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Ikea Plans Two More Stores In Bangkok


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IKEA will be building to their own standard, which is stringent, and rarely if ever seen in This country. They may well be having construction problems.

Ever been to an up-market hotel (not talking about run-down pseudo-5-star places) and noticed how people tick there? Careful selection, education & motivation is the 3-toothed key. Everywhere.

Serving on at Ikea will not be the same as in an up-market 5-star hotel. The pay and conditions, room for promotion etc and hence pool from which they can select the best candidates is entirely different. It does not take a great deal of education to know how to treat customers and know what is going on in a store - it takes common sense, good training, good management and good conditions of work. Somehow there is at least 1 of these things missing in all the supermarkets and stores I have been to in Thailand. I expect it to be exactly the same with Ikea. I doubt Ikea's ticking sensation would have any real effect on Thai methods at the level of a sales assistant. You wait until the Ikea store opens - the first day they will be all lined up in their uniforms and make-up (guys included) wai-ing and smiling - then after a few weeks, they will be in groups giggling and calling their mates whenever a customer asks something and then saying 'mai mee', no have, or pointing vaguely, without bothering to walk with you to show you where a product is supposed to be. The Swedes are in for a real shock when applying their well-worn and trusted management methods to Thailand.

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Wow, Ikea is going for total innovation in the Thai consumer market: a 43,000 square meter store with a staff of only 400? That's not even one person per 100 square meters. I counted 36 "sales staff" in the appliance section of HomePro once. Hard to imagine only 1 per 100 square meters...

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Wow, Ikea is going for total innovation in the Thai consumer market: a 43,000 square meter store with a staff of only 400? That's not even one person per 100 square meters. I counted 36 "sales staff" in the appliance section of HomePro once. Hard to imagine only 1 per 100 square meters...

There will be none in the sofa - chairs, bed areas cause nobody buys those anyway - there will be 38 near the food at the end though.

The returns section will have one person. :lol:

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"We offer consumers prices 1020 per cent lower than our competitors' similar basic products and up to 4050 per cent cheaper for midend to premium products," he said.

All products or just the occasional loss leader he asked knowingly :whistling:

What surprises me is that it takes so long to open a store. The stores are all flat top and basic constriction. All they needs is inventory and not all at the store. Most of the furniture are stored in a central place in the warehouse

IKEA will be building to their own standard, which is stringehent and rarely if ever seen in This country. They may well be having construction problems.

On top of that they are especially fussy about the business structure which they use. They are also reputed to have a zero tolerance for paying bribes (they are pulling out of Russia for this headline reason).

Getting these issues sorted probably led to the delay.

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Index go home! IKEA will effectively be without competition. The other furniture stores in Thailand sells mostly overpriced crap. I can see Index have tried to copy the IKEA-concept in terms of store layout, designs, labeling etc., but they totally forgot about quality and pricing. If we'll see IKEA here with pricing similar to Singapore, this will be a total showstopper for the rest of the market. Love it

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I live in Cyprus - and furnished my apartment largely from IKEA. With just one store on the Island, and being at the end of a long supply chain, availability of what you want in the preferred colour/size is an issue. The Thai operation may face the same problem unless they source locally.

And does anyone know where the Malaysian operation sources its stock - I am concerned about import duties pushing up prices in bangkok when I come to re-do my Thai house.

"We offer consumers prices 1020 per cent lower than our competitors' similar basic products and up to 4050 per cent cheaper for midend to premium products," he said.

All products or just the occasional loss leader he asked knowingly :whistling:

I had no idea there was an ikea in BKK, but I went to Index Living Mall last month and was much impressed. Are the prices at ikea BKK comparable? BTW, is most of the stuff at Index made in Thailand, or is it just good quality Chinese? Thx!!!

IKEA is NOT open in Thailand yet.. in the OP they talk about the FIRST store in Bagna opening in November.

IKEA is all about Design, Price, Quality.. probably in that order.

