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Please HELP. I rescued a cat last year that was hit by a car. He cannot go to the bathroom easily and for a year I have had a vet "clean him out". He would be ok for a month (he was able to go a little by himself) but the last few months I have had to have him cleaned out every week. He will not eat or drink this past week and he cries when I pick him up. I need to have him put to sleep but his regular vet will not do it. Does anybody have someone who will. He had a terrible soi life and I gave him a great home for as long as I could. But his quality is diminishing. Please help. Thank you


Sorry to hear about your kitty :(

Let's put this in Pets, has to be someone who can help.

"I don't want to know why you can't. I want to know how you can!"


there is a VET near you .. close to the AVenue Chiang watanna.

they also operating a animal Hotel .. its very east to see from the main road ..


sorry to hear the situation with your cat :-(

hmm . . . I don't put my friend to sleep, even if he cries for a whole week and didn't eat nor drink !

find a good vet ( again find a good vet ), there are many many quick fix !

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