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Xatral Prostate Medicine


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I take Xatral tablets for a mild prostate problem. Does anyone know if this is sold in Bangkok, either over the counter or by prescription? The doctor I saw gave me some other medicines which I don't want to take if I can get Xatral. Many thanks.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I just finished a 30 day treatment with Xatral. I bought it at a pharmacy here in Chiang Mai. Just for your info, I paid 1200 baht for 30 pills.

I have too a mild prostate problem. The doctor gave me the rx after I asked, meaning that it may not even be necessarily. I was (am) afraid about the side effects. What is your experience with that? When I asked about potency issues the doctor told me that it is not as taking Finasteride and Other 5-Alpha-Reductase Inhibitors (witch may cause impotence), but may even increase the potency. Is this true? How about taking the medicine for a while (to test it) and than stop the treatment? How about alcohol or taking Viagra, etc... at the same time?

Any other comments, please. Thank you!

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my elderly chum has prostrate cancer. Had a urine bag fitted for months. A Thai family friend grew a herb to drink as a tea that does the business with this sort of disease. Three years on, no bag, no problem. He now grows the herb himself. No idea what it's called but...............:)

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I just finished a 30 day treatment with Xatral. I bought it at a pharmacy here in Chiang Mai. Just for your info, I paid 1200 baht for 30 pills.

I have too a mild prostate problem. The doctor gave me the rx after I asked, meaning that it may not even be necessarily. I was (am) afraid about the side effects. What is your experience with that? When I asked about potency issues the doctor told me that it is not as taking Finasteride and Other 5-Alpha-Reductase Inhibitors (witch may cause impotence), but may even increase the potency. Is this true? How about taking the medicine for a while (to test it) and than stop the treatment? How about alcohol or taking Viagra, etc... at the same time?

Any other comments, please. Thank you!

As said, I took a 30 supply/treatment. The pharmacist recommended a 30 day or 60 day treatment. My doctor was useless, I gave up trying to get any professional answers from him. I did not have any side effects. I did have several headaches at night during this period, but cannot connect them to the medication. Also, I really didn't notice any improvement until about a week after taking all the medication. My urine flow is almost back to normal. I cannot comment on the increase/decrease of potency - not affected. I would not just "test" the treatment, take at least a 30 day treatment. I do not drink, but it's a no brainer to stop or limit your alcohol intake when taking any sort of medication. Viagra - don't know, don't use it.

I will add that after my 30 day treatment I started taking a herb, Saw Palmetto. I ordered it from the US. It's suppose to contribute to shrinking the prostrate. I'm taking it just as an add on to the Xatral. Don't know if it helps or not. I did alot of research on it and thought I'd try it. Google it and see what you think.

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Headache is a known side effect of Xatral (although only abouyt 3% of users experience it).

The drug works by relaxing smooth muscle, which makes it easier to pass urine. (Smooth muscle = the muscles of various body organs, which is not under our voluntary control). It does not reduce prostate enlargement or alter the progression of the condition. It just gives symptomatic relief.

Its other common side effects are all related to the relaxation of smooth muscle: constipation/nausea (from decreased motility in the GI tract), hypotension (from relaxation of the smooth muscles in blood vessels).

It is contraindicated in [people with significant heart disease and liver problems.

Saw palmetto has shown conflicting results in different studies. A 2003 study indicated effecetiveness but a more rigorous one conducted in 2009 did not.

one issue with saw palmetto as with all herbal remedies is that, if made in the US, manufacturers are not held to any pharmaceutical standard as to the amount of active ingrediant present (because herbal remedies i nthe US are marketed as "nutritional supplements"). Studies have shown that the amount of active ingrediant in different preparations vvaries enormously and in some cases is virtually nil.

In EU countries there is more control so where possible it is always best to get an herbal medication manufactured in the UK or Europe. Otherwise it is hiot or miss as to how much active ingrediant you'll be getting.