But They do have excellent Customer Service, plus a great inventory control policy.. they are more likely to actually have Stock of what they are showing, unlike Thai retailers that are constantly out of stock of their Best Sellers.

I love the store.. shopping there for Years in Canada and USA


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Yet another overpriced crap furnishing (ha!) store from Europe.

I'm sure the cashed up Thais will flock to this particular branded (mdf board) store the same as they did on Phuket with Index, primarily known for it's cheap shitty 'furniture' in the UK. LOL! But would have thought 'expats' would know better.

Ah well. No accounting for tastelessness.

Edited by inmysights
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BBK locals, Q to you: why everybody reference to IKEA in future tense when there is 1st IKEA shop as mentioned in the news? Nobody was there? Nobody know about it? Or it's not open yet?

It's not open yet, they had the topping off ceremony yesterday ( means the roof was completed ), Big sign out side says its due to open early 2012, but the article said Nov this year :blink:

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The Mega Bang Na shopping mall, with Ikea anchor store, is scheduled to open in March, 2012. As it is a single-story building construction is somehat easier, and they are running 7/24 so expect they'll hit that date. Not sure about access roads; the mall is at the intersection of Bang Na Trat highway and the Outer Ring Road. Obviously a great location, but existing exits, and second stage expressway make for a complicated intersection.

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IKEA will revolutionize Retailing and Customer Service in Thailand...

Index... Watch out.. Your Days are Numbered!

I can't wait until they Open.

When I was last in KL I picked up a catalog from their Store there (and had Swedish meatballs for Lunch).. I'm real interested to compare the KL prices with what they do here. A rare opportunity. Sort of Like the Big Mac Index for gloal food prices.. We can do an IKEA index comparing prices around the world.. It may keep Things honest here in Thailand.

Interesting thought... Swedish Meatballs are the most popular Item on their restaurant menu.. But they are made of BEEF.. I wonder what will happen here. Will it remain #1? Will They change the recipe to pork? Will they sell it at all?

Something to make you go... Hmmmm ???


Nothing wrong with Swedish PORKballs. In case you do not know, PORK is also meat.

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IKEA will revolutionize Retailing and Customer Service in Thailand...

Index... Watch out.. Your Days are Numbered!

I can't wait until they Open.

When I was last in KL I picked up a catalog from their Store there (and had Swedish meatballs for Lunch).. I'm real interested to compare the KL prices with what they do here. A rare opportunity. Sort of Like the Big Mac Index for gloal food prices.. We can do an IKEA index comparing prices around the world.. It may keep Things honest here in Thailand.

Interesting thought... Swedish Meatballs are the most popular Item on their restaurant menu.. But they are made of BEEF.. I wonder what will happen here. Will it remain #1? Will They change the recipe to pork? Will they sell it at all?

Something to make you go... Hmmmm ???


Nothing wrong with Swedish PORKballs. In case you do not know, PORK is also meat.

Pork may be Meat.. or White steak or what ever you choose to call it... Personally I'm sick of Thai pork and I happen to prefer BEEF... So sue me.

IKEA sells BEEF Meatballs all over the World... I'll be really Pissed if they Don't have beef here for no valid reason other than Thais are too cheap to eat Beef.

And Yes, I know that there is a Minority percentage of Thai Buddhist that don't eat Beef for religious Reasons.. and the rest don't eat beef because they have never been exposed to Beef and have grown up on pork... But this is NOT India, and Beef is sold and eaten in many places and there is No religious prohibition on that, So I'm expecting to enjoy my Beef Meatballs at Ikea on every Visit.

There I've ranted for today.. time to calm down!


Edited by CosmicSurfer
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I wonder if they will have the big flat screen televisions placed around the store so that the Thai employees can gather in huge groups to watch whatever is on.

Have just come back from Tesco in Phitsonulok and like Big C and Carrefour all over the country, one feels like you are disturbing them greatly to get them away from the screens.

Don't they have department heads in these establishments...........or are they all geeking at the big screens too?

Oh,....BTW, The beef meatballs are great in Ikea in Australia too, as are the $1 Hot Dogs.

