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Kingdom misses equality target

By The Nation

Thailand has missed its Millennium Development Goals Plus (MDG+) target to boost gender equality in politics and civil service, Supareuk Hongpakdee, director of the Office of Women's Affairs and Family Development (OWAFD), said yesterday.

The MDG+ target of doubling the number of women in Parliament, tambon administrative organisations (TAOs) and highranking positions in the central government between 2002 and 2006 has been missed, Supareuk explained.

Under the MDG+ target, Thailand should have 86 women as MPs and 40 as senators. However, in 2007, the Parliament had only 55 female MPs and in 2008, it only had 24 women holding senatorial posts, he said.

Also, 16.4 per cent or 17,166 TAO members should be women, but in 2007-2008 they only accounted for 12 to 13 per cent. The number of female state office executives should be 134, but there were 131 in 2008-2009, he added.


-- The Nation 2011-03-04


Appears Thai women are much smarter than the obvious overload of corrupt male members in any of the government parties. Or - the male members cannot allow the women to enter their realms and interfere with the raking off of Thailand's assets. Either way - what honest individual would want to be a Thai politician - especially a woman?


Well, since you have a male director/spokesman??? and its taken five years since the target date to have a press release, I doubt anyone is surprised that the target was not attained. Must have been a boring day at the office for this VIP.


This will be fix itself naturally. As banned or imprisoned male candidates run out of male family members to their place, more and more females will have to do so


Well, since you have a male director/spokesman??? and its taken five years since the target date to have a press release, I doubt anyone is surprised that the target was not attained. Must have been a boring day at the office for this VIP.

For me ... the question is ... who else "missed the mark"? Taken as a single point (one country out of how many ?) How Thailand did when compared to other countries is certainly relevant. I am just too lazy to do the research.


Well, since you have a male director/spokesman??? and its taken five years since the target date to have a press release, I doubt anyone is surprised that the target was not attained. Must have been a boring day at the office for this VIP.

extremely boring :jap:


Hmm. Women want equality but also want favourable treatment. Doesn't sound very equal to me. I am against quotas - and party list representatives. I promoted more ladies than men in my business career and on one occasion a dissatisfied young man asked why I had advanced a young lady into a vacant position for a team leader rather than he. My answer was simple and to the point. Because she showed more talent, dedication and energy. Sex, race and religion should not be factors in judging whether anybody is fit to take on extra responsibilities.

I accept that in many cases ladies have to show qualities and performance above and beyond those required but education of management towards creating a level playing field is the answer, not social engineering.

A flight of fancy :-

Abhisit : Have you finished the ironing yet, love.

Mrs Abhisit : Yep. Just putting everything away dear.

Abhisit : Oh good. Well I can't have you doing nothing for the rest of the day. How do you fancy being the new Minister for Toilets?

Mrs Abhisit: Does a nice white suit and a chest full of medals go with the job? Will I have my own motorcade?

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