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Focus On Quality Tourists, Not Quantity, Urges PM Abhisit

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No wonder Tourism only accounts for 7% of GDP when each visitor only makes them (on average) 37 baht each lol

585,000,000 / 15,800,000 = 37 baht each

As usual, TAT (and by extension the Govt) is crap at getting correct or accurate figures.

Sorry, wrong assessment of error. It's The Nation.

It should have read 585,000,000,000

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luxury shops for quality tourists can be found only in Bangkok.

You obviously haven't visited Central Festival in Pattaya! Lots of high-end, high-priced stores there....definately not for the cheap charlies


A good start might be taking a bulldozer through places like Pattaya. Round up all the bargirls on the streets. Quality tourists don't flock to Thailand for ladyboys and the sex industry.

Thailand should not look a gift horse in the mouth. Very few "Quality" tourists are likely to bother with Thailand at all. The South of France is so much more inviting.

Precisely: Thailand is a cultural wasteland and an ecological disaster zone. Nice beaches, a few elephant rides, and gawping at hill tribes are not sufficient to cover up this unfortunate reality. Why are China, Japan and S Korea able to produce advanced industrial but CLEAN cities and countrysides? Anything to do with education being superior in those countries? (Note the difference between trains running in China/Japan and here in Thailand......

The rail system (if good) attracts high-end visitors. Long way to go here to produce train system that is attractive.


"Last year Thailand received 15.8 million international tourists, generating income of Bt585 million, he said."

That averages out at a tad over 37 Baht per international visitor. Is the quoted line a typo, or are the PM's advisors/scriptwriters slacking a bit?

Anyway, sad to say that Thailand (in common with just about every other country trying to entice tourists) can't be too picky at the moment.

So true, it makes you wonder if they know what the fuc_k they're actually talking about.

Actually if there was 15,800,000 tourists generating an income of 585,000,000 Baht in Thailand that would mean that each visitor would be spending (a tad) over 37,000,000 Baht each (and not 37 baht) So someone in the TAT are not doing there sums right. (They live almong us)


"Last year Thailand received 15.8 million international tourists, generating income of Bt585 million, he said."

That averages out at a tad over 37 Baht per international visitor. Is the quoted line a typo, or are the PM's advisors/scriptwriters slacking a bit?

Anyway, sad to say that Thailand (in common with just about every other country trying to entice tourists) can't be too picky at the moment.

I think you are proving the point mentioned by so many on TV concerning ' Tourist ' numbers

It was just a typo error by The Nation on the amount of money tourism generates.



While Thailands premier tourist island cant even tackle a few taxi drivers or thug jetski rentors they want to rebrand (in words not deeds) for quality tourists.

Real quality will come when offered real quality.. Not corrupt official burying garbage on the beaches, selling portions of public land for private use, and due to backhanders and payments allowing sections of the society to beat up and otherwise threaten those sections not yet paying. Simply raising prices doesnt attract the 5 star crowd. When Thailand has 2 star governance they will appeal to 2 star arrivals.. Asking for 5 star prices while having 2 star administration doesnt cut it.

Spot on, Thailand will never attract serious quality tourists until it cleans up the sleaze, both on the streets and in politics. Think about it, what is Thailand world famous for, hookers and transvestites. Which upmarket tourist will choose this over South of France, Caribean, Polynesia etc etc


"It's been like that for years.....where have you been hiding? Farangs are tolerated because they have money...nothing else."

It is hardly surprising when people are here for sex and booze, that they behave badly, go to any red light district in any part of the world and you won't get genuine friendship towards horny drunks.

France has built it's reputation over very many years and has marinas, casinos and Je ne sais quoi, if you like that sort of thing. Politicians can't change 3rd world Thailand into that, but they could start by getting rid of the corruption that has kept it in the third world and then work towards something appropriate. It also needs foreign investment and with the current restriction on foreign land ownership, this is unlikely. But, if they did open things up we may end up with something much worse.

The problem is that there are two kinds of tourists here, sex tourists and backpackers, backpackers don't spend anything at all, so what are you left with?

I think it is nice to have Pattaya, you know where not to go to, when you get here.


15.8 million international tourists!! Actually it's 16.8 million there's another million waiting in the immigration queue at Bangkok airport!


A good start might be taking a bulldozer through places like Pattaya. Round up all the bargirls on the streets. Quality tourists don't flock to Thailand for ladyboys and the sex industry.

