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Why You Prefer Thailand Over Your Homeland.


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Apologies if this has been done to death. Just browsing the thread on 'what makes people head home' and i thought a more pertinent question is,' why do we all come and choose to stay here?'

What does Thailand have that swings the balance away from our homelands.

Ok, my thread, so here's my pennies worth: Tired of an increasingly overbearing nanny state eroding individual freedom; Aggressive attitudes becoming too commonplace ; Awful weather ; Inability to secure employment around home/chosen area; Taxes/bills/insurance/AN OTHER eating away at hard earned salary ; immigration out of control in major cities ; Property prices through the roof ; And my old favourite - The madness that is Political Correctness taking over all logic and reason!

In summarry my country (UK) helped me make my decision to leave the chalky shores, due to it's constant restrictions on my choices and freedom and a feeling that if you breathe too much, then you WILL be taken in for questioning! :ermm:

I feel a much healthier and airy bird here in Thailand and can't see Ole Blighty getting their rights back to clip these wings anytime soon. Sure, there are many downsides here, but for me LOS just about sway's my balance right now. How about you all?

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I don't, just ended up here :( ..

Fire away all those who are clueless about why and have no business knowing but who's nature it is to condemn and ridicule anyhow :hit-the-fan:..

Edit: For me one special lady I guess..

Edited by WarpSpeed
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I dunno. 16 years here. Married for 10. It just became home. Felt comfortable. Something I can't real put my finger on. Although a stable, normal, family life with nary a problem or cross word spoken must go some way towards it.

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For me, it's largely a George Costanza thing.

In the US, if you don't have work for whatever reason, you're a nogoodnik bum.

Here, it's official! With the retirement visa it is ILLEGAL to work, even if you really want to. Wouldn't want to break the law!



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Plus, Thailand is beautiful (compared to where many of us in the West lived), its also a LOT cheaper.

The weather is too hot, but better than spending 9 months (at least) in a grey, cold country!

For the men, there is also the women here.... something that is easy to find here. Be honest, not the same at home.

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Many pluses, though less today than when I first arrived.

Cheap, friendly people, the ladies etc

The political situation today is worrying.

After 20 years I found the eternal heat too much, which is now

why I live in a mediterranean country, with 4 season. :D

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When i first came here to see if it was a place worth retiring too,even before i saw the women and costs,i felt i belonged here.Watching the carts go past with the fantastic smells,the noise,the happines in the air,the nice weather.

I realy realy felt i had founf my paradise,and even after 7 years and am far from bored and savour every day even if i am in the house avoiding the scorching sun,or songkran.

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My favorite age was 26. I dated 26 year old women, rode a motorcycle and didn't work much. I didn't have much but I wanted for nothing.

In Thailand I have found the fountain of youth.

I turned back the clock as long as I avoid mirrors I have 26 year old women on demand, a motorcycle, don't work much and want for nothing.

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I came here for work and once the work is finished, hopefully another 5-6 years, I will go home, but to answer the question.....Why You Prefer Thailand Over Your Homeland ?.....dont know whether I actually do prefer Thailand over my homeland.

At present I have no plans to retire here, of course this view may change over the years

Even Mrs Soutpeel, who is Thai, wants to leave once work is finished for me and go and live in my "homeland".

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I find it interesting that some take a more negative posture and focus on what they have managed to leave behind. Others seem to look at what they have here and talk of that with pride, be it girls, family, cost of living, work, freedom or whatever.

I first came here just before my 21st birthday and moved here right after graduation from university. To be honest I can no longer remember what it was like to live in my country of birth, though I do visit from time to time.

I don’t spend time itemizing or taking stock of my reasons for being here. I have just never had any compelling reason to go anywhere else. After more than 35 years here, I suppose inertia and age play a big part.

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no offense but thailand offers very little besides thaigirls :lol::lol::lol: ....if you into that kind of thing.

Cheapness is what it offers if you know how to do all that home economics stuff. Very, very cheapness.

However, it used to offer cheap coconuts but doesn't anymore.

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I came here originally in 1993 for a 3 month job for my company. I went away for a year then I was sent back for 3 more months which ran into 4 years then off again elsewhere.

I quit my job and went into contracting and kept coming back between jobs.

