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I'm looking in the future to purchase a Bankok type Tuk Tuk for my own personal use in Thailand, Does any member have information on (a) any dealers in secondhand Tuk Tuks or (B) perhaps a manufacturer, that may take in used Tuk Tuk's in part exchange when selling new, and who either re sell them, or refurbish them and resell them.


siamtuktukdotcom, 50-60k baht as I recall, 150cc Lifan, very reliable


In December the price was 68,000 baht [multi colour taxi type]..

They will also make what you want, Top or no top, pick up, 2, 3 or 4 seats, different engine sizes, auto or manual.

They speak English, so you can ask for what you want, they will send pictures of what they have made for customers around the world.


siamtuktukdotcom, 50-60k baht as I recall, 150cc Lifan, very reliable


Thank you, but these are not the Bangkok type of Tuk Tuk I'm looking for these appear to use motocycle front ends, and then only have small engines. As there are over 7,000 licenced Tuk Tuks in Bangko0k someone must be making/selling or part exchangine them


Type the phrase expertise tuk tuk into a search engine, to bring up the name of a company that makes exactly what you seek

Should you proceed any further and try to actually buy one, it would be interesting to know how you fared, getting the special licence plate of red letters on white background that most, if not all tuk tuks need. I have heard its a nightmare to get...even for a Thai, let alone a farang.

Thats perhaps why the streets of the major expat expat arent thronging with them?


Those are Bangkok type tuktuks I think you're looking for the Phuket type maybe? It's a little truck looking thing made by Dihatsu..


Or do you mean something like this below


If not these don't really know what type you might be seeking?


Type the phrase expertise tuk tuk into a search engine, to bring up the name of a company that makes exactly what you seek

Should you proceed any further and try to actually buy one, it would be interesting to know how you fared, getting the special licence plate of red letters on white background that most, if not all tuk tuks need. I have heard its a nightmare to get...even for a Thai, let alone a farang.

Thats perhaps why the streets of the major expat expat arent thronging with them?

Thank you for the information which I will look at, I wonder in your comment about the licence plate may be confusing the difficulty in getting a licence to operate one as a taxi, I am aware that there is a limit on the number of licences issued, around 7,000 so I think a current taxi licence holder would have to die almost before a new licence could be issued. When you see some of the 'contraptions' being driven around, motorbkes with the front chopped off and modified into other goods carrying vehicles, plus its possible to have a vehicle built, such as a custom motorcycle, I can't really see a problem registering it if using it for private use. I should imagine a Bangkok Taxi Tuk Tuk would have a registration plate, and also a taxi licence plate My thoughts on why we are not inundated with Farangs with Tuk Tuks.could be that a small motorcycle is adequate for them and can be parked easily in mosty places, at a room, apartment or condo, whereas a Tuk Tuk would need a parking space. A small motorcycle would suffice for me, but I'm going to have many friends visiting over time from the UK. and a Tuk Tuk would provide convenient local transport for us all and be a bit of fun too.


Those are Bangkok type tuktuks I think you're looking for the Phuket type maybe? It's a little truck looking thing made by Dihatsu..


Or do you mean something like this below


If not these don't really know what type you might be seeking?

Thank you for posting the pictures, the second picture is the type of Tuk Tuk I was looking to purchase


Those are Bangkok type tuktuks I think you're looking for the Phuket type maybe? It's a little truck looking thing made by Dihatsu..


Or do you mean something like this below


If not these don't really know what type you might be seeking?

Thank you for posting the pictures, the second picture is the type of Tuk Tuk I was looking to purchase

Did you go to Siamtuktuk? They have a model very similar to the one you're seeking and can likely make one like you want if that'snot good enough..