In these straightened times, that'd be a huge mistake though it makes sense as a long-term target. Fact is: 'Upmarket' Western tourists aren't travelling much at the mo; Sextourists always travel. It's not an ideal situation or long-term fix, I know. But tourist money is tourist money, and Thailand (like everywhere else) is desperate for said money right now.

The first thing to do might be to define what a quality tourist is. I would assume that one of the key factors is how much is spent and, according to a poll on another site catering specifically for pattaya more than 50% of members are spending more than 5k baht a day and this figure rises to over 75% if you look at spends of over 4k baht a day.

I am not sure how this would compare to how much other types of tourist are spending and in other areas but it this income is not something that can be ignored.

A quality tourist is someone whose shirt has a collar and whose fashion style is something more sophisticated than putting on the first thing he steps on when getting out of bed in the morning.


How are these tourist numbers possibly as high as reported? :huh:

Many (most?) hotels and guest houses are struggling with lower occupancy. My question is whether the numbers are inflated because people are granted shorter visa on arrival status... i.e. Are more visitors here for over 30days now needing to make more border runs, generating more "entries"? :unsure:

If so, there are not more tourists - merely an increase in the activity at any border crossing.

Does anyone know?


Quality tourists well off tourists and families do not want to come to Thailand as its too far too hot too humid and yes too expensive to see a culture they fo not like.If people tourists want to see culture they go to France Italy or Greece.I. E. Europeans do not like the gordy colours of Thai culture. Also a long way to cone for a One or two week break.My opinion but I have lived here nearly 10 years and friends of mine who yes are do called rich compared to Asian standards do not come for those reasons.Its not so much a opinion but what I see.......


Yet ANOTHER example of the PM being a complete twit!

Thailand is now the Benedorm of the world.In fact even Benedorm isn't that any more.

Thai has had decades to set up the infrastructure for its tourist business and time and again they have chosen the cheep and sometimes cheerful option.

To suggest that they can alter this by choosing different "classes" of customers is a joke. It's not up to them anymore........You have to have the facilities , eco awareness etc etc to attract them.

Thailand has made its bed now they can lie in it


I think another reason spending has gone gown is because of the low exchange rate, people have a budget for their holidays and as Thailand has controlled their currency exchange in the last few years the cost for the tourist has increased by more than 30% so return visitors probably spend the same in their native pounds dollars ect but have less baht or find a new location which is cheaper than Thailand.

Not sure where your from ahid25 but maybe the exchange rate is down for you because your countries currency is weak not vice versa? My exchange rate is just fine.


How stupid can you get!

Young "low quality" backpack tourists who have had a wonderful experience in Thailand talk about it to parents and friends, and debunk the myths of Thailand being a dangerous third world country. Who do you think "discovered" what are now high-end island resorts, etc! In addition, many of these come back again in a few years with a lot more cash. Talk about penny-wise and pound-foolish. Thailand should be encouraging these visitors.

I agree, I first came to thailand as a back packer 12 years ago and have been back 12 times since(thai family now). These high end resorts take in a high profit for corporations-ask a thai working in a 5 star hotel if he is making a 5 star wage. . The low end and middle end travelers get more money into the pockets of the people of thailand-eating at roadside stalls/restaurants, and staying in family owned guest houses. I feel for the people working hard in thailand, the corruption is disgusting-no matter what government is in charge-I was no fan of thaksin and had hope for abbhisit. Thailand seems to be self destructing. It is becoming less affordable for me to travel around thailand-food and places to stay, not the fault of thailand but the air is now 1250 RT-up from 950$ last year-multiply that by the 5 of us. There used to be lots of affordable "low quality" (to some) places to stay at all of the beaches and mountain areas, hard to find now-bought up by the high end hotels. I tend to spend more of my vacation at our home in the isaarn. A better manager is needed-I dont think positive for the future of thailand as a much loved man is going to pass away soon leaving even more turmoil in the country.


A good start might be taking a bulldozer through places like Pattaya. Round up all the bargirls on the streets. Quality tourists don't flock to Thailand for ladyboys and the sex industry.

I'd drive a buldozer through your house first....not everything in Pattaya is to do with sex.

No, you are right. But the point remains Pattaya effectively advertises as Thailand as the knock shop of Asia. And that image will overide anything else you try and do to promote the place.

Image isn't everything, but it is an important first step.


I think I remember Basil Fawlty saying the same thing to Sybil in an episode of Fawlty Towers.

Basil had put an ad in Country Life, saying "No riff-raff"were allowed in Fawlty Towers.