I met my Thai lady here on my first trip, got a divorce after my 4 year stint and married my Thai lady in 2000.Our son was born in 2004.

Did another 15 month job here then worked on and offshore until 2009 when I retired.

I bought her land in 1999 and more in 2005. We built the house in 2003.

Since I retired I sometimes wonder how I filled my days in when I was working as I don't seem to have much spare time any more.

The weather is good, the people up here are honest, nice and friendly. The food is OK but I try not to eat things that are too spicy.

Back in the UK I have some friends, my other son who has his own life and an ex-wife.

I find no need to go "home" to the country I was born in as I have just about everything I want over here which is now my home for the rest of my life.

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Are you (The Nation and rich Bangkokians) really ready to teach the Thai children well? Thus, giving them access to Wikileaks and Facebook? We know where education takes: to democracy, freedom of speech, intelligence and eventually the end of the old order. Have a look at Tunisia. Ben Ali regrets to have taught the Tunisian kids so well...

My homeland offers me far more advantages than Thailand does. However, I am in a different demographic than a great many people that are permanently in Thailand. I think the over riding reason for some men is their significant other and children. For the older people that have modest means, I believe it is a money issue. And for a sizeable minority it is because they had to run away from something or they have an interest in certain sexual behaviours or commercial activities that would get them jail time or social ostracization in their homelands. I don't know why there is any need to look for fancy explanations, when the answer is plain to see. Maybe it's just my perception, but the happiest guys here have someone that they love.

I believe it is unfair and not accurate to offer the other reasons;

Tired of an increasingly overbearing nanny state eroding individual freedom; Right. Does this mean that state imposed censorship and corruption isn't overbearing or that the obsecenely expensive levies on foreign imports isn't intrusive?

Aggressive attitudes becoming too commonplace; Hello? Thai road rage is hardly reassuring nor is the nonsense with the Phuket tuk tuk and jet ski gangs fun. Sure it is is "restricted" to certain areas, but the willingness to knife and beat people up is cancerous and is spreading into the general population. The regular deaths from brawls between technical schools is an indication of aggressive behaviour don't you think?

Awful weather ; Uhh, what do you call those horrific floods last year, or the droughts? Sure winter sucks, but so does 35C heat with 80% humidity.

Inability to secure employment around home/chosen area; That's a canard. A wiley person with a bit of pluck can always find a job and doesn't need to go to Thailand. I think that what you will find is that some of the people seeking out work because they couldn't get a job back home are marignal workers or people that wouldn't qualify otherwise. A case in point are foreign teachers. How many of them are actually competent. (I'm not taking a cheap shot. There are some teachers that are excellent, but there a also a great many that stink and are kept away from kids for a very good reason.) Look at the offshore oil workers. Thailand is a convenient place to base oneself out of. They didn't fail at getting a job in their homelands. Rather, their line of work requires them to be out of the country. The same holds for the foreign MNE and NGO workers.

Taxes/bills/insurance/AN OTHER eating away at hard earned salary ; It's a personal choice. I like having the ability to collect a pension. Despite Thailand collecting social security taxes from working foreigners, how many foreigners qualify for the benefits? I like the ability to access medical care in my homeland if need be. I also like the fact that my homeland uses some of my tax money to help those less fortunate. No one wants to pay taxes. I don't. However, my status as a taxpayer gives me tangible benefits.

immigration out of control in major cities ; You might want to check out the Pattaya thread whining about Russians. How about the immigration situation in Thailand? How do all those pedophile manage to earn a frontpage photo on the Pattaya Daily News? What about the middle eastern drug dealing networks that are always losing a mule at the Swampy aerodrome? Why does Thailand let in so many shady characters?

Property prices through the roof ; Come visit Phuket I'll show you inflated prices for crap quality. I was looking at the bulletin board in the Patong Tower and noticed that some of the hard pressed foreign owners had their small basic 65 sq.m 1 bathroom units for for sale. One guy wants 11million baht for the 13th floor . Puheeeze. For that kind of money, I can buy a very nice new house in my homeland. And please don't tell me to move to Isaan. I don't want to live in Isaan as nice as the people are.

