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Should The Ladyboys On Walking Street Be Regulated?


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There are more ladyboys than unattached girls on Walking Street especially later at night.

The ladyboys seem to be getting more and more aggressive in pushing the merchandise. It seems there is an increase in verbal and physical alternations. Many of the ladyboys just can not take "NO" for an answer. In addition, many of the ladyboys seem to run in packs with their ladyboy friends.

Over the past several years, the number and aggressiveness of the ladyboys on Walking Street (and Beach Road) has increased.

I do not know the answer but this type of behavior hurts tourists and expats.

The reason I do not mention the girls is that for the most part the girls are passive. The most aggressive action have seen is the occasional girl trying to hold your hand to get some attention. Most of the girls sit on the sidelines and occasionally waive and/or say "Hello" to get your attention.

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Isn't it romantic?

Realistically, what do you expect to happen? Pattaya just spent many millions on those street crossing contraptions and the police whined we don't have the resources to enforce violations of vehicles that don't stop.

So they round them up. Then what? A 200 baht fine and right back out there.

I think you are right to be concerned and many of those shemales can be very dangerous indeed, but expecting anything from the authorities here is a farce.

Some more examples, the ongoing jet ski mafia, the taxi meters that don't use meters ...

Edited by Jingthing
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Nobody will do anything about this and has been a problem for many years. I have lived here for over 10 years now and have only been to walking street on a few occasions so the best thing to do is not go there. Then in time they will move elsewhere. Take Soi 6, a few years ago there were very few LBs but now a lot so people are avoiding the place and you only see tourists there and very few expats so I would expect the same to happen in WS

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Something should be done about them but it never will. They are getting more and more in your face, and they are multiplyling fast.

If they would spread out the Tourist police along walking street, like two ever 100 meters, most of this stuff would stop, but instead they have 12 at each end and a free for all in the middle. Kind of makes you think they dont want to stop all the bad stuff that happens in between them. When they ocasionally walk the street it is in a pack with flags waving so everyone can be good for a few minutes. I watch all the time, vendors run and hide and come out 5 meters behind them to continue TIT

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Tolerate bunch aren't you?

Transsexuals should have the same rights as men and women in Thailand, any different would be prejudice upon sexual identity.

It's an established fact that you don't choose your sexual identity as you don't choose your sexuality.

I'd bet you are the same people to cry prejudice on 'double pricing' when visiting Thai public parks.

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Something should be done about them but it never will. They are getting more and more in your face, and they are multiplyling fast.

If they would spread out the Tourist police along walking street, like two ever 100 meters, most of this stuff would stop, but instead they have 12 at each end and a free for all in the middle. Kind of makes you think they dont want to stop all the bad stuff that happens in between them. When they ocasionally walk the street it is in a pack with flags waving so everyone can be good for a few minutes. I watch all the time, vendors run and hide and come out 5 meters behind them to continue TIT

Correct. The Tourist police should be stationed all along Walking Street. They could be rotated every hour or so to keep them moving.


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Tolerate bunch aren't you?

Transsexuals should have the same rights as men and women in Thailand, any different would be prejudice upon sexual identity.

It's an established fact that you don't choose your sexual identity as you don't choose your sexuality.

I'd bet you are the same people to cry prejudice on 'double pricing' when visiting Thai public parks.

Godzilla could be on walking street and I wouldn't care........as long as he wasn't grabbing me, a shouting out at me, and standing in my way so I have to walk around him. Guess you forgot that part, didnt you

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Racist comments and Hang em high posts removed from view, if you have something constructive to add to the topic then please do.

I would at this time like to draw your attention to the the following Thai Visa rule:

7) Not to post slurs or degrading comments directed towards any group on the basis of race, nationality, religion, gender or sexual orientation.

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Racist comments and Hang em high posts removed from view, if you have something constructive to add to the topic then please do.

7) Not to post slurs or degrading comments directed towards any group on the basis of race, nationality, religion, gender or sexual orientation.

This rule brings up some very interesting definitional questions with regards to Thailand's ladyboys. Specifically, when it comes to slurs or degrading comments directed towards them. I mean, if a "homophobic" comment was posted and directed towards ladyboys, most would argue that it doesn't pertain to them as most ladyboys [and psychologists] argue that they are "straight," i.e., straight women trapped in a male physical body. So then would it really be a slur? And what about sexual orientation, ladyboys again argue that their orientation is "straight" or opposite-sex attraction as their psychological profile is female and they are attracted to men even though they were born with the physical attributes of a man. Therefore, a post slurring those with a non-opposite sex attraction again would not apply to them.

