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Thai Women Top Financial Literacy: Master Card

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MasterCard: Thai women top financial literacy


BANGKOK (NNT) -- Thai women are found to have the highest literacy in financial management in the Asia-Pacific region, says the first survey on women and finance conducted by MasterCard.

According to MasterCard Thailand Vice President and Manager Eileen Wee, Thai women scored the highest aggregate score with 73.9 points, based on three indicators, including 87 points for financial plan, 69.3 points for investment and 67.9 points for basic financial management.

The survey indicated that Thai women give importance to financial management, and this can show that Thai women are accepted and trusted to play more roles or work in financial and investment related positions, which require knowledge, thorough understanding and financial awareness.

After Thai women, New Zealand and Australian women followed with 71.3 and 70.2 points respectively. Vietnamese women were at the fourth with 70.1 points, followed by Singaporean women with 69.4 points. The lowest in the chart are Chinese women with 60.1 points, Japanese women with 59.9 points and Korean women with 55.9 points.

Of the three components that make up the surveys, women across the region as a whole scored the best with 74.6 points in financial plan, 63.9 points in basic money management and 56.7 points in investment.

The survey was conducted for the first time from 13 September to 11 November 2010 with 5,094 women in 14 Asia-Pacific countries, including Australia, China, Hong Kong, India, Indonesia, Japan, Malaysia, New Zealand, the Philippines, Korea, Singapore, Taiwan, Vietnam and Thailand.


-- NNT 2011-03-07 footer_n.gif


Really? Or I should perhaps ask for a breakdown of income-groups creating this high average.

Sadly, most Thai people I see couldn't manage their money out of a toll-both on a highway due to lack of budgetary planning...and even the decently well-paid staff around me all seem to be broke the days before salary is out (yes, mostly men, but even they should be able to pick up some pointers by their gf's?).


I anticipate a few comments along the lines of how can it be. Well, I don't know how accurate the MC review is, however, the results are really not that surprising. In any country where there is systemic poverty and an absence of government assistance,, women assume the burden of managing the family unit. The women by necessity tend to have some financial skills. Those skills might not be on the same level as an accountant's, but they have to know how to budget for food, clothes and other essentials so that the family survives. If one looks at the countries surveyed, Thailand is in the bottom 5 of income (China, India, Indonesia and the Phillipines are the others). What probably sets Thailand apart from the other bottom countries is that the Thais may have a better education and the social environment allows more power to the women.


Really? Or I should perhaps ask for a breakdown of income-groups creating this high average.

Sadly, most Thai people I see couldn't manage their money out of a toll-both on a highway due to lack of budgetary planning...and even the decently well-paid staff around me all seem to be broke the days before salary is out (yes, mostly men, but even they should be able to pick up some pointers by their gf's?).


My family used to be careless with money and had the attitude that Buddha will provide. It took them a little while before it sank in that I am not Buddha. I have even persuaded my up country family to draw up a budget and to maintain a reserve to meet any unforeseen contingencies.

They now accept that everything has value to somebody and after I provided three large bins all bottles, cans and plastic is placed in the appropriate one which, when full up, is taken down the local salvage merchant and sold. The ashes of bonfires are spread to improve fertility and compost heaps built to provide more humus to the soil or act as a mulch. Every square yard of the farms must be used to produce something of value. I have inducted them into a belief that I saw some truth in at an early age. It isn't your reduced income that makes you poor, it is what you do with it. Furthermore, if you can't make a profit from an activity, then don't do it. Quantify the benefits of any prospective purchase before parting with any money. Do buy non perishables in bulk and buy perishables in larger amounts and keep them in the refrigerator//freezer. Waste not, want not.


More breaking business news on Thai women... and another surprise...

Thailand beats Australia on women bosses

Australia has more women in senior management jobs than the global average, but it is still streets behind the world's forerunner, Thailand. Research by business consultant Grant Thornton has found that the number of women holding senior management positions in Australian privately held businesses has grown 4 per cent since 2009. It found that 27 per cent of senior positions are held by women, ahead of the global average of 20 per cent.

But the consultant says there is still significant work to be done. Despite the improvement, Australia is still ranked 16th in the world, trailing Thailand where women hold 45 per cent of senior management roles. "While Thailand's high ranking may come as a surprise to some, we believe that the availability and affordability of external assistance like extended family, nannies, nurseries and childcare has made it easier for women to move back to the workforce," Grant Thornton Australia director and leader of its Women's Initiative Nicole Bradley says.



Australian Associated Press - 1 hour, 5 minutes ago


Perhaps Thailand should appoint women to control the budgets of the what are whimsically called the Armed Forces. All thoughts of buying 30 year old tanks and submarines might then be consigned to the dustbin. I wonder what the return on that ultimate in white elephants, namely a junior version of an aircraft carrier, is?

Thailand, the hub of female financial conservatism?


Perhaps Thailand should appoint women to control the budgets of the what are whimsically called the Armed Forces. All thoughts of buying 30 year old tanks and submarines might then be consigned to the dustbin.

To be replaced by thoughts of Hello Kitty Armored Personnel Carriers. :P


Seriously tho', you're right. Women, in general, are better at budgeting money, irregardless of the area.


Perhaps Thailand should appoint women to control the budgets of the what are whimsically called the Armed Forces. All thoughts of buying 30 year old tanks and submarines might then be consigned to the dustbin.

To be replaced by thoughts of Hello Kitty Armored Personnel Carriers. :P


Seriously tho', you're right. Women, in general, are better at budgeting money, irregardless of the area.

How very droll. :D

You are wasted here John., Get your ass down to Surin and cheer up all those depressed people. :jap:


Really? Or I should perhaps ask for a breakdown of income-groups creating this high average.

Sadly, most Thai people I see couldn't manage their money out of a toll-both on a highway due to lack of budgetary planning...and even the decently well-paid staff around me all seem to be broke the days before salary is out (yes, mostly men, but even they should be able to pick up some pointers by their gf's?).

u ask for a breakdown of income-groups... It is a study from Credit Card data.

U gotta give the ladies some credit for money managment.

Guys will gamble, drink and have as many girls untill the pocket weeps.

I love this unresponsible life.

Sure is better than topping up the fat western bitch's extravance CC expenditure.


In Thailand it is common use to let the grandparents raise the kids, so mom can go to work.

All Thais I know with a little bit of cash, have a nanny, or the ones without the cash, have their kids raised by grandpa and grandma.

Therefore I can understand that the number of women in senior management is higher then anywhere else.

If f.i. in Australia it would be common to have your kids raised by the grandparents and/or the costs of having nannies would not be that high, I think more women would be in senior management positions down there as well.


Since the men here are constantly sleeping, I am not surprised that the women are tops in every field. All they have to do is stay awake during the day and BINGO


Really? Or I should perhaps ask for a breakdown of income-groups creating this high average.

Sadly, most Thai people I see couldn't manage their money out of a toll-both on a highway due to lack of budgetary planning...and even the decently well-paid staff around me all seem to be broke the days before salary is out (yes, mostly men, but even they should be able to pick up some pointers by their gf's?).

u ask for a breakdown of income-groups... It is a study from Credit Card data.

U gotta give the ladies some credit for money managment.

Guys will gamble, drink and have as many girls untill the pocket weeps.

I love this unresponsible life.

Sure is better than topping up the fat western bitch's extravance CC expenditure.

Well said that man! Do I detect a trace of bitterness here?? <_<

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