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Government Warnings For Time Share


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Yet another expert who knows the benefits and the costs associated with owning a timeshare, without actually owning one..

So you knew that the timeshare company calling you in Bali was a scam, just by talking to someone over the phone for few a seconds ?

Since they were scamming him by pretending to be something they were not it was a scam.

Timeshare in itself can be a valid proposition for some, but not in the way it is sold: first scamming people into going to a meeting to collect a prize, and at that meeting it is suddenly not about the prize anymore, but are they pressured extremely hard to sign up for a timeshare.

The objections of many people have IMO hardly anything to do with the timeshare itself but with the sales methods.

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We were in Bali recently, and we were asked to fill out a form on tourism.

The next day i got a phone call at the hotel saying i had won second prize in a contest i had not entered.

It was another time share scam and i told them so.

Why pay a high price for something that is expensive when you find out the extra charges.

You are better of booking your holidays yourself where and when you want then at a much better price

Yet another expert who knows the benefits and the costs associated with owning a timeshare, without actually owning one..

So you knew that the timeshare company calling you in Bali was a scam, just by talking to someone over the phone for few a seconds ? As it appears that the email address on the Phuket signs is fake, why don't you volunteer and give them your email address and tel number ? You seem like you could really help a lot of people and save them a lot of trouble with your 1st hand experiences !

Sounds like you definitely make your money from the time share business.

I looked into time share many years ago and decided not to invest in it.

A friend of mine did and wished he never had :jap:

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As I said earlier I bought a timeshare in Portugal in the 80's and owned for around 10 years, I travelled all over the world on the exchange scheme staying in places like Florida, Barbados and Egypt, a great investment in my point of view.

I bought a house here through the company route but sold it again pretty quickly, not a good idea IMO. The better option now is fractions, you own a share of the property not just usage rights which is what you get with timeshare, you can sell when you like or rent out to whoever you like A quarter, (3 months per year for life), can cost as little as $30,000, I like this because I only like to spend 6 months per year in Thai and don't have to worry about the place when I'm not here.

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"a good thing for the economy"? the money goes straight out of the country! "lack of knowledge"...we all know its a scam! "jelousy"...I work offshore so I get a decent wage...I wouldnt get out of bed for the salary that those muppets on motorbikes get per day. And as for the owners of timeshare companies they are scammers and i hope they rot in a thai jail.

How does the money 'go out of the country...the timeshare customers will revisit Phuket for 25 years spending money?

Why is it a scam?...sales tactics yes but no scam?

You work off shore but many in Phuket have tin pot businesses that are failing and wouldnt last 2 minutes working in timeshare as they really are not astute, so there is jealousy involved?

You obviously have no idea of the commission structure that companies pay to OPCs and Reps or you wouldnt make the comment about salaries

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Sounds like you definitely make your money from the time share business.

I looked into time share many years ago and decided not to invest in it.

A friend of mine did and wished he never had :jap:

Peter, look at my earlier posts, im 100% in favor of the latest crackdown on timeshare in Patong. (If thats what it can be called). You clearly dont know what the word scam actually means, you have never been the victim of a timeshare scam but you seem to be an expert on how to spot one.

You are a great example of why I gave up posting on this forum. I gave up on TV mainly because of the experts like you, so called experts who are so in the know that the only reply they can manage when challenged is "you must work in the industry". You reply in this manner as an easy way out, simply because you don't know any other way to reply.

In the past I have been accused of being a bar owner, running a hotel, working in real estate and now timeshare, I can tell you that I do not work in any of these industries. Nice to see that TV hasn't changed much ! ;)

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Peter, look at my earlier posts, im 100% in favor of the latest crackdown on timeshare in Patong. (If thats what it can be called). You clearly dont know what the word scam actually means, you have never been the victim of a timeshare scam but you seem to be an expert on how to spot one.

You are a great example of why I gave up posting on this forum. I gave up on TV mainly because of the experts like you, so called experts who are so in the know that the only reply they can manage when challenged is "you must work in the industry". You reply in this manner as an easy way out, simply because you don't know any other way to reply.