Thank you for the information which I will look at, I wonder in your comment about the licence plate may be confusing the difficulty in getting a licence to operate one as a taxi, I am aware that there is a limit on the number of licences issued, around 7,000 so I think a current taxi licence holder would have to die almost before a new licence could be issued. When you see some of the 'contraptions' being driven around, motorbkes with the front chopped off and modified into other goods carrying vehicles, plus its possible to have a vehicle built, such as a custom motorcycle, I can't really see a problem registering it if using it for private use. I should imagine a Bangkok Taxi Tuk Tuk would have a registration plate, and also a taxi licence plate My thoughts on why we are not inundated with Farangs with Tuk Tuks.could be that a small motorcycle is adequate for them and can be parked easily in mosty places, at a room, apartment or condo, whereas a Tuk Tuk would need a parking space. A small motorcycle would suffice for me, but I'm going to have many friends visiting over time from the UK. and a Tuk Tuk would provide convenient local transport for us all and be a bit of fun too.

Well, from my (somewhat scant, due to hitting a brick wall when broaching the subject) research on the subject of a couple of years ago, the red/white plate is issued to run a tuktuk as a taxi, or other commercial use, like a courtesy "car" around town or pickup service etc.......a definate no-no for a farang. The other plate issued on a three wheeled vehicle is yellow background, with green text. The difficulty is trying to convince the people at the vehicle registration that what you have ISNT a tuktuk, but just a "three wheeled vehicle"

Whilst not wishing to denigrate certain Thai officialdom, lets just say most arent the brightest of buttons in the box, and will tend to stick to what they are told. That is ....tuktuks are taxis, and therefore farangs cant register one.

I've even heard of people (even Thais) being told "no can do.....special licence Bangkok"

So it seems more of a hassle just to get the dam_n thing on the road legally, if even that's possible, but then, you become a bit of a novelty to the BIB, along with, no doubt lots of opportunities to contribute to their tea fund.

Hope i'm wrong and you come back saying it was a doddle to get, because, like you are saying, and i have always thought, they are ideal as a half way house between a car and a motocy.

I did actually see a pic of one made with a glass fibre body shell and more substantial cab with doors and you didnt sit astride/on top of the engine, either. Made by a company in Ayudhaya but thats probably long gone now, too.

Best to go to the vehicle registraion people first, before financially commiting to anything


Other options :D



I have see a Tuk Tuk a Blue one with white plate and black letters with a Farang driving, there was a green one For Sale last year in Classified section Farang owned no roof..

There was a Company that sold them new, cannot remember name but cost 350,000 baht, they also did many options, Man or Auto, 350 or 550 cc engine, LPG, any colour.......... Also in Thai Classified was a Thai man in Bangkok, advert said he worked in the family business and had 2nd hand Tuk Tuks for sale, he never replied to email :annoyed:


Well, its one of those grey areas, that Thailand seems to pride itself on

Maybe the OP will be the one whose experience can throw some light on the subject, and get a definitive answer, one way or the other

My own personal opinion (and, yes..only that) is that its going to prove more of a hassle to get a definitive answer from the authorities about it than is worth.

I wish him luck, and hope he gets back to us with what he has found out



Maybe best to ask someone that makes them ?



I did look into these last year but did not get far [sat in the drivers seat to find i did not fit, will not in a manual one, impossible to change gear] appears no problem for export, did not get an answer to buying/owning one privately in Thailand and did not follow it up.

The 150cc Lifan motorbike type from the North, there is no problem they said buying/owning one privately in Thailand


Those are Bangkok type tuktuks I think you're looking for the Phuket type maybe? It's a little truck looking thing made by Dihatsu..


Or do you mean something like this below


If not these don't really know what type you might be seeking?

Thank you for posting the pictures, the second picture is the type of Tuk Tuk I was looking to purchase

Did you go to Siamtuktuk? They have a model very similar to the one you're seeking and can likely make one like you want if that'snot good enough..