And my old favourite - The madness that is Political Correctness taking over all logic and reason! You don't think there is political correctness in Thailand? It just comes in a different form. What happens if you do not stand up in a movie theater in Thailand when they play a certain song? What subjects are forbidden to be discussed in Thai Visa? What do you call foreigners that stay quiet in the face of inequity? I can assure you that if a Thai faced some of the systemic discrimination in some of our homelands, there would be lawsuits galore. If a Thai wants to criticize my head of state, he won't face criminal charges and a guaranteed jail term. Political correctness comes in different forms.

And that's why I say, don't look for a fancy explanation. Happiness is a state of mind and a great many foreigners had the power to be happy elsewhere, but they only broke down the prison walls they had erected for themselves once they got to Thailand. They are like Dorothy in the Land of Oz; They had the ability to go home and to be happy, but they just didn't recognize their own abilities and qualities. Too many foreigners short change their skills and abilities. Believe in yourself and anything is possible, even happiness.

Edited by geriatrickid
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Are you (The Nation and rich Bangkokians) really ready to teach the Thai children well? Thus, giving them access to Wikileaks and Facebook? We know where education takes: to democracy, freedom of speech, intelligence and eventually the end of the old order. Have a look at Tunisia. Ben Ali regrets to have taught the Tunisian kids so well...

My homeland offers me far more advantages than Thailand does. However, I am in a different demographic than a great many people that are permanently in Thailand. I think the over riding reason for some men is their significant other and children. For the older people that have modest means, I believe it is a money issue. And for a sizeable minority it is because they had to run away from something or they have an interest in certain sexual behaviours or commercial activities that would get them jail time or social ostracization in their homelands. I don't know why there is any need to look for fancy explanations, when the answer is plain to see. Maybe it's just my perception, but the happiest guys here have someone that they love.

I believe it is unfair and not accurate to offer the other reasons;

Tired of an increasingly overbearing nanny state eroding individual freedom; Right. Does this mean that state imposed censorship and corruption isn't overbearing or that the obsecenely expensive levies on foreign imports isn't intrusive?

Aggressive attitudes becoming too commonplace; Hello? Thai road rage is hardly reassuring nor is the nonsense with the Phuket tuk tuk and jet ski gangs fun. Sure it is is "restricted" to certain areas, but the willingness to knife and beat people up is cancerous and is spreading into the general population. The regular deaths from brawls between technical schools is an indication of aggressive behaviour don't you think?

Awful weather ; Uhh, what do you call those horrific floods last year, or the droughts? Sure winter sucks, but so does 35C heat with 80% humidity.

Inability to secure employment around home/chosen area; That's a canard. A wiley person with a bit of pluck can always find a job and doesn't need to go to Thailand. I think that what you will find is that some of the people seeking out work because they couldn't get a job back home are marignal workers or people that wouldn't qualify otherwise. A case in point are foreign teachers. How many of them are actually competent. (I'm not taking a cheap shot. There are some teachers that are excellent, but there a also a great many that stink and are kept away from kids for a very good reason.) Look at the offshore oil workers. Thailand is a convenient place to base oneself out of. They didn't fail at getting a job in their homelands. Rather, their line of work requires them to be out of the country. The same holds for the foreign MNE and NGO workers.

Taxes/bills/insurance/AN OTHER eating away at hard earned salary ; It's a personal choice. I like having the ability to collect a pension. Despite Thailand collecting social security taxes from working foreigners, how many foreigners qualify for the benefits? I like the ability to access medical care in my homeland if need be. I also like the fact that my homeland uses some of my tax money to help those less fortunate. No one wants to pay taxes. I don't. However, my status as a taxpayer gives me tangible benefits.

immigration out of control in major cities ; You might want to check out the Pattaya thread whining about Russians. How about the immigration situation in Thailand? How do all those pedophile manage to earn a frontpage photo on the Pattaya Daily News? What about the middle eastern drug dealing networks that are always losing a mule at the Swampy aerodrome? Why does Thailand let in so many shady characters?

Property prices through the roof ; Come visit Phuket I'll show you inflated prices for crap quality. I was looking at the bulletin board in the Patong Tower and noticed that some of the hard pressed foreign owners had their small basic 65 sq.m 1 bathroom units for for sale. One guy wants 11million baht for the 13th floor . Puheeeze. For that kind of money, I can buy a very nice new house in my homeland. And please don't tell me to move to Isaan. I don't want to live in Isaan as nice as the people are.