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The Australian standard for 'alternative medicine' supplements is world's best practice, and is administered by a body called the Therapeutic Goods Administration. It is superior to any equivalent body in the U.S. Blackmores makes a saw palmetto product, but I forget the name. This company has been around for 70+ years. It is sadly expensive both here in Oz and LOS. I think their site is blackmores.com.au. Bioglan is another reputable company but I don't know about their availability in LOS. If money is no object then Blackmores is a no-brainer.

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I just finished a 30 day treatment with Xatral. I bought it at a pharmacy here in Chiang Mai. Just for your info, I paid 1200 baht for 30 pills.

I have too a mild prostate problem. The doctor gave me the rx after I asked, meaning that it may not even be necessarily. I was (am) afraid about the side effects. What is your experience with that? When I asked about potency issues the doctor told me that it is not as taking Finasteride and Other 5-Alpha-Reductase Inhibitors (witch may cause impotence), but may even increase the potency. Is this true? How about taking the medicine for a while (to test it) and than stop the treatment? How about alcohol or taking Viagra, etc... at the same time?

Any other comments, please. Thank you!

As said, I took a 30 supply/treatment. The pharmacist recommended a 30 day or 60 day treatment. My doctor was useless, I gave up trying to get any professional answers from him. I did not have any side effects. I did have several headaches at night during this period, but cannot connect them to the medication. Also, I really didn't notice any improvement until about a week after taking all the medication. My urine flow is almost back to normal. I cannot comment on the increase/decrease of potency - not affected. I would not just "test" the treatment, take at least a 30 day treatment. I do not drink, but it's a no brainer to stop or limit your alcohol intake when taking any sort of medication. Viagra - don't know, don't use it.

I will add that after my 30 day treatment I started taking a herb, Saw Palmetto. I ordered it from the US. It's suppose to contribute to shrinking the prostrate. I'm taking it just as an add on to the Xatral. Don't know if it helps or not. I did alot of research on it and thought I'd try it. Google it and see what you think.

Thank you for answering jimmym40!

By testing the medicine I meant at least 2 weeks (the doctor told me to do so to see what will happen...). I red on the net that it helps, but stopping the medicine it will stop the effect... Because my problem is not very serious I am thinking to find out as much is possible about this medicine before I even start using it. So please, any comment will be appreciated!. When I asked the doctor about the potency side effects he told me that there is no risk, in fact it may help for the better. But, only people who used it can answer all this questions... Thanks! /D.

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doru - in my opinion, testing for two weeks will not benefit much. I say, if you are going to start it, finish the 30 treatment. You may not get any satisfaction out of the 15 day treatment and therefore believe the medication doesn't work. I would like to know the end result if you do take the medication.

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Swisse makes a fantastic product for those with benign prostatic hyperthrophy.

It is called Prostate here is some info from the website.

Are you searching for relief for the symptoms of medically diagnosed Benign Prostatic Hypertrophy (enlarged prostate)? These symptoms may include

urinary challenges, a hesitant interrupted weak stream, urinary frequency, urgency and dribbling or leaking.

You are not alone! Prostate enlargement occurs in more than 50% of men over the age of 50 years.

Swisse Ultiboost PROSTATE has been formulated specifically to assist in the reduction of these associated symptoms.

The main herbal ingredient is a standardised extract of Saw Palmetto. Saw Palmetto has been traditionally used for male urinary conditions and was described by traditional physicians as 'old man's friend'. Modern clinical studies support the use of Saw palmetto for the symptomatic relief of prostate enlargement.

Swisse Ultiboost PROSTATE also contains the herbs Nettle and Pumpkin seed as well as important synergistic vitamins and minerals such as lycopene, vitamin D, zinc and folic acid.

Other important considerations:

- Take steps to reduce your blood cholesterol level.

Studies have shown a connection between high

cholesterol and prostate disorders.

- Include a small handful of pumpkin seeds as a

daily snack. They are a rich source of zinc. Zinc

deficiencies are linked with prostate disorders.