Thank you, I did visit siamtuktuk, they look quite flmsy not like the ones in the picture which are robust because of the work they do, I also want the larger engine that is fitted in these as 150cc is too small for three adult passengers plus driver


Thank you for the information which I will look at, I wonder in your comment about the licence plate may be confusing the difficulty in getting a licence to operate one as a taxi, I am aware that there is a limit on the number of licences issued, around 7,000 so I think a current taxi licence holder would have to die almost before a new licence could be issued. When you see some of the 'contraptions' being driven around, motorbkes with the front chopped off and modified into other goods carrying vehicles, plus its possible to have a vehicle built, such as a custom motorcycle, I can't really see a problem registering it if using it for private use. I should imagine a Bangkok Taxi Tuk Tuk would have a registration plate, and also a taxi licence plate My thoughts on why we are not inundated with Farangs with Tuk Tuks.could be that a small motorcycle is adequate for them and can be parked easily in mosty places, at a room, apartment or condo, whereas a Tuk Tuk would need a parking space. A small motorcycle would suffice for me, but I'm going to have many friends visiting over time from the UK. and a Tuk Tuk would provide convenient local transport for us all and be a bit of fun too.

Well, from my (somewhat scant, due to hitting a brick wall when broaching the subject) research on the subject of a couple of years ago, the red/white plate is issued to run a tuktuk as a taxi, or other commercial use, like a courtesy "car" around town or pickup service etc.......a definate no-no for a farang. The other plate issued on a three wheeled vehicle is yellow background, with green text. The difficulty is trying to convince the people at the vehicle registration that what you have ISNT a tuktuk, but just a "three wheeled vehicle"

Whilst not wishing to denigrate certain Thai officialdom, lets just say most arent the brightest of buttons in the box, and will tend to stick to what they are told. That is ....tuktuks are taxis, and therefore farangs cant register one.

I've even heard of people (even Thais) being told "no can do.....special licence Bangkok"

So it seems more of a hassle just to get the dam_n thing on the road legally, if even that's possible, but then, you become a bit of a novelty to the BIB, along with, no doubt lots of opportunities to contribute to their tea fund.

Hope i'm wrong and you come back saying it was a doddle to get, because, like you are saying, and i have always thought, they are ideal as a half way house between a car and a motocy.

I did actually see a pic of one made with a glass fibre body shell and more substantial cab with doors and you didnt sit astride/on top of the engine, either. Made by a company in Ayudhaya but thats probably long gone now, too.

Best to go to the vehicle registraion people first, before financially commiting to anything

I should imagine there might be a problem if wanting to use it in Bangkok itself, however I'm kocated in Pattaysa, and have seen two here both being driven and I assume owened by Faraang, I will perhaps consult these people before an ultimate purchase, but thought the location of a supplier , considering there are 7,000 of these flying around Bangkok would be easy to have found


Well, that place i mentioned (Expertise) is actually in Chonburi, so not too far.

Good luck, and keep us informed

But, personally i think its going to be a pain in the arse to get the proper licence plates needed, and i suspect driving (riding?) it would be even more of a hassle. What with the BIB doing what the bib do best ;) and tourists climbing onboard thinking its a taxi, every time you stop at a traffic light or jam. Just dont commit any money to the project until you are 100% sure you can get it legal, would be what i would do

Again, good luck

I should imagine there might be a problem if wanting to use it in Bangkok itself, however I'm kocated in Pattaysa, and have seen two here both being driven and I assume owened by Faraang, I will perhaps consult these people before an ultimate purchase, but thought the location of a supplier , considering there are 7,000 of these flying around Bangkok would be easy to have found


Well, that place i mentioned (Expertise) is actually in Chonburi, so not too far.

Good luck, and keep us informed

But, personally i think its going to be a pain in the arse to get the proper licence plates needed, and i suspect driving (riding?) it would be even more of a hassle. What with the BIB doing what the bib do best ;) and tourists climbing onboard thinking its a taxi, every time you stop at a traffic light or jam. Just dont commit any money to the project until you are 100% sure you can get it legal, would be what i would do

Again, good luck

I should imagine there might be a problem if wanting to use it in Bangkok itself, however I'm kocated in Pattaysa, and have seen two here both being driven and I assume owened by Faraang, I will perhaps consult these people before an ultimate purchase, but thought the location of a supplier , considering there are 7,000 of these flying around Bangkok would be easy to have found

I never thought about tourists getting on if I stopped for any reason, but if a couple of gorgeous girls got on - would you tell them!!!