Edited by fishhooks
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Index go home! IKEA will effectively be without competition. The other furniture stores in Thailand sells mostly overpriced crap. I can see Index have tried to copy the IKEA-concept in terms of store layout, designs, labeling etc., but they totally forgot about quality and pricing. If we'll see IKEA here with pricing similar to Singapore, this will be a total showstopper for the rest of the market. Love it

Yep Index sucks big time! I bought a number of items from their store in MBK just a few months ago. The paint off two of the tables have already peeled off. The particle board underneath can't handle even a bit of moisture before bloating up. My wife didn't believe me when I told her not to use damp sponges to wipe off the tables. Now the table tops are bloated from soaking up water from damp sponges. Of course not everything they sell is bad but be especially careful about buying their white finished shelves and tables.

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Pork may be Meat.. or White steak or what ever you choose to call it... Personally I'm sick of Thai pork and I happen to prefer BEEF... So sue me.

IKEA sells BEEF Meatballs all over the World... I'll be really Pissed if they Don't have beef here for no valid reason other than Thais are too cheap to eat Beef.

And Yes, I know that there is a Minority percentage of Thai Buddhist that don't eat Beef for religious Reasons.. and the rest don't eat beef because they have never been exposed to Beef and have grown up on pork... But this is NOT India, and Beef is sold and eaten in many places and there is No religious prohibition on that, So I'm expecting to enjoy my Beef Meatballs at Ikea on every Visit.

There I've ranted for today.. time to calm down!


Swedish meatballs are traditionally made from a mix of beef and pork, and if you check into it a little closer I think you will find that so are the meatballs served at IKEA. So it is probably the Malaysian version that has been changed to pure beef to accomodate the religious beliefs of the majority in that nation.


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Pork may be Meat.. or White steak or what ever you choose to call it... Personally I'm sick of Thai pork and I happen to prefer BEEF... So sue me.

IKEA sells BEEF Meatballs all over the World... I'll be really Pissed if they Don't have beef here for no valid reason other than Thais are too cheap to eat Beef.

And Yes, I know that there is a Minority percentage of Thai Buddhist that don't eat Beef for religious Reasons.. and the rest don't eat beef because they have never been exposed to Beef and have grown up on pork... But this is NOT India, and Beef is sold and eaten in many places and there is No religious prohibition on that, So I'm expecting to enjoy my Beef Meatballs at Ikea on every Visit.

There I've ranted for today.. time to calm down!


Swedish meatballs are traditionally made from a mix of beef and pork, and if you check into it a little closer I think you will find that so are the meatballs served at IKEA. So it is probably the Malaysian version that has been changed to pure beef to accomodate the religious beliefs of the majority in that nation.


You are Probably right.. I was in KL!

But I'll take a BEEF & Pork mix over pure pork anyday.


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BBK locals, Q to you: why everybody reference to IKEA in future tense when there is 1st IKEA shop as mentioned in the news? Nobody was there? Nobody know about it? Or it's not open yet?

Everybody knows about it, and it is scheduled to open in November. Or maybe later.

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Yet another overpriced crap furnishing (ha!) store from Europe.

I'm sure the cashed up Thais will flock to this particular branded (mdf board) store the same as they did on Phuket with Index, primarily known for it's cheap shitty 'furniture' in the UK. LOL! But would have thought 'expats' would know better.

Ah well. No accounting for tastelessness.

Don't be so judgemental. Some people like IKEA furniture, others don't.

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IKEA will revolutionize Retailing and Customer Service in Thailand...

Index... Watch out.. Your Days are Numbered!

I can't wait until they Open.

When I was last in KL I picked up a catalog from their Store there (and had Swedish meatballs for Lunch).. I'm real interested to compare the KL prices with what they do here. A rare opportunity. Sort of Like the Big Mac Index for gloal food prices.. We can do an IKEA index comparing prices around the world.. It may keep Things honest here in Thailand.