In the past I have been accused of being a bar owner, running a hotel, working in real estate and now timeshare, I can tell you that I do not work in any of these industries. Nice to see that TV hasn't changed much ! ;)

You do not have to be scammed to know it is a scam

If they had a 14 day cooling of period where you can get all your money back how many time share packages would they sell.

Why should i check all your posts i was commenting on your latest one

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In Europe and other parts of the world, they do have a 14 day cooling off period. Why then have millions of people still bought packages and not got out within that period.....you also need to remember that buying a membership in Thailand is a fraction of the cost elsewhere in the world but you sill get the same benefits........yeah, wouldnt it be great, that car, DVD player, suit, ham sandwhich, house that you bought, you could return them all for a full refund within 14 days....life just dosnt work like that

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In Europe and other parts of the world, they do have a 14 day cooling off period. Why then have millions of people still bought packages and not got out within that period.....you also need to remember that buying a membership in Thailand is a fraction of the cost elsewhere in the world but you sill get the same benefits........yeah, wouldnt it be great, that car, DVD player, suit, ham sandwhich, house that you bought, you could return them all for a full refund within 14 days....life just dosnt work like that

You get a 14 day cooling of period where people approach you to sell something, not if you decide to buy something yourself.

Where i come from very few people would buy a timeshare package it is a dead industry.

If anyone approaches you to sell something no matter what it is its covered by the 14 day cool of law

which is enforced by the Dept of Consumer Affairs

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In Europe and other parts of the world, they do have a 14 day cooling off period. Why then have millions of people still bought packages and not got out within that period.....you also need to remember that buying a membership in Thailand is a fraction of the cost elsewhere in the world but you sill get the same benefits........yeah, wouldnt it be great, that car, DVD player, suit, ham sandwhich, house that you bought, you could return them all for a full refund within 14 days....life just dosnt work like that

You get a 14 day cooling of period where people approach you to sell something, not if you decide to buy something yourself.

Where i come from very few people would buy a timeshare package it is a dead industry.

If anyone approaches you to sell something no matter what it is its covered by the 14 day cool of law

which is enforced by the Dept of Consumer Affairs

Nobody in the UK is out on the streets approaching people to buy insurance....but you still get 14 days cooling off period

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Nobody in the UK is out on the streets approaching people to buy insurance....but you still get 14 days cooling off period

Because insurance sales people's income is mainly if not all based on commission.

If they are any good at selling they make a very good income and tell you anything to sell a policy.

That is covered to in the 14 day cooling of period.


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Because insurance sales people's income is mainly if not all based on commission.

If they are any good at selling they make a very good income and tell you anything to sell a policy.

That is covered to in the 14 day cooling of period.


So is it any job that pays commission or is it any job where someone approaches you or is it going to be somerthing totally different...Insurance sales in the UK are regulated by the F.S.A. and therefor must display all commissions attached to policies.....Also all sales calls are recorded or face-face sales documented and can been audited by the F.S.A . at anytime, so insurance sales staff do not 'tell you anything' to sell a policy.....just another unfounded and misguided image without any real involvement within either the timeshare or insurance industry

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I think its fair to say that people don't have a problem with the Time Share itself but rather the devious way in which they approach customers and trick them into being taken to listen to a hard sell about time share, if they were up front from the beginning then people could chose to go and have a look or refuse. I am sure there are people that think time share is a good idea and suitable for them just as there are those that do not find it attractive. The issue is solely with the way these people go about trying to sell and the bad reputation they give Phuket.

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I think its fair to say that people don't have a problem with the Time Share itself but rather the devious way in which they approach customers and trick them into being taken to listen to a hard sell about time share, if they were up front from the beginning then people could chose to go and have a look or refuse. I am sure there are people that think time share is a good idea and suitable for them just as there are those that do not find it attractive. The issue is solely with the way these people go about trying to sell and the bad reputation they give Phuket.