- Get regular exercise. However, choose walking

over bike riding. Cycling can put unnecessary

pressure on the prostate.

- It is important that enlargement of the prostate is

diagnosed correctly. Make an appointment to see

you doctor and ensure you have a annual check-


Swisse Ultiboost PROSTATE is based on 25 years of research and contains scientifically validated ingredients, to assist in normal prostate function.

Swisse Ultiboost PROSTATE is based on the assessment of clinical studies, which indicate that certain ingredients in the formula provide relief from the symptoms of medically diagnosed Benign Prostatic Hypertrophy (or Hyperplasia, commonly known as prostate enlargement).

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doru - in my opinion, testing for two weeks will not benefit much. I say, if you are going to start it, finish the 30 treatment. You may not get any satisfaction out of the 15 day treatment and therefore believe the medication doesn't work. I would like to know the end result if you do take the medication.

Thanks for following my questions, and for your answers, jimmym40! I don't...like medicine. If it's not really necessarily I prefer not to use them...I understand you had no side effects when you took Xatral. You still take them after the 30 days treatment? If not, how long you didn't and how is it without it...? Any other comments, please. I hope more users may come with comments as well.

Thank you.

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I took one pill and immediately felt very dizzy and very tired. Had to leave work. Could not leave my bed from 6pm onwards all night. Effects were still there the next day.

The insert says that these side effects generally go away after a few days, but I am not sure if I can handle testing that theory.

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doru - in my opinion, testing for two weeks will not benefit much. I say, if you are going to start it, finish the 30 treatment. You may not get any satisfaction out of the 15 day treatment and therefore believe the medication doesn't work. I would like to know the end result if you do take the medication.

Thanks for following my questions, and for your answers, jimmym40! I don't...like medicine. If it's not really necessarily I prefer not to use them...I understand you had no side effects when you took Xatral. You still take them after the 30 days treatment? If not, how long you didn't and how is it without it...? Any other comments, please. I hope more users may come with comments as well.

Thank you.

As I said in early post. I only took it for 30 days and didn't notice improvement in flow for about two weeks afterwards. I also started taking the Saw Plametto just after the 30 day treatment. So far, the flow is fine and I don't know whether to contribute it to the 30 day Xatral or from the saw plametto. If I was to guess, the improvement is from the Xatral. Hopefully the Xatral did shrink the prostrate a little and hopefully will stay that way. I probably won't get another exaime for six months.

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Xatral does not shrink the prostate, there is no possible mechanism by which it possibly could. It just provides temporary symptomatic relief as described in post #7

Well, that's what one doctor told me, Xatral is for shrinking the prostrate. So then, is there any medication out there specifically to shrink the prostrate gland?

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Finasteride (Proscar and local brand names) and dutasteride (Avodart) do so by blocking production of a type of testosterone. However, enlargement will recur if the medications are stopped i.e. have to be taken for life. As with all drugs there are potential risks and side effects.

Saw plametto has been reported to have a similiar action although study results are conflicting.

The only way to permanently shrink the prostate is through invasive procedures. Ones that do not involve surgery include:

  • microwave thermotherapy
  • needle ablation
  • sclerotherapy (new)

And if all else fails there is surgery, with a varuiety of techniques.

Above discussion pertains solely to benign enlargment of the prostate, prostate cancer is a whole other matter and needs to be ruled out if it hasn't already been.

It does not sound like you have gotten very good medical advice nor have a good understanding of the condition and its treatment options. Rather than experimenting on your own with various drugs I strongly suggest you see a competent specialist. Some very good Western-trained urologists are recommended in a pinned notice in this forum.

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  • 4 weeks later...

my elderly chum has prostrate cancer. Had a urine bag fitted for months. A Thai family friend grew a herb to drink as a tea that does the business with this sort of disease. Three years on, no bag, no problem. He now grows the herb himself. No idea what it's called but...............:)

Well thats REAL helpful, can't you ask your elderly chum what the ell the herb is called :rolleyes: ?

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