And then there is the whole other matter of the men who enjoy their company...are they gay, straight or something in-between? Are they attracted to them because they are the most effeminate of men or the most male of women or some completely different "third gender" altogether?

It all gets very complicated very fast. But again, they are just people - no different than anyone else, no matter what their "gender" or "orientation;" and as long as they are not breaking the law [any more than any of the other girls loitering on Walking Street] they have as much right to be there as anyone else.

Edited by FarangBuddha
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a slur is a slur...use common sense and you will understand that we cannot put everything someone could possibly post a slur against mention in the rules. Again, please keep this thread on the white side and it will remain open. B)

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Heh, a topic with 'regulation' in the title pertaining to Thailand.

Precious. ;)

When Thailand gets regulated, I leave.

In your own way I kinda agree with you (quite a rare event!)

Almost every day you hear reports about some tourist getting ripped off by a prostitute in Pattaya, or a jumper often related to falling in with a BG and spending everything, or the drugs and violence, or or or ...

If you want to regulate, then please have at it! Regulate it all. Close the bars. No more bar fines, No more "pros". No after-hours places. Just Pattaya's daytime glorious beaches (cough*) and the lovely quality of the ambience in living there!

Or simply avoid places that you KNOW have issues. For the most part I simply avoid Pattaya, it doesn't mix with my life in Thailand. I don't whine that it exists, I just avoid it.

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The ladyboys seem to be getting more and more aggressive in pushing the merchandise. It seems there is an increase in verbal and physical alternations. Many of the ladyboys just can not take "NO" for an answer. In addition, many of the ladyboys seem to run in packs with their ladyboy friends.

Maybe the altercations are on the rise, but I think this has a lot to do with more and more homophobes coming to Pattaya: Russians, Iranians, etc.

I never had a problem with LBs on SW or elsewhere when they do their "show". Just keep your hands in your pockets to make sure one of their friends doesn't pilfer something out of there.

A smile and a joke always get rid of them with no violence in less than 30 secs.

BUT: many people I see in WS push them away while making a homophobic grin and adding an insult or two... I think they get what they deserve when such arguments degenerate.

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ladyboys should have exactly the same rights as everybody else. including going to jail for harassing people. just think, if a man was harassing women walking by, he'd be in jail pretty quick. so it's only fair that ladyboys get exactly the same treatment, then they dont need to whine about prejudice.

of course that would need some support from the authorities, which is a whole different story....

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ladyboys should have exactly the same rights as everybody else. including going to jail for harassing people. just think, if a man was harassing women walking by, he'd be in jail pretty quick. so it's only fair that ladyboys get exactly the same treatment, then they dont need to whine about prejudice.

of course that would need some support from the authorities, which is a whole different story....

I am not exactly homophobic but quite possibly mildly heterophobic, but living in Pattaya has helped with that. I agree this is about aggressive behavior and yes it is very noticeable and most of the perps do appear to be ladyboys. I am the type who wouldn't want their services in a million years, but I am harassed by them too, often in packs yes, and I don't like it and understand quite well why others wouldn't. I don't buy the "tricking" attack by UG. Who are they fooling? (Give me a break.) Of course its not only about street aggression, it's also about what happens back in the rooms to those they lure. Is it too not PC to notice that a high proportion of the horrific sex worker related robberies/druggings and yes even murders are done by ladyboys? Of course, not only ladyboys, but sorry, I noticed the problem just reading the news here over the years.

That all said, not sure what can be done. No you can't single out all ladyboys because some are criminals. A competent police force could be around to arrest the aggressive ones, though not sure what crime that is though unless they actually assault someone, so it would probably just be another joke of a streetwalking charge. So we are back to square one, there isn't a police force here interested in that kind of work.

Edited by Jingthing
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I don't buy the "tricking" attack by UG. Who are they fooling?

You do not think that a good number of drunken rubes do not realize that they are not women until they get them back to their room? :blink:

Everyone is not as worldly as you are.

Edited by Ulysses G.
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I actually agree with the moderators ...

1) Lady-boys should have the same rights and opportunities as regular girls. Who am I to

judge ... BUT, a BIG BUT, they need to practice restrain and hold back just like the girls

do. Just because I walk WS alone, it does not give each of the them right to grab my arm

and try to pull me to the side. POLICE (not tourist wanna be cops) need to regulate this.

2) I have personally watched tourist police, and find them only get involved to "punish"

other foreigners. They will in no circumstance get involved if an ex-pat has a problem

with a local Thai. I can speak out of personal experience and will be happy to elaborate

if interested (or required by moderators).



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I don't buy the "tricking" attack by UG. Who are they fooling?