'excuse me sir,would you like to come and sit at our hotel for 3 -4 hours and spend $10,000'................just ain gonna work is it...........there are a lot more scams/bad practices in Thailand.......what are your opinions on unqualified teachers or worse stil unqualified/badly qualified dive instructors???....far more serious than timeshare OPCs me thinks

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You get a 14 day cooling of period where people approach you to sell something, not if you decide to buy something yourself.

Where i come from very few people would buy a timeshare package it is a dead industry.

If anyone approaches you to sell something no matter what it is its covered by the 14 day cool of law

which is enforced by the Dept of Consumer Affairs

Well done Peter ! Just spent 10 minutes on Google looking it up have you ? Really, well done for actually spending the time and doing the research before posting.

What you are referring to is a law in the EU otherwise known as "door stop selling", timeshare sales was included in this law due to the marketing tactics used. This is one of the reasons why Phuket has been flooded by these so called "OPC's" over the last couple of years.

When this law came in all the timeshare touts in Europe (mainly Spain) were out of a job, the easy option was Thailand due to its relaxed laws and the ease in which to pay off the police. Now the bubble has burst out of sheer stupidity and greed from the timeshare companies that have taken these people in, who really are nothing more than ex Club 18-30 reps living off 20,000 Baht per month.

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The scam is basically this:

The purchaser is under the belief that they have a "part ownership" in a property. That part ownership allows them use of the property for a period of the year, usually, their 2 weeks holiday.

The purchaser, usually a first time to Thailand tourist, falls in love with the sun, sea, sand, seafood and women, is being led to believe that it is an "investment." They have no idea about Thai law. They do not know that they, as a farang, can not have a "part ownership" of the land that the building sits on. They are under the belief that they are simply part owners of an apartment, that is within a building, that sits on land and they have a small investment in all of it.

The facts are, they have "invested" in a building that is poorly constructed, sits on land that they do not have any claim over and they will never see a capital growth in and are up for high management costs and fees, a lot of which get taken by the scammers each month, and also any maintainence along the way.

So, the scam is, you are paying an up front amount for your "purchase" of an ongoing 2 week holiday a year in a building that has high fees and maintainence costs and is depreciating rapidly. You will also never see and capital growth on the land that your apartment sits on and, if you ever do want to sell your share, you will find it extremely difficult, if not impossible.

Now, you weigh all of that up against just geting on the internet and booking a hotel for 2 weeks of the year and you will see that timeshare in Thailand is a scam because it's cheaper to just holiday here every year in a hotel and you have the freedom to stay where and when you like.

As for the touts, I have asked several, just out of interest, if they really do have a work permit. Many of them have said "the boss has got it at the office." I don't know whether they have told me this, in the belief that I know nothing about the system, OR, they know nothing about the system and the boss has lied to them and they are working illegally, without their knowledge, but under "protection."

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You get a 14 day cooling of period where people approach you to sell something, not if you decide to buy something yourself.

Where i come from very few people would buy a timeshare package it is a dead industry.

If anyone approaches you to sell something no matter what it is its covered by the 14 day cool of law

which is enforced by the Dept of Consumer Affairs

Well done Peter ! Just spent 10 minutes on Google looking it up have you ? Really, well done for actually spending the time and doing the research before posting.

What you are referring to is a law in the EU otherwise known as "door stop selling", timeshare sales was included in this law due to the marketing tactics used. This is one of the reasons why Phuket has been flooded by these so called "OPC's" over the last couple of years.

When this law came in all the timeshare touts in Europe (mainly Spain) were out of a job, the easy option was Thailand due to its relaxed laws and the ease in which to pay off the police. Now the bubble has burst out of sheer stupidity and greed from the timeshare companies that have taken these people in, who really are nothing more than ex Club 18-30 reps living off 20,000 Baht per month.

The cooling off period was introduced in Europe a long time ago...and the reason OPCs come here, is the high season is when its low season in Europe.......misunderstandings again

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The scam is basically this:

The purchaser is under the belief that they have a "part ownership" in a property. That part ownership allows them use of the property for a period of the year, usually, their 2 weeks holiday.