Interesting thought... Swedish Meatballs are the most popular Item on their restaurant menu.. But they are made of BEEF.. I wonder what will happen here. Will it remain #1? Will They change the recipe to pork? Will they sell it at all?

Something to make you go... Hmmmm ???


Nothing wrong with Swedish PORKballs. In case you do not know, PORK is also meat.

Pork may be Meat.. or White steak or what ever you choose to call it... Personally I'm sick of Thai pork and I happen to prefer BEEF... So sue me.

IKEA sells BEEF Meatballs all over the World... I'll be really Pissed if they Don't have beef here for no valid reason other than Thais are too cheap to eat Beef.

And Yes, I know that there is a Minority percentage of Thai Buddhist that don't eat Beef for religious Reasons.. and the rest don't eat beef because they have never been exposed to Beef and have grown up on pork... But this is NOT India, and Beef is sold and eaten in many places and there is No religious prohibition on that, So I'm expecting to enjoy my Beef Meatballs at Ikea on every Visit.

There I've ranted for today.. time to calm down!


>>> " for no valid reason other than Thais are too cheap to eat Beef."

Before you calm down, have you ever seen a healthy cow, ox, buffalo .. any bovine beast in Thailand?

Let me know if you have please, because I haven't.

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IKEA will revolutionize Retailing and Customer Service in Thailand...

Index... Watch out.. Your Days are Numbered!

I can't wait until they Open.

When I was last in KL I picked up a catalog from their Store there (and had Swedish meatballs for Lunch).. I'm real interested to compare the KL prices with what they do here. A rare opportunity. Sort of Like the Big Mac Index for gloal food prices.. We can do an IKEA index comparing prices around the world.. It may keep Things honest here in Thailand.

Interesting thought... Swedish Meatballs are the most popular Item on their restaurant menu.. But they are made of BEEF.. I wonder what will happen here. Will it remain #1? Will They change the recipe to pork? Will they sell it at all?

Something to make you go... Hmmmm ???


Nothing wrong with Swedish PORKballs. In case you do not know, PORK is also meat.

Original Swedish meatballs are actually made of a mix of pork and beef, 75/25 to 50/50 the most common mix. Ikea will probably drop the beef in Thailand

Edited by MikeyIdea
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Well. visited first Ikea store was in Vienne in 2004. I was very impressive with the store structure, huge variety and price (however, can't compare with very cheap and decent quality of furniture made from wood from Vietnam :-)) but the design very trendy and chic.

However, now after making decoration a number of houses and shops by myself, I realised that Ikea is meant for popular people who often low and average income people and not the choice of HiSo group.

If you are wanting same same like million people, shop at Ikea. If you want unique and exclusive and stylist design just for you, look elsewhere. It is all up to your taste and style.

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IKEA will revolutionize Retailing and Customer Service in Thailand...

Index... Watch out.. Your Days are Numbered!

I can't wait until they Open.

When I was last in KL I picked up a catalog from their Store there (and had Swedish meatballs for Lunch).. I'm real interested to compare the KL prices with what they do here. A rare opportunity. Sort of Like the Big Mac Index for gloal food prices.. We can do an IKEA index comparing prices around the world.. It may keep Things honest here in Thailand.

Interesting thought... Swedish Meatballs are the most popular Item on their restaurant menu.. But they are made of BEEF.. I wonder what will happen here. Will it remain #1? Will They change the recipe to pork? Will they sell it at all?

Something to make you go... Hmmmm ???


Nothing wrong with Swedish PORKballs. In case you do not know, PORK is also meat.

Pork may be Meat.. or White steak or what ever you choose to call it... Personally I'm sick of Thai pork and I happen to prefer BEEF... So sue me.

IKEA sells BEEF Meatballs all over the World... I'll be really Pissed if they Don't have beef here for no valid reason other than Thais are too cheap to eat Beef.

