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Bent Thai Cop Arrested On Kidnapping Charge.

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Bent? Means something else in UK, thught it was a gay policeman

Beyond the obvious I have known it as meaning to get intoxicated (I really got bent last night) and upset (bent out of shape) but I looked it up online in a slang dictionary and it says it could also mean corrupt though I have never heard it be used that way, at least not in the US.

Bent as a nine bob note :thumbsup:

Your not trying to say PUFTA are you. --No Nisa dont bother to look that one up in the dictionary. ( be careful where you tie your shoe laces)...Brit-humour.............but the headline to the thread was always going to bring out this sort of response. fun anyway :lol:

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Agree with rhlekel - remove anyone from Sergeant up and replace them with army for the time being. Get a retraining situation going and start to have a Police force the Thai's can be proud of. Yes there are some good ones there but usually that means they don't 'indulge' but are aware of the problems, and cannot do anything about it. And get rid of the 'brown' uniforms - so damned tacky... as someone said to me - brown because they are all full of ....

Whilst I may not agree - simply a uniform that can be respected would surpass the stench attached to this one and those wearing it.

Indeed.... use the military.... there's enough starred generals (600 - 800) on the golf courses and when not there, they'll most likely be found doing something dealing with secret funds.... :ph34r::blink:


The Thai Police are merely a product of a flawed cultural and societal system.

They are representative of Thai society itself, and the country as a whole.

They can never be changed or improved until the cultural flaws are addressed.

this need to be painted all over thailand...


I would have the police rounding up stray dogs in the mornings and picking up trash in the afternoons and then they would be doing some good for the nation.

And might learn some humility which they have forsaken and forgotten.


I would have the police rounding up stray dogs in the mornings and picking up trash in the afternoons and then they would be doing some good for the nation.

It would be awful to get those nice uniforms dirty for the many photo opportunities posing with alleged criminals. :rolleyes:


The Thai Police are merely a product of a flawed cultural and societal system.

They are representative of Thai society itself, and the country as a whole.

They can never be changed or improved until the cultural flaws are addressed.

100% correct, It's not the police or even the politions for that matter, it is most certainly cultural and to change this mind set is nearly impossible I would think, I do hope that when thailand gets a proper ELECTED government small steps will turn into giant leaps, until then we must all just try to do our best to uphold the law and practise what we preach


And lets all thank God that Ahbisit will win with a sweeping majority and not have to Kow Tow to his coalition (mafia) pertners.....


The whole Royal Thai Police is just one big Gangster. They are the only untouchable criminals. Like many posters said above, without a complete overhaul, no one will ever trust the thai police and their reputation will never get any better.:annoyed:


The Thai Police are merely a product of a flawed cultural and societal system.

They are representative of Thai society itself, and the country as a whole.

They can never be changed or improved until the cultural flaws are addressed.

You are absolutely correct. The entire Thai culture must be changed.


The whole Royal Thai Police is just one big Gangster. They are the only untouchable criminals. Like many posters said above, without a complete overhaul, no one will ever trust the thai police and their reputation will never get any better.:annoyed:

This is also how the UN see's them.


Copy on China, I know of a regional office of a multinational company who had a transport manageress arrested finger printed and told she was in big trouble because one of their vans had hit a wall causing minimal damage. As it turned out the incident could be overlooked providing four police officers were taken out on a jolly, I will add they were very specific about the callibre of restaurant and number of drinks which would have to be purchased.

At least China EXECUTE the corrupt officials they catch! Now that would be nice to see corrupt cops hanging from the gallows in Siam!:)

As someone already mentioned, society cannot progress with corruption in the police force. Seems Thailand is doomed to forever remain third world just because of corrupt cops and government.

Sad for the normal people of Thailand.


Bent? Means something else in UK, thught it was a gay policeman

'' Bent '' has 3 meanings in UK, for us oldies anyway. :)

Actually 4 ;)

Bent on his own destruction....intention

a bent twig..... not straight

bent as in gay

bent as in criminal


Bent? Means something else in UK, thught it was a gay policeman

Beyond the obvious I have known it as meaning to get intoxicated (I really got bent last night) and upset (bent out of shape) but I looked it up online in a slang dictionary and it says it could also mean corrupt though I have never heard it be used that way, at least not in the US.

The UK meaning relates to if someone is not corrupt in any way then they are '' straight '', so if the opposite, they are '' bent ''. As an aging Londoner you can take it as a true slang word. :)

Along those lines, in the States we also use "straight" in the same context, but our word for bent is "crooked". ie crooked cop, and robbers are called crooks.


Corrupt and crooked cops.....zzzzzz.... Please tell me I am not the only one to see the humor of calling this pack of thieves and scroundels " The Royal Thai Police"...... To me this is clearly a case of

ongoing Lesse Majeste......... Fire them all, start fresh, and turn Thailand into a wonderful place...

Yes, they should be immediately stripped of the title "Royal", they do not deserve it.

It would be a massive loss of face and maybe provide the huge kick up the arse they need.


Bent? Means something else in UK, thught it was a gay policeman

Beyond the obvious I have known it as meaning to get intoxicated (I really got bent last night) and upset (bent out of shape) but I looked it up online in a slang dictionary and it says it could also mean corrupt though I have never heard it be used that way, at least not in the US.

The UK meaning relates to if someone is not corrupt in any way then they are '' straight '', so if the opposite, they are '' bent ''. As an aging Londoner you can take it as a true slang word. :)

Along those lines, in the States we also use "straight" in the same context, but our word for bent is "crooked". ie crooked cop, and robbers are called crooks.