You do not think that a good number of drunken rubes do not realize that they are not women until they get them back to their room? :blink:

Everyone is not as worldly as you are.

OK, I'll grant you that happens sometimes. But for most part the ladyboy fans are heterosexually identified and specifically looking for what they are getting. Also keep in mind we have many people coming from places like India and Iran where transgendered prostitutes are the going thing, and there is nothing gay at all about a man seeking them out.

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I actually agree with the moderators ...

1) Lady-boys should have the same rights and opportunities as regular girls. Who am I to

judge ... BUT, a BIG BUT, they need to practice restrain and hold back just like the girls

do. Just because I walk WS alone, it does not give each of the them right to grab my arm

and try to pull me to the side. POLICE (not tourist wanna be cops) need to regulate this.

2) I have personally watched tourist police, and find them only get involved to "punish"

other foreigners. They will in no circumstance get involved if an ex-pat has a problem

with a local Thai. I can speak out of personal experience and will be happy to elaborate

if interested (or required by moderators).



Yeah...those girls on sois 6, 7, and 8, not to mention the ones beaconoing anyone taking a stroll on the beach, are really restrained and hold themselves back :lol: If any group of "girls" in Pattaya need regulating it's certainly them. They cause far more annoyance and disturbance to the residents and visitors to Pattaya than the ladyboys because of their schere numbers so if it's a problem of harassment of people in Pattaya that concerns you, why not start with the biggest problem first?

Edited by FarangBuddha
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OK, I'll grant you that happens sometimes. But for most part the ladyboy fans are heterosexually identified and specifically looking for what they are getting. Also keep in mind we have many people coming from places like India and Iran where transgendered prostitutes are the going thing, and there is nothing gay at all about a man seeking them out.

where did you gather the nonsense about "transgendered prostitutes are the going thing in India and Iran"?

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Tolerate bunch aren't you?

Transsexuals should have the same rights as men and women in Thailand, any different would be prejudice upon sexual identity.

It's an established fact that you don't choose your sexual identity as you don't choose your sexuality.

I'd bet you are the same people to cry prejudice on 'double pricing' when visiting Thai public parks.

Godzilla could be on walking street and I wouldn't care........as long as he wasn't grabbing me, a shouting out at me, and standing in my way so I have to walk around him. Guess you forgot that part, didnt you

Grabbing you? Shouting at you? In your way? Sounds like some drunks one encounters all over Pattaya or the Indian tailors or some of the girls downtown.

It's one thing to regulate against anti-social behaviour but quite another thing altogether to regulate against an entire group simply becasue you do not like the behaviour of some from that group. Actually, I won't mention the war but wasn't there a bloke named Adolf who did not like the behaviour of some Jews and then decided to "regulate" against the entire race?

The title of this thread as it stands is against forum rules because the very title seeks to isolate and discriminate against a group of people on very limited anecdotal evidence, a la Adolf. Really what the OP wants is: "Should anti-social behaviour and/or harrassment by individuals on Walking St be regulated". That is, unsolicited harrassment by ALL persons should be regulated against, except of course some big hansum men here don't mind attention from the right sort of people.

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One post has been removed from view, discussion of moderation is not allowed on the forum.

I can easily close the thread if you have done discussing the OPs question.

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Yeah...those girls on sois 6, 7, and 8, not to mention the ones beaconoing anyone taking a stroll on the beach, are really restrained and hold themselves back :lol: If any group of "girls" in Pattaya need regulating it's certainly them. They cause far more annoyance and disturbance to the residents and visitors to Pattaya than the ladyboys because of their schere numbers so if it's a problem of harassment of people in Pattaya that concerns you, why not start with the biggest problem first?

Perhaps I like being harassed by real girls ;)



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Yeah...those girls on sois 6, 7, and 8, not to mention the ones beaconoing anyone taking a stroll on the beach, are really restrained and hold themselves back :lol: If any group of "girls" in Pattaya need regulating it's certainly them. They cause far more annoyance and disturbance to the residents and visitors to Pattaya than the ladyboys because of their schere numbers so if it's a problem of harassment of people in Pattaya that concerns you, why not start with the biggest problem first?

Perhaps I like being harassed by real girls ;)



And many like being "harassed" by ladyboys. So back to the op's question, no, I don't think they need to be regulated.

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And many like being "harassed" by ladyboys. So back to the op's question, no, I don't think they need to be regulated.

You certainly are concerned about this Mr. FarangBuddha. Am I incorrect to guess that you have some sort of personal interest in this particular topic? :ermm:

Edited by Ulysses G.
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