And Yes, I know that there is a Minority percentage of Thai Buddhist that don't eat Beef for religious Reasons.. and the rest don't eat beef because they have never been exposed to Beef and have grown up on pork... But this is NOT India, and Beef is sold and eaten in many places and there is No religious prohibition on that, So I'm expecting to enjoy my Beef Meatballs at Ikea on every Visit.

There I've ranted for today.. time to calm down!


You don't know much about Thais. Many Thais don't eat beef because it comes from a big animal, being Buddhist you know

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Im from Autralia, and the IKEA products there are mostly 'made in china' anyway. Of course their price is cheaper. Come to think about it, Index also have a mixture of Chinea and India products too. They're all the same. If you want something at an affordable price, they will hugely be made in China, but if you want good quality product not made in China, it is almost a rip-off price for the extra quality. Never can win in this game. No one can say ,"Yes, I made this product, it is the best you can find, and it's cheaper than the China stuff":huh:

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IKEA will revolutionize Retailing and Customer Service in Thailand...

Index... Watch out.. Your Days are Numbered!

I can't wait until they Open.

When I was last in KL I picked up a catalog from their Store there (and had Swedish meatballs for Lunch).. I'm real interested to compare the KL prices with what they do here. A rare opportunity. Sort of Like the Big Mac Index for gloal food prices.. We can do an IKEA index comparing prices around the world.. It may keep Things honest here in Thailand.

Interesting thought... Swedish Meatballs are the most popular Item on their restaurant menu.. But they are made of BEEF.. I wonder what will happen here. Will it remain #1? Will They change the recipe to pork? Will they sell it at all?

Something to make you go... Hmmmm ???


Nothing wrong with Swedish PORKballs. In case you do not know, PORK is also meat.

Pork may be Meat.. or White steak or what ever you choose to call it... Personally I'm sick of Thai pork and I happen to prefer BEEF... So sue me.

IKEA sells BEEF Meatballs all over the World... I'll be really Pissed if they Don't have beef here for no valid reason other than Thais are too cheap to eat Beef.

And Yes, I know that there is a Minority percentage of Thai Buddhist that don't eat Beef for religious Reasons.. and the rest don't eat beef because they have never been exposed to Beef and have grown up on pork... But this is NOT India, and Beef is sold and eaten in many places and there is No religious prohibition on that, So I'm expecting to enjoy my Beef Meatballs at Ikea on every Visit.

There I've ranted for today.. time to calm down!


You don't know much about Thais. Many Thais don't eat beef because it comes from a big animal, being Buddhist you know

I guess someone should tell those 100's of millions of Chinese Buddhists that happily consume beef from nose to tail.

But, can I remind you that this thread is about IKEA, not about Buddhism & it's relationship with beef, which is best discussed in a separate thread.

Can we stay on topic... My comment was about the Menu at the Ikea store and what it may or may not offer.


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IKEA will revolutionize Retailing and Customer Service in Thailand...

Index... Watch out.. Your Days are Numbered!

I can't wait until they Open.

When I was last in KL I picked up a catalog from their Store there (and had Swedish meatballs for Lunch).. I'm real interested to compare the KL prices with what they do here. A rare opportunity. Sort of Like the Big Mac Index for gloal food prices.. We can do an IKEA index comparing prices around the world.. It may keep Things honest here in Thailand.

Interesting thought... Swedish Meatballs are the most popular Item on their restaurant menu.. But they are made of BEEF.. I wonder what will happen here. Will it remain #1? Will They change the recipe to pork? Will they sell it at all?

Something to make you go... Hmmmm ???


Nothing wrong with Swedish PORKballs. In case you do not know, PORK is also meat.

Original Swedish meatballs are actually made of a mix of pork and beef, 75/25 to 50/50 the most common mix. Ikea will probably drop the beef in Thailand

Then I guess I won't be eating their Meatballs in Bangkok... But No use speculating here... IKEA will do what it wants to do... and they are known for sticking to their Business Model, assuming that their Customers will come around.. and they usually do.


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IKEA will revolutionize Retailing and Customer Service in Thailand...

Index... Watch out.. Your Days are Numbered!