And my old favourite - The madness that is Political Correctness taking over all logic and reason! You don't think there is political correctness in Thailand? It just comes in a different form. What happens if you do not stand up in a movie theater in Thailand when they play a certain song? What subjects are forbidden to be discussed in Thai Visa? What do you call foreigners that stay quiet in the face of inequity? I can assure you that if a Thai faced some of the systemic discrimination in some of our homelands, there would be lawsuits galore. If a Thai wants to criticize my head of state, he won't face criminal charges and a guaranteed jail term. Political correctness comes in different forms.

And that's why I say, don't look for a fancy explanation. Happiness is a state of mind and a great many foreigners had the power to be happy elsewhere, but they only broke down the prison walls they had erected for themselves once they got to Thailand. They are like Dorothy in the Land of Oz; They had the ability to go home and to be happy, but they just didn't recognize their own abilities and qualities. Too many foreigners short change their skills and abilities. Believe in yourself and anything is possible, even happiness.

Stop ruining threads with facts.

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Easy for me, In thailand I can go months without seeing or hearing a fat arsed loud mouthed white woman, screw your political correctness its just a plain simple truth for me at least. Thailand can double,triple in price, but for me it is paradise and i am thankful I can be here

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Easy for me, In thailand I can go months without seeing or hearing a fat arsed loud mouthed white woman, screw your political correctness its just a plain simple truth for me at least. Thailand can double,triple in price, but for me it is paradise and i am thankful I can be here

In a similar vein, I suppose I find it less disturbing than the UK. Disturbing as that is. :ermm:

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Why You Prefer Thailand Over Your Homeland

Homeland: Income Tax 39,94 % + Solidarity Tax 2,20 % + Church Tax 3,59 % = Total 45,73 %Germany.gif:bah:

Thailand: Income Tax 0,oo % + Solidarity Tax 0,oo % + Church Tax 0,oo % = Total 0,oo %av-30172.gif:lol:

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There is really only one reason I'm here when you get right down to it. The fact is, in general, Thai children grow up in a culture where respect for their elders is expected, and they learn that trait instinctively. That is not to say all people who are older deserve respect, but the West has gone too far in the other direction. Children and young adults are often incapable of recognizing the value of experience and wisdom, and many times in their exuberance to fix the world they often create more problems than they solve, and hurt those people who shouldn't be hurt. Given that reality, the Thai culture of showing respect for those who are older than you provides a means of moderating some of those unhealthy activities.

The Thai way is not perfect of course, and the system in the West isn't all bad. But Thailand is much closer to the optimum. If all you concern yourself with is materialism and technological progress, then maybe Thailand offers nothing for you. But if you value family and culture, Thailand provides a better environment to grow.

As for the rest, the weather here sucks, it is no longer a cheap country to live, and once you are married the women simply become a nuisance that will cause your wife to become unreasonably jealous. There are tax advantages though, and you don't have to walk through nude scanners in order to board a plane, or face self important TSA cretins who have the manners of a goat. Give me a self important Thai official any day over some pimply faced 25 year old TSA agent in the states with a chip on his shoulder. So the rest of life is just kind of a wash. But the family values thing...that is the reason to stay.

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Family values? Sadly a tradition you're not part of and never will be not being Thai...

As for the young valuing and listening to their elders here? That's all a facade too I'm sorry to say...

Edited by WarpSpeed
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1. As for the rest, the weather here sucks,

2. it is no longer a cheap country to live

1. true, it sucks²!

2. disagree as this depends on the individual situation. all our living expenses are paid for (and much more) by the money we don't pay to Herr Wolfgang Schäuble (the german finance minister) who would use a good part to finance military excursions in far away countries like Afghanistan, house and feed asylum seekers from five dozen far away countries, pay for lazy country fellows who's attitude is "why should i work for the pittance in difference?"

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Family values? Sadly a tradition you're not part of and never will be not being Thai...

As for the young valuing and listening to their elders here? That's all a facade too I'm sorry to say...

I generally agree, but the young valuing and listening to their elders is not a facade. But it is dying.

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