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Britain To Crackdown On UK Child-Abuse Offenders In Thailand

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From the article: "more than 30,000 paedophiles and child-sex offenders on its watchlist - the UK is not a nation of sex offenders"

Not a nation of sex offenders really??

You dont state which country your from - but i dont notice anyone else cracking down on it - only britain. hence this PROVES the UK is the nation LEAST full of sex offenders. Pity we cant crack down on illegal immigrants with equal vigour.

I wonder if it would be possible for Thailand to obtain lists from the UK or any other country that such information is kept and bar these pedophiles from entry as undesirables. Also the UK or any other country who has this information could restrict travel for these individuals, by canceling their visa, or refusing to issue one or requiring a stamp identifying this individual as a sex offender to alert any country that they travel to.

Convicted pedophiles in Australia go straight on the Sexual offenders register and are barred from holding a passport, so they will not be able to travel to Thailand. In fact, they cannot even travel interstate without police permission, and that is just about impossible.

I cannot see how, as some poster from UK is saying, that Britian is leading the way, when they are only just now starting to do something. No wonder there are so many Brit 'kiddy fiddlers' in Thailand.

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Also the UK or any other country who has this information could restrict travel for these individuals, by canceling their visa, or refusing to issue one or requiring a stamp identifying this individual as a sex offender to alert any country that they travel to.

visa is issued by the thai consulate and nobody can cancell it, but the right to travel can be denied (as with a football huligans travelling abroad for matches - but hulligans are much easier to identify)

Get caught 'Kiddie fiddling' in Australia.............No Passport ever again. B)


I wonder if any locals have ever been charged with facilitating child sex. I'm not saying that there are no foreign pedophiles. But here in Thailand it always looks like the foreigners are to blame while locals do a lot more but its never really publicized. While if a foreigner is caught his picture comes in the newspaper.

And im with the other poster that this is just an other NGO who with (probably inflated) figures is trying to get some money to pay their exorbitant salaries. Currently in Holland your a pedophile when you look at a picture of a 17yo nude while not so long ago this was perfectly legal. The true definition of pedophile is totally different.

YES they are ! only last year the volunteer Brisbane based organisation "The Grey Man" tracked the Thai owners of an orphanage who were operating in the juvenile sex trade.

When enough evidence was collected. The orphanage was raided in co-operation with special Thai police and the owners arrested and convicted. So congratulations to THE GREY MAN of Brisbane.


POPS suggests that Brit and any other govt should hand their list of sex offenders to Thai govt so that they can be watched. Thats a silly idea, why not do as the Australian govt do and refuse a PP to anybody who is on the sex offenders register. That way they will never get to Thailand.


This is all well and good but the vast majority of Thai children abused by paedophiles are abused by Thai offenders, often close relatives or untouchable people with money and influence. Massage parlours have private rooms offering under age girls to their special customers that include senior police and military officers who give them protection in the same way they protect the procurers who provide foreign tourists with under age boys and girls. Efforts by Western governments to deal with their own nationals abroad are just dealing with the symptoms of the problem and allow authorities in Thailand and other developing countries to sit smugly back and blame foreigners, while the root of the problem and their own sex offenders are left largely untouched.

Are you perfectly sure about this or is it just a guess ? If you do in fact know of these massage parlours with underage sex victims and are keeping it secret, you are as guilty as they are.

I am quite offended by this statement of yours.


From the article: "more than 30,000 paedophiles and child-sex offenders on its watchlist - the UK is not a nation of sex offenders"

Not a nation of sex offenders really??

Yes, but a short time later: Davies insisted that "statistics tell us very little". Throughout the report they seem confused, and as usual, state many things we need to do without out much detail in how to do it.

Davies, and his colleague Tim Gerrish, were in Bangkok earlier this week to exchange views with the Thai police and the Department of Special Investigation (DSI) - a sign that the British government was taking the issue of child-sex offences by UK nationals seriously.

How does an NGO "exchanging views" with a law enforcement farce show that the British Gov is taking this seriously?

It's "measures" like this that empowers the peds, not the children. When governments take seriously the garbage these peds do to kids, they could stop it overnight - without the help from NGO's.

