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Has anyone ever won an argument with a Thai lady? did you ever get the word Yes or No . from my experience all i got was a change of subject. my last lady was a bar girl and I feel for them. i am not sure what it is are they hypnotised or is it what is expected of them to sell there body to make money to support there family. She was an Issan girl. but a very smart girl. if i was to start a business she would be my Managing Director. any how back to the question Has anyone won an argument with a Thai lady


no , as it is impossible. The Thai concept and way of thinking is they cannot lose face, thus you winning an argument would be them losing face...


When humans (male and/or female) get into discussion which leads to argument, I am not too sure there is ever a winner as such. The majority of those involved seem to retain their original ideas/concepts without any change other than hard feelings.


Woman get the last word in any argument .annoyed.gif

Anything a man says after that is the beginning of a new argument

my last lady was a bar girl and I feel for them. i am not sure what it is are they hypnotised or is it what is expected of them to sell there body to make money to support there family.

Yeap, most of the time they are hypnotized, usually by their village shaman. If you care for you will go to her home village and pay the money to have it removed.

my last lady was a bar girl and I feel for them. i am not sure what it is are they hypnotised or is it what is expected of them to sell there body to make money to support there family.

Yeap, most of the time they are hypnotized, usually by their village shaman. If you care for you will go to her home village and pay the money to have it removed.

:lol: :lol:

totster :whistling:


If you’ve reached the point of arguing with a bar girl other than the price of your tab or the agreed rate for the nights entertainment then losing an argument is the least expensive thing you will lose to her before its over!

<br /><font size="3"><font face="Calibri">If you've reached the point of arguing with a bar girl other than the price of your tab or the agreed rate for the nights entertainment then losing an argument is the least expensive thing you will lose to her before its over! </font></font><br /><br /><br />
<br /><br /><br />

SO true.

This thread should be closed due to

a) totally inadequate introduction (caption), so no-one except we poor proles will ever read it and

B) banality.

Look it up, huh?


What do you want to eat? Seafood and rice. Do you want to go to your favorite restaurant where you get diarrhea all the time or my favorite restaurant where you never get diarrhea?

No don't want you to buy the underwear here today. Tomorrow we go to the store with American underwear but we eat at MacDonald's OK?

The shirt is too expensive. Tomorrow we go to the second hand market and you can buy 20 shirts for the same price as the one shirt here today, OK?

I am not going to your friends house because there is a ghost there!

I had a dream last night that your cousin tried to kill you.

Do you know your sister flirts with me when you are not looking?

That expensive Swiss chocolate gives women pimples. Here have some more chocolate.

My pension has no death benefit. I die and you get no more money.


You know very well you won the argument,and you also know you won't get an apology either.

That's why they never admit to losing the argument to you,in the first place!

pretty clever way of saving face, eh!


Why do the Mods allow this type of thing to stay open for over 4 hours, honestly ?? :D

if you feel that this post was not within your world of intellegence why did you read it and reply to it. lets hear what you think is a suitable post then


I like the make a joke comment best! That's what I do and it usually ends there.

If not, then it is me who normally says whatever, up to you.

Better just to talk though.


It's valid. Why scream for the mods unless it hits a nerve?

OP leave her.

In this country you are not alone for long. It sounds like you've met a grafter so bin this one and go find a new one and learn from your mistakes.


Tell me what you need and I'll tell you how to get alongwithout it.

I don't have an attitude problem. You have a perceptionproblem.


You know very well you won the argument,and you also know you won't get an apology either.

That's why they never admit to losing the argument to you,in the first place!

pretty clever way of saving face, eh!

Very true. My g/f just goes quiet for a while. Then starts on another subject, as if nothing happend Mai-Pen-rai.



from Post #8 Why argue. Your the man. Put your wallet away and you win.

A great example of (a la Sun Tzu) winning the battle but losing the war ... regardless of how long you live, those male fixtures are often of finite duration.


The subject is quite different from what the q/post was about..

To answer the subject/topic -- I get "up to you" almost to the boring, just make a decision for once!

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