How are these tourist numbers possibly as high as reported? :huh:

Many (most?) hotels and guest houses are struggling with lower occupancy. My question is whether the numbers are inflated because people are granted shorter visa on arrival status... i.e. Are more visitors here for over 30days now needing to make more border runs, generating more "entries"? :unsure:

If so, there are not more tourists - merely an increase in the activity at any border crossing.

Does anyone know?

I would say that the number of tourists has definately increased. You just don't see it as there are far more places for them to spread themselves out in. Lower hotel/guest house occupancy is probably due to there being more rooms available. You'd need to compare the rooms:tourist ratio to be sure though. As for beaches I know one that was completely deserted 5 years ago but is now packed each and every weekend.


:coffee1: This type of announcement seems to be almost an annual event here

I agree with LivinLOS, it's a two way street. If the Thai government wants a better class of tourist then they need to come to the party to ensure a better class of tourist experience ... not just approving a few more 5 star hotels, not just more money spent on promotion in glossy mags, but addressing the well-known and long-running problems in the tourist industry here .... including but not limited to:

1. Environmental problems (litter, air pollution, or just plain ugliness, etc) due to inadequate laws or non-enforcement of existing laws

2. Law and order issues ... jetski scams, airport hustlers, gem scams, theft of luggage/belongings in airports, buses, hotels and sundry other cheating by tourist service

3. Lack of coordination by government agencies concerning planning and management of tourism. You can't even get staff of the one gov't agency here to read from the same page .... quality tourism demands a coordinated whole-of-government approach

4. Better (more accessible, more accurate, etc) tourist information ... more staff with advanced English-language skills

5. A more customer-service focussed approach by the entire industry ... web sites that work, emails that get answered, customer feedback that is sought and responded to

6. and on it goes

Tourists reports these problems week in and week out but are lucky to even get a response to their letter/email. What demonstrable progress has the Thai government made with any of these issues? What is proposed? When?


A good start might be taking a bulldozer through places like Pattaya. Round up all the bargirls on the streets. Quality tourists don't flock to Thailand for ladyboys and the sex industry.

Yes they do. They first pretend to be there for 'higher' interests, then with a quick change of clothes, slip out, hopefully unnoticed, and head for the bars and beaches of Pattaya.

However what is the PM planning to do ... rebuild Pattaya with casinos and 'quality brothels' for the "quality tourists"?

Thailand's economic situation is simply the legacy of decades of poor governance, with no sign of significant improvement in the foreseeable future. That's the brunt of it.


Abhisit's as well as his advisors wealth and elitism is showing through. The impetus behind Thai Tourism and it's infrastructure has always been a "great vacation" at a great price, whether you are a sex tourist or a family from USA or Europe. Of the 15 million plus tourist that visited Thailand last year , how many were wealthy?? For the wealthy there are many choices, they can go anywhere. To try to lure the wealthy and forget the more common tourist is mistake. It seems if they had there way they would make the vacation spots a gated community where the only Thai's they would see would be the housekeeper and staff with their own private beach. I am sure the vast majority of innkeepers, hotels, resorts ect listened to Mr Abhisit with dismay.

His speech did nothing to support the tourist industry as a whole. He is not seeing reality. A foolish comment on Thai tourism.

Most ex-pats who live in Thailand live behind those gates that keep them away from those great unwashed masses of Thai's, just as do those Thai's with means. Every time the TAT or government official makes a statement about tourism the world collapses around Thailand ex-pat community and all those nay sayers come out in droves. Such a waste of time and childish statements come to bear such as bulldozing down Pattaya or don't bulldoze my house or the math does not add up or this or that crazy statement. Thailand is what it is. Like it or not that's the facts. quality tourists are those who stay in luxury resorts and depart Thailand having never really visited Thailand. Backpackers are a completely different type of tourist, tout, deadbeat all in one. Sex is part of the Thailand package even for the Thai's. There are more sex venues geared for the Thai male than for the visitor or tourist. What are you going to purchase here? Silk is the main item of value and quality. How many of you tourists purchase it? There is so much more to Thailand than its beaches, and its bars, but I dare say 99% of visitors and 89% of those ex-pats living in Thailand never see anything but some stinky bar and the types that cluster there to watch English football and complain about Thailand going to hell. Such a waste of energy you all are. You can put lipstick on a pig but its still a pig.


might be good for the 5 star hotels, but what about the other 90% of the industry that's aimed towards middle and lower budget customers. you can't just turn a backpackers guest house into a 5 star hotel. whistling.gif


"Last year Thailand received 15.8 million international tourists, generating income of Bt585 million, he said."