I can't wait until they Open.

When I was last in KL I picked up a catalog from their Store there (and had Swedish meatballs for Lunch).. I'm real interested to compare the KL prices with what they do here. A rare opportunity. Sort of Like the Big Mac Index for gloal food prices.. We can do an IKEA index comparing prices around the world.. It may keep Things honest here in Thailand.

Interesting thought... Swedish Meatballs are the most popular Item on their restaurant menu.. But they are made of BEEF.. I wonder what will happen here. Will it remain #1? Will They change the recipe to pork? Will they sell it at all?

Something to make you go... Hmmmm ???


Nothing wrong with Swedish PORKballs. In case you do not know, PORK is also meat.

Pork may be Meat.. or White steak or what ever you choose to call it... Personally I'm sick of Thai pork and I happen to prefer BEEF... So sue me.

IKEA sells BEEF Meatballs all over the World... I'll be really Pissed if they Don't have beef here for no valid reason other than Thais are too cheap to eat Beef.

And Yes, I know that there is a Minority percentage of Thai Buddhist that don't eat Beef for religious Reasons.. and the rest don't eat beef because they have never been exposed to Beef and have grown up on pork... But this is NOT India, and Beef is sold and eaten in many places and there is No religious prohibition on that, So I'm expecting to enjoy my Beef Meatballs at Ikea on every Visit.

There I've ranted for today.. time to calm down!


>>> " for no valid reason other than Thais are too cheap to eat Beef."

Before you calm down, have you ever seen a healthy cow, ox, buffalo .. any bovine beast in Thailand?

Let me know if you have please, because I haven't.

Better stop eating at McDonald and Burger King then!


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<quote name='CosmicSurfer' timestamp='1299723601' post='4270902'>

IKEA will revolutionize Retailing and Customer Service in Thailand...

Index... Watch out.. Your Days are Numbered!

I can't wait until they Open.

When I was last in KL I picked up a catalog from their Store there (and had Swedish meatballs for Lunch).. I'm real interested to compare the KL prices with what they do here. A rare opportunity. Sort of Like the Big Mac Index for gloal food prices.. We can do an IKEA index comparing prices around the world.. It may keep Things honest here in Thailand.

Interesting thought... Swedish Meatballs are the most popular Item on their restaurant menu.. But they are made of BEEF.. I wonder what will happen here. Will it remain #1? Will They change the recipe to pork? Will they sell it at all?

Something to make you go... Hmmmm ???



Nothing wrong with Swedish PORKballs. In case you do not know, PORK is also meat.

Pork may be Meat.. or White steak or what ever you choose to call it... Personally I'm sick of Thai pork and I happen to prefer BEEF... So sue me.

IKEA sells BEEF Meatballs all over the World... I'll be really Pissed if they Don't have beef here for no valid reason other than Thais are too cheap to eat Beef.

And Yes, I know that there is a Minority percentage of Thai Buddhist that don't eat Beef for religious Reasons.. and the rest don't eat beef because they have never been exposed to Beef and have grown up on pork... But this is NOT India, and Beef is sold and eaten in many places and there is No religious prohibition on that, So I'm expecting to enjoy my Beef Meatballs at Ikea on every Visit.

There I've ranted for today.. time to calm down!


You don't know much about Thais. Many Thais don't eat beef because it comes from a big animal, being Buddhist you know

I guess someone should tell those 100's of millions of Chinese Buddhists that happily consume beef from nose to tail.

But, can I remind you that this thread is about IKEA, not about Buddhism & it's relationship with beef, which is best discussed in a separate thread.

Can we stay on topic... My comment was about the Menu at the Ikea store and what it may or may not offer.


Pssst - Don't wonder off topic in the first place and I won't have to correct you

Shall you stop posting about Beef in an IKEA thread now?

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There is a peliminary tenant list on the Mega Bang Na website. For the Mall itself, I think it is safe to assume that dining options, perhaps in addition to a pre-paid food court, will include the usual suspects.









- MK




















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