True, but if they stop this overnight then no money could be extorted from the offenders. It's like catching a fish and throwing it back in the water. You can catch it again another day!:jap:

Ahhhh, how refreshing. Someone WITH a brain. If all crime stopped overnight, economies throughout the world would crash and we would be in the dark ages for a thousand years.

Yes and there would be no more of those lovely jet skies on Phuket :bah::bah:



Most of what you imply could be done IS in fact done - such as having to provide evidence of a clean police record (for a previous term of several years I think). It is a mystery as to how these sex offenders manage to evade these checks and sneak into Thailand and SE Asian countries unchallenged to ply their sick trade. Either money talks or a blind eye is turned to this (both highly doubtful practises that would jeopardise the officer's involved's employment) which beggars the question as to how it is done and allowed to happen. This doesn't apply of course to those paedophiles that have not been prosecuted in their home country as they have either not been caught or have insufficient evidence against a conviction but travel to Asia intent on perpetrating their evil fantasies on some impoverished and largely defencive child victims.

Loser1 is not suggesting that everyone travelling with a laptop has their laptop plundered as you put it and investigated for child porn downloads. Only if their is justification ('in extreme cases') whereby something (someone) has alerted them to suspect something is amiss or they pose a possible risk for whatever reason they have surmised this to be the case - should this severe suitability check be implemented.

I doubt that a paedophile would likely pose as (or get a job) as an oil-worker on a rig simply as cover as to his real reason for being in Thailand - do you?

Your reply to Loser1's post 'smacks of immaturity' and is a meaningless one not worthy of this "subject" forum!!!

In YOUR opinion! I think he's got it right! I have been to Thailand more times than I can remember in the past many years, and I don't see why I should have to justify my visits to anyone!

As for the subject, there's a lot of huffing and puffing about supposed farang child sex in Thailand, but I've only seen a few arrests reported for such, and a lot of them seem more of an attemp to extort money than genuine cases. As said, most paedophilia is Thai on Thai, and I doubt the intepid duo will be getting involved in that scene!

So, does anyone have any actual facts on the number of British paedophiles in Thailand, and the number of CONVICTIONS of such, in Thailand, or is this just another "hang em high" thread?

Can you answer me this? Have you ever had to justify your coming to Thailand or had your laptop "plundered once in the 'many times' you say you've visited" the LOS. My guess is that you have never been challenged - not on the subject of commiting sex offences on children anyway. This is precisely my point, I don't have knowledge about what he is saying about being the case in the States but unless they have strong grounds or proof for believing you might be involved in the sex trade then your laptop won't be consficated by the police or immigration for investigational purposes so you won't be inconvenienced in this way.

What's all this nonsense about "who's resigned and made you boss" as he was just expressing his opinion on events and formulating ways in which they could go about making check's on those involved in this inexcusable exploitation of innocent children to satisfy their sick tendencies.

No, I haven't, and that's how I want it to stay.

Erm, no FACTS in evidence as to how many farang paedophiles there really are in LOS!!!!!!


Pattaya, Chon Buri - A 66-year-old Norwegian man was arrested here Monday afternoon for having allegedly bought sex service from a 17-year-old girl.Acting on tip-off, police raided the K2M Apartment in Pattaya and found Karstein Abrahamsen naked inside a room with the girl The Nation

Not a pedophile IMHO.

And if no proof of payment, legal in Thailand.

Usually in this sort of case the girls parents will be taken to see the man and ask for payment for permission.

Once permission has been secured any and all charges against the man will be dropped.

Definitely not a paedophile.

Age of consent in many western countries is 16.


If you actually read the story,you will see this is nothing to do with the UK government.

A couple of NGOs are out to make some money for themselves, they are quoted as not bothering to track down 'hotspots' of such activity around the world.

When asked to compare the severity of the situation in Thailand vis-?-vis other nations, both Davies and Gerrish said such comparisons were unhelpful.

"We will not look for hot spots because it limits our work," Gerrish said, adding that the centre might "miss what is going on elsewhere"

as a result. Though CEOP has contacts in South American and Eastern European nations, Davies insisted that "statistics tell us very little".