That averages out at a tad over 37 Baht per international visitor. Is the quoted line a typo, or are the PM's advisors/scriptwriters slacking a bit?

Anyway, sad to say that Thailand (in common with just about every other country trying to entice tourists) can't be too picky at the moment.

So true, it makes you wonder if they know what the fuc_k they're actually talking about.

Clearly they don't!! One thing the govt spouting 'quality over quantity' soundbites (and they do love their soundbites!) but you think any vendor (of anything) would rather have lots of paying customers or just few 'very nice and discerning' ones? Total b******s as usual!!!



A good start might be taking a bulldozer through places like Pattaya. Round up all the bargirls on the streets. Quality tourists don't flock to Thailand for ladyboys and the sex industry.

In these straightened times, that'd be a huge mistake though it makes sense as a long-term target. Fact is: 'Upmarket' Western tourists aren't travelling much at the mo; Sextourists always travel. It's not an ideal situation or long-term fix, I know. But tourist money is tourist money, and Thailand (like everywhere else) is desperate for said money right now.

Wasn't it seven or eight years ago that a Minister of Interior started with early closing hours and proclaimed tourists come to Thailand for temples and culture. Backpackers were not needed, quality tourists we look for.

Maybe k. Abhisit is catching up with his reading?


the land where one gains the impression that the inhabitants would be happier if we all just arrived on a plane emptied all our available money into a waiting bin and then got back on a plane leaving.

It's been like that for years.....where have you been hiding? Farangs are tolerated because they have money...nothing else.



I would say that the number of tourists has definately increased. You just don't see it as there are far more places for them to spread themselves out in. Lower hotel/guest house occupancy is probably due to there being more rooms available. You'd need to compare the rooms:tourist ratio to be sure though. As for beaches I know one that was completely deserted 5 years ago but is now packed each and every weekend.

this makes sense. the money's here, it's just being spread thinner and not going where 'some' people want it to go (i.e. owners of 5 star hotels and restaurants)


Backpackers spend quite a lot per head, they just don't spend it on accommodation.

High rollers are unlikely to go to the LOS - they have better options.

Maybe the LOS needs to rediscover the family holiday market.

It certainly needs to get the scams under control and reduce the pollution.


Thailand as the knock shop of Asia.

And what exactly is wrong with that. If Thailand does not like being seen as that they would and could have shut down the sex industry here years ago. It's time for Thailand to raise a finger at the rest of the world and say we're happy the way we are.


A good start might be taking a bulldozer through places like Pattaya. Round up all the bargirls on the streets. Quality tourists don't flock to Thailand for ladyboys and the sex industry.

I'd drive a buldozer through your house first....not everything in Pattaya is to do with sex.

No, you are right. But the point remains Pattaya effectively advertises as Thailand as the knock shop of Asia. And that image will overide anything else you try and do to promote the place.

Image isn't everything, but it is an important first step.

No serious discussion of improving the "quality" of tourists in Thailand can exclude the topic of prostitution. Prostitution in Thailand is markedly different, it is of higher quality than most places. This is because, as we know so well, a funky looking old white guy can come here and live out a fantasy life/vacation with young Thai girl who will act like she's always been his girl friend. I believe that type of prostitution is fairly uncommon, in any case, is the cheapest here in Thailand. So many guys come here for that because they simply can't get it anywhere else, certainly not in any western country to the extent, availability, and quality here in Thailand. So, to improve the quality of tourists, get rid of the easy availability of high quality, sweet, wonderful, beautiful young Thai girls - or at least, teach them to not be so sweet and accommodating. I am not advocating this, but, as I said at the beginning, no serious discussion on this topic can exclude prostitution. I'm not advocating a dramatic change or crackdown, just making an observation. Perhaps if the government made it illegal for men to date someone more than 20 years younger than they, there could be a change in quality of tourists. That's not going to happen and I'm not saying it should.

As someone else said, lots of people come here for the relaxing lifestyle and the change of pace, the marvelous culture (Thailand is NOT a cultural wasteland - maybe Bkk is, but that's a different topic) and environment...not for the ladies. There should be tee-shirts or special passport stamps for those tourist because they know and love the real Thailand, but nobody knows or recognizes them amongst the crowd of all the other tourists.


Items 1 through 14 describe Europeans as well as North American nations perfectly. So which is it? BTW, so glad your not here as you added little to the country or its people. Yet another whiner departed with sour grapes.

there are degrees sir. and thailand's up near the top. thai rak thai.

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