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Not sure if this forum or "general topics" is the most suitable, but since it is a computer related query decided to try here.

Do any of you UK citizens resident in Thailand have an account with Barclays (specifically as that is who I bank with in the UK) and have the privilege of accessing it via the internet? I have been trying and failing to get authorisation to get access. It appears Thailand is a risky country for financial dealings and I am not allowed to set-up on-line access which is really frustrating as I have to wait for statements to arrive in the post to track payments of any kind.

I would be happy to hear of any success stories!

Thank you


No issues with Lloyds or Nationwide (or my Luxembourg offshore account).

You may be able to use a VPN or proxy to get to Barclays (to bypass their protection) but it would obviously be unwise to use a free or public service for banking.

What do Barclays say? it is after all your money :)

"I don't want to know why you can't. I want to know how you can!"


I have had limited success with NatWest online banking but their service over the past 30 years has been quite basic vs what can be done with the international majors especially in last 10 years since Internet banking has taken hold. I just use it for occasional UK pocket money, and can see online statements, nothing else.


I bank with both Barclays and Nationwide and have no difficulty operating their internet sites from Thailand, or anywhere else for that matter.

Thank you for all the replies. Your reply in particular is of interest 'rodentwarrior'. Did you open the Barclays on-line account whilst you were resident in Thailand or before coming here? I tried from here after waiting on the telephone for them to answer for ~45 minutes one day last year and was told by the person on the phone "Why don't you open an on-line account?" Great I thought I will do that, but when I tried I had a letter back saying they could not as I was resident in Thailand. When I visited the UK I tried again by visiting them in the local branch and again received mixed messages, only to leave empty handed. Your experience and anyone elses who has an active Barclays online account might well help.

Thank you

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