So I assume they are just visiting places that will get them free publicity, news reports and a bit of cash for their organisation. Gerrish also seems to have a bit of a penchant for visits to Thailand.

In other words, Thai bashing!

You've hit the nail on the head!

Perhaps they should actually be going to the US, which according to an article I recently read has the highest rate of child abuse in the world.

But it wouldn't be such an "exotic" destination, nudge nudge, would it!

Being from the US, I can confirm your child abuse statement, but most of it comes from female teachers having sex with boys and then not prosecuted.

In most western countries, it is just a matter of time before a new law is brought in stating "all females good, all males bad".

No wonder I want to live in LOS for the rest of my days!


From the article: "more than 30,000 paedophiles and child-sex offenders on its watchlist - the UK is not a nation of sex offenders"

Not a nation of sex offenders really??

You dont state which country your from - but i dont notice anyone else cracking down on it - only britain. hence this PROVES the UK is the nation LEAST full of sex offenders. Pity we cant crack down on illegal immigrants with equal vigour.

"Only Britain" and they are just starting ! The Australian govt have been at it for years :realangry:

It's wrong to suggest that only the UK is dealing with this but it's equally wrong to say the UK is only just starting.


From the article: "more than 30,000 paedophiles and child-sex offenders on its watchlist - the UK is not a nation of sex offenders"

Not a nation of sex offenders really??

How does an NGO "exchanging views" with a law enforcement farce show that the British Gov is taking this seriously?

Maybe you should sort out your facts before posting.

If "law enforcement farce" isn't a typo is that the Thai police you are referring to or the Child Exploitation and Online Protection Centre (CEOP) which is part of the Serious Organised Crime Agency (SOCA) which is in turn part of the UK police. There isn't an NGO here as far as I know so why do people keep talking about one?

Just one other thought. What's wrong with NGO's. I'm certain they can't all be bad.


POPS suggests that Brit and any other govt should hand their list of sex offenders to Thai govt so that they can be watched. Thats a silly idea, why not do as the Australian govt do and refuse a PP to anybody who is on the sex offenders register. That way they will never get to Thailand.

A very sensible idea but would reduce possibilities for British plods to travel to Thailand at taxpayers' expense. Thailand should also start a register of its own paedos. Whoops, that can't be done because it would include too many police, military, teachers, monks etc.


In most western countries, it is just a matter of time before a new law is brought in stating "all females good, all males bad".

No wonder I want to live in LOS for the rest of my days!

Yes, here you can join ThaiVisa , with the ' All Farangs good, All Thais bad ' attitude of so many here.


If you actually read the story,you will see this is nothing to do with the UK government.

A couple of NGOs are out to make some money for themselves, they are quoted as not bothering to track down 'hotspots' of such activity around the world.

When asked to compare the severity of the situation in Thailand vis-?-vis other nations, both Davies and Gerrish said such comparisons were unhelpful.

"We will not look for hot spots because it limits our work," Gerrish said, adding that the centre might "miss what is going on elsewhere"

as a result. Though CEOP has contacts in South American and Eastern European nations, Davies insisted that "statistics tell us very little".

So I assume they are just visiting places that will get them free publicity, news reports and a bit of cash for their organisation. Gerrish also seems to have a bit of a penchant for visits to Thailand.

In other words, Thai bashing!

You've hit the nail on the head!

Perhaps they should actually be going to the US, which according to an article I recently read has the highest rate of child abuse in the world.

But it wouldn't be such an "exotic" destination, nudge nudge, would it!

Being from the US, I can confirm your child abuse statement, but most of it comes from female teachers having sex with boys and then not prosecuted.

In most western countries, it is just a matter of time before a new law is brought in stating "all females good, all males bad".

No wonder I want to live in LOS for the rest of my days!

Ditto Thai B.L.


In most western countries, it is just a matter of time before a new law is brought in stating "all females good, all males bad".

No wonder I want to live in LOS for the rest of my days!

Yes, here you can join ThaiVisa , with the ' All Farangs good, All Thais bad ' attitude of so many here.