The purchaser, usually a first time to Thailand tourist, falls in love with the sun, sea, sand, seafood and women, is being led to believe that it is an "investment." They have no idea about Thai law. They do not know that they, as a farang, can not have a "part ownership" of the land that the building sits on. They are under the belief that they are simply part owners of an apartment, that is within a building, that sits on land and they have a small investment in all of it.

The facts are, they have "invested" in a building that is poorly constructed, sits on land that they do not have any claim over and they will never see a capital growth in and are up for high management costs and fees, a lot of which get taken by the scammers each month, and also any maintainence along the way.

So, the scam is, you are paying an up front amount for your "purchase" of an ongoing 2 week holiday a year in a building that has high fees and maintainence costs and is depreciating rapidly. You will also never see and capital growth on the land that your apartment sits on and, if you ever do want to sell your share, you will find it extremely difficult, if not impossible.

Now, you weigh all of that up against just geting on the internet and booking a hotel for 2 weeks of the year and you will see that timeshare in Thailand is a scam because it's cheaper to just holiday here every year in a hotel and you have the freedom to stay where and when you like.

As for the touts, I have asked several, just out of interest, if they really do have a work permit. Many of them have said "the boss has got it at the office." I don't know whether they have told me this, in the belief that I know nothing about the system, OR, they know nothing about the system and the boss has lied to them and they are working illegally, without their knowledge, but under "protection."

I think you should take a look at some of the locations/properties that are on offer in timeshare....definatly not poorly constructed, and when a non member is paying more than 20,000 Baht a night, I think that speaks volumes for the quality.......customers are aware its a holiday membership they are purchasing and are not buying a house/condo.so land ownership dosnt even enter the equation.

As for value for money...a single guy not the best purchase bu for a family its a great way of travelling the world for the next 25 years at a fraction of the cost.

Could anyone on here that is against timeshare please tell us the exact cost to purchase, ongoing fees and all the benefits of being a member..

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I think you should take a look at some of the locations/properties that are on offer in timeshare....definatly not poorly constructed, and when a non member is paying more than 20,000 Baht a night, I think that speaks volumes for the quality.......customers are aware its a holiday membership they are purchasing and are not buying a house/condo.so land ownership dosnt even enter the equation.

As for value for money...a single guy not the best purchase bu for a family its a great way of travelling the world for the next 25 years at a fraction of the cost.

Could anyone on here that is against timeshare please tell us the exact cost to purchase, ongoing fees and all the benefits of being a member..

20,000 baht "speaks volumes" of the amount the timeshare scammers are ripping people off and BS'ing them - that's all.

Maybe we could hear from anyone on TV who has bought into a timeshare and how happy they are with it and what good value for money it is. I won't be holding my breath for that post. :)

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I think you should take a look at some of the locations/properties that are on offer in timeshare....definatly not poorly constructed, and when a non member is paying more than 20,000 Baht a night, I think that speaks volumes for the quality.......customers are aware its a holiday membership they are purchasing and are not buying a house/condo.so land ownership dosnt even enter the equation.

As for value for money...a single guy not the best purchase bu for a family its a great way of travelling the world for the next 25 years at a fraction of the cost.

Could anyone on here that is against timeshare please tell us the exact cost to purchase, ongoing fees and all the benefits of being a member..

If it is not being "sold" to them as an investment, why would anyone see the need for a "holiday membership?" There is ample accommodation on the island. They can book a comparative hotel for their holiday every year and save themselves a lot of money.

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I'm not for or against timeshares, but don't you get the option to holiday in a location other than Phuket for your 25 year purchase? NKM, I think you're not seeing this side of buying 2 weeks for 25 years. Funny enough the only time I was touted to by a timeshare was when I was 20 years old and in Cancun, staying in a really nice timeshare 3 bedroom apartment, and was approached at night by a nice looking tout that didn't turn up in the morning for the free breakfast :).

