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Real Yeast Waffles

Ulysses G.

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Someone last week mentioned that there no real waffles in Chiang Mai to Mr. Butter is Better - the few places that sell them use pancake batter which is not the same. Several days later he came up with the real thing and they are excellent.

They make a nice addition to his wholewheat, buttermilk pancakes, blintzes, real cheese danishes and French toast and he is talking about adding Belgian waffles soon. :licklips:

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Thanks for the totally unsolicited and spontaneous endorsement and if I say that the "package" can be found under the rock behind the Finnish consulate that has absolutely no bearing on anything. Just chalk it down to graphomania.

The good thing about yeasted waffles is that they have more flavor than baking powder/baking soda waffles. The bad is that they have to rise for at least 12 hours in the fridge to develop that flavor. So if we run out, that's pretty much it for the day.

As for the waffles themselves, they are so light that sometimes we have to fasten them to the plate with grappling hooks. And it's not easy getting grappling hooks in these parts. The only people I know who have them on offer are Somali pirates. Or Vikings. Or cat burglars.

Edited by butterisbetter
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LOL.. My first thought at this topic was 'Oh not again.. endless waxing about some food item.. must-not-respond.. let it die..'

But I have to say I enjoyed Butterisbetter's reply. :)

Will have to try it now. ( I never eat waffles in this country. That's because local waffle peddlers typically also mke them with steamed corn in it, and I can't STAND the smell of steamed corn. ;) )

Maybe this weekend. :thumbsup:

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How cute ! UG n BiB... a true Chiang Mai love story. Don't worry, I'm not jealous. I have my own BiB relationship, so we can share. I'm thinking it's about time for some pie or chocolate torte right about now. Will have to stop by this week.

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