I appreciate all the help and comments, if and when I do get one, and get it successfully registered and on the road, I'll post all the in's and outs of doing so, and hopefully assist anyone else considering the same.


If you are in Pattaya then it's worth taking a trip to Sriracha to check out some 2nd hand re-conditioned ones. There are loads of them there and some good prices. Mate of mine bought one from there 2-3 years ago. Can't remember the exact garage but if you head down to 'Robinsons' and speak to the Tuk Tuk drivers waiting outside they will point you in the right direction. If your Thai isn't too good then take a Thai friend with you.

I never thought about tourists getting on if I stopped for any reason, but if a couple of gorgeous girls got on - would you tell them!!!

No, i wouldn't say a word to them....but i think the Baht Bus and taxi drivers around might want a "little word with you" about it, if you get my drift

I appreciate all the help and comments, if and when I do get one, and get it successfully registered and on the road, I'll post all the in's and outs of doing so, and hopefully assist anyone else considering the same.

That "anyone else" is me for starters !!!!!:D I fall off bikes too easily (not enough wheels, lol!!!) and a car is just too cumbersome around the towns these days, so a tuktuk would be ideal for me when i get myself over there permenently this year (i hope!!!)


Well, that place i mentioned (Expertise) is actually in Chonburi, so not too far.

Good luck, and keep us informed

But, personally i think its going to be a pain in the arse to get the proper licence plates needed, and i suspect driving (riding?) it would be even more of a hassle. What with the BIB doing what the bib do best ;) and tourists climbing onboard thinking its a taxi, every time you stop at a traffic light or jam. Just dont commit any money to the project until you are 100% sure you can get it legal, would be what i would do

Again, good luck

I should imagine there might be a problem if wanting to use it in Bangkok itself, however I'm kocated in Pattaysa, and have seen two here both being driven and I assume owened by Faraang, I will perhaps consult these people before an ultimate purchase, but thought the location of a supplier , considering there are 7,000 of these flying around Bangkok would be easy to have found

I never thought about tourists getting on if I stopped for any reason, but if a couple of gorgeous girls got on - would you tell them!!!

I appreciate all the help and comments, if and when I do get one, and get it successfully registered and on the road, I'll post all the in's and outs of doing so, and hopefully assist anyone else considering the same.

Put a sign on it "NOT FOR HIRE" in Thai and English and tell the DLT that's what you're going to do and see what happens? That's what's required for us when we have racing support vehicles for towing race equipment and cars back home as then the usual laws for trucks don't apply since it's privately owned and operated..


If you are in Pattaya then it's worth taking a trip to Sriracha to check out some 2nd hand re-conditioned ones. There are loads of them there and some good prices. Mate of mine bought one from there 2-3 years ago. Can't remember the exact garage but if you head down to 'Robinsons' and speak to the Tuk Tuk drivers waiting outside they will point you in the right direction. If your Thai isn't too good then take a Thai friend with you.

Thank you for this information, as you say it is near to Pattaya, and would be a day out too

I never thought about tourists getting on if I stopped for any reason, but if a couple of gorgeous girls got on - would you tell them!!!

No, i wouldn't say a word to them....but i think the Baht Bus and taxi drivers around might want a "little word with you" about it, if you get my drift

I appreciate all the help and comments, if and when I do get one, and get it successfully registered and on the road, I'll post all the in's and outs of doing so, and hopefully assist anyone else considering the same.

That "anyone else" is me for starters !!!!!:D I fall off bikes too easily (not enough wheels, lol!!!) and a car is just too cumbersome around the towns these days, so a tuktuk would be ideal for me when i get myself over there permenently this year (i hope!!!)

Am in similar position myself, am here long term, but can't 'settle' , rent better place, etc. etc. until home in UK sold. Seems to be a lot of interest in this, maybe form a farang Tuk Tuk club, Maybe even Tuk Tuk races!!!, but seriously as soon as I can go through with someting like this I will post all the information, and if anyone gets there before me I'm sure there are many out there would appreciate hearing from you with all the information, Thanks to all ,

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