Mrs mills better you rattle your piano keys somewhere else, instead of poking your nose in now and again to stir up anger with your anti basherr talk-----lets hear your comments on topics, and see if you agree to all thats going on here--or again I forgot another one thats content-and in denial. If you will speak the truth you will see this is a lovely place to be with some nice people, but there is another side to everything that you and to name some others that are in their own glory-and again denial.


In most western countries, it is just a matter of time before a new law is brought in stating "all females good, all males bad".

No wonder I want to live in LOS for the rest of my days!

Yes, here you can join ThaiVisa , with the ' All Farangs good, All Thais bad ' attitude of so many here.

Possibly you make that statement tongue-in-cheek. I believe this forum understands there are western baby lovers in Thailand and condemn those that are. Even with the diverse group here I believe everyone would agree that that behavior should not be tolerated. :jap: :jap: Other than that, yes all farang are good. :whistling:


Pattaya, Chon Buri - A 66-year-old Norwegian man was arrested here Monday afternoon for having allegedly bought sex service from a 17-year-old girl.Acting on tip-off, police raided the K2M Apartment in Pattaya and found Karstein Abrahamsen naked inside a room with the girl The Nation

Not a pedophile IMHO.

And if no proof of payment, legal in Thailand.

Usually in this sort of case the girls parents will be taken to see the man and ask for payment for permission.

Once permission has been secured any and all charges against the man will be dropped.

Definitely not a paedophile.

Age of consent in many western countries is 16.

Interpol Rules in thailand:

Section 9 of the 'Prostitution Prevention and Suppression Act' states

'Whoever procures, seduces, or traffics the other person to commit the act of prostitution, even with consent of the other person, no matter whether the commission of various acts which constitute the offence are committed inside or outside the territory of the Kingdom, shall be punished with imprisonment of one to ten years and an fine of twenty thousand to two hundred thousand baht.

If the commission of the offence as specified in the first paragraph is against a person who is over fifteen (15) years but not yet over eighteen (18) years of age, the offender shall be punished with imprisonment of five to fifteen years and a fine of one hundred thousand to three hundred thousand baht

So definitely a paedophile and a guy with no moral standars


Interpol Rules in thailand:

Section 9 of the 'Prostitution Prevention and Suppression Act' states

'Whoever procures, seduces, or traffics the other person to commit the act of prostitution, even with consent of the other person, no matter whether the commission of various acts which constitute the offence are committed inside or outside the territory of the Kingdom, shall be punished with imprisonment of one to ten years and an fine of twenty thousand to two hundred thousand baht.

If the commission of the offence as specified in the first paragraph is against a person who is over fifteen (15) years but not yet over eighteen (18) years of age, the offender shall be punished with imprisonment of five to fifteen years and a fine of one hundred thousand to three hundred thousand baht

So definitely a paedophile and a guy with no moral standars

Interesting information but you are wrong in your use of the word paedophile. For that to be correct the young person would not have reached puberty. A technical point I know but the word paedophile is used a lot when it isn't correct.


Interpol Rules in thailand:

Section 9 of the 'Prostitution Prevention and Suppression Act' states

'Whoever procures, seduces, or traffics the other person to commit the act of prostitution, even with consent of the other person, no matter whether the commission of various acts which constitute the offence are committed inside or outside the territory of the Kingdom, shall be punished with imprisonment of one to ten years and an fine of twenty thousand to two hundred thousand baht.

If the commission of the offence as specified in the first paragraph is against a person who is over fifteen (15) years but not yet over eighteen (18) years of age, the offender shall be punished with imprisonment of five to fifteen years and a fine of one hundred thousand to three hundred thousand baht

So definitely a paedophile and a guy with no moral standars

This law is for action against pimps, not for action against customers.

'Whoever procures, seduces, or traffics the other person to commit the act of prostitution'

Customers don't participate in trafficking.

Please try to raise your comprehension skills before posting rubbish.

It is nothing to do with paedophiles!


today's article about davis and thailand

Global paedophile network smashed

More than 180 people arrested worldwide after online ring uncovered


"The three-year operation, which exposed more than 50,000 members across the UK, US, New Zealand, Australia and Thailand, where some of the first arrests were made, led to 184 arrests internationally, 121 of them in Britain.