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I think you should take a look at some of the locations/properties that are on offer in timeshare....definatly not poorly constructed, and when a non member is paying more than 20,000 Baht a night, I think that speaks volumes for the quality.......customers are aware its a holiday membership they are purchasing and are not buying a house/condo.so land ownership dosnt even enter the equation.

As for value for money...a single guy not the best purchase bu for a family its a great way of travelling the world for the next 25 years at a fraction of the cost.

Could anyone on here that is against timeshare please tell us the exact cost to purchase, ongoing fees and all the benefits of being a member..

20,000 baht "speaks volumes" of the amount the timeshare scammers are ripping people off and BS'ing them - that's all.

Maybe we could hear from anyone on TV who has bought into a timeshare and how happy they are with it and what good value for money it is. I won't be holding my breath for that post. :)

20,000 baht is the rack rate.....so if you turned up or tried booking on line as you suggest, that is what you would pay!!!.....however members pay a lot less than that.....

I pose the question again, maybe one of the posters slating timeshare could actually give us some genuine quotes on what initial cost is, ongoing payments and other benifits but probably not as they really do not understand the product.

As for the sales tactics, there isnt a 'scam'...the prize is genuine and all qualified participants recieve their prize.....companies the world over in every industry use what is called 'fly catcher' or 'loss leader' techniques so timeshare isnt any different.

Edited by ESB7
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20,000 baht is the rack rate.....so if you turned up or tried booking on line as you suggest, that is what you would pay!!!.....however members pay a lot less than that.....

I pose the question again, maybe one of the posters slating timeshare could actually give us some genuine quotes on what initial cost is, ongoing payments and other benifits but probably not as they really do not understand the product.

As for the sales tactics, there isnt a 'scam'...the prize is genuine and all qualified participants recieve their prize.....companies the world over in every industry use what is called 'fly catcher' or 'loss leader' techniques so timeshare isnt any different.

I've spoken to lots of people who have bought into timeshare and are very happy, I've spoken to others who wished they had not bought. I've been to timeshare presentations and the big sell it not so much the 'week' bought but more entry into the membership club where other weeks can be bought at a 'member' rate. I never ever signed up as I like the flexibilty of just booking a hotel where & when it suited me, for much the same price.

I suspect a lot of the negative posts here on TV are about the tactics of the OPCs. Many of them just won't accept a straight no to their chat line. And why do they bother with the old scratch card nonsense. I often watch this performance with amusement, OPC offers scratch card, and jumps up and down with enthusiasm when it's a winner. They are all winners, so what's the surprise. Why don't they just straight say you get a gift if you attend the hour long presenation for timeshare pitch. That would remove a lot of the scam accusations about the timeshare guys on the street.

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I've spoken to lots of people who have bought into timeshare and are very happy, I've spoken to others who wished they had not bought. I've been to timeshare presentations and the big sell it not so much the 'week' bought but more entry into the membership club where other weeks can be bought at a 'member' rate. I never ever signed up as I like the flexibilty of just booking a hotel where & when it suited me, for much the same price.

I suspect a lot of the negative posts here on TV are about the tactics of the OPCs. Many of them just won't accept a straight no to their chat line. And why do they bother with the old scratch card nonsense. I often watch this performance with amusement, OPC offers scratch card, and jumps up and down with enthusiasm when it's a winner. They are all winners, so what's the surprise. Why don't they just straight say you get a gift if you attend the hour long presenation for timeshare pitch. That would remove a lot of the scam accusations about the timeshare guys on the street.

Well said... some of the OPCs can be rude but they dont last long as they cant do the job....Good OPCs either overcome objections and get the customer in or just let rejection fly over their heads and move onto the next one........it is great when the lady gets a win after the mans card was a loser :rolleyes::lol:

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You get a 14 day cooling of period where people approach you to sell something, not if you decide to buy something yourself.

Where i come from very few people would buy a timeshare package it is a dead industry.

If anyone approaches you to sell something no matter what it is its covered by the 14 day cool of law

which is enforced by the Dept of Consumer Affairs

Well done Peter ! Just spent 10 minutes on Google looking it up have you ? Really, well done for actually spending the time and doing the research before posting.

