prostitutes or anyone connected with prostitution.

I know three well thought of Thai men who have paid sin sot for a mia noi. I know two women whose family was paid a sin sot for the ladies to become mia nois. No, neither woman ever worked in a bar. You pay the family sin sot and in addition to that pay the ladies rent and expenses and whatever else she may want. It is a mia noi! Why is this concept to strange to the posters here?

Please re read the OP and maybe it will make it clearer. And please no more talk about bar fines or bar girls, that has nothing to do with my question.

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Your asking for trouble, those other guys have wifes so the Mia Noi's will keep their distance. In your case they won't and they'll forever be trying to mark their teritory and scare off any other would be threats to their lifestyle, which will become a big pain.

You won't so much have to pay a Sin Sot for a gik/mia noi, whatever you want to call her. Merely put her in a condo somewhere and make sure she doesn't know where you actually live, this way, you remain in control. ;) If playing this game one day you may be left licking your wounds, if they meet another guy and go sailing off into the sunset to be a little more than a kept woman. ;)

That is one of the other reasons for paying sin sot. Family pressure. The family got paid for the relationship and will insist the woman honor her part of the bargain. As far as I am concerned a few years is fine. I will help her through college and after that she can go her own way. Thai culture can work for or against you. The concept of a mia noi is accepted in Thai culture and there are accepted standards of conduct for both parties.

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So you want a Mia Noi, but you have no Mia Yai.

What if you got bored of your Mia Noi and wanted another bit on the side. Would that make the bit on the side your Mia Noier

That is the nice part about a mia noi. Fidelity is not necessarily part of the equation. She already knows you are unfaithful simply because of her existence. Not only does she know but her family knows as well and everyone is OK with it.

Edited by mark45y
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Wouldn't you have to be married first to have a mia noi.


I don't know if I should be taking this thread seriously or not!

If i did, it would be no thai pays sin sot for one.

As i don't take it seriously, troll post //closed//

We have enough threads on sin sot already.

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