As part of the operation, Ceop provided intelligence to the Royal Thai Police in February 2008 about British nationals suspected of committing child sexual abuse in their jurisdiction. This led to Operation Naga in November 2008, during which four suspects were arrested, according to Ceop."


today's article about davis and thailand

Global paedophile network smashed

More than 180 people arrested worldwide after online ring uncovered


"The three-year operation, which exposed more than 50,000 members across the UK, US, New Zealand, Australia and Thailand, where some of the first arrests were made, led to 184 arrests internationally, 121 of them in Britain.

As part of the operation, Ceop provided intelligence to the Royal Thai Police in February 2008 about British nationals suspected of committing child sexual abuse in their jurisdiction. This led to Operation Naga in November 2008, during which four suspects were arrested, according to Ceop."

So, although we don't know from that whether the arrested were in fact guilty of anything, the facts are that of 50,000 paedophiles known, only 4 were in LOS.

Perhaps the intepid duo are loking in the wrong country!

It also doesn't give much support to the posters that claim Pattaya is chocka with paedos.

Perhaps in the future, they could do something about the more obvious and frequent situations of child abuse which exist in LOS, where young children are used by their parents to make money off tourists by trying to sell chewing gum etc. till the early hours of the morning. However, I doubt they will, as it's much more exciting getting worked up on this forum about the miniscule problem of farang paedos.


the last arrests were only within the last few days, that's why this press conference was called.

as to convictions:

"In the UK, the 240 suspects included police officers, teachers and youth leaders. ... To date, 33 have been convicted".

I would think there would be more imprisoned, some might be still on the large, but with arrest warrants.

the content of the guardian article has changed - now they say there were 70k suspects.

as to thai parents abusing their children by forcing them to work, it's a big social problem, but the topic is about sexual abuse


I wonder if any locals have ever been charged with facilitating child sex. I'm not saying that there are no foreign pedophiles. But here in Thailand it always looks like the foreigners are to blame while locals do a lot more but its never really publicized. While if a foreigner is caught his picture comes in the newspaper.

And im with the other poster that this is just an other NGO who with (probably inflated) figures is trying to get some money to pay their exorbitant salaries. Currently in Holland your a pedophile when you look at a picture of a 17yo nude while not so long ago this was perfectly legal. The true definition of pedophile is totally different.

YES they are ! only last year the volunteer Brisbane based organisation "The Grey Man" tracked the Thai owners of an orphanage who were operating in the juvenile sex trade.

When enough evidence was collected. The orphanage was raided in co-operation with special Thai police and the owners arrested and convicted. So congratulations to THE GREY MAN of Brisbane.

The Grey Man operates in a grey zone and is a rather shady organization. Just read the entries in some other bloggs. Apparently they operate in Thailand independently, organizing their own witch-hunts. Their so called "evidence" does not stand up in any court, but shared with the locals is a good argument for threats and extortion. Some bloggers also point out that "The Grey Man" tout their catches on their website before an judge saw the "evidence", and they operate mainly in order to generate donations. Some NGO execs pay themselves salaries, contributions or allowences up to $ 200'000 for their heroic acts of saving the fair maiden in a far far away country, totally disregarding the crime taking place in their own backyard. Seems to be easier to play gang-ho in Thailand. That is not surprising as they seem to be part of the local "tea money" gang. It is a sad truth that many NGOs started out on high moral grounds and now are part of a corrupt system. So can you trust the NGOs or the Grey Man? Not one bit! The exploitation of children has many faces and is a well diversified business for all parties involved. Except for the children.


I wonder if it would be possible for Thailand to obtain lists from the UK or any other country that such information is kept and bar these pedophiles from entry as undesirables. Also the UK or any other country who has this information could restrict travel for these individuals, by canceling their visa, or refusing to issue one or requiring a stamp identifying this individual as a sex offender to alert any country that they travel to.

I'm absolutely sure it would be possible for Thailand to do that..

But whether they'd be interested in doing so i'm not so sure, for a number of reasons..

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