What you are referring to is a law in the EU otherwise known as "door stop selling", timeshare sales was included in this law due to the marketing tactics used. This is one of the reasons why Phuket has been flooded by these so called "OPC's" over the last couple of years.

When this law came in all the timeshare touts in Europe (mainly Spain) were out of a job, the easy option was Thailand due to its relaxed laws and the ease in which to pay off the police. Now the bubble has burst out of sheer stupidity and greed from the timeshare companies that have taken these people in, who really are nothing more than ex Club 18-30 reps living off 20,000 Baht per month.

The cooling off period was introduced in Europe a long time ago...and the reason OPCs come here, is the high season is when its low season in Europe.......misunderstandings again

I am not talking about the seasonal influx of OPC's where Europe goes quiet and the OPC's move to a more busier season in Thailand, im talking about the general influx over the past 2 or 3 years since timeshare came under the doorstop selling rule in Europe, which has subsequently left a lot of OPC's out of work and nowhere to go.

By the way ESB7, im not having a pop at you, in fact your replies to petercallen, namkang and telewasrobbed could not have been any closer to what I would have said, you have saved me a lot of time trying to educate these people what marketing actually means. An unsolicited approach let that be a telemarketer, an OPC or a window sales man knocking on your door.. it is still a form of marketing that is being practiced in countries all around the world. Gifts are given as incentives to get ones interest, all of which comes under the same banner of the company’s marketing expense. Unfortunately the uneducated can only shout the words "scam" ! These people have probably never worked in marketing, their whole working lives have probably been spent working in a factory.

I think namkangman is a bit out of touch and off way off the mark talking about having 2 weeks holiday in a building that eventually falls down, land laws, capital growth.. Im guessing that he thinks hes in the real estate forum. Yet another expert that does not have a clue what they are talking about.

Timeshare has been around for more than 30 years and will be around for many more years to come, it will never be sold by simply having a sign outside an office that says "Timeshare this way !", for as long as this is the case then the marketing techniques that a lot of people frown upon will always be used.

As timeshare will be around for years to come the best that Phuket can hope for is to eliminate the negative image that brings it down, a good start would be the end of OPC's, as this is where the majority of the negativity comes from. You read any post on an internet forum and nearly every time its is about being hassled in the street and being whisked off to a sales presentation, very rarely do you see any complaints about the actual product, and when you do get someone who complains about the actual product its always from someone who purchased 2 weeks before and regrets it.

As livinginkata says there are happy timeshare owners around the world but some TV members wont accept this, probably because they are generally unhappy with their own lives and want everyone else to be the same. They are already standing by sharpening their knives asking timeshare owners to come forward on the thread. They would probably do the same to someone who has just bought a house in Thailand, bought a bar, just got married to a bar girl.. Pathetic lot really ! ;)

Again, before you numpties reply with “You obviously work in timeshare” let me remind you that I am in favor of what the authorities are trying to do in Patong, hopefully this will wash out all the dead wood that is floating around and creating a poor image of the island.

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Timeshare has been around for more than 30 years and will be around for many more years to come, it will never be sold by simply having a sign outside an office that says "Timeshare this way !", for as long as this is the case then the marketing techniques that a lot of people frown upon will always be used.

Why is that then? If it is a good thing, why doesn't it sell itself?

Why has timeshare got a bad reputation?

Genuinely interested in your reply.

Edited by KarenBravo
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Timeshare has been around for more than 30 years and will be around for many more years to come, it will never be sold by simply having a sign outside an office that says "Timeshare this way !", for as long as this is the case then the marketing techniques that a lot of people frown upon will always be used.

Why is that then? If it is a good thing, why doesn't it sell itself?

Why has timeshare got a bad reputation?

Genuinely interested in your reply.


Good question. Interested in the answer as well.

Yes there are people who are happy wth their time shares, I would guess the number is getting lower every day, as they are very much a thing of the past, but if those happy people were enough to sustain the business, then why the need for any underhand tactics?