Good observation ... didn't think about that correlation


Bent? Means something else in UK, thught it was a gay policeman

Beyond the obvious I have known it as meaning to get intoxicated (I really got bent last night) and upset (bent out of shape) but I looked it up online in a slang dictionary and it says it could also mean corrupt though I have never heard it be used that way, at least not in the US.

bent same same crooked


Copy on China, I know of a regional office of a multinational company who had a transport manageress arrested finger printed and told she was in big trouble because one of their vans had hit a wall causing minimal damage. As it turned out the incident could be overlooked providing four police officers were taken out on a jolly, I will add they were very specific about the callibre of restaurant and number of drinks which would have to be purchased.

At least China EXECUTE the corrupt officials they catch! Now that would be nice to see corrupt cops hanging from the gallows in Siam!:)

As someone already mentioned, society cannot progress with corruption in the police force. Seems Thailand is doomed to forever remain third world just because of corrupt cops and government.

Sad for the normal people of Thailand.

I guess society is fuc_ked, beacause all police forces have corruption, the bigger the force the more corruption, except , of course for Andy and Barney, but they werent real.


Bent? Means something else in UK, thught it was a gay policeman

Beyond the obvious I have known it as meaning to get intoxicated (I really got bent last night) and upset (bent out of shape) but I looked it up online in a slang dictionary and it says it could also mean corrupt though I have never heard it be used that way, at least not in the US.

Me too. I thought it was Rightpondian idiom, although the form I've seen more often is "bent copper." Like one of those huge pennies they used to have when they still had shillings and pence.


Welcome to the Third World.

So; why don't all you righteous beholders of this so terribly flawed Thai society just pack your bags and return to your perfect "first world" home countries where all the politicians are honest, all the police above corruption and all the citizens committed to behaving within the framework of their flawless society and where everybody drives with the utmost care and nobody ever dies in accidents.

What is difficult to figure is where you are all going to go? Great Britain?, I don't think so, not according to the Daily Sun. How about France?..whoops, forgot about the PM and his wife. Maybe you can all go to Germany or Sweden, I never read anything bad about those countries in their press; of course, I can't read German or Swedish. I don't need to read Italian to know that Italy isn't going to cut it these days

America?.. Canada?..OK, lets really have a laugh: Australia!! I hear New Zealand is quite orderly.

Don't forget to close the door behind you.


The Thai Police are merely a product of a flawed cultural and societal system.

They are representative of Thai society itself, and the country as a whole.

They can never be changed or improved until the cultural flaws are addressed.

Absolutely right.. Thai society has the government and policing they wholeheartedly deserve..

This is what happens when nobody gives a dam (mai bpen rai), but then hardly anyone pays any taxes so go figure..

You paint with a very broad brush. Are you saying that every person in Thai society deserves corrupt police? And that "nobody" gives a dam_n? That's not what I experience. I actually know many Thais that are very good people who hate the corruption. And I'd venture that you do too. If not, then why are you here?


The Thai Police are merely a product of a flawed cultural and societal system.

They are representative of Thai society itself, and the country as a whole.

They can never be changed or improved until the cultural flaws are addressed.

Absolutely right.. Thai society has the government and policing they wholeheartedly deserve..

This is what happens when nobody gives a dam (mai bpen rai), but then hardly anyone pays any taxes so go figure..

You paint with a very broad brush. Are you saying that every person in Thai society deserves corrupt police? And that "nobody" gives a dam_n? That's not what I experience. I actually know many Thais that are very good people who hate the corruption. And I'd venture that you do too. If not, then why are you here?

I also know of many Thais who hate the corruption, The problem is majority of foreigners are the ones who point the finger at it, and most Thais don't seem to fight the system of corruption-rarely you see them complain, or argue with authority, as here most bow to people of higher standing, this is the thing that has to change, Thai people know the problems but many dont do anything about change, or vote properly to get a fair government


On this issue I agree with you 100%. But what of the accomplices who apparently escaped after 'shooting their way out'? Do we take it that this was just yet another bungled police operation, or was the escape pre-arranged as with red shirt leaders escaping down ropes when the police came to arrest them?

Could have been a bungle or a pre-arranged escape. We'll probably never know.

The Police help their fellow officers regardless of the crime; including murder and especially in the murder of foreigners as we have seen previously in the murder of the two British backpackers in Kanchanaburi by the off-duty Policeman Somchai Wisetsingh, he was aided in his escape over the border to Burma by fellow Police officers and then subsequently assisted in his alibi. In Pai, the local Police aided and covered up during the murder of Leo del Pinto by one of their own, and he went on to kill again, only this time it was a Thai and he's got to go down for that one. Still, can't help thinking it wouldn't have happened if he had been properly apprehended and punished in the first instance.

Nothing surprises me about them, and they always will protect their own; murders, violent criminals and psychopaths, they're still one of the boys

This is a world wide problem in law enforcement - just more obvious in the 3rd world, where people are poorer and bribery is accepted. I have seen where police in the states fabricate evidence, cover for fellow officers and break the law while questioning suspects.

More are caught and sent to prison in the first world, but the problems remain the same.


Welcome to the Third World.

Just above 3rd World... chances are we wouldn't have heard about it if this was the 3rd world.. so, things are continuing to improve here rolleyes.gif

The term '3rd world' was replaced some time back with the term 'developing nation'. It would seem it is appropriate, in some cases. laugh.gif

Yet in another sense, like the systemic corruption in many sectors, Thailand is more or less "developed"...in fact, they've developed corruption to high farce.

Still Third world. The same as a refuse technician is atill a Dustman.



The Thai Police are merely a product of a flawed cultural and societal system.

They are representative of Thai society itself, and the country as a whole.

And yet here you are....Obi-ka-nobi.

Is that a relative of Obi Wan KenobI?rolleyes.gif

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