Why couldn't you just have an office and wait for the people to come through the doors.

Edited by BangTaoBoy
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Timeshare has been around for more than 30 years and will be around for many more years to come, it will never be sold by simply having a sign outside an office that says "Timeshare this way !", for as long as this is the case then the marketing techniques that a lot of people frown upon will always be used.

Why is that then? If it is a good thing, why doesn't it sell itself?

Why has timeshare got a bad reputation?

Genuinely interested in your reply.

I dont know, it might be an idea to ask someone who sells timeshare. But if I was to guess the answer I would say its exactly as you say, maybe its because timeshare has a bad reputation and people may be reluctant to walk in an office and buy timeshare.

Timeshare is something that is not a necessity and the average person doesnt really need it, unlike buying a car or a house. Timeshare companies believe that the client will only know if they can benefit from owning a timeshare by doing a presentation, they know people don't just wake up one day and say "Im going to buy a timeshare !"

As for it having a bad reputation I dont think the industry has, there is more to timeshare than cockney kids on motorbikes with scratch cards, but people fail to see past this. I believe that if you take away timeshare touts the negative image or any bad reputation that comes with the industry will be gone, maybe the authorities in Patong have seen this hence the warning signs.

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As for it having a bad reputation I dont think the industry has, there is more to timeshare than cockney kids on motorbikes with scratch cards, but people fail to see past this. I believe that if you take away timeshare touts the negative image or any bad reputation that comes with the industry will be gone, maybe the authorities in Patong have seen this hence the warning signs.

So.......why don't the timeshare companies see this?

There must be a reason why they have to resort to hard-sell tactics.

I'm afraid I don't really buy into the "not a necessity" argument.

That is what all marketing is; to convince you to buy the unnecessary, yet, many, many other industries whose products aren't strictly necessary don't have to resort to questionable marketing techniques.

Frankly, I know nothing about timeshare, but, it does have a bad reputation. That is why timeshare companies go out of their way to call what they are anything else, but timeshare. Holiday clubs is the latest, I believe.

I know that in the US these companies cleaned up their act and are now very popular.

It seems the dodgy companies stick to countries where the law is either not very clear, or, hardly ever enforced.

Edited by KarenBravo
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Timeshare is something that is not a necessity and the average person doesnt really need it, unlike buying a car or a house. Timeshare companies believe that the client will only know if they can benefit from owning a timeshare by doing a presentation, they know people don't just wake up one day and say "Im going to buy a timeshare !"

Speed boats, jetskis, caravans, aren't things the average person needs, but they still have no problem selling them without hard sell tactics.

There can be no getting away from the fact, that time shares aren't a popular product, and if you took all the hood winked buyers out of the equation, there wouldn't be enough revenue left to make it a worth while venture.

The industry survives (for now) because, and only because, of these amature hour, scam techniques.

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I dont know, it might be an idea to ask someone who sells timeshare. But if I was to guess the answer I would say its exactly as you say, maybe its because timeshare has a bad reputation and people may be reluctant to walk in an office and buy timeshare.

Timeshare is something that is not a necessity and the average person doesnt really need it, unlike buying a car or a house. Timeshare companies believe that the client will only know if they can benefit from owning a timeshare by doing a presentation, they know people don't just wake up one day and say "Im going to buy a timeshare !"

As for it having a bad reputation I dont think the industry has, there is more to timeshare than cockney kids on motorbikes with scratch cards, but people fail to see past this. I believe that if you take away timeshare touts the negative image or any bad reputation that comes with the industry will be gone, maybe the authorities in Patong have seen this hence the warning signs.

Hence the need for the hard sell.

Take away the touts and there would be no sales as there is a very limited number of people who would ever actually be interested in timeshare and of those who proceed very few who are satisfied (certainly nowhere near the number to keep the industry alive).

There is little or no value in timeshare offerings.

I have some sympathy for those who fall for it, but they are adults.

Those involved in the industry as OPC or 'management' are worthless scum IMHO.

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